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Sample Paper 1 Solution

Class X Exam 2021-22 (TERM – II)
English-Language and Literature (184)
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

time and money to waxing floors, creating rooms free

SECTION A- READING of ‘odour-causing’ germs and seeking to meet other
(10 marks) extraordinary standards of cleanliness. Furthermore,
the increasing concern with good nutrition means
that many home-makers are now spending more time
1. Read the passage given below. 1*5 preparing foods that are not available in the market
1. Wages for housework would reinforce occupational place or which are only available at great costs.
stereotyping by freezing women into their traditional
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer
roles. Unless women and men are paid equally in the
labour force and there is no division of labour based ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.
on sex, women’s work in the home will have no value. i. Why does woman’s work have no value?
2. Since it is not clear what constitutes housework, and ii. Who assesses the work of home-makers?
we know that housework standards very greatly, it
would be difficult to know how to reward it. iii. Does the author approve of his attitude to wages for
3. Pay for housework might place home-makers (mainly
wives) in the difficult position of having their work iv. What is the division of labour based on in the modern
assessed by their husbands, while in the case of set up?
single home-makers, it is not clear who would do the v. Why do women with family responsibilities work?
vi. Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the
4. Wages housework, derived from spouse payments
underlined phrase with a word that means the same
overlook the contribution women make to the society
by training children to be good citizens and assume from para 6.
that their work is only beneficial to their own families. His decision to hold talks is very unusual because it
could mean the real end of the war.
5. Finally, payment for housework does not address
itself to the basic reason why women with family  Ans
responsibilities work : to increase family income over
that which the employed husband father makes. i. Woman’s work has no value because she does the
Also, single women with family responsibilities work traditional jobs in the house.
because they are the family bread winners. ii. Husbands assesses the work of home makers.
6. It may seem puzzling that the hours of U.S. Women’s iii. No, the author does not approve of his attitude to
home activities have not declined because of the wages for homework.
availability of many appliances (washing machines,
gas and electric ranges, blenders etc.) The truth iv. In the modern setup the division of labour is based on
is that appliances tend to be energy-saving, rather sex.
than time-saving, and lead to a rise in the standards v. Women with family responsibilities work to increase
of house-keeping. Hence women today spend more
the income of their family.
time than their grandmothers, doing laundry, since
family members demand more frequent changes of vi. His decision to hold talks is extraordinary because it
clothing today than in earlier generations. Husbands could mean the real end of the war.
and children expect more varied meals. Advertising
encourages women to devote an inordinate amount of

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CBSE English Class 10 Sample Paper 1 Solution Page 9

2. Read the case based factual passage given below. 1*5 The famous places of tourist interest in India can be
1. Tourism is one of the most important socio-economic classified on the basis of their geographical location and
activity. It provides enormous scope for economic historical and cultural importance:
development of a particular area. According to Ziffer • India has a natural landscape with a variety of
(1989), “Tourism involves travelling to relatively attractions for tourists. There are snow-covered
peaks, valleys, gorges and numerous waterfalls, lakes,
undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with
and forests that attract tourists. Nature tourism is
the specific object of studying, admiring and enjoying
identified with the Himalayas, the Western Ghats, the
the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as
Chotanagpur plateau and other places.
any existing cultural aspects (both past and present)
• The places of importance include hill-stations like
found in these areas.”
Shimla, Kullu, Mussorie, Nainital and Udagamandalam
2. In India, temple towns, historical monuments (Ooty); national parks and wildlife reserves like the
and sea beaches were traditionally sought out as Sanjay Gandhi National Park (Mumbai, Maharashtra)
tourist attractions. But now the fabric of tourism is Ranthambore National Park (Rajasthan), Sariska
changing rapidly as nature, heritage, and recreational National Park (Rajasthan), Periyar National Park
destinations are gaining more importance. In this (Tamil Nadu), Kaziranga (Assam), Kolleru Lake
background, ecotourism has of late become a top (Andhra Pradesh) and Hazaribagh Wildlife Sanctuary
attraction for the tourists. (Jharkhand).
• Adventure tourism has grown in popularity and
3. The root of tourism in India can be traced to
India has enormous potential for adventure tourism.
pilgrimage. In the early stages, pilgrimage-based
River-rafting, kayaking and mountain climbing in the
tourism was only of domestic nature but during recent
Himalayas, rock climbing, skiing in the snow-covered
years, a large number of foreign tourists have also
hilly areas, boat racing in Kerala and paragliding are
started visiting places of pilgrimage. some favourite adventure sports of tourists.
4. India has an unending choice for the tourists - a 3,500 • Some famous sea beaches thronged by tourists in
km long and 8,848 beautiful long beaches on the sea India include beaches of Mumbai. Goa, Lakshwadeep,
coast, gregarious tropical forests, the great variety of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Kovalam Beach
lifestyle. India’s share in international tourist arrivals in Kerala, Marine Beach in Chennai and the beach
was 0.34 per cent in 2002 and it increased to 0.49 per temples of Mahabalipuram.
cent during 2005. • India is famous for its cultural and religious tourist
places that include towns and cities. Allahabad. Ajmer,
5. The increasing trend has been maintained over the
Ayodhya, Badrinath. Bodh Gaya, Dwarka, Haridwar,
last three years and international tourist arrivals
Kanchipuram, Kedarnath, Kochi, Madurai, Tirupati,
touched 3.92 million in 2005. The World Travel and Ujjain, Varanasi and Yamunotri are places of cultural
Tourism Council have identified India as one of the and religious tourism that are visited by numerous
foremost growth centres in the world in the coming domestic tourists as well as tourists from abroad.
decade. Domestic tourism is estimated to be much • India’s historical monuments and archaeological
higher than international tourism and has also been sites are of interest to domestic and international
rising rapidly. tourists. The Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Jama Masjid
6. The Tenth Plan recognised the vast employment (Delhi), Humayun’s Tomb (Delhi), India Gate
generating potential of tourism and the role it can (Delhi), Charminar (Hyderabad). the Gateway of
play in furthering the socio-economic objectives of India (Mumbai), Hawa Mahal (Jaipur) and places like
the Plan. Tourism is the third largest net earner of Udaipur, Sanchi, Khajuraho, Aurangabad attracts
foreign exchange for the country. Tourism in India has tourists.
vast employment potential. By 2015, it is expected to
provide 25 million jobs. On the basis of your understanding of the Passage,
answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given
i. What kind of tourism has of late become a top
attraction for the tourists?
ii. What does tourism involve according to Ziffer?
iii. Name any two adventure sports one can experience
and enjoy in the Himalayas.

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Page 10 Sample Paper 1 Solution CBSE English Class 10

iv. What is the estimation about domestic tourism in

v. How is nature tourism identified in India?
vi. What has the tenth plan recognised about Indian

i. As the fabric of tourism is changing rapidly, ecotourism
has of late become a top attraction for the tourists.
ii. According to Ziffer, “Tourism involves travelling to  Ans :
relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural Agricultural Production in Two Different
areas with the specific object of studying, admiring Regions of the Country
and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and The pie charts show the different agricultural products
animals, as well as any existing cultural aspects (both raised in the western region and the eastern region
past and present) found in these areas.” of a country. Each region concentrates on different
products. The Eastern Region has a slightly more
iii. Some adventure sports one can experience and enjoy even distribution among the different products than
in the Himalayas are: the Western Region does. In the Eastern Region, the
a. mountain climbing top two products are meat, making up 35% of total
b. river-rafting agricultural production, and dairy, making up 30%
iv. Domestic tourism is estimated to be much higher than of the total. Vegetables account 20% and grain for
international tourism and has also been rising rapidly. 15% of agricultural production in that region. In the
Western Region, the top two products - grain and
v. Nature tourism in India is identified with the meat - account for 80% of the total agricultural
Himalayas, the Western Ghats, the Chotanagpur production. Dairy makes up 15% of the total, while
plateau and other places. vegetables are only 5% of agricultural production in
that part of the country. Each region has a different
vi. The Tenth Plan has recognised the vast employment
approach to agricultural production. In the Eastern
generating potential of tourism and the role it can
Region, it is distributed among different products,
play in furthering the socio-economic objectives of the while in the Western Region, it is concentrated more
Plan. Tourism in India has vast employment potential. heavily on two different types of products.
By 2015, it is expected to provide 25 million jobs.
ii. You are Ankit/Anamika, a student of class X and
resident of 106 D, Ring Road, New Delhi. You come
across the advertisement given below in a newspaper.
(10 marks) National Institute of Choreography
F 401-402, Sector 6, Noida
3. Attempt ANY ONE from i and ii. 5
i. The charts below show agricultural production in two A few seats available in Choreography course.
different regions of the country. Write an analytical
paragraph in not more than 120 words by selecting and Contact immediately for further details.
reporting the main features, and making comparisons
(Mobile : 998394XXXX, 882439XXXX)
where relevant.
You want to pursue the course in choreography.
Write a letter to the director, National Institute of
Choreography, Noida, seeking information about their
course, admission procedure, eligibility criteria and
other necessary details.
 Ans :
106 D, Ring Road,
New Delhi

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CBSE English Class 10 Sample Paper 1 Solution Page 11

1 July, 20XX (b) use used

The Director (c) is was
National Institute of Choreography
F 401-402, Sector 6, Noida
Subject : Enquiry regarding course in choreography. 5. Read the following dialogue between a mother and
Dear Sir, daughter and complete the passage that follows. 1*2
Refer to your advertisement regarding the courses
Mother: Why are you looking so worried?
in choreography offered by your reputable institute,
Daughter: My exams are approaching.
I want to state that I am currently in X class and
Mother: When will they start?
preparing for my final exam. I am very much interested
Daughter: Next month, Mother.
in dancing and want to take it as a career. I am also
given to understand that this institute is by far the Mother asked her daughter (a) _____ The daughter
best so far as choreography is concerned and I would replied that her exams were approaching. Mother
very much like to be part of it. further asked (b) _____ The daughter told her
I would be highly grateful if you could provide me mother that they would start in the following month.
with the following information:  Ans :
• The department and programme faculty (a) why she was looking very worried
• Funding opportunities (b) when they would start.
• Scholarships available
• Admission procedure
• Eligibility criteria
• Hostel facilities
Kindly send me, the brochure along with the (20 marks)
enrollment form at the earliest so that I could register
myself for the course.
6. Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each. 2*6
Yours faithfully i. What sight did Valli experience during her first
Ankit journey by bus?
 Ans :
4. The following paragraph has not been edited. There During her first journey by bus, Valli experienced
is one error in each line. Identify the error and write beautiful sights such as mountains, green grass fields
its correction against the correct blank number. and palm trees on the way. More fascinating was her
Remember to underline the correction. The first one journey when she saw a cow came galloping in front
has been done for you. 1*3 of the bus. This made her laugh heartily.
ii. Describe, in brief, the character of Natalya as sketched
Error Correction
in ‘The Proposal’.
I meets her by chance E.g. meets met  Ans :
then I Natalya was twenty five years old, daughter of
went to getting some Chubukov. She was a good housekeeper, not bad
Medicine (a) looking and well educated. She secretly loved Lomov.
She was greedy and short-sighted. She was short-
which Sister Amy use
tempered as well.
to give. (b)
iii. What picture of Amanda do you form from the poem
It is amazing to meet
Mother. (c) ‘Amanda’ ?
 Ans :
I started loving just
Amanda is a little school going girl. She is constantly
her presence.
nagged by her parent. It is probably the mother who
 Ans : keeps commenting and giving suggestions to amanda.
She keeps asking Amanda to do or not to do certain
Error Correction things. But poor Amanda longs to be free and live life
(a) getting get in her own way.

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Page 12 Sample Paper 1 Solution CBSE English Class 10

iv. On the basis of the poem ‘Animals’ explain the it is not appropriate on Pranjol’s part to react thus.
satisfaction that animals have and humans don’t have. No doubt his indifference was natural but it might
 Ans : dampen Rajvir’s spirit. Sometimes we have to act
Animals are contented with their lot. They don’t sweat according to the wishes of the person opposite us,
and whine. They do not have the mania of owning especially when the person is very close to us. A true
things. They don’t lie awake in the dark and weep for friend is one who understands the feelings of his friend
their sins. However, humans are not contented. They and tries to make him happier. Although Pranjol and
crib and grumble, they are unhappy and materialistic. Rajvir were very close yet one should always try to
Humans are dissatisfied with everything. strengthen the bond of friendship.

v. ‘Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears’ Identify ii. Based on your reading of the story “The Necklace”,
two poetic devices used in the above line from the write a paragraph on the topic “Living on Borrowed
poem ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’. Money can Ruin One’s Happiness in Life.”
 Ans :  Ans :
The two poetic devices used in the given line are as Living on Borrowed Money can Ruin
follows: One’s Happiness in Life
a. Simile : As brave as a barrel. Money is responsible for not only bringing happiness
b. Alliteration : Brave, a barrel full of bears. but also misery. The more the money is, the more
vi. According to the author of “The Making of a greed it brings with it. And greed always leads to
destruction. It is therefore essential to be satisfied
Scientist”, what are the qualities that go into the
with what one’s got. Living on borrowed money can
making of a scientist?
only provide us with temporry happiness. Once that
 Ans : fades away, it leads to loss of trust and relations,
The qualities that go into the making of a scientist arguments and fights over trivial matters etc. The
are: a sense of competitiveness, high curiosity, zeal to more we borrow, the more we get trapped in the debts.
create new ideas, never to accept defeat, and mix in And eventually there is no looking back. Therefore, if
the will to win for the right reasons. All these qualities we are happy with our own possessions, we can save
Ebright had in his character. That is here he became ourselves from such debts traps and lead a happy and
a scientist. contended life.
vii. What actions did Bholi take to stop her marriage to iii. The Buddha said, “The world is afflicted with death
Bishamber? and decay, therefore the wise do not grieve, knowing
 Ans : the terms of the world.” Do you think the statement
Bholi’s marriage was going to take place with is appropriate even for today’s life? Write your views
Bishamber who demanded 5000 rupees as dowry. in the context of the above statement.
Bholi stopped the marriage by throwing away the
 Ans :
garland in the fair. She threw away the veil and asked
The world is afflicted with death and decay; therefore
her father to take back the money and refused to
the wise do not grieve, knowing the terms of the
marry Bishamber.
world. This statement of the Buddha is appropriate
and relevant even for today’s life.
7. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 In the context of the above statement, death and
words each. 4*2 decay is inevitable on this earth. Men are led to death
i. Rajvir felt too excited on reaching Assam while as an ox is led to the slaughter. We cannot console
ourselves by weeping and grieving, rather it will make
Pranjol showed least interest in his excitement. What
us sick and pale. So, the wise never weep on death and
could be the reason behind this? Do you think it
never grieve on sorrows as they know that these are
is appropriate on Pranjol’s part to react like this ? the realities and truth of our lives.
Justify you answer with reason. I think that the Buddha’s statement teaches the
 Ans : humans today that no one can escape from death. So.
Pranjol invited his friend Rajvir to spend some we should not grieve on death.
days with him in his hometown Assam. On reaching
there, Rajvir was stunned to see the beauty of tea  ******
plantations. It was an entirely new experience for him
while for Pranjol, these were a common sight so he
showed least interest in Rajvir’s excitement. I think

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