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1.Museum of Islamic Art

Located in central Cairo and built on the site of an old Fatimid mosque, the Museum of Islamic
Art is one of the largest museums in the world specialising in Islamic art, comprising 100,000
artefacts from various periods of Islamic history. Jewellery, weapons, wood and ivory objects,
textiles and carpets showcasing fine Islamic workmanship sit alongside rare manuscripts of the
Quran and calligraphy from all over the world. It also houses manuscripts from diverse Islamic
sciences including medicine, engineering, astronomy and more.

2.Umm Kulthum Museum

This biographical museum is dedicated to one of Egypt’s most famous musicians. Umm
Kulthum, given the honorary title Kawkab Al-Sharq, meaning Star of the Orient, is one of
Egypt’s most-loved figures. Iconic outfits, instruments and even her letters to politicians are on
full display. A short documentary of her life, concerts and contribution to Arabic music plays in
the cinema hall, with another section featuring all her music. Take a trip into the golden age of
Arab music.

3.The Grand Egyptian Museum

Long-awaited and much delayed, the Grand Egyptian Museum has high expectations to meet
when it opens in 2021. On arrival, your first sight will be the 30ft (9m) statue of Ramses II,
which certainly sets the tone for the rest of the museum. Never before seen relics of Egypt’s past
and the world’s largest collection of pharaonic antiquities will be on show during this adventure
through Egyptian history.

A visit to the Grand Egyptian Museum is included as part of our 10-day small-group trip to
Egypt, where a dedicated Local Insider will lead you through the most historically important
sites in the country.


The Best Museums to Visit in Cairo (

Picture one:

 B.O'Kane / Alamy

Picture two:

Hackenberg-Photo-Cologne / Alamy

Picture three:

Xinhua / Alamy

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