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r T [Prseane [ _wanwsoo2i0r | INDAM KIAT KARAWANG. 7 Prosects aeumortNo.| WaNEIOROTPRO-D001 | Reon 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Pogo eS 1 SYSTEM an ‘Sep 9, 2002 | PROJECT NUMBERING SYSTEM 1] see | 2 ened Pj tke Seve. Thana) sone |= [mae | bmetoen pene Project Na. | ‘k2M-03002101 INDAH KAT KARAWANG | "OSE __Ta app as Kae Donument tio. |—WEN-0007-PRO.00% ea Revision No. 2 PROJECT NUMBERING ane 20833 system Tessa] Sep 0 2008 Revision Summary Dessipion oT Rovio ato | Revision | cancion afected,modifod | Prepared | checked | Approved sectors) ‘eal jee a ste Coe 700 Srown Babu © Thomas/ sop. 0.2002| 2 | StpimGedefor70-Bram | une | aon | S004 Thom (pvr? ous 8019) Tiga 1029 PRO- Sota Orwing Noor Span teneo0 1 Re ‘oan reject Docu Nonbeng sta 0001- , ug.2, |, |EROoorRt Prowet | autane | ator | B804C Thomas Nimborng Sytem change ha aston dona Goce Typ ron Tora of Sonam —— noah ST wi2,2021 9 | tenectoreijectuse | Hennauseee. | witor | attrem KP char acess iertns etn mi cee enema ce | wwoan wane Projet No TReNeOSOCZ TOI ee ERTS ANS [Document No|| _1K2Nf00.0%-PRO-0008 PROJECTS | APP Reson 2 PROJECT NUMBERING aoe 303 ! SYSTEM Issel] Sep 9,202 ‘Table of Contents 4 score. 4 24° NuwserNe Deramon 4 22 Miwon AREA Alo Secron Coes ‘ 22.1 AreaCode 5 222 Area Classfcaton Code 5 ‘ 23° Disceume coce 1 24 Documen Tyre 2 2441 Document Type for Drawing 2 242 Document Tpe or Acminsratve Document 8 25 DocuMenr/ORAWMa HUMBER 7 25 Pace NuMBeRs 7 27 Revision DocumenT/DRAWING w 28 DocuMenr/ORAwna IssUE PuRPOses 8 29° Aepoval SraTUS 9 210 DocuMENt/DRAvaNs ARCHING ° 3 ELECTRONIC FILE NAMING CONVENTION 48 DRAWING 20 54 DRAWING LANGUAGE 20 52 Deawwe SrAuPs, LABELS ANO BLOOKS 20 521 Orawing Status 20 53 TmeBLoc« 20 54° AoomonaL Tre BLO=K 2 | $8 Dstmeunon Tape rt 58 REVSONTABLE 2 57 NorrH ARROW 2 bev renes 2 581 Orginal And Non-Standard Drawings Sizes 2 882. Drawing Seates a 59° DRAWINGLIST 2 540 GENERAL RULES FOR FILE TRANSFER (MILL CAD SYSTEM) Py @ ATTACHMENT a ert ett anes nae tyr iano oe Project No. ken-os002t0t INDAH KIAT KARAWANG - 7 @are PROJECTS eae Revision No.| PROJECT NUMBERING. Pove| oo i | system | eave bate Sep. 9, 2008 1 scoPE “These instructions describe the systems and procedures which must be folowed in producing Projoct document, deawings and lists for or by IK2M Projects Departments, all Vendors, Supplies and all CConsuttants. This Procedure covers numbering system for project documents, such as cravings, bil of materials and drawing its. 2 NUMBERING SYSTEM 24 NuMaeRIe Derwmon To identiy a érawing completly, the folowing information is needed: + Project Number “+ ArealSecton Code + Discipline Code ‘+ Drawing Type and Sequence Number ro Part ra ANISN or a oe rie Patti | Ea. Drawing Number Explanation —— 1K2M 150-02 -L¥D- 0005 — l Sequeti Nurbar:0001 Discpine Code 02 Structural ‘Area o Secon Code: 150 PowerPlant 22. MAJOR AREA AND SECTION CODES 2 ject Number: 2M IKK Projet Major Area and Section Code represent a process area or department within the Project ‘acne courant wet ayy ta eve INDAH KIAT KARAWANG. = —e are re AA [DosunentNo.| —_WN-100-01-PRO.0004 Revision No 2 PROJECT NUMBERING aoe 5038 q SYSTEM Issue Date ‘Sep. 8, 2022 224, Area Code ‘Area Code Common Major Areas - Description | 3 Pu Mil Mi 3 ‘Boars Mil 3 ‘Business Unt (BU-17, 8U-16; BU-19) 222. rea Classifeation Code ‘AreaCode Section Code Common Major Areas - Description “101 ‘Leveling, Site Preparation and Soi Treatment 03 Parking Lot "05. “Truck Seales Us id itemise aeemaaliaiiaaamnainaiaal 120 120 ‘Site Sf 122 ‘Canteen i ‘Gate House By 'Non-Process Bultings (Fist aid, Fire Fighting, Mosque) 130 a : "Special Chemical Plants “Tichloroisceyanure Aca (TCCA| i "41 ‘Caustic Plant 43 ‘Oxygen Plant 145 PAC Plant "147 Hydrogen Peroxide Storage and Handing 149 ‘GCC Piant ‘heart sm concen enc a be at ahaa sre ht cre wwoan waar xanawane [Pome] a a ra ecient a00@-PROOA - evn 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Pose Bota ! ‘SYSTEM Issue Date ‘Sep. 9, 2022 Major Areas - Description 151 Power Boer “93 ‘Gas Turbine Generator + HRSG 155 Diesel Generator 157 ‘OF Storage ana Handin “70 170. ‘Wer Supply ang Effluent commen 172 Damneraizad Water Treaimont 174 Effuent Treatment 170 ‘Unassigned ‘Unassigned 180 ‘Mal Wide Uulty Systern "82 Racks: 184 Cooling Tower 190 lal Wie Fire Fight 200 200. a 211 Chipping, Crip Storage 213 ‘Chip Screening and to Process 215, Se oo 221 ‘Chop Washing ane impregnation 223. om 230 230, en Delgnieaton 233 We guar Oxcation 250. 250 Machine 252 | 254 ‘Dryer Section INDAN KIA KaRAWaNG L__PORHNE twa03002103 Gare PROUECTEI Document No.| —_H2M-T00-0%-PRO-2001 | 7] — Revision No 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Page’ Toh38 ‘SYSTEM Tasv0 Dat ‘Sep. 9, 2002 ‘Area Code Section Code __ Common Major Areas - Description 258 Ip Warehouse. | Caustiozi 3 ‘Bark Gasifier Pulpng Staton “Approach System Broke Hani hemical Sy | ‘Wet Sirngth Broke System 321 i g 3 ‘Sieam and Condensate System 220 Ree! 331 Hycraule System 333. ‘Ol Lubrication 336 Mist Removal : 345 Finishing Equi 375 Packag ng Station 403 ‘Unassigned 405 3) “07 Handi 409 hemical System. att ‘Color Kitchen 415 ‘Wet Strength Broke System ‘uae ee covet on a a put yy en natn net! | INDAH KIAT KARAWANG Ne, oe Decoment no.) _iK2M-1000%-PRO-0001 Saree mosses evn 2 ‘PROJECT NUMBERING Pase| B0f 38 1 ‘SYSTEM Tssu0 to ‘Sep. 9, 2022 AreaCode Section Code Common Major Areas - Description 221 om Seen 423, ‘Section 425. Hood And Heat system 427. Coater 429 Ree! ‘TER ANTE er SM SE TI 431 Hydraulic System 433 ‘Ol Lusrication 450 ‘Automated Warehouse 475 Packagin ‘01 Paletizn 503 ‘Laminating 511 CRT 'BU-19 Converting Equipmer 2 Rowinder for OMC. ‘Salvage Winder / Rewinder 3 ‘Nano Site Winger 535 ‘Reem Wrapping (csp=8,000T/M) 7 MRR 542 "Auko Strapping (90 f/f) cap*58,700 TIM 48 “Auto Strapping (cap=12.600 TIM) 546 ‘Bale handling system (For Trim) 351 'Sheot Cuter including cust removal 553 Pallet Wrapping Machine ‘Tissue ome en nee png nyt ngetyan nee mtn etn ct INOAN KAT KARAWaNG [-_Pue#Ne] __wawonnzrer AT KARA ace ie] a a) Revision No. 2 PROVEST MOMBERRG Poe sti Sean el — a ‘AreaCode Section Code _ Common Major Areas - Description 555 em: Auto Roll Wrapping Machine 357 ‘Over head Crane for sheet cutters ‘Rael Sptere/ Gullotine 8 Elevators/Liters Palle Manufacturing plant 8 8 ‘Board Mil gi ‘Stock Preparation Line “Approach System 3) Broke Line 3 ‘Chemical ‘Color Kieren 620 Boars Nachine 622 ress Section EN cl 025 ‘Sigam and Condensate System. 625 Size Press 628 ‘Calendar 630 ‘Winder + Rewnder 632 ‘Grease Lubrication ll Handing System 50 ‘Automates Warehouse 675 Pac 701 | ‘Station. a ‘Vacuum System pc et and mg tan ee a een case INDAH KIAT KARAWANG Eel Lene) Bare pesieers| Decumert No.) WaM-100-01-PRO-2061 Revsion Na 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Pa Toss | SYSTEM issue Oat ep 9, 2022 AreaCode Section Code __ Common Major Areas - Description Fresh Water 5) Fiber Ra ! GCC Piant 72 ‘orming Section ‘Section ai | Hood and Heat Recovery 5 72 ‘Coater 720 Reel EERSTE ER TEI INE 731 Hysraulie System 733. ‘Oil Lusneation. 745 Finis ment 770 ‘Conveyors 20). siness Unit (BU-17, BU-18, BU-10) 31 FBG Auto Warehouse System (Rol & Pall) 813 BB Rol Handing System 'BU-19 Roll Handing Systom. e 7 ‘Brown Rol Handling Systom : Ry Distribution ransformers 33K VIB90/400v 828 tore = MV & LV (OSBL) 525 Cables (Power, Contro Signal &. Communication 528 er 220 ‘Grouneing Bystom 632 SOKV SEB SWGR evn pan ae nay ayo it pen ene Won iaarvaRawane |Past] __wowersei, MAT KARA DocumertNo,| —_Kiv-000%-PRO-0001 i] Revision No 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Page 1 oF88 SysTEM Ieeve Oat Sep 9,7022 AreaCode Section Code _ Common Major Areas - Description eat PPLGIOPG (OSBL) - each equipment contol system are Ise ET re LOO ae 243 Fold instruments (OSB 845 Instrument Cables (Power, Control, Signal & Communication) | ‘and Fittings material a “All Manual valves Pipe supports + Process Duct : Puper and tanks | 871 lng Materials & Servioas for Finishing and auto WH lechanical& Pipnig Consvuction services ‘300 ‘200 Jstcs and Warehouse ‘02 “Jumbo Roll Warehouse 903 Finished Goods Warehouse 908 Package Material Warehouse DiscieuNe cone Discipline codes from 01 to 21 are used in Documents. ot | MWO | Mult Discipine 2 [STR | Stuctural 03 |MEC [Mechanical 4 [ELE | Electical 5s [PP | Ping (06 [1ST | Insirumentation and Automation neocon! tio al ram woe ie Sapp Project No. Kam 03002103 INDAH KIAT KARAWANG x PROJECTS Dossment No Reuision No PROJECT NUMBERING Pace SYSTEM Issue Dat a7 PRO | Process 08 HVAG__| Heating, Ventlation and Air Condtioning oF ARC | Architecture 10 cv | cw 1 FPR | Fre Protection 2 ‘CON | Project Controls 13 Est | Estimating 14 ‘SCH | Scheduling 6 HSSE__ | Heatny, Safety, Seoury and Environmental 2 16 [NaC _| Quaity Assurance & Qualty Control 17 | COMM | Commissioning 18 [COM | Commercial (Procurement, Purchasing, Accounting ec) 18__[WAT | Material Handing 20 LOG | Legistic QS | Quantity Surveyor 24 Document TyPE Document Type for Drawing, | Document type identifies the document content ad type. 244 Block Diagram m ace pe yy ra at rt BLD ‘eG0_ | Givi Guide Drawing (CHS | Chests, Tanks, Retention Basins, Tank Farms oto DIA _| Diagram ~ ‘OTL — | Detar Drawing ELV [Elevations EOD | Equipment Drewing FLD__| Flow Diagram ‘GAD _ | General Arrangement Drawing ‘GNO_| General Notes HVA _ | HVAC & Process Ventilation Drawings ICD _ | Interconnecting Drawing 180 | Isometric “JB0__| Junction Box Diagram @aeep PROJECTS: a rau 0300210% INDAH KIAT KARAWANG TKM-100.07-PRO-0001 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Paso 13083 SYSTEM Teeve Date ‘Sep. 9, 2022 Layout Drawing Materiel Approval Process and Functional Deseipian yD WTO | Material Take OF PFD BAL Balances PID | Process end instrumentation Diagram (PID) POL | Pang Drawings PLP | Pit Plan, Site Plan & Site Preparation PSP _| Pipe Suppor PAD _| Ping Arrangement Drawings PLB | Plumbing Drawings RCD _| Reinforced Concrete Data ‘SKT [Sketch ‘SLD Single Line Diagram ‘S50 | Steel Structural Drawing TIE | Tene WRD | Wring Diagram GEN | General FAS | Fire Alarm System 242 Document Type for Administrative Document Document ype codes for Administrative Document, Studies and Reports: ‘CODE: ‘Administrative Document Type = Description ‘CAN _ | Area Classiieation ‘AGD_| Meeting Agenda ‘ACT _ | Action List ‘ANS _ | Anewer ‘AUR | Aut Report "AWA _| Recommendation to Award BID |Bia Basis of Engineering, Basis of Estimating Wont aa KARAWANG Basmen |e 0PROR Pmoweere = 2 a PROvEGT NUMBERING Pee Bas i] ‘SYSTEM Issue Date ‘Sep. 9, 2022 DEA Document Type = Dern ‘BOQ | Bil of Quanity BWR | Bic Waiver ‘CAL Caicuiations GAT | Catalogue CEF | Cause & Efed Diagram ‘CAR _| Corrective Action Request (CBE | Commercial Bid Evaluation (CCO_ | Contract Charge Order (ON _ | Control Naratve CHK | Checklist ‘GMD | Commissioning Dossier (CWP | Constucion Work Package ‘CNO | Credit Note 7 CNT | Contract ‘CON | Concession DAT [Data Sheet DBM _ | Design Basis Memorandum DGR__| Design Grange Request (Notice) DSC Design Criteria DPR | Decision Paper CN _| Engineering Change Notice ENG Engineering Query EML_| Ema EST | Estate FLN | File Note P| Fre 8 Safely Plans FMR | Field Materials Requisition FRM | Form ‘GDL | Gudeline GAN | Goods Received Notice IOC _| Internal Discipine Check Sheet INV [Invoice TSD___| Inspection Documents 1ST | Instructions WWI Internal Werk tnsiruaton INDAH KAT KARAWANG — [SSNS ee aaY Panera DecumentNo.| —_1K2M-10003-PRO.0008 Revision No 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Pave 15 0f 33 SveTeu Issue Date ‘Sep. 9, 2022 CODE | Aaminstrative Document Type = Bescon IDR __| Job Dessroon Responses PI [Rey Performance index inter iru LE | Lessons Leemed aN Man ‘MAP | Maps: - MEM | Memoranda MET _|Metod Siaorent MOM [Windies of Noting eR | Non Covomence Rene ORG Orpaniraton chan ‘O5R_ | Onshore Osho Suey Report PaL_| Pariopa List : pon | Rtg &herueiaion Dagan FD] ars ves PON | Prec Changes Naico - CO | Purchase Order ~ Change Order PCR | Projet Change Restos! FG | Peemance Gumrerie POR | Progress Report PLN | Plan - UR Planned Manionance Ravine POL _| Policy _— [Pon | Purchase Oe PRM Permts Pr —| Preah PRO | Procedures PAR | Process Aon Request DG | Process Design and Operating Gldsine PRP | Procurement Pan PER__| Pressure EqupmentRepuatons PUL Punch it SY | Quanty Suey QUE | Gueetoneie REP _| Recommended Pracice ‘ean ode peg nay Som ln nt ek Projecto] iK2M03002101 Bape Mame esate eon 0 7 PROT munenaNe Page| ‘SYSTEM Issue Date ‘Sep. 9, 2022 | as Doe rT [Reset eRe 7S [Rover Dara i | Renate a> Retr reps [ ara Retr tion 560 | Scot a5 fear olen rename | spr bosentan Rogar Sek_| Sener toamatanibea gma cn _| Seca Slee Cage a Son | same oY ri _| Sane ‘sty | Study a =— STR oral Pane Bea OF | Sauer wart aE Teco Evan Cora aon Tet Teac oat at Ton [esa Graton Tea [teeny “He fener Tere eek athe tama ‘| Ougohe Terria 7 reaoae Wes | Une Sa VAL_| Validation. - _ VER aus iii Ros alse i _ WertPasege Wire [ok For Sut ‘soa ced ae tb pen peta et ew cept ~ Project No. ‘1K2M-03002107 INDAH KIAT KARAWANG — -Puleite._IGM Garp PROJECTS [Document No, | Wane e |__ ——| fawn | PROJECT NUMBERING Pave i evsren fo 28 DOCUMENT/DRAWING NUMBER Document number Is a sequential number (4 gts) and wil fllow number 0001 onwards. This ‘sequential number changes and stats again with 0001 for every ferent Project and Discipine. 26 PAGENUMBERS Drawing Number with mutiple pages starts with the frst page as sufi 'OT: 2.7 REWSION DocUMENT/DRAWING ‘The use ofa revision willbe mandatory forall documents. In the case of mult-page documents, each page wil have the document number, revision, page number, and the total number of pages clearly dented, When only part of document is revised, al pages must be revised | A preliminary document issued for review unt issued for project use wil follow 2 revision number ftom A’ onwards (A,B,C... ‘An approved document issued for construction or project use wil follow a numeric digit and wil begin from 0" onwards. Supplior documents wil ulze @ submission number as the revision. The frst submission of the ocument must be 0001 and sequential thereafter. ‘The revision in document submission shall be displayed by the outside tne on the left side of ocument. ‘The revision in crawing shall be ceplayed bythe clouds or tangle. Document Drawing revision number stage is indicated as below: ‘A | Issued for review ((FR) [seued for review (FR) tssoet for review (FRY saved for review (IFR) Issue for Approval (FA) Issued for Construction (FG) aued for Construction Revision (FO) | seued for Construction Revision (IFC) Issued for Construction Revision (IFO) Issued for Construction Revision (IFC) ‘eam ct tse penne pay ya tp at Saree Project Ho aN 09002307 INDAH KIAT KARAWANG. PROJECTS, ‘Bocurant No. Revision No THM. 100.07-PRO-0001 2 PROJECT NUMBERING. ‘SYSTEM. 2.8 DOCUMENT/DRAWnG ISSUE PURPOSES ‘eave Oat red Sep. 8, 2002 “The use ofa revision will be mandatory forall documents. Inthe ease of mult-page documents, each page wil have the document Issue purposes are as follows: "cone Description Issued For As Bult Issued For Construction Record Issued For Design Issued For information ued For Consiruction Issued For Estimate Issued For HAZOP Issued For Purchase Issued For Quetation Teeved For Review Issued For Squad Check Issued or Tender Issued For Use / Issued for Project Use Issued For Void 1 Onner Acceptance i equred prior to issue as follows ODE Deseinion TBA | lesued For Bd Acceptance ICA | lsued Fer Constucton Asepiance (DA Issued For Design Acceptance | TEA | lsved For Estate Aecpanes THA [sued For HAZOP Acceptance IPA Ineo For Purchase Acoepiance TRA [Iesved Fo Review Acceptance rsa py ym on Prec No waoso02103 INDAH KIAT KARAWANG a PROJECTS DecurertN,| — W2M-i000-°R0-0001 Revson No, 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Page| Tao | system Tesue Date] Sep, 9.2022 | 2.9. APPROVAL STATUS ‘Approval statuses for document drawing review are as folows ‘CODE Description 1 : =. ——— [AN “[poproved wih nate NA [Not Approved 2.40. DocumeNT/DRAVaNG ARCHIVING Documents must be prepared by using APP template document. Document Contol procedure has been addrassed in document “IK2M-100-01-PRO-0008 Rev.0 - Document Contol Procedure’ 3. ELECTRONIC FILE NAMING CONVENTION ‘Te fe naming convention wl be 9 flows: document number, °F’ revision number eg, ln uppereae), ‘Document Tae Example "KC2M-100.01.AWA-000RA Tilo" Werking Revision, revision marked using A "kz 100-01-AWA-0001R0 Tite ~ Approved docunent issued for projet uses, revision 0 "He2-100-01-AWA-0001R1 Tet ~ Revised and approved document issued for project use 4 DeFINTIONs Code Definition ‘Administraive | A document created with non-technical considerations, which may be | Document] SubjecTo checking and approval process. Soureestypicafy Include | procurement, project controls, and general administration (eg, meeting miavtes) ‘COORL ‘Coniractor Document and Data Requirements Listing Dec Document Coniral Canter ~ Document Class "| high level grouping of documents by originating source, Engineering, Administrative, Suppler/Contracor, Clent Project No INDAH KIAT KARAWANG Gare PROJECTS [Become [wea favsion i. PROJECT NUMBERING Pate roots \ system Isom Date Se. 92022 | Code Definion doce created wi echnical core, which subject Eneineesng | thecking and approval process, generaly create by an engineer Deeiment” | cine andor supped bythe cent. This docuret las wil be subject to controlled changes through a revision process end wil be managed by DCC. Enginsering documents include only drawings and sdiagrams and engineering sts relate to them. PO Purchase Order ‘SDDRL ‘Supplier Document and Data Requirement Listing ‘Suppier Documents | Documents pertaining toa specific package of equipment precured ‘tom a supplier under a Purchase Order 5 DRAWING 5.4 DRAWING LANGUAGE ‘All text on drawings and drawing lsts which are meant o be constructed shallbe in English | 52 Drawn Stasis, Lasets ano BLocks 1524 Drawing Status | Before issuing constuction drawing, it must be approved by the appropiate Engineering Discpine/Deparment Heed. The status of every saving must be clearly Indatod and stamped above the tile Bock as per atached template lee coces or ravings are 8 alow For Design For Constnicion ‘As Bult Drawing stamp should have Issue purpose and date of change on top ofthe tile block. 63 TmeBLocK ‘The Project Team wil provide tie locks for relevant suppliers, vendors and contractors ‘seamen coi mash ttre nasa Me rt Project Tez-03002703 INDAH KIAT KARAWANG eee Document No,| —_ IK2N-100-05-PRO-00t Revision No 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Page 2 of 33 H system Issue Oat Sep 9, 2022 lppmununany rua VENDOR TITLE/LOGO Grae igre Hamp of APP Genelec | 5.4 ADDITIONAL TITLE BLOCK ‘Vendors, supplies o contractors tle block shall be located above APP Tile Block. | _Reterto Append 55° DisTRIGUTION TABLE | Distribution table shall be placed on top of APP thle block or vendor tile block (as applicable) so that itcan be seen on folded drawing font Tigee d= EsaplesT APP Deets “The Distibution Table shall consist ofthe following fields 41. Drawing phase and revision 2. Date of issue 3. Towhom should be issued | TWON-0200210 INDAH KIAT KARAWANG 1k2-100-0-PRO-0001 eB PROJECTS Poe 2 Hl PROJECT NUMBERING Pase| of 38 SYSTEM Issue Dao ‘Sep. 9, 2022 4. Number of copies and purpose of drawing for each receiver. Number of copies can be marked a (Et is issued onl electronical 5.6 Revision TABLE Revision Table shall be placed on drawings up ight comer Revision Table shall consist of the folowing fields: 1. Revision index 2. Date of revision 3. Revision made by 4. Revision desertion 5.7 NoRTH ARROW In all elevant drawings tke Mil Ste related drawings, north arrow should be placed into drawing The north arow shows the Project Noth direction. N s gure Huampleet Wert Arrow INDAH KIAT KARAWANG ey 1K2M-1000-RO-0001 | @are a z PROJECT NUMBERING 20h 3 sySTEM Tete Date Sep. 0, 2002 | 58° DeAwwe Size AND SCALES 581 Original and Non-Standard Drawings Sizes etic standard sizes corresponcing tothe standard sizes of AO and AA, willbe used. tn exception, itis permitted to combine a standard height cimension wth non-standard iength dimension, [Standard Drawing Size | Non-Standard Length Drawing | ™ Re AB RS i 722 Re at i AO - rn) For a non-standsrd length drawing the capital eter R shall replace capital letter A from the size cade ofthe standardized drawing ofthe same height o indicate aprolonged drawing e.g.,RO,Rt etc 582 Drawing Seales ‘The following scales shal be used: X__| Recommended size Can be used in special cases seats . E ae £)2/elg/2|e/els|/s/ele/sz/s oo az ne pet EE tery avrg 1 Sei | on a | - Fass ings o Structural drawings I x[x[x - Pong anne r | ET a Ee 59 DRAWING LIST “The drawing originator will maintain a ist of drawings, revisions and status. Each time a new drawing 's made, or an existing drawing is revised, the drawing number or revision note inthe drawing wil be | momar karawane [Pome | vamos App RAT KARA DecumertNo,| WN 10-01-PRO-0001 a Revision No 3 PROJECTNUMBERING | _Page|_____240f 33 SYSTEM Tee Date Sep. 9, 2022 ‘entered inthe drawing st. The curent Ist of drawing Ist wil be dstibuted simultaneously with the ‘now or revised crawing For prtiminary drawings, the date of issue must be entered inthe ceawing list so that lear folow-up of érawing s possible. Drawing list should have fl fr flowing items: Drawing number + ArealSecion Number + Document Type + Description + Detall Description + Phase + Revision + Issued Date 5.40 GENERAL RULES FOR FILE TRANSFER (WILL CAD SYSTEM) ‘The system applied in mill is AutoCAD 2010, oF later versions. Sof copies should be sent in [AutoCAD 2010 or ater dng -ormat In case other systems are used which are not compatible with AutoCAD, pdl-format can be used to transfer documents electronical. Drawings are required in native elecrant form as well asin paper copies as per contact For such fles lke 3Deview models etc. that need to be transferred in special fle format, i can be separately agree foreach project 6 ATTACHMENT ‘pend —Drawing Sloe and Fels, sppfesbto Drawing Sizes AD, A, A2 and AS ‘Appenli 2 Format Document ead in word fort size and AS ‘Appenalx3~ Format Docurnt Hesae in Excel fornel size A and AS sours pe yay meen wn: Project No, Tron 0062104 INDAH KIAT KARWAN eT anor PRO o00I a) Pemeere| ‘Document No | 1K2M-100.0%-RO- ape [reverie] 2 PROJECT NUMBERING Pose 25 0f33 Hl SYSTEM Issue Dat Sep. 9, 2002 APPENDIX 1 Drawing Blocks and Fields, applicable to Orawing Sizes AO, Ai, A2 and AS odnareetingeeg rete e7 mee ene wm ove WLSAS ONRIZGWINN L93rONd I cmon | SOUR | AR ProeceNe INDAHKIAT KARAWANG | \enoe PROJECTS: Daren: ‘Revision Na. ~~ PROJECT NUMBERING Page| ‘SYSTEM ina APPENDIX 2 [___eamaanoat0: ‘W2M-100-01-PRO-G00% ate ‘hug 23,2022 Format Document Header in word format size AA and AS ‘eave INDAH KIAT KARAWANG. PROJECTS, PROJECT NUMBERING Project No. ‘Dooument No, Revision No ~ weenos002101 | 1M. 100 0-PRO.000% age PnovssysreM _[eas| a | INAH KIAT KARAWANG — a. Sape__ r — 7 Tue Tal —— a tel eae TITLE —*|_— |= |= aa == = | T awan002i01 INDAH KIAT KARAWANG ; Sapp KORE KARA We 100.1-9R0.008 Ct PROJECT NUMBERING 290183 : SYSTEM ag 8 2022 | a WONT KaRnRNG |= T — - I —_ nde] i Teton Fae Tea | a poe ones nen sre rarer ma iat een cet T oanmarearawana [2oeane]_—_naseooiae Gaeep PROJECTS ‘Document No. IK2M-£00.01-PROY 40001-PRO-0001 | a a PROJECT mUMBERNG aes IL | system —— og, 2022 | INOAH KIAT KARAWANG a === Beep ee ES 7 — "wren incre ai nt byte atthe eno Twoaaatxanawane Pree. ikowa3002108 Saree as Dacumerk No | 2 100-01-PRO-000 Revisor Na 1 PROJECT NUMBERING Pog seh system tes Osts| Ag 29,2008 non eAT aan |e Sea @app| rer = Boo] __ pape aT + weAmas 22 ama 222 mamas ope og pope ng Project No Tkan0300270% INDAH KIAT KARAWANG Peeearst DesumentNo.| —_K2M00-01-R0-0001 | Revision No 1 PROJECT NUMBERING Page) sofas SYSTEM ‘save Date ‘hug 23,2022 APPENDIX 3 Format Document Header in exclformatsize At and AS a ee Garp falda Document No.) WEM-f0007-PRO.0001 Z Reviiontio| PROJECT NUMBERING | ___Paoe soe q ‘SYSTEM Tee Oe 73 2072 fcito | nenomosor INAH KIAT KARAWANG PROJECTS | “Doane | —_WaRoODoCYY.oDE a fen he 2 ape roe ae of pes L Me imbue] "wan 09, rT fe aaa esa [ety [resis tr Row, A= bees br Appl, Faun fr bbraten, PRE= Prarie, TYP-1pe, ABBAS But, [cra menue Fatcaon Wtounad br ening. sean PrutUs, = na Cnt, Posed hoped wh Ne Nis at Apne, ncn =P ary, OD, Eason POF, OWG=ACAD, 0-8 Of, O10 "Plas prin ae din each ananital esi and endo Pndo Del sued = ce tb a he er ot

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