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EMR SAQ’s 2010

1. Classify hormone according to their biochemical nature, and enlist the location for the
different types of hormone receptors. (2)
Water soluble: proteins and chatecolamines, receptors found on cell surface membrane
Water insoluble: Steroid hormones with receptors in cell cytoplasm, Thyroid hormones with
receptors in nucleus.
2. A patient of rheumatoid arthritis was advised to take glucocorticoids to resolve his
inflammation. What is the mechanism of action by which cortisol resolves inflammation? (2)
 Decreses capillary permeability
 Increases lysosomal membrane stability
 Suppresses T cells
 Decreases phagocytosis by WBC’s
 Reduces fever by reducing production of IL 1 from WBC’s
3. Enlist hormone that are responsible for growth. (2)
Growth hormone, somatomedins, insulin w/ GH, T3/T4, *****
4. What will be the effect of excess androgens in utero on the sexual development of female
fetus? (2)
5. Compare and contrast type I diabetes mellitus with type II diabetes mellitus. (2)
6. a. what is the biochemical basis of diabetic neuropathy? (1)
b. what is haemoglobin A1c and what to elevated levels suggest? (1)
7. How is glycogenolysis regulated in liver and muscle? (2)
8. a. what changes occur in a growing ovarian follicle? Enumerate only 3. (0.75)
b. Enlist 3 changes that occur in the endometrium at the same time. (0.75)
9. A young girl is found to have an imperforate hymen while being examines. How does the
hymen develop? (1)
10. The report of semen analysis shows majority of the spermatozoa to be immotile. In which of
the ducts associated with testes do the spermatozoa become motile? (0.5)
11. a. A male neonate is discovered to have an ectopic testis. How does it differ from an
undescended testis by definition? (0.5)
b. Name two location of a ectopic testis. (0.5)
12. A 45 year old male falls astride a metal pole injuring his bulbous urethra and has urinary
a. Where will this extravasated urine collect? (1.5)
b. What anatomical fact will limit this extravasation? (0.5)

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