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PSY 4 REVIEWER (MIDTERM) Lotze commented that anytime we bring an object

into the surface of our body, we invest that object

The Aspects of Material/Economic Self
into the consciousness of our personal existence
Material self is a dimension of the self that relates taking in its contours to be our own and making it
to physical materials. We are made aware of them a part of the self. This is true. When you wear a new
by what we see in commercials on television, what dress that fits you to a tee, you feel that you and
we hear over the radio and what we read in the print your dress become one!
and social media, like newspapers and magazines,
Clothes are very important to us. They protect our
social platforms like Twitter, Facebook page,
body from extreme temperature. They enhance our
YouTube and Private Messages.
physical appearance. This is the reason why we are
Material self refers to our body, as well as the careful in choosing the style, color and the quality
tangible objects, places, things that we describe as of the material used. We want to look at our best
"My" or "Mine." It has two sub-classes: the body with whatever we use.
self, referring to our body and all its parts and the
Our choice of clothing is one of the best ways to
extra-corporeal self, beyond the body, which,
distinguish our social class, as well as our culture,
according to Rosenberg (1979), is our extended
our profession or occupation. and our sex
self. It includes all the people, places, things that
preference. In fact, the first impression of people
we regard as OURS. It can also refer to our
about us is based on the clothes we wear, the brand,
possessions. All components of objects we possess
the color and our accessories, like, our bags and
are our own instinctive preferences coupled with
shoes and other things we consider our own. It is a
the most important interests in life.
reflection of our personality, our character and
even our attitude.

William James said that the Material self basically Equally important as our clothing is our choice of
refers to our body, clothes, immediate family and style and material of the clothes we wear. A style
home. Of these four components, let us consider that suits our person and the material of the fabric
first our body, the most essential part of Material that suggests good taste, may cause us certain
self. Self and body are intimately attached. As we sensations that can affect our attitudes and
discussed in Lesson 1, our body is of prime behaviors. We exude a pleasing personality,
importance to us. We value it the most. We keep it confident and beautiful, because we are wearing
healthy and in good condition because if our body the latest style in Fashion, made out of quality
is not well, our other selves will suffer. For material, done by our favorite couturier, the fit of
example, if our body is sick, our total well-being which perfectly flows with the contour of our body.
will be affected: we cannot go to work and fail to All these contribute to the feeling of assurance and
attend to our responsibilities, our attitude toward self-confidence.
others may be affected and we cannot appreciate
The third essential part of Material self is our
the world around us. But if our body is healthy,
family, the source of our life, the single, most
relationships can be much better.
important influence on a child's life. At the first
Some of us have some special attachment, some moment of life, the child depends on the parents to
closeness, to some of our body parts. Like, we pay protect and provide for his/her needs. The parents
more attention to our eyes, nose, body shape and are present to serve as role model on how to ct and
contours. In our study of the physical self, we saw experience the world around him/her. A child
how much money and effort some people invest grows up according to what he/she sees and lives in
just to take care of certain body parts. the family. The kind of world he/she lives with
his/her family could set his/her sail towards life.
Now let us look at clothing, which, according to His/her moral sense of value and personality are
James, is the second most essential part of the shaped in the family. Based from our own
Material self. James idea was complemented by experience, the world in which we live shows us
Herman Lotze, in his book, Microcosmus. how truly our family influences us. Thus, as
popularized by one TV jingle, family is forever.
The family signifies love and hope; it gives the rest and enjoy life with friends and family. It is in
members a sense of purpose and goal. As our home where we could be our real selves. It is
communicated within the family, every member our safest refuge. It is a symbol of our security.
strives to live a life in accord with what the family
Some families put premium in the structure, style,
aspires to achieve. With the family, we share and
size and the over-all make-up of their house
celebrate our successes; it is, likewise, with the
because they reflect the economic and social status
family that we seek support and comfort if we fall
of the family. While this is important, it is not
short of what the members expect of us, Our family
always a guarantee that it is a home based on the
is the replica of our self.
value of a happy home where everyone wants to
We value our dignity and integrity and respect our experience acceptance and whose rights are
name because it symbolizes us. We respect family respected. Neil Young, in his song, Home, Home,
principles, roles and values. It is in our family that on the Range, expresses it eloquently: Oh, give me
we first learn, and experience respect for authority, a home, where the buffalos roam, where the deer
as we look up to the father as head, the mother as and the antelope play; where seldom is heard a
support, the children as followers or members. In discouraging word and the sky is not cloudy all day.
our family we learn the values of working together,
Our home can say a lot about us. It is a witness to
respecting the rights of members, cooperating with
our becoming who and what we are.' It is where we
one another and living in solidarity with the others.
learned our first footsteps, uttered our first words,
These we bring with us to the wider community.
learned how to make choices and decisions,
In the family, we live out family tradition, the ways whether to love or hate; it is also where we first
of the family in the past, lived out to the present. experienced success or failure.
For instance, we hear of family of doctors, of
Our home is an extension of our self. It is where we
politicians, engineers, or teachers. As the parents
develop our sense of what is right and wrong and
were, so are the children. This is true in many
form our personality and self-identity. It is in our
families. This might even be true in your own
home where we can easily connect to our self.
On Material Possessions
Setting aside family time is necessary to keep the
bond and love for each other alive. Members may We live in a fast-paced society where shopping
spend time together through different activities, malls abound. and sales are held the whole year
like worshipping God together on Sundays and round, offering all sorts of items at much
other occasions, spending weekends together by discounted prices. Add to this is online shopping
the beach, traveling and vacationing together, or by where one could get anything he or she wants under
simply cleaning the house or the car, together. the sun, without leaving the comfort of home.
These allow members of the family to play, laugh Different goods and services are made known to
and eat together and other similarities activities. consumers through advertisements on TV and
Being present for and with one another enhances radio commercials, the social and print media, like,
unity and closer relationship besides living out the magazines and newspapers, facebook and others.
family values.
Sad to note, but people are just willing to submit
Maintaining family ties is as important as. family themselves to these allurements. And they become
time. The essence of being family has to be materialistic. Commercialism and consumerism
sustained by connecting with family members and have successfully created in us the desire to acquire
relatives. Special occasions like Christmas Day, more, to update and upgrade our gadgets and buy
New Year, Easter Sunday may be good reasons for more, to keep up with the trends.
family reunions, when members, young and old,
come together to renew relationships and meet new We are what we buy and what we have. So, what
members of the family. should we consider if we want to buy something or
upgrade anything we already have? Our decision
The fourth essential part of Material self is the will depend on some factors. For example, we need
home. Our home is our source of life; it is where to confront ourselves with this reality: Can we
our heart is. It is our sanctuary where we can relax,
afford? If we can afford, is it necessary to buy it, Our Attachment to our Possessions
upgrade it, or we just simply want it?
Why are some people attached to their possessions?
To decide objectively, we should clearly Have you noticed how a child is in rage when
differentiate what we NEED from what we WANT. deprived of the things they own? Piaget found out
Needs are those that are basic to our survival, like, that it is part of human nature to develop a sense of
food, clothing and shelter. We buy them regularly ownership and attachment to things one. values.
because they are necessary for our daily This is called endowment fact. For example, we
subsistence Wants, on the other hand, are those that value the award or any reward, in recognition of
do not warrant necessity. Meaning, we can do something we have done. So we would want to
without them keep it. As a child, we keep the things that we
received from a significant other, as something
In the process of acquiring material possessions,
special and memorable. We are also attached to
smart consumers consider their capacity to buy and
family heirloom because of its sense of history and
their economic self-sufficiency. Some people
connectedness with someone dear to us in the past.
would satisfy first their need in daily life; they
Added to these, we keep memorabilia that we
curtail their wants knowing their ability to
received from significant people whom we value,
consistently meet their needs. But there are others
admire and idolize in our life
who choose more luxurious materials, buy high-
end brands because they are. aware of their Conclusion
economic identity and economic status. They are
The foregoing discussion is in accord with what
rich and sustainable. So their choices project class,
elegance and affluence, reflecting their social
status. But whether a person is meeting his needs, Belk (1988) posited: that we regard our possessions
or satisfying his wants, his material possessions as part of ourselves. Truly, we are what we possess.
and choices reflect his personality, aspiration and They reveal who. we are. They reflect our culture
self-identity. and beliefs, economic identity and economic status.
Through them, we are viewed either as belonging
Roland Barthes (1915-1980), a French Critical
to the rich or to the poor stratum of society. We can
theorist, was the first to observe the relationship
also claim that our possessions are our personal
that people have with objects. According to him, a
choices and preferences and that they convey to
sign has two elements, the signifier, referring to its
people our taste, our style.
physical form and the signified, referring to one's
mental concept about the object and its effect on They define who we truly are. We can safely state,
him. So we can say that a person buys the object to a certain extent, that our material and economic
because he believes it is a reflection of Who and self is an expression of our personality and a
what his is. Likewise, he introduced semiology, a revelation of our social identity.
study of objects as signs. According to him,
objects, as signs or things, could be decoded to
convey a message beyond the object itself and
about the person using it. Objects are not just
things; they are also a reflection of the lives of
communities and individuals. One buys the product
because other people in his community or
organization are buying it to show he belongs. This
points to the realization that the buying or
purchasing behavior of a person can also be
influenced by what the community or the
organization values. It enhances and sustains
community or organizational relationship and
SEXUAL SELF Secondary Sex Characteristics
Sex Girls usually begin to show physical changes at
puberty between the ages 9 to 13 which is a little
- is a part of what makes a person human. Being
earlier than boys. The female sex hormones and
human the prime function is procreation.
estrogen and other hormones causes the physical
- goes far beyond the instinct to procreate. changes. Many girls are fully developed at age 16
while other continue to develop through age 18.
- is likewise about pleasure, enjoyment, excitement
and even ecstasy. The following are stages that female undergoes.

- Added to this earthly delight of the flesh-this is Stage 1: From ages 8-12.
the thrill of physical touching and being touch by
- Noticeable sign of physical development although
another warm body, the surging excitement toward
the ovaries are enlarging and the hormone
sexual release, the ultimate coming out during the
production is starting
sexual climax, and the pulsating, peaceful
afterglow of the relaxing feeling after orgasm. Stage 2: May begin anywhere from ages 8-14.
- is one way of lowering one’s alienation, isolation, - Height and weight increase rapidly.
and aloneness by physically linking with
- Fine hair growth begins close to the pubic areas
penetrating and being penetrated with another
and underarm
person at the most primitive level of existence.
- Breast buds appear, and nipple become raised and
- gives joy, love, comfort, affection and at times
- Sweat and oil glands (sebaceous and apocrine)
- Human sexuality- serves both psychologically
become active which may result to acne.
and spiritually.
Stage 3: May start anywhere from ages 9-15.
Psychological side effects of sex • Falling in love •
obsession • abandonment • rejection • psychosis • - Breasts may become rounder and fuller.
loss of self • fear of annihilation • manic madness
of ecstasy - Hips may start to widen in relation to breast.

Sexual self - Vagina begins secreting a clear and whitish fluid.

- forms part of the building of self-concept, - Pubic hair becomes fuller, thicker, and curlier.
attachment, intimacy and sexual satisfaction played - Height and weight continue to increase
essential roles in the formation of self.
- For some girls ovulation and menstruation may
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PRIMARY AND begin but may be irregular.
Stage 4: May begin anywhere from ages 10-16
Primary Sex Characteristics
- Underarm hair becomes darker.
- are those characteristics other than the gonads that
are directly required for reproduction. - Pubic hair starts to form a triangular patch in front
and side of the genital area.
• Male primary somatic sexual characteristics
are the penis and the scrotum, all of which allow a - The nipple and the dark area around the breast
male to make and deliver sperm. called areola may stick out from the rest of the
• Female primary sexual characteristics are the
vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, clitoris, cervix, and - For some girls, ovulation and menstruation period
the ability to bear children. begins but may be irregular.
Stage 5: May start anywhere from ages 12-19. -The larynx or Adam’s apple increases in size.
- Adult height is already reached. - Vocal chords become longer and thicker, and the
voice begins to crack or break, then becomes low.
- Breast development is complete
- Height and weight continue to increase.
- Pubic hair forms a thick, curly triangular patch.
- Penis and testicles continue to grow.
- Ovulation and menstrual period occurs regularly.
- Pubic hair increases in amount and becomes
- Overall look is that of a young adult woman.
darker, coarser, and curlier.
Stage 5: May begin anywhere from ages 14-18.
Boys usually begin to show the physical
- Growth of facial hair begins.
changes at puberty between the ages of 11 to 14,
which is slightly later than the girls. The male - Chest hair growth begins (not all males get much
hormone testosterone and other hormones caused chest hair)
the changes.
- Adult height is reached
The following are the changes that happen.
- Penis and testicles have reached adult size.
Stage 1: between Ages 8 - 12
- Pubic, underarm, and leg hair are adult color,
• No visible sign or physical development, but texture, and distribution.
hormone production 18 starting
- Overall look is that of a young adult man
Stage 2: May begin anywhere from ages 11-13 (Rathus,2014)
- Height and weight increase rapidly.
- Testicles become larger and scrotum hangs lower. HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
- Scrotum becomes darker in color. Sexual Maturation
- Fine hair growth starts at the base of the penis. When the secondary sex characteristics appear
sexual maturation begins. It is the pituitary gland
- Hair growth may begin on the legs and underarms.
that is the key player involved. The Pituitary gland
Stage 3: May start anywhere from ages 12-14 secrets growth hormones and signal the adrenal
gland to release androgens, a male sex hormone to
- The penis, scrotum and testicle grow. create biochemical changes that produce body hair
- Pubic hair becomes darker, thicker and curlier. enlargement of the breast and widening of pelvis
for girls and for the boys there is the deepening of
- Muscles become larger and shoulder becomes voice, widening of shoulder, appearance of body
broader. hair and also increase sex drive.
- Sweat and oil glands (sebaceous and apocrine) Androgens do not just produce secondary sex
become more active which may resut in acne. characteristics but because it is constant, males are
- Sperm production may begin. capable of sexual activities without regard to
biological cycles. When female reaches puberty,
- Temporary swelling and tenderness may occur the two ovaries start to produce two hormones,
around the nipples. estrogen and progesterone. But these two hormones
- Height and weight continue to increase. are not produced consistently, like the males
because they follow cyclical patterns. The most
- Hair growth on the legs and underarms continue. output occurs during ovulation when a ripe ovum
Stage 4: May begin anywhere from ages 13-16 is released from the ovary to the fallopian tube
which has a chance of fertilization by the sperm.
- Sperm production has begun.
Reproduction Human Sexual Behavior (Solitary and
Sociosexual Including heterosexuality,
The spermatozoa (sperms) and the ova contain 23
premarital sex, marital sex extramarital sex)
chromosomes each. Chromosomes are threadlike
structures that contain genes. Genes are hereditary Masturbation or Solitary Sex
materials (the fundamental unit of heredity). Each
Masturbation is sexual self-satisfaction. Men and
genes consists of a single molecule of
women typically start to masturbate for the first
deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA which is the
time at different ages ranging from 5 - 21 years with
biochemical basis of heredity or code of heredity.
the highest peak at 9-13 years for males and 12-16
The female has 23 pairs of X chromosomes. A male
years for females (Feldman, 2014). Male
has 23 chromosomes, but the first 22 pairs of X
masturbation is common in the early teens and then
chromosomes are called autosomes and the
slow down, whereas female, begin to masturbate
unpaired is called sex or Y chromosome.
early with maximum frequency later. Masturbation
During fertilization when the Y chromosome of the or solitary sex is more often engaged in only by
male penetrates the X chromosome of the female those who do not have sexual outlet, an idea that
the combination is an XY hence the produced has no
offspring is a boy. When the X chromosome or
relation to reality. It was reported that married men
autosomes from the male penetrates the X
age 20-40 usually masturbated 24 times a year
chromosome of the female, the combination is an
whereas married women of the same age had it 10
XX meaning the resulting offspring is a girl. Genes
times a year. (Peldman, 2016).
regulate the development of all human
characteristics and abilities. The complete set of Heterosexually
genes that make up a person's heredity is the
person's genotype. Genetic instruction with Some people believe that the first time they
environmental, influence produces a genotype, experience sexual act they have already reached
which is an individual's physical behavior and significance in their lives. Heterosexuality, an
psychological features. (Kail,2012). attraction and behavior toward the other sex is far
more than male and female sexual act. Kissing.
Erogenous Zones petting caressing, necking and massaging, and
other forms of sex play are parts of heterosexual
Erogenous zones are the areas of the body that are
particularly responsive to tactile pleasure parts. It
can be primary or secondary. Primary erogenous Premarital Sex
zones pertain to areas that contain thick
concentration of nerve ending. Here is a list of Before, premarital sex particularly for women was
primary erogenous zones--genitals, buttocks, anus, a major taboo, generally in the Filipino values.
nipples, inner, surface of the thighs, armpits, navel, Traditional women were prohibited by society that
neck, ears, lips, tongue and entire oral cavities. the "nice girls" never do it. Men were more or less
allowed to engage in premarital sex but they were
Secondary erogenous zones include all other advised to marry "virgins". The idea that premarital
regions of the body. For instance, if one's lover sex is allowed for the males but not permitted for
tenderly kissed and stroked the upper back of his the females is termed double standard. However, to
partner during sexual interplay that area can be the younger generations the double standard had
transformed to an erogenous zone because they are been replaced by "permissiveness with affection".
touched in a context of sexual intimacies. (Crooks As quoted by Feldman (2014) premarital sex is
& Baur, 2014) permissible to both males and females who have
long-termed commitment or loving relationship.
Marital Sex
Sex in marriage is the most standard and acceptable
sexual behavior, and generally the gauge of
wedded bliss. However, there are many various
dimensions of how to measure the marital believe that traditional male-female classification
happiness; to some frequency of sexual act are the who wrongly characterized themselves.
common standards. As to how often sexual act be
Asexuality this is another type of sexual orientation
done, depends on particular couples. There are
where an asexual lacks attraction to both men and
those who do it regularly, others have it few times
women. Unlike celibate one who does not have
a month, some have it 2-3 times a week. However,
sexual life) an asexual has little or no attraction to
with increasing age and length of marriage the
either men or women but can experience sexual
frequency of sexual act decreases.
desire. (Croon.2015) Androgyny this literally
Extramarital Sex means a man-woman which refer to having both
masculine and feminine traits, (Croon, 2013).
There are some researches that reveal about
Extradyadic sex is having sex with someone other
extramarital sex. Extramarital sex is a practice
than one's regular relationship partner, like spouse,
between a married person and someone who is not
his/her spouse. This was said to be widely practiced
although not exactly the reality because generally WHAT TURN PEOPLE ON
there is still a high percentage of married couples
If one wants to argue that the major sex organ is the
who are faithful to their spouses and there is a high
brain, in a sense one would be right. The major
degree of disapproval to Us extramarital sex.
factor to consider sexually arousing in one's society
Homosexuality (LGBTQ) has actually nothing to do with the genitals, instead
sexual arousal is related to external stimuli that due
Homosexuals are individuals who are sexually
to the process of learning it comes to be labeled as
attracted to members of their own sex whereas
erotic or sexually stimulating. in reality there are no
bisexuals are those who are sexually attracted to the
areas in the body that instantly produce sexual
same sex and other sex. Generally, male
arousal when touched. It IS actually the erogenous
homosexuals are called gays and female
zones, the areas of the body that are sensitive to
homosexuals are called lesbians, because this refers
sexual touch due to the presence of rich arrays of
to a wider array or attitudes and lifestyles that
nerve receptors that are practically sensitive to any
focused on sexual activities.
kinds of touch. Usually, people learn to respond
The determinant of sexual orientation is proven sexually to any stimulus. There is a common
difficult to pinpoint. There are some theories that denominator as to what is an erotic stimulus. Men
explain what make people homosexuals or and women's fantasies differ a little from one
heterosexuals: homosexuality or heterosexuality is another in terms of quantity. Being irresistible
biological in nature. Another is hormone that may sexually is engaging in oral sex which is common
snow a role in determining sexual orientation. If is to both men and women but their fantasies do not
said that pregnant women who took a drug DES or include desire for fulfillment.
DITEHYLTILBESTROL to prevent miscarriage.
Transsexuals are people who believe that they were RESPONSE (PHASES)
born with a boy of another gender. In some ways
Sexual responses follow a regular pattern of tour
transsexuals are less of a sexual difficulty than a
gender issue concerning sexual identity.
Transsexual like one popular international female • Excitement Phase • Plateau Phase
singer and one handsome matinee idol had
• Orgasm • Resolution Phase
undergone sex change. Transsexual sex change
operation has to undergo several steps. Excitement Phase
Transsexualism is a part of a wider category known - This phase can last for a few minutes to an hour.
as transgenderism. This term pertains not only There is an exciting stimulus that starts a sequence
transsexual but also to people who see themselves that prepares the genital for sexual activity For the
as the third gender. Transvestites those who wear male' the penis gets erected when blood flows into
clothes of the other genders or some of them it while in the female the clitoris swells due to an
increase of blood sup in this area and the vagina Premature Ejaculation
becomes lubricated. The female may experience
- The male is not able to hold his orgasm longer
"sex flush": a red rush that spreads over the chest
than he wishes, because his wish to delay the
and throat.
orgasm depends on his partner's attitude and
Plateau Phase opinion on how long should the orgasm be. This
problem is difficult to diagnose. This is a type often
- This is the body's preparation for orgasm. At this
a psychological problem because there is no
phase the maximum level of sexual arousal is
physical cause. One cause perhaps is early learning
attained as the penis and clitoris swell with blood.
about sex in adolescence. Sexual experience in
women breasts and vagina expand the heartbeat
adolescence is accompanied by fear of being
and the blood pressure rise and the breathing
caught so some young men learned to reach orgasm
increases. There is a greater muscle tension as the
as quickly as possible.
body prepares it for orgasm.
Inhibited Ejaculation
- In this problem, the man is not able to ejaculate
- This is the peak of sexual excitement and the
when he wants to. Sometimes this can be corrected
pleasurable experience due to muscular contraction
by general relaxation to allow men to overcome the
occurring in the vagina. For the male, the
problem. For women, there is anorgasmia meaning
contraction are penis expels the semen, a process
lack of orgasm.
called ejaculation of fluid that contains sperms. At
this stage pom male and female’s breathing and TWO TYPES OF INHIBITED
near rates are at its maximum. EJACULATION:
Resolution Phase 1. Primary Organismic Dysfunction - woman
never experience orgasm
- This is the last stage of sexual arousal. Here the
body returns to the resting phase where there is a 2. Secondary Organismic Dysfunction - woman
reversal brought about by arousal. The genitals had experience orgasm at some instant but no
return to their normal unaroused size and snape, the longer does now or orgasm may be possible only at
blood pressure, heart rate and breathing are back to certain situation such as masturbation but not
normal. During resolution stage, the men and during sexual ac.
women responses differ considerably. Women are
Inhibited Sexual Desire
able to cycle back orgasm phase and experience
repeated orgasm after it has come to the final - This happens when sexual act has no motivation
resolution stage then returns to the pre-stimulation or is restricted. When people with sexual inhibition
state. have m, sexual feeling would be turned off sexually
that they must have some kind of sexual amnesia.
Sexual Problems
Eventually, these people would start avoiding
Erectile Dysfunction situation of sexual in nature to the point that they
forgo sexual intimacy with anyone.
- This is the inability of a male to come up or
maintain an erection. Erectile dysfunction is a rare Vaginismus
case of a male who has never experience erection.
- This is a strong spasm of the pelvic musculature
The common case is a male who had never achieve
constricting the female reproductive organ so that
erection but has had experienced previously in the
penetration Is painful or impossible. It can be due
past. This erectile dysfunction is due to alcohol,
to anti-sexual conditioning or psychological trauma
drugs, fear of sexual performance, anxiety and
that serves as unconscious defense against coitus.
other factors. Due significantly to modern
It can be treated by psychotherapy and by gradually
treatment erectile dysfunction found some remedy
dilating the female reproductive organ with
through the drug Viagra. This Viagra treats erectile
increasingly large cylinders.
dysfunction by having an increased blood flow to
the male's penis to produce quick erection.
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES sexually transmitted diseases "SAFER SEX"
(STI’S) should be practice.
Chlamydia Methods of Contraception (natural and
- This is the most widespread infection that usually
women who have this do not snow symptoms. out - It cannot be said that due to the negative impact
in men this causes burning sensation and discharge of sexually transmitted diseases sexuality, sexual
in their penis. It not treated in women this leads to behavior, sexual fulfillment and ecstasy cannot be
pelvic inflammation, arthritis, damage in the condom because these are parts of the human
urethra and may cause sterility. Because women do persons. Generally, procreation is the basic reason
not show symptoms of chlamydia. sexually active for the sexual act hence couples should have this in
women under 26 year old should be tested for the mind. Literature on contraceptives gives the
disease yearly. when diagnosed this S can be flowing (San Juan & Centeno, 2014).
treated with antibiotics.
Natural Methods
Genital Herpes
- The natural method termed fertility awareness
- These are small blisters or sores around the pertains to the method of planning and stopping
genitals that when it breaks open it causes pregnancy through the observance of the natural
excoriating pain. These sores usually heal after a sign and symptoms of the fertility and safe periods
tew weeks but would reoccur about 34 times in a of the menstrual cycle. Sexual contact should be
year after infection, herpes after outbreaks are not prevented during the fertile period to avoid
frequent but because the infections cannot be pregnancy.
remedied women who really have the infection
The Rhythm or Calendar Method
suffer psychological distress and may transfer the
disease to their sexual panners. - This rhythm method is the safest one. It is a
fertility tracing method by using a calendar. The
woman has to note her ovulation period and
- It is the longest-recognized sexually transmitted menstrual cycle. Usually ovulation occurs more or
infection by scientists. This infection has no less 12-16 days prior to menstruation or 14 days to
symptoms but can cause burning sensation when the next menstrual period. This rhythm is possible
urinating and discharge in the penis or vagina. if the woman menstrual cycle is regular.
Gonorrhea may result to infertility in men and
The Cervical Mucus Method
pelvic inflammation in women Antibiotic can cure
unis infection but not completely. - This method has to rely on the familiarity of the
body processes. After a woman’s menstruation
there is vaginal discharge which indicates woman
- This first show itself in a small wound at the point is fertile. This mucus discharge that comes after a
of sexual contact. In the second stage, rashes woman"s menstruation is cloudy and sticky at first.
appear. This infectious disease affect the brain, After few days the mucus turns thinner and clearer,
heart and even the growing fetus. If syphilis is watery, slippery and runny fluid that looks like raw
diagnosed early it can be cured by antibiotics. egg white. This is the time of ovulation and high
risk of pregnancy. After some days the discharge
becomes thicker and drier. What the woman has to
- These past decades there is no sexually do is examine this discharge every single day. This
transmitted society than this Acquired Immune method is 97% effective only for women with
Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS are caused by a virus, regular menstrual cycle.
the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which
Basal Body Temperature
destroys body’s immune system. Semen and blood
are the vehicles of transmission (Santrock, 2014). - This method makes use of special type of
To avoid or reduce contacting AIDS and other thermometer to record changes of temperature. The
woman has to record her temperature daily before
getting up or before doing anything in the morning. breastfeeding develops bonding between mother
An increase of body temperature of half a degree and baby.
celsius means there is an ovulation so the couple
should refrain from sexual contact.
- This is the withdrawal of the penis from the
Symptom-Thermal Method
vagina prior to ejaculation. Because it is difficult to
- This method is a combination of Basal Body time the ejaculation, some sperms might be release
Temperature and Cervical Mucus method. The in the vagina before the complete ejaculation. This
method indicates the breast tenderness and the mid- method is not very reliable for preventing
cycle pains are physiological indicator of pregnancy and not psychological due to frustration
ovulation. on both partners.
Recording should be done on the 3rd day of ARTIFICIAL METHODS
elevated body temperature or on the 4th day of
Pill or Oral Contraceptive
height of discharge, whichever comes first. This is
98% effective for a women"s regular or normal - This is a tablet of man-made hormone called
fertility. estrogen and progesterone imitating the hormone in
the female’s body. These hormones are of two
kinds: the COC, combined oral contraceptive and
- Abstinence is preventing pregnancy by not having POP, progesterone only pills. The estrogen controls
sexual contact or any other sexual activity in which the maturing of the egg cell and prevents its release
semen may come in contact with the vulva, the from the ovary, while the progesterone changes the
outer female vagina. This method is 100% effective lining of the uterus and the consistency of the
preventing pregnancy. cervical mucus. These two man-made estrogen and
progesterone prevent the meeting of the egg cell
and the sperm thus, no pregnancy. Usually, the
- Douche is done by washing the sperm and semen woman has to take this pill regularly for 21 days in
deposited in the vagina with medical solution just the menstrual cycle.
after the sexual contact. This method cannot be
The morning after pill
reliable because some sperms may have gotten
inside the vagina before douching. - The morning after pill is an emergency birth
control which prevents a woman from pregnancy
Prolong Lactation or Lactational Amenorrhea
even after unprotected sex act. This method stops
pregnancy due to the high dose of hormone. This
- LAM is considered natural contraceptive that "morning after pill" called Postinor prevents egg
protect the woman from pregnancy particularly cell ovulation and disrupt the uterine lining to stop
during the first 6 months after giving birth. It is implantation of fertilized egg or zygote Here in the
because breast feeding is the prime factor in Philippines, this Postinor which is injected to the
delaying menstruation. While the baby suck, the women every 3 months is an abortion causing pill.
nipples become stimulated causing the woman to The prolife group admonishes the selling of this pill
manufacture prolactine or oxytocin a hormone that because the fertilized egg or zygote which has
induces the flow of milk. Prolactine is likewise already a life of its own is aborted.
believed to control ovulation on the lactating
mother and increase the flow of milk. Hence, the
longer the lactation of the mother the prolonging of - Implants are matchstick-size rubber silicon, rods,
the pregnancy added to the breast feeding is the capsules or tubes containing progesterone. A
benefit it gives to both the mother and the baby. physician surgically implants this silicon under the
Mother's milk is the best milk due to its natural skin generally at the upper arm. The silicon rod
nutrient content and the colostrum, the first flow of releases low dose of hormone to stop ovulation and
mother’s milk which is yellowish and said to cause thickening of the cervical mucus preventing
contain antibiotic decreasing infant mortality. Also,
the sperms from penetration. (San Juan & Centeno, rationality, freedom and responsibility, his power
2011) to love has added to his being a person. (Bernardo,
2016). Love is exceedingly difficult to define,
Surgical Method or Sterilization
although many have tried. Researchers try to be
- This method can stop the sperms. and egg cell more comfortable measuring the idea of
from meeting in the fallopian tube by cutting or attachment, intimacy, companionship, and
tying fallopian made through hospital or clinic infatuation which are related to and always treated
operation. as measure of love. Some studies in physical
science says that there is a level of oxytocin and
Vasectomy serotonin in romantic couples. So what is really
- Vasectomy, for male sterilization is done by love?
cutting or searing the two deferens, the tube Love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, or
carrying the sperms from the testes to the penis, to dishonor others it is not self seeking. It is not easily
stop the sperms from mixing the seminal fluid. This angered. It keeps no record of wrong. Love does
is a permanent or irreversible back surgery, a 15-20 not delight in evil but rejoice in the truth. It always
minute operation. This surgery vasectomy is done trusts, always hopes, always perceived.
by cutting slit m the scrotum, the skin bag that hung (Corinthians, 13.4 as quoted by Lamana,
the testes. Riedman& Stewart, 2015)
Male Condom or Prophylactic Latex Types of Love
- The condom is a synthetic or artificial sheath After dating, one is now ready for Love. Love takes
worn over the penis before sexual act to prevent the varied forms. there is love between parents and
sperms from entering the uterus This has sealed tip children. There is love between friends called
that catches the semen during ejaculation. The philia, an ancient Greek word which refers to
condom has to be removed instantly after sex act concern for the well fare of others. Love is a feeling
otherwise if delayed may cause the sperms from that is complex than liking making & difficult to
spilling into the cervix. Diaphragm or Cervical Cap measure. Love is what people longed for, live for
This cap is a thin rubber bowl-shaped disk with and even die for. Although love has varied and
flexible rim that fits on top of the vagina to cover complex meaning, yet it can be simplified in two
the cervix and prevent the sperms from its entrance types: the passionate love and companionate love
to the vagina and reaching the egg inside. This (Meyer, 1993)
diaphragm should be fitted 2-3 hours before sexual
contact and be removed some hours after. Passionate Love

Sponge This is usually known as romantic love. it is an

intense longing for union within one another.
- Sponge is a soft doughnut-shape device of spongy Passionate lovers are absorbed with one another,
materials that has spermicide. Before it is inserted snow feeling or ecstatic tenderness and elation in
prior to sexual act it should be moistened and let it
stay in place for about six hours after, but it can stay attaining their partner’s love and are disconsolate
for 24 hours if sexual contact is repeated. This on losing it. Love shows generalized physiological
sponge works like the diaphragm which serves as arousal like increased heartbeat, blushing.
blockage for the sperms entering the uterus. perspiration and feeling of intense excitement. in
passionate love people often overlook faults and
DEFINITION OF LOVE, TYPES OF LOVE, shortcomings and try to avoid conflicts Logic and
FUNCTIONS OF DATING, WHY DO PEOPLE reasons die set aside by excrement one perceives
FALL IN LOVE LOVE AND ATTACHMENT: the object of love as one or paragon or virtues and
WHAT IS LOVE? who provide complete satisfaction. unis intense
Definition of Love feeling or passionate love is Typically common in
the early relationship wen partners are not fully
One characteristic of man that shows his being a known to each other. it is not quite surprising that
person is his capacity to love. Like man's passionate love is generally snort lived which
usually lasts only for months. This is because at the • Dating is part of the socialization process. Dating
start they are not aware of ones true character. Only involves learning about intimacy and serves as a
too much familiarity when each full character little chance to establish a unique meaningful
by little comes out into the open then, disillusion relationship with a person of the opposite sex.
and frustration set in.
• Dating can be an opportunity for sexual
Companionate Love experimentation and exploration
Companionate or compassionate love is of lesser • Dating can provide a chance for companionship
intense feeling compared to passionate love. It is through interactions and shared activities in an
characterized by friendly affection and a deep opposite-sex relationship.
caring attachment based on familiarity of the love
• Dating experiences contribute to identity
one (Cooks, 2014). According to Meyer (1993),
formation and development.
companionate love is the affection a person feels
for those with whom their lives are intertwined. in • Dating can be a mate sorting and selection thereby
companionate love there is tolerance for the retaining its original courtship function.
partner’s shortcomings along the desire to
overcome conflicts and differences. It showed WHY DO PEOPLE FALL IN LOVE?
thoughtful appreciation of one’s partner. Falling in love when and whom is quite a complex
Companionate love involves commitment and matter. There are some scientists and psychologists
nurturing of the partnership. Companionate love is who gave these following ideas.
more enduring and lasting than passionate love.
Another idea about love as expounded by Robert 1. People fail in love to overcome loneliness and
Stemberg (1888) as quoted by Meyer (1993). To separateness.
Stemberg, love is illustrated in triarchic dimension- 2. People desire a form of union is the deepest need
3. People when they are in their own solitariness,
STENBERG’s TRIANGULAR THEORY OF longed for a refuge in union and in love.
LOVE 4. Love relationships in an aspect of a person's
Passion is motivational component that ignites social network instead of a cure to one's loneliness.
romantic feelings, physical attraction, and desire 5. People fall in love most often has no clear
for sexual interaction. Passion creates a deeper explanation why he/she fell in love with this
desire to be together with the love one. particular person and not the other one.
Intimacy is the emotional component of love that THERE ARE SOME FACTORS THAT CAN
encompasses the sense of bonding with the person. SHED LIGHT ON THIS TOPIC:
It involves feeling of warmth, sharing, and
emotional closeness Proximity

Commitment - this is the cognitive component of - This is geographical nearness of one person to
love. It pertains to the conscious decision to love another, which is most important variable in
someone and to remain in a relationship for long in interpersonal attraction. This is a potent factor in
spite of the difficulty it entails the start of interaction due to the repeated exposure
to new stimuli. For instance, when a person hears
Functions of Dating unfamiliar music or new work of art for the first
Dating today has evolved to some functions which time he becomes curious then later is attracted to
is not only for mate selection: these. This term is mere exposure effect, a
phenomenon, in which repeated exposure to novel
• Dating can be a form of recreation. stimuli tends to increase an individual's liking for
• Dating Is a source of status and achievement. such stimuli.
Similarity and, comfortable with themselves so they find
satisfying relationship with others.
- Similarity likewise influence in determining who
one falls in love with. It is a contrast to the old Love and Attachment According to Crooks (2014)
saying "opposite poles attract" because people
Attachment means an intense bond that develops
often like those who they have the same liking,
between two individuals, either between infant and
beliefs, attitudes, interests and intellectual abilities.
the parent or between adults and lovers. The way
One is likely to pair romantically with someone
one develops attachment is rooted in infancy.
whose level of physical-attractiveness is the same
Infants are attached to their caregiver and because
idea with his/hers. Another point is similarity of
it is generally their mothers who provide
goals, values and personality characteristics that
nourishment and care hence attachment is
correlate to satisfaction and stable relationship.
developed toward them. According to Freud infant
People are also attracted to those of similar age,
becomes attach to the one who provides oral
educational status, or religious affiliation. The
satisfaction. To Erikson, physical comfort and
similarity of liking may also include social and
sensitive care are keys to the establishment of trust
personal inclination.
and mistrust during the first year of development
Reciprocity hence infant's sense of trust serves as the
foundation of attachment (Santrock, 2014).
- Reciprocity is an idea that a particular person has
a perception that an individual is interested with Building a Healthy Relationship
him/her. People generally react to flattery or
Every relationship is unique, and people come
compliment and other compliment of liking and
together for many different reasons. Part of what
affection. Hence this idea is reflected in the
defines a healthy relationship is sharing a common
principle of reciprocity, which states that when a
goal for exactly what you want the relationship to
person receives comments of liking or loving one
tends also to reciprocate in the same manner. be and where you want it to go. And that's
something you'll only know by talking deeply and
honestly with your partner. However, there are also
Physical Attractiveness. Physical beauty plays an some characteristics that most healthy relationships
important role in drawing people together. have in common. Knowing these basic principles
Although there IS a saying that beauty is just skin can help keep your relationship meaningful,
deep but experiments prove otherwise: fulfilling, and exciting whatever goals you're
working towards or challenges you're facing
• Physical attractive people are sought after as
friends or lovers.
You maintain a meaningful emotional
• Physical beauty is perceived as more interesting,
connection with each other.
poised, sexy, happy; competent and socially
skilled. You each make the other feel loved and
emotionally fulfilled. There's a difference between
• Height is an added component influencing
being loved and feeling loved. When you feel
attraction particular to women who are equally
loved, it makes you feel accepted and valued by
attracted to taller men.
your partner, like someone truly gets you. Some
• Aesthetic people really like to admire anything relationships get stuck in peaceful coexistence, but
beautiful. without the partners truly relating to each other
emotionally. While the union may seem stable on
• Beautiful individuals have more something to the surface, a lack of ongoing involvement and
offer in terms of their enticing personal qualities. • emotional connection serves only to add distance
People are attracted to beautiful individuals between two people.
because they offer status by associations.
• Beautiful people by luck of having been treated
well by others throughout their lives feel secured
You're not afraid of (respectful) disagreement.
Some couples talk things out quietly, while others
may raise their voices and passionately disagree.
The key in a strong relationship, though, is not to
be fearful of conflict. You need to feel safe to
express things that bother you without fear of
retaliation, and be able to resolve conflict without
humiliation, degradation, or insisting on being
You keep outside relationships and interests
Despite the claims of romantic fiction or movies,
no one person can meet all of your needs. In fact,
expecting too much from your partner can put
unhealthy pressure on a relationship. To stimulate
and enrich your romantic relationship, it"s
important to sustain your own identity outside of
the relationship, preserve connections with family
and friends, and maintain your hobbies and
You communicate openly and honestly.
Good communication is a key part of any
relationship. When both people know what they
want from the relationship and feel comfortable
expressing their needs, fears, and desires, it can
increase trust and strengthen the bond between you.

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