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The basic characteristics of a state are:
INSTITUTION 1.It has people no matter how many or how diverse they are
An institution is an organization, establishment, foundation, from each other.
society, or the like devoted to the promotion of a particular 2. It has land no matter the size, but it should be enough to
cause or program, especially one of a public, educational, or accommodate its inhabitants.
charitable character 3. It has sovereignty enabling it to independently carry out its
4. It has a government to manage and allow the state to
establish its sovereignty.
State vs Government
- A government is the political administration of a country
*A government cannot exist without a state, and a state cannot
or state.
run without a government
- A government is an organization or institution that
creates and executes laws and policies in a society.
It is given the power to administer over a particular area and
its inhabitants. This power includes:
*Legislative or the power to create laws and policies.
*Executive or the power to enforce the law.
*Judicial or the power to define the law.
- A state is where a government can exercise its power.
- An organized political community acting under a
government and united by common set of laws.
- It uses absolute power in the directing the path of a


Political and Leadership Structures

According to Max Weber as cited by Santarita & Madrid, 2016, Political structure or institution is defined as the organized
way in which power is allocated and decisions aremade within society

The Executive Branch - Act as advisor to the President of the Philippines for
their areas.
The President
- Article VII, Section 1, of the 1987 Constitution vests The Local Governments
executive power on the President of the Philippines. - Local government units have the power to create its
The President is the Head of State and Head of own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and
Government, and functions as the commander-in-chief charges that shall accrue exclusively to them
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. As chief
executive, the President exercises control over all the The Legislative Branch
executive department, bureaus, and offices
According to the 1987 Constitution, legislative power shall be
The Vice President vested in the Congress of the Philippines, which will consist of
- According the constitution the Vice President may a Senate and a House of Representative.
concurrently assume a cabinet position should the
President of the Philippines offer the former one. The Congress is responsible for making enabling laws to make
- Aside from the cabinet post, the vice president is sure the spirit of the constitution is upheld in the country
mandated to assume the presidency in case of the and, at times amend, or change the constitution itself. In
death, disability, or resignation od the incumbent order to craft laws, the legislative body comes out with two
President main documents; bills and resolutions

The Judicial Branch

The Cabinet Secretaries
- Cabinet secretaries act as the alter ego of the
Judicial power rests with the Supreme court and the lower
President executing, with his authority, the power of
courts. Its duty is to settle controversies involving rights
the Office of the President in their respective
which are legally demandable and enforceable. This branch
departments. They posses power to issue directives
determines whether or not there has been a grave abuse of
relative to their department, such as department
discretion amounting to lack of excess of jurisdiction on the
part and instrumentality of the government.
Forms and Functions of State and Non-Sate Institutions According to Macionis (2012) “No government, Weber
explained, is likely to keep its power for long if compliance
Political Structure Institution
comes only from the threat of brute force. Even the most
 What is Power?
brutal dictator must wonder if there can ever be enough
 In your opinion what does the statement “With great
police to watch everyone—and who would watch the police?
power, comes great responsibility” mean?
Every government, therefore, tries to make itself seem
 What is Authority?
legitimate in the eyes of the people. This fact brings us to
 What is the difference between power and authority
Weber’s concept of authority, a power that people perceive as
 Power
legitimate rather than coercive”
 Power is the capacity of a person to influence others and
alter their actions, beliefs, and behaviors.
Power vs Authority
 Power is a personal trait, i.e. an acquired ability.
 You can lose both power and authority. But power is easier
(knowledge and expertise)
to lose than authority.
 Power is lost quickly through mistakes, as well as poor
actions and behaviors. However, it’s important to note
- is the capacity to realize desired ends despite opposition
that people become more powerful the longer they work in
from others. The utilization of power is the business of
a given industry.
government, which is defined as a formal organization that
directs the political life of a society (Macionis, 2012)
Authority is more technical and static in nature. It’s only lost
Therefore, governments demand compliance on the part of a
when a person in a position of authority loses the position
associated with the authority.
Power is more informal, it may be obtained through
 Authority is the legitimate power that a person or group is
illegitimate or informal means
granted to practice over others within an organization.
Authority, on the other hand, is both legitimate and formal. It
 Authority is the formal and often legal right that a person
needs to be granted by a person or entity in a superior and
holds to make decisions and give commands to others.
can get revoked under specified circumstances or misuses

TYPES of AUTHORITY Traditional Authority
Sociologist Max Weber developed a classification system for Weber believed that traditional authority creates and
the concept of authority in his essay “The Three Types of preserves inequalities. If this authority is not challenged, the
Legitimate Rule”. leader will stay in power indefinitely.
Charismatic authority
Rational-Legal Authority
Charisma- is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can Also known as bureaucratic authority or legal authority. With
inspire devotion in others. this type of authority or legal authority, an individual or ruling
Charismatic authority comes from the personal charisma, group exerts power based on legal office.
strength, and charm of an individual’s personality.
Weber noted that people do not follow charismatic leadership Once the person in power leaves their official position, their
based on virtue, tradition, or statute. People follow this authority is lost.
authority because they believe in the leader.
Rational-Legal Authority
Weber noted that “rationally created rules” from the
Examples of leaders with charismatic authority
foundation of this type of authority
 Nelson Mandela
 Aung San Suu Kyi
 Martin Luther King Jr.

Traditional Authority
-The legitimacy of traditional authority comes from traditions
and customs. Weber describes this system as the “authority
of the eternal yesterday”
- In this form of domination, subordinates accept the type of
authority. They refrain from challenging the traditional rights
of a powerful group or individual

Commercial Banks
Forms and Functions of State and Non-Sate Institutions Provides the same as a retail bank; however, it focuses on
businesses and businessman as its main customers. Commercial
Non-State Institution bank provide
 Non-State Institution are groups/organizations which short-term loans for businessmen to be used for investment
operate outside the support of any state or government. purposes.
 Non-state institutions assume different functions and
focus on a specific objective. In general, they develop Investment/Industrial Bank
certain services needed by members of the society for Provide medium and long-term loans and deposits to business
their progress. industries

Banks Agricultural Banks

The term bank has no single definition for many authors have As the name suggests, caters to the financial needs of
provided their own definition of it. farmers and the farming industry. They provide short-term
Bank is a financial institution licensed to provide several and long-term loans to facilitate agricultural activities.
financial services to different types of customers.
Retail Bank An organization created by a group of people known as
A type of bank that focuses on consumers or the general shareholders, which is legally recognized to act as a single
public as its costumers. One’s personal bank account, are person carrying out a certain goals and objectives.
usually in a retail bank. Retail bans can be considered to be Using its own name, a corporation has the right to enter into
the most common and widespread of all the types of banks. contracts to hire employees, and to loan and borrow money. It
Supplies short-term loans to a person and small-scale is also authorized to have its own assets.
According to the International Labor Organization, a
cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united
voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural
needs and aspirations, thorough a jointly owned and Organizations that are devoted to manipulating political,
democratically controlled enterprise. economic, social and institutional decisions across country
-Are jointly owned enterprise engaging in the production or
distributions of goods or services. Cooperatives are usually Development Agencies
operated by farmers or consumers for their mutual benefit These are independent organizations whose goals are to help
develop and support economic growth especially for the poor
Trade Unions and marginal portion of the society. So, they may have
A trade union or labor union is an organization with opportunities for income and decent employment.
memberships composed of workers or employees from related
fields, which aim to represent the interests and rights of its International Organizations
members, both in the workplace and in the society Include both governmental and non-governmental
Transnational Advocacy Groups International Non-Governmental organizations- transcend
Transnational denotes something that goes beyond one’s borders in pursuit of a common cause (e.g. International Red
national borders Cross and other humanitarian teams deployed in areas hit by
Advocacy can be defined as issues or causes that are being natural and man-made disasters.
defended or supported by a certain group of people known as
advocates. International Governmental Organizations
Group is a collection of individuals with significant relations Refer to a grouping established by states and are based on
among each other treaties, have formal structures, and meet at a regular
intervals (Santarita &Madrid, 2016) (e.g. Peace keeping forces
Is a collection of actors characterized by their fluid and open sent by the United Nations to warring states.)
relations with each other, united by their commitment to work
on and defeat certain issues and causes that are relevant
across several nations.

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