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NAME: Noor Mohammad Waleed B.

Robles                                      DATE: 12/03/2020

TEAM LEADER: Rustom Lamosao

TITLE OF THE STORY: A Marriage Was Made

AUTHOR OF THE STORY: Francisco Arcellana


He walked to the gate and dropped his grip. He stood there and did not ring the bell. He knew
she would be on the porch watching out for him. She had seen him coming and she rose from
her chair and stood there awhile smiling. She went to the head of the short flight of stairs and
stood there smiling happily with her hands raised pressing against the two columns on either
side of her. She ran down the stairs rapidly, still smiling and then breathlessly, walked across
the short strip of lawn, while from the street, softly he called her name. She looked at him frankly
happy and she raised one hand to undo the latch that held the gate. He caught her hand.
“Come away with me,” he said, “I love you. I have my things ready.” He nodded towards the
grip. “I am asking you to come away with me because of your magnificent shoulders.” She
laughed and then she became aware of his earnestness. She became serious and her eyes
became like his, intent and lighted. “Where to?” she asked. “Live with me,” he said simply. “Be
my wife,” he added when she did not say anything. She looked up at him fearlessly and his eyes
came back at her, earnest and intent. “I was up all night last night thinking about this, “he
continued after she looked away. “This was coming sometime, anytime now, anyway. I want you
with me. We shall have a fine time together.” He spoke with quiet intensity. She did not say a
word but looked back at her till she felt her lips would open and cry. In the end she had to turn
away defeated. She was silent and he said, “Let me see your other hand.” She raised her free
hand dutifully up over the gate between them and he caught it and placed it beneath his hands
together with her other hand. Pressing her hands until they came very close together like the
hands of a girl praying, he went on him intent voice, “I have always thought of you with me,
anyway. I have thought of you walking with me, talking with me, laughing with me.” Her eyes
flickered, the light shone and died in them. “I have thought of you sleeping with me,” he said
without taking his eyes off her face. “I cannot think of you apart from me.” Her eyes seemed to
be gravely considering him. Her cheeks were blanched with pain and her lips were white and
quivering. “How shall we live?” she asked, but her hands beneath his hands fluttered as if in
protest: he might take offense. “On my writing,” he answered confidently. “With you with me
there is not anything that I cannot do with my writing. You know that I am so much more
effective whenever you are with me.” She looked very pale. “What about them?” she asked, and
motioned with her head towards the house. “Never mind them,” he said, “they will be able to
take care of themselves. They cannot need you as much as I need you.” She swayed and her
eyes shone in pain. He said slowly, distinctly, “Come away with me, you cannot deny my need,
you cannot refuse me.” She freed her hands and patted his cheek before she spoke. He looked
at her and she said very bravely, “I am going with you.” He pushed open the gate to take her in
his arms and she gently blocked his way and opened her arms instead and allowed him to walk
into them and she put them about him and she pressed her face into his coat. “You are so
slight,” she said. “Wait here. I shall not be three minutes.” He lightly brushed his lips against her
hair and then she turned, too swiftly for him to see her eyes. He followed her with his eyes,
lightly climbing the flight of stairs, swiftly touching columns on either side, disappearing into the
house. His eyes shone and his unparted hair shivered in the incredible wind. He did not take his
eyes away from the door until she stood on the threshold again with a small suitcase hanging
from one arm and a black smart cap on her head. She was still a white-faced but already she was
happy and smiling. Sturdily and with sure strong strides she walked to him. He stooped and
caught his grip and swung the gate open and received her arm. “I love you,” he said, “we shall be
together.” He was not tall beside her as they walked away nor were his back and shoulders too
broad but already he felt strong again, enthusiastic and active and gay.

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