E-Portfolio: Oobachelor of Secondary Education Major in Filipino

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OoBachelor of
Secondary Education
Major in Filipino


I learned from this activity that I am too much affected what others said . Every decisions I
will make are depending on them, that make myself loose. And also I wonder how much I go far
from innocent girl to a woman who knows her responsibilities. My personality become more
stronger than I thought before, it has now a sense and a goal to continue to strive in this kind of
life. Many struggles, problems and Stormy day I already experience, but as I read again this
autobiography of myself it makes me proud because I passed those unwanted and Unstoppable
problems that can tear me apart.

In this autobiography of myself mentioned that I wanted to become a professional teachers,

where I undergo in so many challenges that sometimes I ask myself if I can make it or should I
gave up. But every time I encountered it I will looking back in this autobiography and will tell to
myself that this is not me. The real me can’t be defeat by defiance of life. I do realize as I go on
education really can change my life. As a matter of fact it is the only way to put my family and I
in a better status of life.

I realized in this activity that sometimes writing our own perspective and story of life can
inspired us make ourselves to be a better person. Like what I’ve been written in my
autobiography I am afraid of expectations. Where I think I gave up fighting for what the things I
wanted to do. Expectations stop me to continue believing myself that I have my own life , I have
my own choice and I have my own freedom to live a life I always wanted and the person I
always looking for. The most important things I learned from this activity is that be who you are
, don’t stop yourself just because of what other people says. Be yourself ,continue to bloom
and fly high until we got the dreams and life we deserve.
As of now the things I’ve learned from this activity, I noticed that I already experiencing all
the things I wrote before . Such as education will always make a way to delivered the
knowledge that the students needed. Where this time I encountered it, I learned a lot of new
lesson that will help me in the future. Also I mentioned that online class is not easy to cope, but
despite of those reasons that makes it difficult trigger me to find a way to on how to passed it.

Today I realized that online is easy, if we focus on what we needed to do. We must prioritize
first those things that will built our online Learning more effectively. This activity teach me a
lesson that don’t say anything unless you experience the situations. Before I said to myself that
how I can cope on online learning where I should make myself flexible anytime , but when I
already experience it the only things I can say that”, I can , I can if I only trust my ability”. In this
activity I mentioned that I encountered some of challenges such as poor signal and unstable
communication. But then I realize if we wanted to learn through anything, we can survive it. We
can find a way to solve and make it easy as we go on.
This activity thought me the difference between primary source and secondary source. Where
primary source are those original object or document - the raw material or first-hand
information, source material that is closest to what is being studied. It can be considered as the
primary source if someone who experience or participate the events and write after it. The
example of primary source are history, diaries, letters, memoir, interviews, speech,
autobiographies, photographs and son on. Secondary source are those information created
later by someone that did not experience firsthand or participate in the events in which the
author is writing about. Secondary sources often summarize, interpret, analyze or comment on
information found in primary sources. The example of secondary source are textbooks, edited
works, books and articles that interpret or review research works, histories, biographies,
literary criticism and interpretation, reviews of law and legislation, political analyses and

And also we should know that how to determine which is primary source and secondary source,
because sometimes it is better to look from primary source for it clarity, everything are real and
it’s originality. Unlike in secondary source there are possibility that those information from
primary source has been change and some information are only additional that has no basis.
This activity made me realize that not having enough knowledge about something can make me
believe into a fake news. Where in this I learned that the oblation status is not Fernando Poe Jr.
But it is one of Tolentino’s student assistant Anastacio Caedo. We should know the difference
between fake and real information to avoid got misinformation that we can use in our every
day lives.

I learned in this activity the different strategies and step on how to evaluate on how to
determine one document it’s either primary source or secondary source. We also should not
ignore or disregard the important of secondary source, because sometimes this documents can
be the way to pass the information to the next generation.

Additionally, in this activity I learned the story of Benigno Aquino Sr. life on how he awaken the
heart and blind eyes of our fellowship Filipinos. His speech made me realized that before we
don’t have any courage to fight for our freedom and rights because we are afraid to get it with
our own . As Benigno Aquino Sr. stand for our country I really admire him because he is willing
to sacrifice his life for our freedom and give the life we deserve to be experience.
I realized in this activity that making questions is not easy .There are some things we should
consider for enable to the students understand it in a simple way. As matter of fact, this
experience teach me a lesson that I can do what I think I can’t do before.

This activity is the results of my classmates quizzes. In this case I am satisfied about the
outcomes because as we can most of the score are passed. Though only three persons got the
perfect score it is fine because I know they learned from our discussions. While looking at this
results I said to myself that even though our reports are lack of some information at least our
classmates learned some lessons

Honestly while checking those papers of my classmates it makes me feel so good. I imagined
myself as teachers who is checking papers of my students. But aside from this feeling, I also
have the courage to continue doing this kind of way after reporting. This kind of activity will
determine if my classmates do really understand the topic we tackled.
Reporting is not easy, we should must prepared before we discussed the topics in our
classmates to understand them what we are talking about. For this preparation, reading your
presentation, practicing delivering of it and memorizing some important details to be shared to
our classmates can help. While reporting, our confidence will be built higher and fixed. The
things we are not used to do before, like speaking in front of everyone and explaining will
make us to do it and feels better.

This the best experience I ever had. I learned a lot of new lessons to be use in the future of my
college journey. Though in this activity we are lack of some information ,but the important
things is that I overcome my nervous, negative thoughts and doubt my skills. Before I never
experience on how to deliver the words or sentence through online learning but as I undergo in
this situation suddenly my mind said that ,” it is the best way to cope my fear when I’m talking
in front of everyone.”

This activity made me realize that there’s a lot of things that I needed to learn ,that I do not
know about in our history. As I read this report the sacrifices of Juan Luna sink in my soul that
we should not disregard those hardship for enable us to awaken our ignorance, our patriotic
feelings and lastly to fight against colonizer for our dignity.

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