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1 ) Who Should Invest ?

Any one who are interested in Investing can able to Invest in different financial
assets according to their interest and capital.
2) What product to consider ?
The investors can able to consider the following products ;
An equity asset class is a fascinating one and has been gaining popularity in
recent years. Investing in equity means to buy into a business – when you buy
shares of a firm, you have a percentage of ownership. The only hitch is that it
comes with a certain amount of risk. Any business takes time to grow, and it is
subject to market fluctuations, which can impact the share price.
Real Estate
The real estate asset class, as the name implies, focuses on plots, apartments,
commercial buildings, industrial areas, villas etc
Commodities can be anything ranging from goods, properties or products that
can be traded for different purposes. Gold, silver, bronze, food crops,
petroleum, etc. are some examples of commodities under the asset class, and
the market undercurrents vary for each.
A government bond is a type of debt-based investment, where you loan money
to a government in return for an agreed rate of interest. 
3) When to start ?
There is no any specific time period or age limit for start investment journy.But
the investor need to aware about the change in business environment to
capture new opportunities.
4) Where to get assistance ?
The investors can get assistance from various Equity Research as well as
Wealth management Firm like Hedge equities , as well as from stoke brokers
and different financial service agencies.
5) Why should someone consider this ?
Investing is an effective way to put your money to work and potentially build
wealth. Smart investing may allow your money to outpace inflation and
increase in value.
6) How to learn ?
The Investors can able to study about the financial assets investment and
treading from different institutions like Hedge School of applied
economics ,Market feed etc .The investors can also able to study about the
investment through social media flatform like you tube Google etc.

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