Enr 2016 Modular Exam Saqs

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ENR 2016 Modular exam SAQs

a. Describe relations of pituitary gland (3)
b. Which Neres are at risk during thyroidectomy and how the surgeon wil
take care while he ligates the arteries.
c. Draw and label histological picture of Parathyroid gland
2) A new born child examine after delivery. On exam: left testes in scrotum but right
side of scrotum was poorly developed. Cremasteric reflex on side is absent.
Palpable mass in right inguinal region
a. Name the factors associated with descent of the testes How ectopic testes
differ from incompletely descended testes
b. Why is it essential for testes to descends? Name two complications of
undescended testes.
c. Describe nerve supply and lymphatic drainage of scrotum and testes
3) A 40 year old multiparous lady present in OPD with complaints of something
coming out of vagina. Dribbling of urine after cough and difficulty in defecation.
There is no significant medical and surgical history. However she has a history of
prolonged labor at home with traditional birth attendant.
a. Name the condition and it’s basis
b. Name the structures the would have prolapsed through vagina
c. Name the structures that normally provide support in female to uterus and
vagina, preventing prolapse
4) Describe the morphological features of breast during the following stages:
a. Prepubrty, during pregnancy, during lactation post weaning post
menopausal period
a. What is an absorptive state, Briefly describe enzymatic changes in
metabolic pathways
b. Explain carbohydrate metabolism in brain during fed state
a. Describe Adrenal steroidogenesis. What is the role of STAR protein
b. What are the major steps in insulin synthesis How does the removal of a
certain part make insulin active?
7) Classify Hormones according to their biochemical nature and enlist the various
locations of hormone receptors
8) A 40 years old female suffering from rheumatoid arthritis visited clinic for pain
and disability. She was advised to take glucocorticoids to resolve inflammatory
a. How is cortisol useful for inflammation
b. English the metabolic effects of cortisol
9) Amina is a diagnosed patient of type 1 diabetes mellitus her blood reports showed
a. Enlist all the effects on fat metabolism produced by insulin deficiency
b. Why does the DM patient present with ketoacidosis
10) Draw and label a diagram comparing hormonal changes at the level of the
pituitary gland with those at the ovarian level during the monthly ovarian cycle.

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