1P Smugglers Lair

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Hooks and broken blades are embedded in a doorframe

to make passing through it dangerous.
4. Imitation pottery and artworks lie discarded on the oor.
Masters of supply and demand smugglers carry
anything their customers want (and will pay for),
regardless of the law. More cunning than most, SMUGGLER’S APPEARANCE
smugglers protect their holdings with threats, misdirection
and traps.
1. The smuggler wears out-of-fashion nery, complete with
OUTSIDE THE LAIR gaudy jewellery and a wig.
2. Wearing a hooded black cloak and a wide-brimmed hat
the smuggler blends into the shadows.
1. Shutters and boarded doors front this ramshackle 3. Despite their shoddy clothing, the smuggler wears a
building. The building is seemingly devoid of life, but gang symbol openly.
careful observation reveals a faint worn path leading 4. The smuggler carries a lethal-looking, yet plain, club.
around the back.
2. Brush and empty crates piled high along the walls of an
old building are rigged to collapse on intruders. TREASURE
3. A sturdy iron grate bars the way ahead. (Careful
observation notices it rests on well-oiled hinges).
4. Careful observers spot a path leading through the front 1. This ornate golden hook is designed to replace a hand.
of a decrepit building towards dark, back rooms. (Hidden screws drill painfully into the wearer’s arm bone
when the hook is rst tted).
2. This thick leather coat has dozens of small hidden
W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N ? pockets; some may contain coins, vials and other
portable treasures.
3. A tiny pirate captain sails this ship in a bottle; the bottle
1. The crew forms a chain and passes crates to each other. is rumoured to trap the souls of its owner’s enemies.
The smugglers sing a quiet song to relieve the drudgery 4. This embellished skull glows sickly green in darkness.
of this hard, physical work. (The skull could be an ex-smuggler’s, which in icts a
2. The smugglers stack nets and ropes vital for their curse on its bearer).
deception over the cargo they have just loaded.
3. Guards hide behind tapestries waiting for intruders.
4. The smugglers wait nervously for their contact. TRINKETS & TRASH

M A J O R L A I R F E AT U R E S 1. Cheap imitation goods cover part of the oor and whole

shelves; although the goods look valuable, they are
worthless rubbish sold to rubes and idiots.
1. Discarded nets, crates and barrels form a rough 2. A tattered cloak and leather hat hang from a sagging
barricade across the room. wall hook.
2. A thick and dirty rug hides a trapdoor and a hidden 3. Stacked crates and boxes contain only a single bottle of
chamber lled with contraband. vinegary wine.
3. Empty barrels conceal a crawl space in the wall. Such 4. This hook hand prosthetic has a broken hook, making it
spaces riddle the den and allow the smugglers to move useless until repaired.
about unseen if custom of cials should nd their lair.
4. Barrels are suspended high overhead in a cargo net.
(ready to be dropped on intruders).
M I N O R L A I R F E AT U R E S This is a short system-neutral extract from Monstrous Lair
#28: Smugglers’ Hidden Den by Steve Hood.

1. A precariously heaped pile of broken crates and barrels

lls one corner.
2. A tapestry split down the middle acts as a makeshift
door. It keeps out the breeze and muf es sound, but is
not a serious barrier.

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