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Counselling sessions with the client, Krystal Siddiqui, and helper Waleen Khan

Session # 6 SOAP notes

November 28, 2022
Subjective: Krystal’s concerns today were to complete her university tasks. She is nearing the
end of her university semester and she is studying for her final exams as well as doing projects at
the end of the year. She already discussed everything that has been bothering her and her main
issues are her thoughts that lead her to think of a worrisome outcome. For example, not passing a
course or passing with a specific grade. She feels that that is a pressing issue that she will
constantly have to deal with. However, on a positive note, she has allowed herself to think that
she deserves a break when she needs it. She explained her feeling of burnt out and exhaustion to
which she gave herself time to herself to get away from her work. She is aware that she needs to
keep pushing, therefore she gives herself a chance to do so.
Objective: Krystal showed vibrant energy in this session. She seemed much lighthearted than
she had been in the previous weeks. She portrayed better abilities to cope with her anxiety as she
stated that with the excessive workload for finals coming up, she felt overwhelmed to the point
that she pulled away from her work for a few minutes to walk around campus to relieve of some
stress. She has included meditation in her daily schedule, and to continue to apply it in the future.
Assessment: Krystal does not show signs of needing more therapy, she has stated that she only
requires affirmation from others instead of people telling her facts about herself (during the 3rd
session, the counsellor provided with a lot of affirmation, and it seems the client took notice and
implemented it as well). Counsellor’s perception of the client’s progress is that she has improved
her self-worth. It was prominent in her thoughts about allowing herself to feel she has deserved
these things and to deviate herself from negative thought patterns. She wants to give herself
some room to think about positive outcomes rather than negative. Krystal also asks about further
resources and how they can be available if she ever needs it again, counsellor points out
university free counselling and other resources available to her, including coming to speak to the
counsellor again. She also asked about other coping methods for anxiety in closing the sessions,
one that I have not mentioned, and she could use for future anxiety inducing environment.
Plan: Krystal plans to follow through with her meditations daily and continue to do breathing
exercises. She also plans to allow herself to give herself room for self-care when she is feeling
heightened feeling of anxiety. Other than that, she is aware of other resources she can go to when
she is feeling overwhelmed such as her university counselling or a doctor for recommendation.

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