Mini PT3 Confucianism

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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

Mini Performance Task 2: My Ideal Gentleman

Lesson 5: Introduction to the Basic Teachings of Confucianism

Learning Competencies

• Explain that the core teaching of Confucianism is to be a gentleman by following the moral way consisting of the virtues love,
righteousness, wisdom, propriety, and loyalty to promote harmony in the society.

• Present a character sketch of a person who personifies the Confucian values.

Confucianism has laid the foundation of an established society. As it primarily focused on character and moral development and
society’s order, it has given emphasis on the importance of education. Aside from this, Confucianism as a philosophy and religion
envisioned a patriarchal society and therefore highlighted the concept of a gentleman—one who possess moral uprightness, training, and
exemplar moral behavior. As part of the lesson requirement, you are then tasked to introduce a person you consider your ideal
gentleman based on the values taught by Confucianism.

Guide Questions:

1. Who is your ideal figure of gentleman?

2. What is your relationship with him?
3. What are your reasons for considering him your ideal gentleman?
4. What is his message for you? 5. If there would be one thing you would like to tell them, what would it be?


1. Choose a figure of your ideal gentleman and explain your reason for choosing him.
2. Ask for a picture and bring it next week.
3. After gathering the information you will be needing for your task,
prepare a short profile for him following the format you will be provided during your next face to face classes.

My Ideal Gentleman

Name: Peter Arnold L. Meer

Age: 42

Description: My father is the most loving, hardworking person I

ever met and for me he is the best teacher because he always give’s
you lesson to grow.

Characteristics of your ideal Gentleman: My father has a sexy body and a handsome face. He is always there for us when we have
problems and conflicts. He doesn’t give up he always finds a way to solve everything for us to have a good life.

Your most unforgettable moment with him: My most unforgettable moment with him is we were in the beach together, we just sat
down to watch the sunset and talked about everything.

His message for you: The message that he gives that I never forget is “don’t give up no matter how depress, angry, and frustrated you
are don’t ever give up, failure is part of the process it’s up to you how will you overcome it because every failure has a success
behind it”.

If there would be one thing you would like to tell them, what would it be?
The one thing I would like to tell them is sorry for everything. Sometime I was selfish always think about myself and not other and
being too lazy for studies I’m sorry.

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