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9C, Page 76, Exercise 3 1 We had a very nice conversation. When | said goodbye, | wanted to be polite so | said, ‘You must come and see me when you're in Birmingham.’ We didn't know each other very well so I was abit shocked when he asked for my address. 2 | want to be helpful to foreign visitors, ts not polite to disappoint people, so if they ask for information, | have to give them some. Its polite to do that where I come from, EI | hesitated and said it was inconvenient. In my language, that ‘means ‘na’ and its not very polite to ask why. Iwas surprised when she didn't accept my answer 4 | always ty to deal with callers politely and efficiently. its ‘not my fault that my boss is away, 50 why should | say sorry? Leaving a message is the logical solution 5 In my country we have to show we are unhappy when our friends turn us down. Of course we understand when people ‘can't come butit’s polite to insist, It shows we care about our relationship, That's why I don't say ‘no! to invitations. | usually, say “lly to come’, even when | know I can‘. 6 Where | come from people are very hospitable. We like to ‘make our guests feel welcome. But polite guests don't want to trouble their hosts, so they atten say no when we afer food, ‘A good host serves something anyway, to be sure their guests feel welcome. They can leave iti they don’t want it. 9C, Page 76, Exercises 6 and 8 T=Tim, B= Man T: |just wondered... erm weekend? B: | don't think so. Why, Tim? TT We're having a barbecue in our back garden on Saturday ~ justa small party. | thought, well, would you like to come? B: Oh, its very kind of you to invite us. Il tell Barbara but she hasn't been well. TE Oh, 'm sony. didn’t know. B: Yos, its just a cold but 'm afraid she's not well enough for a Party TT Oh, thats a shame. | hope she feels better soon. B: Thank you for thinking of us. T: Not ata B: We'd love to come another time. are you doing anything this, 9C, Page 76, Exercises 7 and 8 T= Tim, B = Man, C= Woman TE What are you doing on Saturday? B: Nothing. Why? T: We're having a barbecue, Do you want to come? Bi: That'd be great! We'd love to! : But we're visting my mother on Saturday. B: Oh, | forgot. C:I'm sorry Tim. itd be lovely but we're already booked. T: Not to worry. B: Can't we see your mother next weekend instead? fo! Lets get together some other time, Tim. Te Thatsall right with me. C: How about the weekend after next instead? 9D, Page 79, Exercises 6 and 7 C= Caroline, T = Tery : Hello. T: Hi, Caroline, its Tery. Hows it going? C: Oh, Tery. i's fine. Thirty people are coring and there might be moee. ‘That's great. So, what's happening? ‘C: Well, Jane and Robert are in charge of the food. Theyre coming round on Saturday morning to prepare it T Good. CC: Maras bringing some balloons and things that we can put round my fla. James might bring his video camera as well T Great. C: What time are you bringing ivan here? E | don't know yet. 'm going to phone him tomorrow. | invite him to play squash. He likes squash. hope he's not doing anything else on Saturday evening He could say ‘no’ TE Don't worry. | won't take ‘no’ for an answer : Can you bring him here at seven? He mustn't suspect anything That’ no problem. I could say let my squash racquet your fat. nearly Forgot. nan’ sister fying in rom Ausvalia : Wowd That bilint! C: She's arriving on Saturday morning. Claudia’ picking he atthe arpor. T: And Ivan doesn't know? C: No, The last time they saw each other was three yeaa T: That's fantastic! C: Its going to be a wonderful surprise 10A, Page 80, Exercises 5 and 6 A= Man, B = Woman ‘A: im not sure about the area. hits changed a lot in the last five years. New people have moved in and a lot of new businesses as well ‘A: Yes, but is ita bit dangerous? B: There isn't much crime now. There was five years ago| itS safer these days. | walk around here late at night andit doesn't wory me. A: And there isn't much to do. There are lots of shops ‘there isn't much nightife B: Oh, but that’s changing, too. New restaurants have: in the main square. | expect some will open in this street as well A: suppose so. 3: And remember, there are really good transpor links buses go down this street A: And the station isn't far.

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