Animal Photo Series

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Animal Week



This photo series is made by taking at least one picture a day for seven
days. Each day reflects whatever thoughts or experiences that I wanted
to share for the day depending on my mood and I am free to do
whatever I want with it. Coincidentally, all of the entries that I made all
featured animals (mostly my pets) that made my day, so in turn, I made
this project into an animal photo series that I hope you'll enjoy and
appreciate. Through this project, I hope you would understand how my
love for animals plays a huge part in my life.
Most of the animals featured in this project are my pets. However,
some belong to my neighbors while others belong naturally from the
wild. No animals were harmed during the making of this photo series
and up to this day, all of the animals involved in this project are all
well and healthy.

Hope you enjoy it!

- S.H.E.M
My Flashy Study Buddy
Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens)


This is Bibo. He is the first and only betta that I've ever owned, and he
lives in a small aquarium on my study table. He loves flashing his vibrant
fins a lot, especially when I'm studying. As I was trying to come up with
an idea as to what my first photo for the photo series would be, he kept
on flaring his fins at me then I suddenly realized that he could be a nice
feature for my project. He was such a good boy during the shoot, as he
didn't move around a lot and kept on posing at a flattering angle as if he
knew what I was doing.
Perfect Chickies,
Perfect Timing
Domesticated Chickens
(Gallus domesticus)


Meet Chasty and Ranbo, the newest

addition to my chicken family. Since
I've been so busy with school lately,
I wasn't able to keep track of my
hens' broody business. I was literally
not expecting these chicks to hatch
this week. Since they are already
here, why not showcase these
lovelies in my photo series as well?
Aren't they just adorable with their
soft and fluffy down feathers?
The Miracle of Life

A brooding hen would sit on her eggs

for as long as it takes until most of her
eggs hatch. Scientifically, if the egg is
fertilized, it would take about 21 days
for a new chick to fully form before it
hatches out of its egg. How many times
in your life were you able to witness a
chick hatching out of its egg in real-
time? For me, I've already witnessed a
lot of these amazing happenings and
based on experience, it would take for
as long as 24 hours from the first crack
before the chick would fully get out,
and sometimes, not all would make it
on their own. Fortunately, this chick
had no problems getting out and now
he living life like how one happy
healthy little chick should.
Love Never Abandons. Never Replaces

Sunshine is my aunt and uncle's cat who recently gave birth to two healthy new kittens about 2 weeks ago. Before having her new
bundles of joy, she had 3 healthy kittens, now almost 5 months old. Normally, cats would start leaving their young ones once they see
that they're old enough to fend for their own and become aggressive towards them to become independent. However, that's not the
case with sunshine. Sunshine really loves her kittens so much that she would allow her older kittens to suckle with her new ones as she
really cared for them no matter what. Before I took this picture, I even witnessed her carefully grooming her older kittens together with
her new ones.

He rules our land just like his own with his ragged feet and demanding tone. He walks with strength that fears all
men when he sees them invade the forbidden land. He guards everything he forever holds with those piercing eyes
that chills the soul. My proud Spartacus, my oldest of them all, may more years come to you with the 8 years now
Shoot The Bird

As I was sitting under my grandparent's mango tree one late afternoon on a hammock, I heard a sound that I haven't heard in a very
long time. The sound of a "Tamsi" or Yellow Sunbird. The moment I saw it and its partner dancing along the branches of the tree, I
quickly ran inside and took my camera to capture this marvel on camera. Little did I know this bird was a pesky one as it kept flying
around the canopy as I tried to zoom in my lenses to get a good close-up shot of it. I spend the rest of the afternoon chasing and
teaching the bird around the garden until finally it got dark and the Sunbird seemingly had is fun and allowed me to take a shot. Was
it worth the chase? Honestly, I don't know anymore.
Morning Snuggles

Probably one of the best reasons why I love mornings. Meet Kitkat, Kiki, and Kobi. The three little kittens who love to sleep on
my aunt and uncle's porch tabletop cloth. I mean, how can you get mad at these three when they're all being this cute while
still soundly asleep. And yes, they are also Sunshine's older kittens.
Making this photo series was a blast. Although this project didn't turn out the way I
expected it to turn out in the first place, I could say that I am really glad that it didn't
because this photo series was a huge success and I have zero regrets that I end up
making it this way. Photographing animals require a lot of time, patience, and luck.
Since I have no immediate control over their actions, being able to capture them at the
right moment with the vision that you have in mind or more is very fulfilling. Although I
am no professional photographer myself, nor do I have a decent camera to capture
moments with, I learned that photography is an art that requires a lot of skills and a
creative eye to pull off. However, at the end of the day, it's the captured moment that
matters the most. Capturing moments need not a professional setup. Each photo holds
its own unique story to tell, and it's up to us to decide what is happening in that scene.
Through this photo series, I genuinely realized that sometimes, photos are not enough
to tell the story that portrays how much we humans don't deserve animals at all. I hope
that this project would serve not only as an awakening to myself but also to others.

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