ANNEX IV - Appendix 1 - HSE Requirement For Contractors - PINDO

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Garr Project No. P-KW2M PINDO DELI Document No, | P-KW2M-100-16-PRO-0001 Revision No. 04 Health Safety & Environmental Page 7 of 40 (HSE) Requirement For ‘Contractors Issue Date Jan 24, 2019 Health Safety & Environmental (HSE) Requirements for Contractor's as" 1 7 - cows | Tecra envy 24,2010 | oo Issues fer prets Ai [heen | ‘ba ~ 7 a ote Revision Description ited | checked | Approves iat Project No KW2M PINDO DELI Document No | _P-KW2M-100-18-PRO-0001 Revision No. of Health Safety & Environmental Pag 20f40 (HSE) Requirement For |————} Conair Issue Date jan 24, 2019 Revision Summary ote raven | une mintence terion prpwes | creer | roproved 7 - Tica _| January 24,2018 | 00 Iss fr projet sansa | Meme | ated poe aT aan rae Eaweat GaAPe | a ee sinarmas | “Health Safety & Environmental Page| 3 of 40 (HSE) Requirement For )Reguiemen is oa | Asa Table of Contents 1.INTRODUCTION 2.0BJECTIVES 2A The objectives of Hoath Safety & Environment (HSE) requirements are to oneure that: 3. REQUIREMENT AS PER PINDO MANAGING CONTRACTOR HSE 31 Bidding Stage ( Applicable to ALL Bidders). 3.2. Pro Mobilization Stage (Applicable to Successful Bidders Only) 3.3. Mobilization Stage ( Applicable to Succossful Bidders Only. 3.4 Work Execution Stage (Applicable to Successful Bidders Only) 3.8 Demobilization Stage (Applicable to Successful Bidders Only). 3.6 Final Evaluation and Close-Out Stage (Applicable to Successful Bidders Only) 4.GENERAL HSE REQUIREMENTS 44, Compliance to Laws/Regulations/PINDO requirements.. 4.2. CONTRACTOR Written Policy / Organization.. 4.3. Protection of Employees, Public, Assots and Environment, 44 Right to Stop Work. 4.5. Maintain Equipment and Machinery in A Safe Conditior 4.6 Risk Managoment and Hazards Identification 4.7 Competence Personnel 4.8 HSE Awareness., 4.9 Incident Reporting 5.SPECIFIC HSE REQUIREMENTS: 5.4 SITE Health Safety & Environment (HSE) Personnel 5.2 Contractor Project HSE Plan.. 5.3 Equipment Safoty Inspection ...e.n 5.4 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE).. 5.5 Mechanical Equipment Operation. 6.6 Occupational Health and emergency faciltie.. 5.7 Confined Space.. 8.8. Permit To Work ( PTW)... 5.9 Emergency Response Pr 5.10 Tools and Equipment. 5.11 Compressed Gas Cylinder. . 5.12 Welding, Cutting and Hot Work Activities 5.43 Grit Blasting, 5.14 Chemicals, ‘5.45 Road Safety Management.

) APP Revision No. 4 KE sinarmas Heath Safety & Environmental] Page 3040 (HSE) Requirement For : Contractor's Issue Date Jan 24, 2019 1. INTRODUCTION 4, The purpose of this procedure a guideline for CONTRACTOR to establish and streamline Contractors HSE Manual and procedures in order to ensure a safe and healthy working environment in the SITE. 2, CONTRACTOR and its SUBCONTRACTORS shall make all necessary effort to comply with relevant PINDO's requirements as outlined in this procedure in addition to CONTRACTOR's ‘establish HSE rules and regulations. 3. CONTRACTOR shall adhere and fully implement all the requirements stipulated in the pre~ accepted PINDO's HSE Manual, and PINDO's HSE Policy. CONTRACTOR shall also adhere to all applicable statutory requirements and refer to PINDO's Health Safety & Environment manual ‘when implementing the projects. 4, The manual shall be a document that convert contractual obligations into effective working activities of the WORK 5. CONTRACTOR shall commit to PINDO HSE objective for ZERO FATALITY, ZERO LOSS ‘TIME INJURIES and TOTAL RECORDABLE CASE FREQUENCY of less than 1.0 6. CONTRACTOR shall conduct at least (1) HSE Day, Two (2) HSE Awareness Programs and other HSE Training program as part of CONTRACTOR's HSE Program, 7. CONTRACTOR to incorporate in HSE Plan the PINDO HSE training, and Safety Observation Card (SOC) program, and near miss reporting & CONTRACTOR need to fil up the HSE Questionnaires as attached in attachment ~ A of this ‘Appendix and to submit the questionnaires together with propossl, OBJECTIVES 2.1 The objectives of Health Safety & Environment (HSE) requirements are to ensure that: 1) Adequate preventive measures are taken by CONTRACTOR’s management to minimize risk of accident which could endanger the life of personnel, cause damage to propertios and environment. b) CONTRACTOR's HSE requirements affecting the WORK are complied with, ©) PINDO's requirement that all accidents, no matter how trivial, must be reported to the immediate supervisor and PINDO representative d) Any WORK carried out by CONTRACTOR'S personnel must be accordance with approved Permit to Work Procedure wherever applicable ©) CONTRACTOR's personnel are issued and equipped with approved personnel protective equipment (PPE) suitable for the task being carried out and adequate first aid facilities are available at all imes, f) CONTRACTOR maintains a proper and good housekeeping at all ime during the course of WORK, 3. REQUIREMENT AS PER PINDO MANAGING CONTRACTOR HSE 3.1. Bidding Stage ( Applicable to ALL Bidders) ‘As a part of bid submission documents, all Bidders have to perform as following items: 3.4.4. CONTRACTOR shall filLup the PINDO CHSEMS Questionnaires as per attachment A. ‘Answering of the questionnaires shall be submitted to PINDO. Any CONTRACTOR have a FATALITY ACCIDENT during past 1 (one) year, the CHSEMS Questionnaires will nat be evaluated, and "FAIL" for HSE Assessment “ven Se \ ee 7 Project No. P-KW2M PINDO DELI Document No.| _P-KW2M-100-15-PRO.0001 APP Revision Ne o4 EA sinarmas |Health Safety & Environmental Page 7 of40 (HSE) Requirement For ‘Contractor's Issue Date Jan 24, 2019 3.1.2. CONTRACTOR shall submit the HSE Management Plan as per scope of work. The contents of the HSE Plan as per Attachment G - CONTRACTOR HSE Management Plan 3.13. CONTRACTOR shall develop the Hazards Identification, Risk Assessments and Determining Control of Risk as per scope of work 3.1.4, CONTRACTOR shail submit the Curriculum Vitae (CV) the Leader of HSE Personnel to be proposed to manage the HSE Program at SITE as per scope of work. The number of HSE Personnel required in the Projects as per PINDO requirement as per contract documents, ‘The HSE personnel are only dedicated of One (1) project cannot share to another project. 3.8. All above document shall be submitted to PINDO during bidding stage, to be evaluated by INDO. Bidder shall have a minimum score 60 (sity) to pass of the HSE assessment, which includes: © 35% for C-HSEMS document + 25% for Contractor HSE Management Plan + 20% for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessments and Determining Control of Risk + 20% for Curriculum vitae (CV) of the HSE Coordinator to be proposed to manage the HSE program 3.2 Pre Mobilization Stage (Applicable to Successful Bidders Only) 3.1.1. CONTRACTOR shall ensure the followings documents are submitted to the PINDO before ‘commencing of any work + Finalized HSE Management Plan + Finalized the Hazards Identification, Risks Assessment & Determining Control of Risk + Evidence of the work procedures / instructions are communicated to the workforce + HSE Interface arrangement, if available 3.1.2. PINDO wil provide all HSE PINDO HSE procedure as per lst attachment - 34.3. PINDO shall not allow any work to start unless the associated written Work procedure / instruction are in place and have been communicated tothe work force 3.3. Mobilization Stage ( Applicable to Successful Bidders Only) 3.3.1. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the salient requirement of HSE Plan has been ‘communicated to all personnel, including those of subcontractors 332. CONTRACTOR and PINDO shall commence the implementation of required HSE training including work site induction 33.3. CONTRACTOR shall subject to mobilization audit by the PINDO as @ process to verity the compliance to HSE requirements as highlighted in the Contract. 3.4 Work Execution Stage (Applicable to Successful Bidders Only) 3.3.1. PINDO and CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all HSE matters during execution of works area ‘managed in accordance with the finalized HSE MS interface Arrangement. 3.3.2, PINDO and CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all HSE critical works are carried out in ‘accordance with written Work Procaduresilnstruction. 33.3. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the work Procedure/Instruction or hazard and Risk Assessment Register are revised | If required) to reflect any new lesson leamt, as part of ‘ongoing continuous improvement process. 3.3.4. PINDO and CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the HSE Plan is fully implemented, ‘hs dzuner soe cand corona Sl be acini in pay ry means win he wren con Form: PiNDO-00 OF RPT Doct Ropar Jon 242019 - Project No. P-KW2M PINDO DELI Document No. _P-KWIN-100-15-PRO.0001 Revision No. 4 ‘Health Safety & Environmental Page| B of 40 (HSE) Requirement For eateeare Issue Date van 24,2019 3.3.5. CONTRACTOR shall subject to work execution audit by the PINDO as a process to verify the compliance to HSE requirements as per HSEMS interface arrangement or HSE ‘Management, etc. 3.3.6. Any incompliance of the Contarctors HSE performance Evaluation during Work in Progress (WIP) andior Finish Project with scoring less than 51 (poor performance), tho ‘contractor will get financial penalty. Amount of penalty as follows: + T'stincompliance 60 Millions IDR + 2nd incompliance 7 Millions IDR = 3th Incompliance —: 100 Millions IDR + Ete, +160 Millions IDR. ‘Any Fatality Case happen to the Contractor in the PINDO project area, Company will give financial penalty about 500 Millions IDR to the Contractor. ‘Note: Any another incompliance regarding fulfiling with PINDO reguirement in the site construction, will be penalty as per to the PINDO procedure, 3.5 Demobilization Stage (Applicable to Successful Bidders Only) 3.5.4, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the site restoration (includes waste management) is Conducted in accordance with PINDO's requirement. PINDO shall conduct inspection of auts verify proper site restoration has been conducted before commencing demobilization. 35.2. CONTRACTOR’s organizational structure for the contracted work shall remain intact until ‘Completion of demolition stage and final evaluation and close out are conducted 3.6 Final Evaluation and Close-Out Stage (Applicable to Successful Bidders Only) 36.1. PINDO shall ensure the CONTRACTOR'S HSE performance and lesson leamt are documented for future contracted use. 3.6.2. PINDO shall ensure that the overall assessment of CONTRACTOR HSE Performance and lesson leamt are communicated to identify parties, highlighting in particular areas for improvement. 3.6.3. PINDO shall document the HSE performance and HSE lesson leamt as part of the overall final close out report for future contracting reference. GENERAL HSE REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Compliance to Laws/Regulations/PINDO requirements 4.1.1. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable Health Safety & Environmental (HSE) laws, & regulations including fre and security, which are applicable to where the works are being carried out 4.1.2. CONTRACTOR shall identify and provide schedules listing the required regulatory approvals, scheduled dates of submittal and detail on deliverablesidocuments to be submitted 4.1.3, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify PINDO against all legal cost, fines and compounds imposed land claims and damages incurred as a result of breach of non compliance with relevant law and regulations. CONTRACTOR shall comply at all times with the requirements as set by PINDO in its Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS), policies, ‘operating standards, any special instructions, and all quirements stipulated in tis contract. This requirements are intended supplement any know laws and regulations applicable at the location where the works are being carried out ‘tot cosis cori anton apeain ae rn pe yy ms who pe canl o For PINDO-00GTRPT Doce, Rept an 24 208 Project No PKWaM PINDO DELI Document No.| _P-KW2M-100-15-PRO-0001 (Gs\ APP Revision No. 04 sinarmas |Health Safely & Environmental | Page 9 of 40 Genoese eee issue Date Jan 24, 2018 4.1.4. CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary HSE precaution related to out of the performance of the CONTRACTOR in order to protect the work, the personnel and property of PINDO, CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, all third ‘parties and public from the hazards associated with the work. 42 CONTRACTOR Written Policy / Organization 42.1. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge PINDO strong commitment to HSE and affirm that it has a \wrtten HSE policy is of a standard comparable to PINDO HSE policy and which has been signed and is actively supported and endorsed by CONTRACTOR's management. 422. CONTRACTOR shall affirm that its HSE policy is widely disseminated and understood among Contractor and Subcontractors employees, 4.3. Protection of Employees, Public, Assets and Environment 43.1. CONTRACTOR shall protect the safety and health of workers and people living or working near the construction activity from potential hazards created by that activity. CONTRACTOR, Without eost to PINDO, must take all necessary precaution to protec the public and minimize disturbance and inconvenience to the public resulting from performance ofthe work. 43.2. Throughout performance of the work, CONTRACTOR shall conduct all operations In such a way as to minimize any impact upon the natural environment including compliance with the laws, regulations and rules applicable to the SITE and to Implementation recommended ‘mitigation measures as per approved Environmental Impact Assessment Report. 4.4 — Right to Stop Work 4.4.1, PINDO Project Manager or his designated representatives shall have the right to prohibit ‘commencement of work or stop any works In progress If the equipment, machinery, Personnel or work conditions are considered at PINDO discretion to be unsafe or not to be In ‘Compliance with any applicable rules, regulations and procedure. 4.4.2. PINDO also reserves the right to prohibit CONTRACTOR from proceeding with work activities as result of near miss or unsafe acts/conditions which have the potential to incidents, injury fr harm to the environment. The Stop Work period shall Include the time for proper Investigation to be conducted to determined the root causes of the Incidents, near misses, unsafe acts/conditions, 44.3. Stoppage of the work shall be at CONTRACTOR's expense unt CONTRACTOR has satisfactorily rectified such acts and condition. In the event of serious or repeated Infringements, PINDO may terminate the contract without compensation 45 Maintain Equipment and Machinery in A Safe Condition 4.8.1. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all CONTRACTOR's machinery, equipment, facilities and ‘other items In any associated with or utlized in the work are fit for use maintained in a safe ‘and good working condition. 452, CONTRACTOR to ensure Inspection and maintenance record are kept at SITE for reference and audit. 4.6 Risk Management and Hazards Identification 48.1. CONTRACTOR shall make an Initial assessment of the HSE risk Involved in the execution of the works. The focus of the assessment should be to evaluate the Inherent hazards in Conducting the work and the potential adverse consequence of an accident to the workplace, the public and the environment, PINDO assets and reputation enter eben vb eon fear : Project No. P-KW2M PINDO DELI Document No | _P-KW2M-100-15.PRO-0001 6 APP _ Revision No, o sinarmas | “Health Safety & Environmental | Page 70 of40 (HSE) Requirement For ‘contactors issue Date Jan 24,2019 482 CONTRACTOR shall tahe appropriate measures to prevent Incident from occurring and minimize the consequence of an event should i occur 463. CONTRACTOR shall conduct HSE Inspection and audits to ensure that such preventive measures are caried out, CONTRACTOR shall prompt conform to all recommendation made pursuant to the seid inspections and aut. 4.6.4, CONTRACTOR to develop Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) on height risk activities as per PINDO- SHA format 485. CONTRACTOR to develop Hazards and Risk Assessment Register to reflect the job as per scope of work 4.7 Competence Personnel 47.1 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that competence personnel are fuly trained and certified to carry out the task of operating al machinery, equipment and tools, CONTRACTOR shall provide an adequate level of technical and HSE related training conducted. 47.2. CONTRACTOR shal ensure that all Contractors and Subcontractors personnel engaged in the work and healthy and ft, and posses the experience and skil required to perform the works. 48 HSE Awareness 48.1 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for maintaining and enhancing the HSE awareness among its personnel and SUBCONTRACTOR's personnel, induding arranging HSE induction, toolbox, regular HSE meeting and emergency oils 4.82 Findings of hazard Identification including Job Safety Analysis shall be communicated to CONTRACTOR'S personnel. Copies of minutes of CONTRACTOR HSE Meeting shall be Communicated to PINDO 483. CONTRACTOR shall place sufcint HSE posters at PINDO's WORK areas and office, 4.9 Incident Reporting 49.1 CONTRACTOR shall report to PINDO immediatly of the occurrence of any Incident or accident includes. near misses according to’ PINDO accident reporting format CONTRACTOR shall also alert, where applicable, fre brigade, police and’! or authoiles relevant tothe incident or accidents 492 A Incidents or accident that result in or have potential to cause serious injury or property ‘damage must be suitably investigated by the CONTRACTOR and reported o PINDO, 493 CONTRACTOR shall maintain accurate incident and injury report which shall be comply with PINDO's requests for Information relating to accident, jury ones. 5. SPECIFIC HSE REQUIREMENTS 5.1 SITE Health Safety & Environment (HSE) Personnel saa CONTRACTOR shall, at CONTRACTOR'S cost, provide such number of qualified Health Safety & Environment personnel during execution of WORKS, Requirement of HSE personnel by CONTRACTOR shall follow the PINDO requirement HSE personnel shall discharge his duties and responsibilties as stipulated under above regulation or equivalent hhost country requirement. HSE personnel will be responsible to provide guideline and advice pertaining to HSE requirement of WORKS, He shall guide CONTRACTOR management on hazard assessment and preventive measure, with equal dligence being paid to fulfilment of the contractual technical specifications. In addition to ongoing monitoring of the site, the CONTRACTOR: HSE Personnel shall also perform a formal inspection ofthe site daily, to identify and correct ‘any hazardous condition. be sccm ob tne! tr ree ate! nse ply ay seen hap wm ne Project No. “P-KW2M PINDO DEL Document No. _P-KW2N-100-16-PRO.0001 (Z=\ APP Revision No, 04 KE sinarmas | “Hearth Safety & Environmental Page 11 of 40 (HSE) Requirement For ares Tesue Date Jan 24,2019 5.1.3 Note: A waiton record of all inspection and thelr status of action follow up shall be given to PINDO HSE representative atleast wookly 5.14 Site or CONTRACTOR HSE Personnel must not be involved or assigned to other parttime work other than as HSE Personne, 5.1.5. Prior to stat of works, CONTRACTOR shall submit the CV ofthe proposed HSE Personnel or Supervisor for PINDO approval 516 62 } Table -1: Minimum number of ratio HSE Personnel by CONTRACTOR in the SITE project. Total Employee | HOSE nepector | gglSSE_ | HOSE Manager 220 : 25.50 a0 1-0) 1-200 3612350 31-309 3130 eo Sotaeo ‘S100 S01 550 S800 S180 S10 foi 31800 Bi et eo0 S100 i te Ifthe number of Contractors peoples more than 1000, the CONTRACTOR HSE personne! shall be availabilty with rational ratio and approved by PINDO. Contractor Project HSE Plan 521 CONTRACTOR HSE Plan shall to follow the elements of PINDO's HSE Plan Template as ‘minimum requirement element as follows: © Purpose Application Definition Responsibility Leadership and Commitment HSE Policy Statement Strategy objective HSE organization and personnel HSE Communication and Meeting program HSE Promotion and Awareness Program HSE Laws, Regulations and Standards Hazards & Risk Assessment register Job hazard Analysis program "hs docu st te consosas cone an sant be epraaicosin wala pt by any meas wth hp rn crn Far PINDO-100%RPF Booman Repr Jn 242018 Project No. P-KW2M PINDO DELI Document No.| _P-KW2M-100-15-PRO-0001 (-\ APP Revision No 04 C4 sinarmas | earth Safely & Environmental Page 720840 (HSE) Requirement For "Contractor's Issue Date ‘Jan 24, 2019 + PPE Requirements + HSE Procedure ‘+ Emergency Response procedure ‘+ Equipment Control, Maintenance and Inspection + Occupational Health and Medical Facilities ‘+ Environmental Control program + Wotk Transportation Safety for Employee at Project + HSE Program, Performance Monitoring and Reporting + Incident Report and Investigation + HSE Inspection, Audit and Review 5.22 CONTRACTOR shall submit the draft of HSE Plan to get review / approval from PINDO, prior implemented. 523 CONTRACTOR shall be subjected to a mandatory Pre-mobitzation ausit by PINDO to fensure CONTRACTOR readiness to commence work activites at SITE In accordance with the proposed Project HSE Pian. PINDO reserves the right to refuse CONTRACTOR’ ‘mobilzation to SITE in the event of CONTRACTOR'sinabilty to satisfy any of requirements Under the HSE Plan, 5.2.4 CONTRACTOR shall present to PINDO SITE Project Management the proposed HSE Plan {or their endorsement prior to actual physical mobilization to work SITE. 525 CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed to mobilize to SITE until the HSE Plan is approved by INDO. Any delay thereof tothe actual mobilization of CONTRACTOR to SITE shall be at CONTRACTOR own expense. 53 ment Safety Inspection 5.3.1. Prior to start of work, CONTRACTOR is required to inspect the equipment and machinery ‘required in connection with the works including but not limited to cranes, forkl, bulldozer, truck, tractors, ec, to ensure that works will be performed under safe condition and witnessed by PINDO SITE HSE / Construction Supervisor. Pass inspection shall be put tagging "PASS INSPECTION" atthe equipment. 532, In addition, CONTRACTOR shall maintain and perform continuous safety inspection ‘throughout the work and shall promptly implement all recommendations made pursuant tothe said inspection, The folowing inspection frequency shall apply + Mechanical equipment such as crane, air compressor, fork, backhoe, excavator, ‘dump truck, ete on 6 months basis + Lifting gears such as sling, shackles, etc on 6 months basis. + Electrical cables, power and hand tools such as grinders, welding machine ete on quarterly basis + The color coding as per Crane and Liting Equipment procedure requirement shal be implemented at SITE \Note: Visual inspection shall be done in dally basis before using the equipment and tools. 5.33. PINDO shall have the right to conduct its own HSE audit or inspection at SITE. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all recommendations arising from such auditor inspection, 5.34. } CONTRACTOR shall ensure that only permitted personnel by way of previous technical training and familiarization are allowed to operate and / or maintain equipment and machinery. hs doar cons const sl ab produced nel en Pa byahy reas wine th prar wren con Fam: PADO-200r APT Doce, Rept en 242019 Projet No. P-KWaM PINDO DELI Document No.| _P-KW2W- 100-15-PRO.0001 APP Revision No 04 sinarmas |Health Safety & Environmental Page 13 of 40 (HSE) Requirement For — ‘contactors! Issue Date Jan 24, 2019 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) 5.4.1, CONTRACTOR shall at its own cost, supply its personne! and SUBCONTRACTOR's personnel required in connection with the works with adequate PPE and maintain enforcement on the use of such PPE, CONTRACTOR shall purchase PPE in accordance with the specification, refer to attachment E. 542, CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR shall not charge its personnel for such PPE. CONTRACTOR shail conduct training on the proper usage of PPE. 6.5 Mechanical Equipment Operation 55.1. CONTRACTOR shall upon arrival at the SITE, Inspect all mechanical construction equipment that isto be utlized in the work. 55.2. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that only trained competent person operates all mechanical equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall certify the competent person through a formal appointment. Copies of the appointment letters shall be to PINDO from time to time for verification purposes. “Tho equipment will include but may not be limited to the folowing ‘Crane Bul dozers Forklift loader Semi trailer / prime mover / dump truck Compressor Scaffolding equipment Rigging equipment = Man cages f personnel baskets 5.5.3. All equipment inspected that required remedial work (or replacement) shall be carried out CONTRACTOR cost. 5.5.4. All equipment inspected and accepted for use on the work shall be clearly identified by a tagging system 55.5. CONTRACTOR to ensure that Inspection to be carried out by qualified and competent authority or personnel and witnessed by PINDO HSE/Supervisor. 55.6, Where DEPNAKER, MIGAS or relevant regulatory authority and third parties inspection / certifications are required per PINDO's requirement, approval documents and certficated shall available atthe SITE. 5.6 Occupational Health and emergency facilities 56.1. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that al its employees and SUBCONTRACTOR employee ¢ ‘engaged in the work are medically fit and healthy. Any medical diseases or disables which CONTRACTOR may consider will not adversely influence the employee's abilities to perfor his role in the work should be reported to PINDO prior to start ofthe work 5.62. CONTRACTOR shall at no cost to PINDO be responsible for the medical welfare ofits own ‘and SUBCONTRACTOR employees and shall take care of arrangements for medical attendance, treatment or hospitalization if and when necessary and will arange suitable Insurance coverage for such contingencies. 5.63. CONTRACTOR Shall provide the following minimum first aid andlor medical arrangement with requirement as follows, Posner cotermmnetrnrcenr (A)APP Fen oe sinarmas | “Health Safety & Environmental Page 74 of 40 (#38) Reguoront For Reaureme Ts one| da. 200 "a9 ter nomen atest icfomlo gaia Tess than 50 ‘One (1) trained First Aid personnel ‘60 or more ‘One (7) trained First Aid personnel for every Srasten pat bel a tela aa Sts eSunaarore— Vara pete tater $84, CONTRACTOR some at err an SUBCONTRACTORS sn ha santa igh dno thy mmcton topes! feo ses, Tecenmaeron sot pews sist penn eran sas, Souteactontaban msc on cepa eah arma mtb mds sr satin 5.7 Confined Space 874A ined ce wo hab portad nes wh sna as Ces re ape teed Dop ae nga Satin cdr Shs Oot Apes ned cre! pa sah rg oe arginine Sota open pee 572, Sa spc ty mt sues fg Pat Wok PT apap Gas test shall be conducted by Authorized Gas Tester (AGT). 673, Th CONTRACTOR HEE Puce anu es sal erie ha a m3 pect np rae od 74. BONTRACTOR lb ced ret eos slowed Won ted a 5.8 Permit To Work (PTW) get aran Sem sobry cP Sat eyo ek SENTRACTOR siren” ta tw PT ann. Sot a caed e Fone ee SoTRAS TON 5.9 _ Emergency Response Preparedness ye 59.1. CONTRACTOR shall prepare for approval a SITE Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to manage for possible emergency scenarios that are likely to occur during the execution of work activities 5.9.2, CONTRACTOR, at ts own cost, shall ensure adequate provision for emergency response at SITE, which as a minimum includes the following + fire fighting © fire prevention © first aid medica facilities 69.3, CONTRACTOR personnel shall be trained and competent in the use of firefighting equipment. CONTRACTOR shall also ensure its aid personnel are trained and competent to render such services effectively. 3 donserio case coc nha rb poise py ny eas wt hawt oer ot Farm: PINDO-100 GF RPT Dame Rep 242019 PAKW2M PINDO DELI P-KW2M-100-15-PRO-0001 Revision No. 04 Health Safety & Environmental Page 18 of 40 (HSE) Requirement For - Contractors Issue Date lan 24,2019 6.10 Tools and Equipment 5.10.1. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all CONTRACTOR's machinery, tools and equipment, facilities, and other items associated with the works whether purchased or rented are maintained in a safe condition and to be operated by competent operators. Tools shall only bbe used for the job they were designed to perform. All guards must be fitted and shall be in {900d condition at al imes. All grinding discs must be checked for correct size and speed prior to fitting. Electrically powered tools shall meet the hazardous cones requirement where applicable. All electrical cables shall be industrial type. Use of domestic electrical cables is prohibited. CONTRACTOR shall repair or replace defective tools and equipment at CONTRACTOR cost. Appropriate personnel protective equipment must be worn at all ime ‘when using any tools or equipments. 5.11 Compressed Gas Cylinder 5.11.1, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that, a) Compressor gas cylinders are stored, transported or used shall be in an upright position and secured to some substantial object or structure by a chain or other suitable means capable of supporting the weight of the cylinder. This applies to all cylinders, whether empty ofl, b) Cylinders valves shall be closed and hoses depressurized when cylinder are not in use. ©) Cylinders shall have protective valve caps in place while they are being transported or stored 4) Cylinder shall be returned promptty toa suitable storage area after use. The shall not be loft at any site. Cylinder storage areas should be kept away from general traffic paths and must not be adjacent to vehicle paths. ©) Flammable gases and oxygen cylinder must not be stored in close proximity unless ‘separated by a non combustible wall f) Cylinder may only be hoisted when enclosed in an approved box or cradle within which they are securely fastened 9) Cylinder must be identified by a color code in accordance with national standards and or intemational standards. h) Gas welding oylinders shall have hose check (non-return valves), which allow gases to the blowpipe, but not back from it. Flashback arrestors shal be installed to quench flashback flames and cut of the gas flow automatically, in both oxygen and fuel gas outlet lines, 5.12 Welding, Cutting and Hot Work Activities 5.12.1, CONTRACTOR shall ensure only competent, authorized workers be allowed to use welding equipment. 5.12.2. Hard hats are not required to be worn by welders during actual process of welding If there is ‘no Immediate potential for head injury. CONTRACTOR shall ensure suitable precautions ‘against exposure of welding hazards such as excessive Ultraviolet radiation, fre, or dusts 5.12.3. Welding, andlor flame cutting in the vicity of flammable or combustible tems shall only be done under the control of the PTW 5.12.4. Trained Fire watcher (FW) shall be assigned to each work activity as required under the PTW. PINDO may consider the employment of a single Fire watch to oversee work activities RS ere 5.13 5.14 5.15 i Project No P-KW2M PINDO DELI Document No.| _P-KW2N-100-15-PRO-0001 APP Revision No a sinarmas | Health Safety & Environmental Page “76 of 40 (HSE) Requirement For + ‘Contractor's, Issue Date| Jan 24, 2019 Within vicinity of few locations. The location mentioned in any case shall not exceed 60 meters radius un-obstructed view. 5.12.5, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to provide appropriate number of gas. monitoring (detector) devices during the execution of any hot work activities, Gas monitoring (detector) {devices shall be periodically calibrated with certificate or tags availability 5.12.6. CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate number of suitable fre extinguishers at a welding site. Welders must be competent in use of these extinguishers, Grit Blasting 5.13.1. CONTRACTOR shall confirm with PINDO the need for hot work permit prior to grit blasting CONTRACTOR shall provide the blaster with an approved air mask and oll free air supply. Associated workers and any other personnel within the blasting area must wear approved respiratory protection 5.13.2, CONTRACTOR shall made efforts to minimize the exposure of the blasting grit to the surrounding environment. Protective shield shall be erected and notice board shall be posted In order to prevent exposure ofthe blasting grt Chemicals 5.14.1. Copies of all Chemical Safety Data Sheet (CSDS) / Safety Data Sheet (SDS) shall be made available at SITE. It shall be kept in a conspicuous place close to where that chemical is used ‘and accessible to the workers, 5.14.2. CONTRACTOR shall ensure all requirements for storage, handling and protection outlined in the material safety data sheet are followed. When in doubt conceming these requirements, ‘consult PINDO HSE Personnel 5.14.3. All chemical delivered to SITE shall conform to the provisions under the government of Indonesia's regulatory requirements as well as international standards. 5.14.4, Solvents, cleaners and cleaning agents must not be stored or used in unventilated areas or in immediate proximity to any sources of ignition. Quantities of such materials greater that needed for one day's work must be stored outside the work area in a proper storage facilty ‘Smoking is not permitted while using or inthe vicinity of any such chemical 5.14.5. The relevant provisions under the occupational Safety and health regulation in Indonesia in related with the Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to health. 5.14.6. Partially unused / surplus hazardous chemical shall be handled and disposed of by CONTRACTOR in accordance with Indonesian regulatory requirements, Road Safety Management 5.18.1. CONTRACTOR personnel traveling to, in and from SITE shall use proper means of transport, ‘Such transport shall comply with the Indonesian Law (UU) No. 22/ 209 pertaining Tratfic and Road Transportation and other relevant local regulatory requirements. Transportation of personnel in open trucks is prohibited unless fitted with seats and certified to carry passengers. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to provide safe access and egress to the SITE. 5.15.2, CONTRACTOR shall set allowable speed limit and piace suitable road signs at the SITE, not ‘exceed the MILL speed limit regulation 5.15.3. CONTRACTOR shall maintain and enhance the awareness of safe driving among its ‘employees and its SUBCONTRACTORS. This includes wearing of seatbelt, observing speed limit, maintain good vehicie condition, diving defensively, head lamps always on when at SITE and possess valid driving license. acura ba censine orn, rd shal nt taped nye rn pa by ay means woh pi wien casero Project No P-KWaM PINDO DEL! Document No. _P-RW2N-100-18-PRO-0001 1S APP Revision No 04 sinarmas |Health Safety & Environmental Page 17 of 40 HSE) Requirement For (HSE) Reguiremen Toe Dato] Jon 24, 2010 5.184. CONTRACTOR shall ensure ALL the drivers have a defensive safe diving training 5.185. 5.188. CONTRACTOR shall have a color coding identication / Stickers forall of their vehicles at SITE, The color coding identification must be lfferent from the other CONTRACTORS. Guidance on areas such as ( but not limited to) maneuvering, loading and unloading activites, accessing truck cabs and tanks that have the potential for serious injuries or {alalities shall be established ie, in Road Safety Management Plan. 5.46 Electrical Safety / Power Source 5.16.4 5.16.2. No part of any iting device or any liting equipment operated around power lines shall be closer that below = 180-750 20m © 750-50k V 30m © 80-250k V 45m = Over 260k V 45m ‘The above clearance apolies in all directions. All overhead lines shall be identified with a highly visible Sign placed 7 meter from both sides of the lines, 1,8m above ground. A restriction guard pole connected with ropes shall be installing to restrict dearance close to power ines. CONTRACTOR performing electrical construction works shell comply withthe requirements stipulated in the Electrical Safety, 5.17 Excavation SATA, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all excavation work shall meet the following requirements asa minimum + A proper survey-using detector shall be carried prior to proceeding with any ‘excavation work ‘+ Excavation work shall be subjected to a PTW. + ior to embarking excavation work, proper design and plan shall be drawn up taking into account to sol type and the weather conditions and proximity to facilities, = Walkways between trenches should be kept clear of obstruction = Competent persons inspect all excavations, shafts, tunnels and earthworks of any ‘description each day when persons are working ‘+ A standby person shall be made available at all times equipped with all necessary safety equipment ‘+ Every excavation of more than 1.2 meters depth shall be provided with ladders, stairways or ramps to furnish safe access to and egress from such excavation and shall be installed in a sufficient numbers and in such locations as to be readily accessible, * Where trenching of more than 1.5 in depth, pilings, shoring, bracing or other safer ‘method shall be used to protect employees against fang or sliding materials. + For excavation exceeding 2 meter depth, a confined space permit shall be secured, * Where trench to be excavated 4m in depth, such protection shall be constructed in accordance with the design and drawings of Professional Engineer. * No mechanical excavation within 1 meter of the existing service is allowed, All underground services must be hand exposed and identified © Excavated materials and other superimposed loads shall be placed at least 1 meter {rom the edge of open excavation and trenches. Ufrsencerameamansormens utestnt tate nge minuto ween om PINDO-10-7 PT Base Rep en 242018 (Gal 4 APP sinarmas Project No. PINDO DELI Document No.| _P-KW2N-100-15-PRO-0001 Revision No o Health Safety & Environmental Page 73 of 40 a : (SE) Requreront For | — 3 pee danza 2010 5.18 5.19 Barrie: 5.181 5.18.2 5.183. + Allopen excavation shall be protected with hard bartier and sign posted. = Allexcavated earth shall be properly confined to prevent environmental polltion. ade, Platform and Guardrails CONTRACTOR shall adequate barricades, covers, guardrails, signal flag persons or other appropriate warning devices to protect personnel near any hazardous operations or overhead work. ‘Temporary covers for floor openings shall be firmly fastened and clearly identified by warning signs. All elevated work areas, walkways, platform, etc. whether permanent or temporary, shall be protected by an approved guardrail (Consisting of an upper and intermediate rail and toe board) and shall provide a sturdy working space. ‘The CONTRACTOR shall provide all the necessary signs, barriers, flag persons, etc. to protect the general public from exposure to injury from the work. All legislated and PINDO Tequirements for waming sign andlor barriers adjacent to public roads must be stictly adhered to. Scaffold 5.19.1 5.19.2 ‘A competent person registered with DEPNAKER and or other relevant regulatory authority shall supervise all scaffold work. Copies of the relevant certificates of the competent person shall be extended to PINDO for endorsement. Scaffolding activities shall be regulated by the (uideline issued by DEPNAKER and or other relevant regulatory authority which include but ‘ot limited tothe following ‘+ Restricted on the type of scaffolding that can be supervised by the different level of ‘competencies i.e. Basic, Intermediate and Advance + The ratio of competent person to scaffold builders (supervisor to erector) is one to 15, (1:18) to be maintained. CONTRACTOR shall maintain a proper inspection and Tecord-keeping program for all scaffold structures being erected at SITE. Independent Scaffold Inspector(s) shall be employed to ensure all scaffold buit conformed to accountable scaffold erected standard ‘A safe means of access must be provided for any work to be carried out at a height greater than 2.0 (two) meters above ground, If a suitable permanent access is not available, a well designed, erected, inspected and maintained scaffold will be provided for a safe means of access and egress and safe working Areas. Additionally safe access to scaffold work platform by ladder must be provided. All saffoldings shall be constructed in accordance with B.S 5873 Code of Practice for Access and Working scaffolds and Special Scaffold Structures in Stee! or ts equivalent {Al scaffolding materials and component shall be as follow a. Scaffold tubes ‘All tubes must be galvanized steel 483mm OD( outside diameter) and wall thickness ‘4mm, comply to BS 1139 part 1, 1982 and free from cracks, splits or excessive Corrosion and straight. Black steel or aluminum scaffold isnot allowed in offshore. b. Coupling and fittings They must be of sound constructed, comply with BS 1139, part 2. Do not mix tubular and fittings of different standards, ©. Board and decking Al timber scaffold boards shall meet the recommended BS 2842;1981 and or other equivalent regulatory requirement poe er cx cl sn od ina on pat yay eae er ete cn Fer PINDO 102 6" PF Boca Rapr Ja 242019 Sina 6.20 Site Accommodatior Project No. PAKW2M PINDO DELI Document No.| _P-KW2M-100-16-PRO-0001 Revision No. 04 Heaith Safety & Environmental Page 19 of 40 (HSE) Requirement For CantmeAar Issue Date Jan 24, 2019 4. Ladders Ladders shall mest 8S 1129;1962 @. — Frame or tubular scaffold Only proprietary steel or frame or tubular scaffold of sound design and constructions are allowed as per manufacturer specification. f. Inspection ‘A scaffold inspector shall inspect all scaffold material. Any scaffold above 40 meters must be designed and endorsed by a professional structural engineer and forwarded to DEPNAKER 9. Erection Scaffold must only be erected, altered or dismantied by competent Scaffolders under supervision of a Competent Supervisor. All inspection of any scaffold shall be done by a scaffold inspector. CONTRACTOR shall maintain comfortable working condition as follows: 6.21 Office Air Condition rooms Electrical equipment and wiring to safety standard ‘Smoking in bedroom prohibited All fue ines are prohibited ‘Smoke detector in room Fire extinguisher at strategic locations Evacuation procedures posted Temp 20-26 deg C Humidity 40-60 % Adequate ventilation No smoking policy ‘Adequate lighting comfortable to the eyes at 400 lux Recommended white ceiling Cleaning days Clear passage ways, remove tripping hazards, [Emergency plan and evacuation Ensure car park well control for vehicle movement kept frst aid boxes 6.22 Storage/Warehouse 8.22.1 CONTRACTOR shall ensure a acceptable means for storing of equipments, material, chemical and fuel on SITE, The requirements for storing of materials shall include but not limited to the following © Construction materials shall be stored at the designated on SITE Location, ‘+ Written procedures on handling and disposal for all materials must be made available. © Good housekeeping must be practiced at all storage sites, + Storage areas must be located away from vehicular traffic at areas. pr amet nt cine cnr na eprint yan wt epi wien gt Fer PINDO-100 4" PF Booman Repo. Jn 24209 Projet No P-KWaM PINDO DELI Document No.| _P-KW2M-100-15-PRO-0001 | [Z| APP Revision No 04 Kd sinarmas |Health Safety & Environmental Page 2040 (HSE) Requirement For jaguars! Issue Date Jen 24, 2010 + Storage lors and bins shal be labeled and constructed to safely support the loads that are tobe imposed upon them with a posted appropriate maximum safe load limits provided ‘+ Storage buildings and warehouses must be provided with an approved iting, well ventilated and constructed with a fire resistance or explosion proof facilities where appropriate for the chemical or fuel storage, + Welding, cuting or any other operations that create sparks must be prohibited inside ‘a warehouse or near the flammable / combustible materials storage yards, + Adequate numberof fire extinguishers of appropriate type shall be made availabe at all storage areas and warehouse, + Allpersonnel shall wear approved hard hats while in storage areas. + Flammable and combustible material shall be stored separately, ‘= Storage rooms shall be constructed to meet the required fre resistant rating for their use. + Approved safety cans/cabinets shall be used to store and transfer flammable and ‘combustible liquids, with the name of the materials clearly stamped, + "NO SMOKING" signs shall be posted areas involving flammable and combustible materials. iP 523.4 5.23.2. 5.233. 5.23.4. 5.235. 5.236. 5.237. All cranes supplied by CONTRACTOR shall be inspected and load tested before going into service and witnessed by PINDO and a competent person, All associated lifting equipment shall be inspected. A valid crane certificate (issued by DEPNAKER or other relevant Fegulatory authority) is required. The crane operator shall be a certified competent person. CONTRACTOR shall maintain crane in a safe condition and make repair or replace unsafe crane for works. Should there be any doubt to the safety of the crane, CONTRACTOR may be required to perform load test at CONTRACTOR'S cost. {A color coding shall be used to identify Inspected liting appliance. CONTRACTOR shall seek approval from PINDO such as but not limited to issuance or release note and JHA (job hazards analysis) for a. Anyheavy ting above 15 tons and less 50 tons b. Any crtical ling of 50 tons and above and / or more than one single crane during ‘one ting operation & All heavy / critical ling shall require a Lifting Analysis and Plan prepared by CONTRACTOR’s designated liting EngineeriSupervisor. CONTRACTOR is responsible for ensuring that a competent, authorized worker operates any iting device and that @ signaler is designated to signal the operator as necessary to properly place and control the loads. Prior to performing any lif, iting Supervisor / Operator shall visually reinspect all the liting ‘gear e.g. sling, shackles, spreader bar and etc that going to be used in the lifing has no defect at all and approved by PINDO. All the liting gears, liting radius and crane capacity shall be as proposed in Lifting Plan. No worker shall be allowed under the load, Tag lines must be used and control the load where excessive movement is possible. Proper sign must be posted at appropriate locations to restrict unauthorized entry. ‘A competent worker shall be inspecting all wire rope, chains, and sling prior to performing any lift Record of inspection shall be kept for PINDO review. During winch or tow, all personne! must be clear of the Whip area! of cable under tension decent be consid canteen shal nt passin toa pa by years wth te rr ten coset sono Oct Ferm PIDO-200r RPT Doe Rope Jen 242018,

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