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Group 5

Informative Outline

Topic: Computer Vision

General Purpose: To Inform

Specific purpose: To inform my audience about one of the most fascinating ideas, which
was to give computers the ability to “see”.

Thesis: Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence and computational

power, computer vision technology has taken a huge leap toward
integration in our daily lives.

I, Introduction

A. Attention Getter: For many decades, people dreamed of creating machines with the
characteristics of human intelligence, those that can think
and act like humans. One of the most fascinating ideas was
to give computers the ability to “see” and interpret
the world around them.
B. Reason to Listen: In this article, we will review the concept of computer vision,
discuss how this technology evolved, and share a few
excellent examples where this technology can be applied in
our lives.

C. Thesis Statement: The fiction of yesterday has become the fact of today.

II, What is computer vision?

A. Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers and
systems to derive meaningful information from digital images, videos and other visual

1. Computer vision works much the same as human vision, except humans have a head

a. Computer vision trains machines to perform these functions, but it has to do it

in much less time with cameras, data and algorithms
b. Computer vision is used in industries ranging from energy and utilities

2. Here are a few common tasks that computer vision systems can be used for
a. Object classification
b. Object identification
c. Object tracking

III, The evolution of computer vision

A. Scientists and engineers have been trying to develop ways for machines to see and
understand visual data for about 60 years.
1. Experimentation began in 1959 when neurophysiologists showed a cat an array of
images, attempting to correlate a response in its brain
2. At about the same time, the first computer image scanning technology was developed,
enabling computers to digitize and acquire images
B. Deep learning revolution
1. Modern computer vision relies on deep learning, a specific subset of machine
learning, which uses algorithms to glean insights from data
2. Deep learning represents a more effective way to do computer vision—it uses a
specific algorithm called a neural network
IV, Where can we apply computer vision technology?

A. Computer vision is already integrated into many areas of our life.

1. Content organization
2. Facial recognition
3. Augmented reality
4. Health
5. Agriculture

V, How does computer vision work?

A. Computer vision technology tends to mimic the way the human brain works.
1. Computer vision algorithms that we use today are based on pattern recognition
2. It runs analyses of data over and over until it discerns distinctions and ultimately
recognize images

1. Abràmoff, M. D., Magalhães, P. J., & Ram, S. J. (2004). Image processing with imageJ.
Biophotonics International, 11, 36– 41.
2. Adams, J. D., Speakman, T., Zolman, E., & Schwacke, L. H. (2006). Automating image
matching, cataloging, and analysis for photo-identification research. Aquatic Mammals,
32, 374– 384.
3. Atanbori, J., Duan, W., Murray, J., Appiah, K., & Dickinson, P. (2016). Automatic
classification of flying bird species using computer vision techniques. Pattern
Recognition Letters, 81, 53– 62.
4. Barber-Meyer, S. M., Kooyman, G. L., & Ponganis, P. J. (2007). Estimating the relative
abundance of emperor penguins at inaccessible colonies using satellite imagery. Polar
Biology, 30, 1565– 1570.

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