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Name: Joshua Kenjie O.

Aguila Section: CS101P

Teacher: Ms. Laica Dela Cruz Subject: Understanding the Self


Do you ever feel like you’re more tired than before? Have you ever felt like you are easily
annoyed by almost everything? Perhaps you sometimes want to just breathe and be lonely
for a while? Well, this feeling that makes us suddenly loose our moods are what we call
stress. But what does a stress do to us? How do we get stressed? And how can we get rid
of our stress? Can we avoid stress? Well, to be honest, stress can never be avoided. As we
consume our energy through out the day, we build up our stress, there are many factors
that affects it, one is due to working hard for straight or having an argument with a person
you love or someone. Now let us think about stress with our own experience, what do you
often feel when you are stressed out? As for me, whenever I am stressed, I get easily
annoyed by noise, even the faintest noise can trigger my anger if I am stressed.

Now let us get to the main topic, it is true that we do experience some side effects of stress
and these side effects for me are like a chain reaction, I did experience having a headache
due to being stressed and that headache is combined with your heart beating so fast, it’s
like it wanted to break out from your chest. The reason why we experience headache and
increased heart rate during a stressful situation is that our brain is reacting to what we are
feeling and sometimes our brain cannot handle the strong negative feeling that we are
experiencing, it’s like our brain is being overloaded that is why we get headaches, same
goes to our heart, when I am stressed too much, I often experience like my chest is getting
numb, I don’t know the proper term but from what I felt it is like it was ready to blow off, due
to the adrenaline rush that the stress is giving us we often don’t know what to do like the
stress we experience when we are taking an exam. When we are stressed, we also feel like
something is pressuring us right? Like what I said earlier, during exams whenever we forgot
the right answer or we don’t exactly know what to answer we get this feeling of being
rushed, not being able to focus on what we are doing. That is just one of the side effects of
stress to us, we also feel like we don’t want to move ourselves anymore, the feeling of just
wanting to lay on the bed and sleep all day, forget that you have to do like ten (10) activities
Name: Joshua Kenjie O. Aguila Section: CS101P

Teacher: Ms. Laica Dela Cruz Subject: Understanding the Self

in a week, stress gives us frustration and it is really a hard thing to manage. While there are
much more things that stress is giving us, let’s skip them all since we already knew those
things, let us move on to coping us with stress. How do we deal with stress? There are
many ways to deal with stress, we often deal it with doing stuffs that gives us positive
energy, for me, I personally like to go out for a while if I am experiencing too much stress,
there’s also your social supports to help you out when you are stressed, talking with the
persons you love can give you the relaxation that you need. Nothing beats the feeling of
having your loves ones on your side when you are having a bad day isn’t it?

Now that we know what does stress do to us, how do we get rid of it, let’s end this work with
a little reminder. Life is always hard; it was never been so easy and we should always
expect the unexpected. There are fewer good days than bad days but that doesn’t mean
that you are going to give up so easily. Breathe and think positive, stress is temporary but if
not treated it could give you more loss and could even put you in the worst situation that you
could ever experience. We should learn how to deal with stress, and avoid as much as
possible the elements that gives you stress, become a positive thinker and avoid the toxicity
in our world. It is the only way to become mentally healthy.

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