COT 1 Science 5

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Demonstrated by Kathleen D. Manaig

I. Objectives:
1. Describe the changes that occur in boys and girls at puberty.( S5LT-IIb-2)
2. Define puberty
II. References
Science Beyond Borders 5 Pp 50-53
Cyber Science 5 Pp 65-67
Materials: Charted exercises, Activity Sheets, Video, pictures
Integration to other subject: Health, EPP, English, NDEP
Multi- intelligence developed: Verbal /Linguistic/ Interpersonal/ Body Kinesthetic
Value integrated: Caring for our body.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminaries
1. Review
What are the parts of the male reproductive system?
What are the parts of the female reproductive system?
What are the functions of each parts?
What is fertilization?
2. Motivation
Show pictures of the life cycle of human.
What do you notice about their height? Muscles? Size?
Do you think they have the same interest? Why?
Where stage are you now?

3. Self-Check
Read the questions so you will understand yourself better.
Answer with yes or no.
a. Do your skin and hair get oily and unmanageable?
b. Do you feel anxious about your physical appearance?
c. Do you always feel the urge to eat more than before?
d. Do you notice that your body begins to change in shape?
e. Do you feel moody at different times during the day or week?
f. Do you experience unusual pains in some parts of your body?
g. Do your hands and feet seem to be pretty busy most of the time?
h. Do you get hairier on your arms legs and even on the underarms?
i. Do you notice that you are more conscious of how other people may treat you?
j. Do you seem to be growing out of your shoes and clothes at a very fast rate?
*What kind of sentences are these? Interrogative sentence
Why? It ask question?
What punctuation mark is used at the end of the questions? Question Mark
What is the answer of question beginning with “Do”? Yes or No.
If your answer to most of the question is yes then you may already be going through
PUBERTY. What is puberty?
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Because you are now at your puberty stage, it is important to learn about the changes that
is happening to you.

C. Presenting Instances of New Lesson

a. Viewing of a video on puberty
D. Discussion of the video
Answering of the questions
1. What is puberty?
2. What are the changes that happen to boys at puberty?
3. What are the changes that takes place to girls during puberty?
4. What changes occurs in both boys and girls?
5. What causes these changes in boys and girls?
6. How should you cope with the changes occurring during this stage in your life?
7. What should you do in order to be clean and beautiful?
8. Are these changes normal?
9. What will you do if your friends are inviting you to try smoking? drink liquor?or use
drugs? Why?

a. Group Activity
Group I: Observe yourselves boys. Give the changes that are happening to you at
puberty. Write them in complete sentences.

Group II: Observe yourselves girls. Give the changes that are happening to you girls.
Write them in complete sentences.

Group III: Write a letter to you mother about what is happening to your body.

Group IV: Write a letter to your father about what is happening to your body.

Group V. Using a Venn diagram. Place the changes occur in boys and girls at puberty
in their proper places
Group VI. How do you take care of your body?
b. Reporting of output
E. Developing Mastery( Leads to Formative Assessment)
A. Write true if the sentence is true about changes experienced by boys and girls during
puberty and False if it is not.
____1. Menstrual period starts at 13 years of age for girls.
____2. Before puberty,boys and girls are capable of reproduction.
____ 3. The body shape of boys and girls will change during puberty.
____ 4. Boys usually grow facial hair and their voice begins to deepen
____ 5. Boys and girls experience only external change during puberty.
____ 6.Puberty brings about change in the hygienic needs of boys and girls.
____ 7. During puberty, boys and girls develop attraction to the opposite sex.
____8. The ovaries enlarge and begin to produce millions of sperms every day.
____ 9. A female’s uterus begins to produce the hormones that are responsible for secondary
sex characteristics.
____ 10. The hormones produced by boys and girls cause their bodies to change appearance.
B. Write G if the change refers to a physical change that occur among girls. B if it occurs
among boys, and GB if it occurs both for girls and boys. Write your answer on the
blank before each number.
____ 1. Broadening of shoulder.
____ 2. Widening of hips.
____ 3. Development of muscles.
____ 4. Enlargement of breast.
____ 5. Deepening of voice.
____ 6. Experiencing growth spurts.
____ 7. Appearance of Adam’s apple.
____ 8. Having menstruation or monthly period.
____ 9. Having nocturnal emissions or wet dreams.
____ 10. Getting hairy on the arms, legs, armpits, and genital areas.

F. Finding Practical application of Concepts and skills in Daily Living.

Now that you know the changes that is happening in your life. What should you do so you
will not get pregnant at an early age?
What should you do to avoid bad odor?
What should we do to avoid acne?
Why should we take care of our body?
Are we going to use drugs with our friends? Why?

G. Generalization & Abstraction

Puberty – a period in the life cycle of humans in which boys and girls experience rapid
growth and other physical Changes.
Changes observed in Boys and Girls at Puberty


Voice becomes deeper Voice becomes high pitch Rapid growth in height
and lower
Larger and stronger Enlargement of the breast Oily skin and hair
muscles develop
Develops broad Onset of menstruation Hair grows on armpits and
shoulder genitals
Testes produce sperm Ovaries release mature eggs Sweat glands become active,
Become prone to body odor
Genitals grow bigger Hips get bigger Body starts producing
Wet dreams are Starts producing vaginal Develop attraction to opposite
experienced discharge sex.
Hair starts to grow on Body becomes more rounded Experience Acne and body
the face odor
H. Evaluating Learning
Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following do boys and girls experience when they reach the age of
a. There is a rapid growth in heights.
b. Several physical changes occur in the body.
c. They become more excited and curious to discover new things.
d. All of the above.
2. There is a period in the life cycle of humans in which boys and girls experience
rapid growth and other physical changes. It is referred to as ____
a. Adolescence c. fertilization
b. Puberty d. Adulthood
3. Which of the following changes do boys experience during puberty?
a. The muscle becomes smaller.
b. The breast are enlarged
c. The hips become wider
d. The voice become deeper.
4. Which of the following happens among girls during puberty?
a. Appearance of facial hair.
b. Broadening of hips and shoulders
c. Thickening of vocal cords
d. Widening of hips
5. Its occurrence among females signals the start of their reproductive maturity.
Which one is it?
a. Appearance of pimples
b. Onset of menstruation
c. Growth of hair in the armpit.
d. Deepening of high pitch voice.

I. Additional Activity for Remediation

Interview the adults in your family like your mother, father, aunt, grandfather,
grandmother, older brother, and older sister. Ask them about the changes that they
experienced when they were at your age.

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