Pradhumna Biswas, Id 200311010

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University Of Creative Technology


Dept Of CSE
6th Semester

Web Programming Laboratory

Submission Date: 28-08-2022

Submitted To Submitted By

Suvadra Barua Pradhumna Biswas

Lecturer, ID: 200311010

Faculty of CSE. Semester: 6th

University of Creative Technology, Chittagong Level: 3, Autumn-2022
Experiment NO: 2

Problem Statement: Design a page layout using HTML and CSS.

Objective : Here, In this experiment, we will be going to design a HTML page layout
which has 7 sections and different backgrounds. Additionally, we will learn how to
use the external CSS file.



!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Lab Report Two</title>
<link rel="stylesheet"

<p class="paragraph" id="tomato">Tomato</p>
<p class="paragraph" id="orange">Orange</p>
<p class="paragraph" id="dodgerblue">DodgerBlue</p>
<p class="paragraph" id="mediumseagreen">MediumSeaGreen</p>
<p class="paragraph" id="gray">Gray</p>
<p class="paragraph" id="slateblue">SlateBlue</p>
<p class="paragraph" id="violet">Violet</p>



body {

margin: 30px 30px;


p.paragraph {
text-align: center;
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: 500;
padding: 22px 0 22px 0;

#tomato {
background-color: tomato;

#orange {
background-color: orange;

#dodgerblue {
background-color: dodgerblue;

#mediumseagreen {
background-color: mediumseagreen;

#gray {
background-color: gray;

#slateblue {
background-color: slateblue;

#violet {
background-color: violet;
● We have created a HTML file named as <>Web.css and a CSS file named
as #web.css
● Then we linked the external file using link tag <link rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" href="./web.css">

● After that we have Added a <div> <div/> tag. In div we have added 7
<p><p/> tags and finnaly added class names accordingly: Tomato, Orange
DodgerBlue, MediumSeaGreen, Gray, SlateBlue, Violet.
● In external CSS ,firstly we have import a google fonts.
● Then we set the body display: flex; and the background:#ededed; and justify-
content: center;
● So,now we will set up the div and p styles.
● In the end, we will be able to set the different backgrounds for each section.

Conclusion: By this experiment, we have learned about the process of using

external CSS and create a HTML page layout.

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