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the freshwater algae, however, belonging to the Chlorophyceae

to abandon her hopes of through communication between the

gives the credit of this discovery to Ptolemy. He taught,

exists, but a modern cemetery has been formed in Sunnyside.

in the charter-party requiring him to sign bills of lading

office-bearer, or to any lord or chief. The caliph has the

the feelings of the people became strongly excited against

with meeting-rooms and a valuable library and collection

precision and in breadth. The gain lies chiefly in seeing

to show that the original language from which Greek, Latin,

He was generous and charitable, of ``a solid and masculine

(2) Of the interior lines of communication, those which

parliament as member for the county of Kinross. In 1768 he

the secretaryship, which up to 1873 had always been filled

northwards, and after that ``all the nation considered him as

ACCA LARENTIA (not Laurentia), in Roman legend, the

though not unknown at the present day, in which there is an

difficulties experienced for many years by analysts in their

in pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the Food Act

company, operating both in England and the United States, has

end with a pair of cilia. It much more resembles the

Jackson's corps ended at Manassas Station (see BULL RUN).

had several times asked for British protection, and always in

on; an older English form was ``adjustage''), a mouthpiece

endeavours to force a Messianic interpretation out of them.6

| Toluicaldehyde{m | C6H4.CH3.CHO |199 deg. | |

whilst in their roots they accumulate a store of nitrogen which

Marcellinus, Chronicle; Zachariah of Mytilene, Chronicle

amidosulphonic acid. (See also E. Divers, Jour. of Chem.

(1878-1882). He commanded the troops at Alexandria in 1882

holdings owned and tenanted, it will be seen that between

addition to the literal. It is generally treated as a figure of

of which were now for the first time printed at Sienna.

German and drawing. At the age of fourteen they are at

far, for in this case the crystals of sodium bicarbonate

in this sense means that the analyst has not detected such

the colour inclines to a violet tint, the stone is often called

The complexity of composition militates in a great measure

lies the Place Bonaparte, a quarter frequented chiefly

Version of the Book of Psalms, Baltimore, 1894.) (C. PL.)

Publicani (q.v..) And the same explanation would apply to

other one man, in the years immediately preceding the War of

the final struggle with the Mahrattas. His education, like

of blasphemy and immorality offered for their acceptance.

right by the Patricians. The inclusion of the Latins in

and Newstead Abbey; W. S. Crockett, The Scott Country.

Rajput. He has an estimated revenue of L. 8700, and pays

The merchant who turns to these pages for practical suggestions

AMBOISE, GEORGES D', (1460-1510), French cardinal and minister

second son of Andronicus Angelus, nephew of Alexius I. In

on the holding,'' of corn, cake or other feeding-stuff

Writings, edited by his daughter-in-law, Lady Alison, was

as an adult in the perch, pike and barbel: E. moniliformis

silently but most eloquently expressed in a steady migration

their wool is later woven into pallia (see PALLIUM.)

Gastrula, (3) Flagellate Embryo, (4) Larva. The segmentation

and the Peinador de la Reina (Queen's Robing Room), in which

John i. 29, the Latin form is Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata

II. of Pergamum about 150 B.C., became one of the ``Seven

throwing-stick, or shot from a bow. Their weapons were all

that his house was a kind of well-ordered court, where as

Aden, and the crew and passengers grievously maltreated by the

Throughout the rest of the Sudan is found Semitic culture

15th and 16th centuries and carries on the manufacture of

Power is also given to hear appeals from vice-admirals; also

directs its operations in accordance with the views of the

which his father had concluded with the Franks, whose king

agreement. It was obvious that the lease to the Congo Free

two different ways, barium hydroxide or dilute sodium

du Congres botan. internat. de Florence (1875); Chodat

Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscriptions, p. 16.

The flora of Algeria consists of about 3000 species, of which

the material may be useless except for varnish-making, whence

FIG. 4.--Siemens Electrodynamometer. F, Fixed

known as Ottawa. The French missionaries at work among the

aesthetic activity and play, he seeks to make it the starting-point

COMMUNITIES) may be taken as the starting-point of English

Dent d'Herens . . . . . . . 13,715 Aiguille de Tour . . . . . . . . 11,615

west of the 30th meridian, together with access to a port on

while Philip is a Christian martyr, and Alexander himself a

Germany access by her own territory to the upper waters of the

from the north end.) The hillside was recessed to form the

defeat. Montgomery was killed and many of his men taken

of Theodorus II. Lascaris of Nicaea. While a prisoner

and afterwards served in the siege of Paris. He received

of the injurious properties which are popularly but falsely

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