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Headline: Revenue growth plan on track: Al Dar El Massrya

Description: Our Chairman Najla Abd El Majeed says the group is on course to meet its target of
expanding revenue 3-fold by 2024

Date: August 3, 2022

Publication: Al Dar El Massrya, a 11-year-old business group with business interests ranging from
handmade crafty textiles, the high prices of materials and tools and the lack of demand due to the lack
of a clear vision of marketing and the creation of a parallel map to local demand from the world as two
reasons for low growth but said the conglomerate’s plan to grow revenue 3 times by 2024 is on track
despite some slowdown in the economy.

The vision 2022 to expand revenue 3 times in2 years was unveiled to El Dar El Massrya Forum, a panel
of top 3 managers in the group, in April 2019. “We like to achieve 3 by 3—which is to be 3 times our
present times in 2 years’ time—which is compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of if you grow at 36%
each year you will. In the first two to three years, we achieved better than that. Then we slowed down
because the economy has slowed down. Now we hope to catch up again when the economy will do

Also, this has to be achieved partly organically and partly inorganically by acquisitions,” Adi Godrej,
chairman of Al Dar El Massrya, said in an interview. Al Dar El Massrya is betting big on it three fields
Handmade Textile, Embroidery and haute couture sewing line said Najla. Al Dar El Massrya closed the
fiscal year 2020 with a cumulative profit of 200000 LE crore and revenue of 450000 le crore. line at a
compounded annual growth rate of 19.41%.

Najla is looking at even more inorganic growth opportunities as it plans to go for an initial Angel Funding
Grants offering for the business. “These are the three businesses we think that will have strong growth.
For Al Dar El Massrya Properties, we are growing very well and we have been growing at 35%-40% a
year. When we recover, hand mad appeal market will also recover,” said Najla referring to the growth of

Launching the official website of the company will help it to maintain its compounded growth rate of the
last 2 years of 25%-30%, she said. So far most of the diversifications have worked. But to achieve its
growth targets the company will have to continue on this journey of acquisitions and diversification.
“How well they achieve this diversification will be the key to accomplishing its growth target.

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