Rizal Activity Nov 24 BSA-301

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Rizal Life and Works RAYMOND L.


First Activity ( for November 24, 2022) BSA 301

Bariacto, Daniela Rose

Gigante, Ma. Louie Margareth
Noarin, Michel-Ann M.

On your STI ELMS 05 Antonio de Morga's Impact on Rizal's Search for Cultural Ancestry
and History, find a partner and complete the table with the best answers. 100 pts

A. Who was Dr. Antonio Morga 1. Antonio de Morga Sánchez Garay was
a Spanish soldier, lawyer, and high-
2pts each ranking colonial official for 43 years.

2. He was president of the Real

Audiencia for 20 years.

3. He was also a historian.

B. What led Rizal to Morga's work? 4. This makes Rizal somewhat biased as
well, considering that the study of history
2pts each must be unbiased and informative when
appraising other materials.

5. He also attacked the church, which

somehow condemned the Roman
Catholic religion.

6. Catholicism also contributed

significantly to the country, such as the
passage of secularization and the
provision of public school education to

Rizal's annotations provided three (3) 7. The early Filipinos already had a
general ideas on pre-colonial history. culture of their own, even before the
advent of Spain.
2 pts each
8. The early Filipinos were exploited,
demoralized, decimated, and eventually
ruined by Spain, speeding up their

9. The Philippines during Rizal's time

wasn't as flourishing compared to its pre-
colonial past.

The English meaning of SUCESSOS DE

10. Events in the Philippine Islands

According to Rizal The early Filipinos already had culture on their own, even
before the advent of Spain. Draw at least four culture of the Filipinos before Span
colonization and explain it in three sentences each 40 pts

The first two images depict the natural gods before Spaniards colonized the
Philippines and converted the majority of the people to Christianity. Examples of it
are god of mountains, rivers, ricefields. When the Spaniards came into the picture,
they thought of replacing the gods into saints, and that's the reason why there are
many feast of saints everywhere in the country.

Before the Spaniards' colonization, on the bottom part of the Philippines, there were
many leaders called Datu. This came from Malaysian and Indonesian which is why
there are Muslims in the Mindanao area. Up until now, after the colonization, there's
still Muslims but the Datus are not that popular in the place.

Filipinos were used of wearing thin to almost no clothes. Since the Spaniards'
influence of religion, even on the clothes we wore made us conservative in all parts
of our body covered in it. Though, this kind of clothing is still existing until today.

The Spanish term for blood compact is Pacto de Sangre, roughly translated
as a pact of blood and sandugo in Filipino.state the reasons or Important of doing
it? 40 pts

Why do they enter into a blood compact? In the Philippines, a "blood

compact" was an ancient ritual used to seal a friendship, treaty, or agreement. What
is the significance of a blood compact? It is the first treaty of friendship between the
Spaniards and native Filipinos.

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