Viva Answers Theme I

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1. Why do we have two sets of capillaries in the hypothalamo hypophyseal system?

A= capillaries are exchange vessels i.e.; materials are exchanged between tissues via
fenestrated capillaries. Primary capillaries pour the hypothalamic factors/hormones in to the
pituitary circulation. Secondary capillaries pour the pituitary hormones in to the systemic

2. What are the usual sites of the persistence of the remnant of the hypophysial
 Oropharynx………pharyngeal hypophsis
 Sphenoid bone………basipharyngeal canal
 Above sella turcica or basisphenoid……Craniopharyngioma
3. How do you differentiate between various types of acidophil cells of the anterior
A= By immunohistochemistry
4. Identify the parts of sphenoid bone on the dried skull.
 Body
 Process ( DOWN =vomer. Medial and lateral pterygoid plates
(SIDES= greater and lesser wings)

1. Name the hormones released from anterior (1.5)

Hormones of anterior pituitary are
 Growth hormone
 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
 Prolactin
 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
 Luteinizing hormone (LH)

2. How does growth hormone mediate its effects?(1.5)

Growth hormones mediates its effect through somatomedian C or insulin like growth
factor 1

3. How is growth hormone regulated?(1.5)

Growth hormone is regulated by growth hormone releasing hormone and growth
hormone inhibitory hormones or somatostatin by hypothalamus. GHRH stimulate while
GHIH inhibits growth hormones

4. Name the hormones of posterior pituitary and tell the function of oxytocin. (1.5)
Hormones are
 Vasopressin
 Oxytocin
 Contraction of uterus during child birth
 Milk led down

5. Tell different secondary messenger in the biological system and ask mechanism
of action of adenylcyclase(1.5)
Secondry messengers are
• Cyclic AMP
• IP3 –DAG
• Ca – calmodulin
• Cyclic GMP

6. Tell the site of location of receptor for action of protein,steroid and thyroid
Receptor for protein hormone is on cell membrane
Receptor for steroid hormones is in cytoplasm
Receptor for thyroid hormones is in nucleus

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