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Palette of Narmer, c. 3000–2920 BCE.

Ramesses the Great – Battle of Dapur

The Pyramid of King Djoser

is one of the oldest stone
structures in Egypt. It is known
for its step-like architecture,
gaining the title “Step
The Anubis Shrine, 1336–1327 BC, painted
wood and gold, from the Valley of the Kings,
Egyptian Museum (Cairo). Image: Wikimedia

The Bust of Nefertiti

The Throne of Tutankhamun

Death Mask of Tutankhamun


Dionysus Cup - best known works of ancient

Greek vase painting, a kylix dating to 540–530 BC

The Discobolus of Myron is an Ancient Greek

sculpture completed at the start of the Classical period
at around 460–450 BC. The sculpture depicts a youthful
male athlete throwing a discus.

Mask of Agamemnon is the name given to a gold funeral mask

discovered at the ancient Greek site of Mycenae.
The Venus de Milo, discovered at the Greek island of
Milos, 130-100 BC, Louvre

The Siren vase (480-470BC)


Augustus of Primaporta, 1st century


The Dying Gaul, also called The

Dying Galatian or The Dying Gladiator,
is an ancient Roman marble
semi-recumbent statue now in the
Capitoline Museums in Rome.

The statue of Laocoön and His Sons, also called

the Laocoön Group (Italian: Gruppo del Laocoonte),
has been one of the most famous ancient sculptures
ever since it was excavated in Rome in 1506 and
placed on public display in the Vatican Museums,
where it remains.
View of Garden, Villa of Livia,
Primaporta, Roman, c. 20 BCE

The Apollo of Veii is a life-size painted terracotta Etruscan statue of

Apollo, designed to be placed at the highest part of a temple. The
statue was discovered in the Portonaccio sanctuary of ancient Veii,
Latium, in what is now central Italy, and dates from c. 510 - 500 BC.

Aulus Metellus, Roman, c. 100 BCE

The Orator, also known as L'Arringatore, Aule Meteli or Aulus

Metellus, is an Etruscan bronze sculpture from the late second or
the early first century BC.

The Nymph of the Luo River – Gu Kaizhi

The Terracotta Army is

a collection of terracotta
sculptures depicting the
armies of Qin Shi
Huang, the first
emperor of China. It is a
form of funerary art
buried with the emperor
in 210–209 BCE with
the purpose of
protecting the emperor
in his afterlife.

Chinese jade ornament with dragon and phoenix

design, late Spring and Autumn Period (722
B.C.E.-481 B.C.E.).
Jade bi from the Liangzhu culture. The
ritual object is a symbol of wealth and
military power.

Two gentlemen engrossed in conversation while two others look on, a painting on a
ceramic tile from a tomb near Luoyang, Henan province, dated to the Eastern Han Dynasty
(25–220 C.E.)

Jomon Ceramic Pottery

"Jomon" is the name given to ancient pottery produced in

Japan during the epoch of prehistoric art: that is, all clay-fired
pots, vessels and decorative ceramic figurines produced from
14,500 BCE to about 100 BCE.

Mural painting from the Takamatsuzuka Tomb

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