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2 Reece Kershaw (Australian/Victoria date) 5-12-2022

3 Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
4 Forwarded via email
6 Cc: Advisory Committee on Vaccines, Therapeutic Goods Administration
7 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Pharmacovigilance and Special Access Branch, MDP 122
9 Committee Support Unit, Therapeutic Goods Administration
10 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Scheduling & Committee Support Section, MDP 122
12 Mr A. Albanese (via portal)
14 Mr Daniel Andrews Premier
17 Re: 20221205-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the AFP-Suppl 93 -
18 Part 7-Electors-candidates-covid scam, etc
21 Sir,
22 further to my original COMPLAINT of 6 August 2021 I provide a further supplement
23 hereby.

25 Shiro
5-12-2022 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 My latest great-grandchild is Shiro born 20 November 2022 (picture when he was 1 week old)
2 Last time I saw my granddaughter was when she came to Victoria, at age about 16, some 5 years
3 ago. Now, when she made known earlier this year she was pregnant I was really worried that as
4 she was jabbed she could lose the baby. I am glad she and Shiro came through it but regretfully
5 about 67 out of 100 babies do not, as I understand it due to the jabs.
9 I recommend we consider and possibly implement a new system within our current
10 constitutional system which would avoid any amendment of the constitution, referred to as TAP.
11 When the Framers of the Constitution (Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
12 debated the framing of the constitution they made known that if a Governor-General was not
13 appointed by the Monarch on recommendation of the Home Office (10 Downing Street London)
14 then it should be a Governor-General elected by Australians. Since 1930 we have however that
15 the Prime Minister seems to select who shall be Governor-General, as such they hijacked our
16 rights. We need to change this. Recent times has underlined that the Governor-General, at least
17 in my view, betrayed us such as not acting against the Federal Government getting involved in a
18 unconstitutional secret agreement with pharmaceutical companies, Scott Morrison being
19 purportedly appointed to numerous portfolios this even so there were already Ministers
20 appointed for this, and then fail to publish these appointments in the Gazette which must be done
21 to validate any such appointment. I view that Virginia Bell AC betrayed us for not exposing the
22 purported appointments were unconstitutional. Then we have in Victoria (albeit probably in
23 other States and Territories likewise) what I view the betrayal by the governor, the Premier/First
24 Minister, the Attorney-General, the State Ombudsman, the Minister for health, the Minister for
25 Police, the State Human Rights Commissioner and numerous others and the same in the Federal
26 level. Hence, I view we need to TAP them on the shoulder and make clear they have to vacate
27 their offices. That obviously requires a system to be implement.
28 I have in the past extensively written that we do not elect who shall be in government. We
29 merely elect who shall be a representative as a Member of Parliament. Hence, it is appropriate to
30 implement TAP so we can get rid of those who fails to do their jobs appropriately.
32 When I was in management of factories the company decided to have each and every manager
33 tested by a management consulting bureau and we were advised that anyone scoring less than
34 50% in the various test would have their employment terminated. One of our managers who was
35 at the time also my ‘Time & Motion’ study lecturer, at College, gleefully announced this, as he
36 sought to get back upon me for exposing his incompetence in time & Motion Studies, etc. when
37 you do that you can expect such a narrow minded person to pursue some kind of retaliation. One
38 of the test included English and well that was my weak point as I had no formal English since
39 arriving in Australia about a decade earlier. Nevertheless I did the test and the end result was, so
40 I was given the understanding that I had scored 65 out of 100 points with English and all the rest
41 close to 100 out of 100 giving me an average of about 91%. For the recoded the lecturer manager
42 scored a 45% on average and then he disputed the competence of the management consulting
43 bureau. Well, he was send to the USA for 2 weeks to learn how to operate collation of nails on a
44 machine, and after returning the machines never worked, and he blamed the tapes for it. When
45 he was away for a day I decided to have a look at it and well discovered that the rolls of tape
46 were separated by a non-stick paper and so I urged the operator to use that non-stick paper when
47 laying the roll onto the aluminium plate. Well that solved the problem. “Common sense”!
5-12-2022 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation,
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1 We had this gigantic covid scam and yet dictated by the WHO (World Health Organization),
2 W.E.F. (World Economic Forum) and U.N. (United Nations) none of which fall within our
3 constitutional system. Nevertheless I view our politicians and their minions have betrayed us and
4 implemented draconian mandates, etc. In N.S.W the then Minister for health Brad Hazzard even
5 for reportedly some 24,000 school children without their parents present injected.
7 Video: “The Damning Truth of What is Going on in Australia”

11 Here we are the New World Order DEPOPULATION implemented by foreign entities and our
12 politicians and their minions will act like puppets-on-a-string. THAT MUST STOP!
14 What I propose is that anyone who desires to occupy a public office as head of any Department
15 being it as a Minister, Ombudsman, Human Right Commissioner, etc, must first be tested by a
16 management consulting bureau. The management consulting bureau test ordinary only those for
17 management position and as such a high standard. I*f you look at the USA where so to say a
18 halfwit is President while those who are behind him (DEEP STATE) are the once dictating what
19 the President can do and say than a consulting management bureau would have quickly exposed
20 the now President to be incompetent to be President. I view that likewise the same could be held
21 about Premier Daniel Andrews and others in Australia. Consider that the mandates were without
22 constitutional legislative, executives and administrative power then also without scientific basis
23 it must be clear we got someone making decisions without a clue what he is doing. This must
24 stop!
25 Our constitution provides for any elector, if elected, to be a Member of Parliament and that we
26 cannot interfere with unless the constitution is amended. However, we can and should change
27 how Ministers and even the Governor/Governor-General is appointed.
28 So, firstly they need to be tested by a management consulting bureau and then their score be
29 disclosed when they stand for election for a particular position as head of a department. With
30 elections the electors then are given a choice who to vote for a particular position where they
31 have a list of the 5 highest test scores associate with each candidate. As such electors can vote
32 based upon whom they consider more competent rather than which political party the person
33 belong to.
34 I on 8 April 2020 filed a complaint with the Victorian Ombudsman and well she advised it
35 would be transferred to Victoria’s IBAC which simply in my view railroaded the lot. On 13
36 April 2020 I filed a complaint with the Victorian Human Rights Commissioner who, to my
37 knowledge, never bothered to respond to me. Yet if they had attended appropriately to my
38 COMPLAINTS then many victims never would have ended up to become victims, let alone die.
39 As such, I view a system to TAP such a person and make clear that there will be a petition that if
40 2% of the electors sign the petition against such Departmental head then the matter is to go
41 before an election Court where the election court could, if found the accused guilty to not just
42 remove the person from office but to ban for lifetime the person to ever hold a public office
43 again as well as ban the person from holding any directorship with any private business.
5-12-2022 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation,
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1 However, the accused prior to any court hearing the matter is given 30 days to resign and then be
2 automatically barred from holding any public office for 10 years and any directorship with any
3 private business for 10 years. As such, the accused can prevent any lifelong ban by resigning.
5 There are ongoing developments and therefore this later supplement is not and must neither be
6 deemed to include all issues. Once again however it showed that we lack proper “leadership” as
7 when you got someone like Premier Daniel Andrews having the Victorian Police acting like
8 BROWNSHIRT/BLACKSHIRTS attacking people as an example for not wearing a mask
9 where yet again it has been proven that mask do not prevent infections one has to ask why has
10 Premier Daniel Andrews reportedly about 95 advisers when he cannot even manage any
11 leadership for example in the mask mandate issue, let alone in other un-scientific mandates.
13 We must stop this external dictatorship by the U.N., WHO, W.E.F. and others and have to
14 implement the TAP system so we reclaim our controls over our Governments, etc.
15 We have a former Family Court of Australia judge as a Victorian governor and surely she could
16 be expected to know and understand what the federal constitution stands for and that the State
17 Government lacks any legislative, executive and/or administrative power regarding “man-kind”
18 infectious diseases. Then why on earth did she not TAP Premier Daniel Andrews to make clear
19 he better not go further with this covid scam or he be terminated. That I view is her job as a
20 Governor but she seems to me to have miserably failed in this. Hence she should be having a
21 TAP that she needs to vacate her office. The same with the Commissioner of Police, having
22 allowed this violence by police against peaceful protestors exercising their constitutional rights.
23 In my view even the “No Jab No Play” by the Commonwealth to force parents to have their
24 children vaccinated with poison such as mercury surely must be deemed totally unacceptable and
25 hence the TAP system should be implemented.
26 The system I propose might end up that you have a Premier of one particular political party and
27 an Attorney-General of a different political party. But they will have in common that they scored
28 high in a consulting management bureau test. Meaning, you are unlikely getting some half-baked
29 Premier who’s Attorney-General for internal party politics will remain silent but rather have
30 each and every person who is in government aware that if they fail they not just can go on until
31 the next election but instead they can end up being banned from ever again holding a public
32 officer and any directorship with a private business. As such, the Attorney-General more than
33 likely well place his own future as more important than to try to do a cover-up. And this is what
34 currently is missing. Obviously, there are further details to be set out but for the moment it is a
35 system worth considering! This TAP system in no way interferes with the election rights
36 electors are entitled upon, rather it gives them more power to hold those who are heading
37 departments can be held legally accountable without any cover-up by those whom ought to have
38 acted against such inappropriate conduct by a person heading a Department. Having a Chief
39 Health Officer who is not medically qualified and appears to me not having a clue what
40 scientific basis the mandates were based upon ought to underline we lack proper accountability
41 and a Premier who formally was a Minister for Health neither having a clue what it is about. As
42 if he did than I view it even more underlines his gross incompetence. Likewise, I view so with
43 the current Minister for Health, and predecessors!

5-12-2022 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation,
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4 Video: “The Damning Truth of What is Going on in Australia”

9 Now is the time (long overdue) to hold them all legally accountable! We owe this to all victims,
10 including the death!



17 Not Even N95 Masks Work To Stop Covid
21 “The Experts™” have repeatedly tried to deflect from the failure of their policies with
22 misdirection.
23 The reason lockdowns didn’t work in the United States or the United Kingdom is because
24 they weren’t strict enough, according to many in the expert community.
25 Of course, their excuses have been conveniently ignored as China’s repressive zero
26 COVID lockdowns have continued, with horrific consequences.
27 Now that mass protests have broken out in the country that “The Experts™” revered for
28 their COVID handling, there’s a massive effort to disregard their own previous advocacy.
29 This is perhaps best exemplified by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who clearly
30 used authoritarian measures to suppress the protests in his own country, while now
31 supporting Chinese demonstrations.
33 — Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) November 30, 2022
34 The bewildering lack of awareness of their own hypocrisy seems to be a feature of
35 COVID-obsessed politicians and public health authorities.
36 Another similar, oft-repeated assertion is that the failure of universal masking can be
37 explained by the type of masks being used by the public.
5-12-2022 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation,
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1 Even though the CDC and Dr. Fauci explicitly claimed that wearing anything to cover
2 your face would be effective at preventing transmission, many have now quietly dismissed
3 that messaging.
4 Fauci specifically said that “cloth coverings work,” not just surgical or N95s. Former
5 Surgeon General Jerome Adams famously suggested that rolling up a t-shirt in front of
6 your face would be effective protection.
7 Yet public health departments and the media are now highlighting the importance of “high
8 quality,” “well-fitted” masks.
9 Their desperation to justify masking has led to remarkably poor studies being released to
10 support their anti-science messaging.
11 There is new research that has been released showing that masks are ineffective, regardless
12 of type.
13 And it’s not just new research, it’s high quality research.
14 Finally, Another RCT on Mask Wearing
15 The Annals of Internal Medicine just published a randomized controlled trial comparing
16 the ability of medical masks to prevent COVID infection to fit-tested N95s.
17 Importantly, this trial was conducted on healthcare workers who would be most likely to
18 use masks appropriately.
19 To determine whether medical masks are noninferior to N95 respirators to prevent
20 COVID-19 in health care workers providing routine care.
21 That trial design was also important as it was meant to determine whether or not N95
22 respirators were superior to “regular” surgical masks.
23 They examined 29 different health care facilities on multiple continents, from North
24 America to Asia and Africa.
25 The percentage of healthcare workers testing positive for COVID in each group was
26 tracked to determine how effective or ineffective higher-quality masking was in preventing
27 infection.
28 Unsurprisingly, the results confirmed that there is essentially zero difference between
29 surgical or N95 respirators when it comes to tests results.
30 In the intention-to-treat analysis, RT-PCR–confirmed COVID-19 occurred in 52 of 497
31 (10.46%) participants in the medical mask group versus 47 of 507 (9.27%) in the N95
32 respirator group (hazard ratio [HR], 1.14 [95% CI, 0.77 to 1.69]). An unplanned
33 subgroup analysis by country found that in the medical mask group versus the N95
34 respirator group RT-PCR–confirmed COVID-19 occurred in 8 of 131 (6.11%) versus 3 of
35 135 (2.22%) in Canada (HR, 2.83 [CI, 0.75 to 10.72]), 6 of 17 (35.29%) versus 4 of 17
36 (23.53%) in Israel (HR, 1.54 [CI, 0.43 to 5.49]), 3 of 92 (3.26%) versus 2 of 94 (2.13%) in
37 Pakistan (HR, 1.50 [CI, 0.25 to 8.98]), and 35 of 257 (13.62%) versus 38 of 261 (14.56%)
38 in Egypt (HR, 0.95 [CI, 0.60 to 1.50]). There were 47 (10.8%) adverse events related to
39 the intervention reported in the medical mask group and 59 (13.6%) in the N95 respirator
40 group.
41 52 of 497 participants who wore medical masks got COVID-19, and 47 of 507 in the N95
42 group got COVID-19.
43 No matter how “high quality” your mask is, it’s entirely irrelevant.
44 The researchers also took pains to ensure that the control and treatment groups shared as
45 many similarities as possible.
46 They excluded workers who could not pass a fit test, had laboratory-confirmed COVID, or
47 “had received 1 or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine with greater than 50% efficacy for
48 the circulating strain.”
5-12-2022 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation,
or E-mail See also
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1 Yet none of that mattered; there was no difference in outcomes between the medical and
2 N95 level masks.
3 The N95s in use were even specifically fit tested and approved respirators, far from the
4 KN95s commonly used by the general public.
5 “Health care workers randomly assigned to the N95 respirator group were instructed to
6 use a fit-tested National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health–approved N95
7 respirator when providing routine care to patients with COVID-19 or suspected COVID-
8 19.”
9 It didn’t matter.
10 Even more importantly, these disappointing results were from facilities with universal
11 masking policies in place.
12 Everyone, in each health care facility, “for all activities,” was required to wear masks.
13 The intervention included universal masking, which was the policy implemented at each
14 site. This refers to the use of a mask when in the health care facility for all activities,
15 whether patient related or not, including in workrooms, meetings, and treating persons
16 that were not suspected or known to be positive for COVID-19.
17 It still didn’t work.
18 They even tracked potential exposure points, whether at home, in the community or in
19 hospital exposures.
20 There was no difference.
21 What’s even more impressive about the futility of masking is that outside of Egypt, the
22 observed results occurred before the more contagious Omicron variant emerged.
23 There were substantial differences in results between countries, which indicates the impact
24 of N95s might have been further muted had it covered the Omicron period.

26 Canada, which was observed pre-Omicron, showed the biggest “benefit” to N95s, while
27 post-Omicron Egypt was nearly identical.
28 It’s possible that the mild difference in Canada could have been erased entirely if subjected
29 to the Omicron era.
30 On top of being functionally useless, N95s were substantially more likely to result in
31 adverse effects.
32 According to the results page, there were significantly more reported issues in the
33 respirator group:
34 “There were 47 (10.8%) adverse events related to the intervention reported in the medical
35 mask group and 59 (13.6%) in the N95 respirator group.”
36 This becomes even more noteworthy since compliance with respirator masking was lower.
37 “Adherence with the assigned medical mask or N95 respirator was self-reported as
38 “always” in 91.2% in the medical mask group versus 80.7% in the N95 respirator group
5-12-2022 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation,
or E-mail See also
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1 and as “always” or “sometimes” in 97.7% in the medical mask group versus 94.4% in the
2 N95 respirator group.”
3 While still extremely high, health care workers “always” wore N95s 80.7% of the time
4 instead of 91.2% for medical masks.
5 This is one of the many issues the “experts” now pushing for (now disproven) “higher-
6 quality” masking should address.
7 Health care professionals who are trained to use N95s can’t always use them yet
8 experience higher rates of adverse effects.
9 Imagine how much worse compliance would be among the general public, especially if
10 13% are suffering significant side effects.
11 Results Show Expert Incompetence
12 This is yet another randomized controlled trial to show that masks do not work.
13 It also confirms the DANMASK study conducted earlier in the pandemic, which proved
14 there was no benefit from masking in COVID prevention.
15 Even the Bangladeshi study, comparing villages, showed there was no benefit to masking
16 at a population level. They used statistical misdirection and purposeful p-hacking to try
17 and generate a positive result, and still could only get to a ~10% reduction for those over
18 50.
19 No matter the quality, no matter the compliance, masks are entirely ineffective at
20 preventing transmission or infection.
21 The participants in this examination lived and worked in environments where universal
22 masking was a requirement.
23 It didn’t matter.
24 This also examined health care workers, who, in theory, would be using and disposing of
25 medical or N95 level masks properly.
26 There was no difference.
27 Now imagine how much worse the results would look for mask fanatics if it examined the
28 Fauci-approved cloth coverings.
29 If “The Experts™” actually cared about following “the science,” or “the evidence,” this
30 would once again be the nail in the coffin for masking.
31 More like the 40th nail in the coffin.
32 We have observational evidence through population-level comparisons that masks do not
33 prevent the spread of COVID.

35 We also now have multiple randomized controlled trials confirming that masks do not
36 prevent the spread of COVID.
37 And we have extremely well done comparisons of neighboring jurisdictions confirming it.
38 All the mask fanatics have is politically motivated wishful thinking, desperate advocacy
39 from disproven CDC “studies,” and a commitment to avoiding reality.
40 Fauci and his health authority allies have lied to the public repeatedly about masking. The
41 obsession with credentialism and appeals to authority within the media has resulted in
42 tremendous, unjustified harm.

5-12-2022 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation,
or E-mail See also
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1 You’d hope that results like these would finally end their ridiculous posturing, but it’s
2 abundantly clear they’re too dug in to ever relent.
3 But thankfully those paying attention now have even more ammunition in the fight for the
4 inarguable scientific reality that masks do not work.
5 Republished from the author’s Substack.
6 Author
7 Ian Miller
8 Ian Miller is the author of “Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask
9 Mandates.” His work has been featured on national television broadcasts, national and
10 international news publications and referenced in multiple best selling books covering the
11 pandemic. He writes a Substack newsletter, also titled “Unmasked.”
16 Let this sink in that it underlines there never was any “scientific” evidence/data that
17 lockdowns, social distancing, etc, were having any scientific basis. It was merely that
18 “Clifford Lane, his deputy at the NAIAD, as the U.S. representative for the WHO
19 delegation to China. Lane convinced Fauci we should emulate China’s lockdowns”. As
20 such this Clifford Lane was US representing to the WHO (World Health Organisation)
21 which then made its own decision as to China, this even so I understand that China
22 actually refused the WHO participants to have access to relevant documentation.
24 Let us get this right, Dr Anthony Fauci then pursue lockdowns & mask wearing, etc,
25 without any shred of “scientific” data but merely relying up[on the say so of a subordinate
26 on what China really misrepresented. And it is upon this basis that other countries then
27 also followed to do lockdowns, social distancing, etc including the State of Victoria as
28 well as the whole of Australia, and this all based upon the fabrication of non-existing
29 “scientific” data. This underlines that there was not a mere breakdown on
30 scientific/medical competence but we had Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton
31 (brother of Trevor Sutton) to issue mandates of compulsory mask wearing, social
32 distancing and many other draconically mandates. And where was the “impartial
33 judiciary”? It seems it was on leave as those judges who were handling the cases somehow
34 as it appears to me were taking the word of those claiming “science” without there being
35 any “scientific” evidence.
40 they-are-superheroes/
42 French General Pays Tribute to the Unvaccinated: 'They Embody the Best of Humanity,
43 They Are Superheroes'

45 In a powerful letter making waves across Europe, French General Christian
46 Blanchon praised citizens who refused the experimental Covid “vaccines” injections.
47 Despite years of pressure campaigns, discriminatory policies, social exclusion, loss
5-12-2022 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation,
or E-mail See also
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1 of income, threats, and being blamed for other’s deaths, the General thanked the
2 “unvaccinated” for their strength, courage, and leadership:
3 Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the
4 greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends,
5 colleagues, and doctors.
6 People who have been capable of such personality, courage, and such critical ability
7 undoubtedly embody the best of humanity.
8 They are found everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, countries, and opinions.
9 They are of a particular kind; these are the soldiers that any army of light wishes to
10 have in its ranks.
11 They are the parents that every child wishes to have and the children that every parent
12 dreams of having.
13 They are beings above the average of their societies; they are the essence of the peoples
14 who have built all cultures and conquered horizons.
15 They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.
16 They did what others could not do; they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of
17 insults, discrimination, and social exclusion.
18 And they did it because they thought they were alone and believed they were alone.
19 Excluded from their families’ Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so
20 cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, and had no more money… but they didn’t
21 care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals, and
22 humiliation… but they continued.
23 Never before in humanity has there been such a casting; we now know who the resisters
24 are on planet Earth.
25 Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and all religions, the unvaccinated, the
26 chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything fell
27 apart. Collapsed.
28 You’ve passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest marines, commandos, green
29 berets, astronauts, and geniuses couldn’t pass.
30 You are made of the stuff of the greatest that ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary
31 men who shine in the dark.”
35 email-title&publication_id=579356&post_id=87675374&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
36 Albert Bourla the malfeasant criminal (CEO of Pfizer): "Pfizer’s CEO rapped by
37 regulator for making ‘misleading’ statements about children’s vaccines"; Dr Bourla
38 claimed youngsters aged five to 11
40 The Telegraph (Camilla Turner): Dr Bourla claimed youngsters aged five to 11 benefited
41 from vaccination but the pharmaceutical watchdog said the remarks misled the public
42 Dr. Paul Alexander
43 Dec 3
44 This corrupted CEO must be investigated with Bancel of Moderna, and if they are clean,
45 praise. But if shown they were reckless and their vaccine killed people, if shown the trials
46 were fraud and corrupted and the vaccine is dangerous, we clean this guy out financially
47 and jail him for 25 years!
48 ‘Pfizer’s CEO has been rapped by the UK’s pharmaceutical watchdog for making
49 “misleading” statements about children’s vaccines, The Telegraph can disclose.
5-12-2022 Page 10 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation,
or E-mail See also
Page 11

1 Bottom of Form
2 Dr Albert Bourla used an interview with the BBC last December to claim that “there is no
3 doubt in my mind that the benefits, completely, are in favour of” vaccinating youngsters
4 aged five to 11 against Covid-19.
5 He argued that “Covid in schools is thriving” adding: “This is disturbing, significantly, the
6 educational system, and there are kids that will have severe symptoms.”
7 The interview was published on Dec 2 - before the vaccine had been approved by Britain’s
8 medical regulator for this age group.
9 Shortly after the article’s publication, a complaint was submitted to the pharmaceutical
10 watchdog - the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) - by
11 UsForThem, a parent campaign group which was set up to promote the plight of children
12 during the pandemic.
13 ‘Extremely promotional in nature’
14 The complaint alleged that Dr Bourla’s remarks about the children’s vaccine were
15 “disgracefully misleading” and “extremely promotional in nature”, arguing that it breached
16 several clauses of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry’s (ABPI) code of
17 practice.
18 “There is simply no evidence that healthy schoolchildren in the UK are at significant risk
19 from the SARS COV-2 virus and to imply that they are is disgracefully misleading,” they
20 said.
21 In September 2021, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI),
22 had advised against a mass roll-out for children aged 12-15, saying the “margin of benefit”
23 was “considered too small” and citing the low risk to healthy children from the virus.
24 But less than a fortnight later, ministers gave the green light for youngsters to be given a
25 single dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech jab with the UK’s chief medical officers arguing that
26 this would help to keep schools open.
27 It was not until February 2022 that the JCVI ruled that children aged 5-11 could be offered
28 the vaccine - but ministers said the decision should be left up to parents.
29 A code of practice panel, convened by the PMCPA, found that Pfizer had breached the
30 code in a number of different ways, including by misleading the public, making
31 unsubstantiated claims, and by failing to present information in a factual and balanced
32 way.
33 ‘Up-to-date scientific evidence’
34 Pfizer appealed against the findings, strongly refuting UsForThem’s claims that Dr Bourla
35 had breached the code of practice. They argued that his remarks were based on “up-to-date
36 scientific evidence” and could be substantiated by the “publicly available independent
37 benefit-risk assessments”.
38 Earlier in November an appeal board met to consider their arguments. The breaches of the
39 code relating to misleading the public, making unsubstantiated claims and the lack of
40 balance were upheld.
42 But the more serious findings - including that Pfizer had brought discredit to the industry,
43 had encouraged irrational use of a medicine and had failed to maintain high standards -
44 were overturned. PMCPA said the full case report will be published in the coming weeks.
45 A spokesman for Pfizer said they are “committed to the highest levels of integrity in any
46 interaction with the public”.

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1 They added: “We are pleased the UK’s PMCPA Appeal Board found Pfizer to have
2 maintained high standards and upheld confidence in our industry, the two most serious
3 rulings in this complaint from a UK campaign group.
4 “In the UK, we have always endeavoured to follow the principles and letter of our industry
5 Code of Practice throughout. We will review the case report in detail when we receive it, to
6 inform future activity.
7 “Throughout the pandemic, our communications have been focused on providing clarity
8 regarding the progress of our science and supporting transparent scientific exchange in the
9 interests of public health.” UsForThem were approached for comment.’
12 1%2F26%2Fpfizers-ceo-rapped-regulator-making-misleading-statements-childrens%2F
15 QUOTE 20221125-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to IBAC – COMPLAINT Supplement 1-Part 7
16 Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission 25-11-2022
17 Address: GPO Box 24234, Melbourne VIC 3001
18 Telephone: 1300 735 135
19 Email:
23 20221125-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to IBAC – COMPLAINT Supplement 1-Part 7
27 Sir/Madam,
28 in this COMPLAINT ( which will be in several parts) I will address various matters
29 albeit not stated in any order of importance, while some must be considered also as to my past
30 complaints provided to IBAC.


33 Supplement 1
35 In R v SOLIHIN MILLIN Case Nos L12182685 & L12090647 the issue is alleged breaches of
38 Mr Solihin Millin I understand filed a 24 page document which questions the validity of the
39 mandates, etc. The entire document can be downloaded from
44 Obviously, as I already provided in this COMPLAINT that where the State of Victoria has no
45 legislative, executives and/or administrative powers then all and any alleged breaches by any
46 Victorian is without warrant of law.

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1 It must be understood that when a person ordinary becomes ill of a non-infectious disease such
2 as a headache then none of the mandates such as social distancing, mask, lockdowns, lockouts,
3 curfews, QR code, ring of steel, 5 kilometres travel limit, etc, would be of any use. Indeed to
4 apply any such mandates would not only be absurd but bizarre. As such, those mandates clearly
5 are for a purpose as to restrict any spread of an infectious disease and not for some headache,
6 sore arm, having a ripped finger nail, etc.
7 Below Page 1 of the R v SOLIHIN MILLIN Case Nos L12182685 & L12090647 submission.

9 The issue of “flatten the curve” as was exposed by Dr Brixx (as exposed oat my Scribd blog
10 “inspectorrikati” was essentially a con-job to get some action to start with.
11 The Emergency simply never really existed at all but was a pure fabrication.
12 The WHO (World Health Organisation) clai9med to prepare countries for an Pandemic but
13 anyone looking back to what really happened may just discover it had nothing to do with
14 “HEALTH” but with how to gain control over the world population for DEPOPULATION, etc.
15 Indeed, even after this mass failure by WHO is now pursues control of health matters that it and
16 not local health organisations in any State determines what is best for its citizens. The WHO also
17 is pushing for a vaccination ID even so the miserable failure regarding the covid scam underlines
18 how dangerous this is. After all people were denied using aeroplanes without a vaccination ID as
19 they were deemed dangerous and could spread some alleged SARS-CoVF-2 virus and were the
20 “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as Premier Daniel Andrews also claimed. You need to be
21 vaccinated as to not just stop the spread of the illusive SARS-CoV-2 virus but you needed to do
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1 it for your Mum and Dad, your grandmother and do it for others. The then Federal Minister for
2 health Greg Hunt even declared it was the largest trial of the world to obtain information. Well,
3 reality is that when professional scientist and medical doctors published details as to the harm of
4 the so called vaccines then they were silenced as it really was never about “health” or “science”
5 but about DEPOPULATION and taking control over the world population to rob them of all
6 possessions and dignity. It had nothing to do with “safe and effective” as it was an absurd term
7 to use when you use a “clinical trial” to seek to get details and nevertheless from start claims it
8 to be “safe and effective”. It had nothing to do with “science” because science is an always
9 evolving process where what today may deemed to be the science of something may tomorrow
10 or later be found to be different. As such the very persons pushing the “follow the science” were
11 actually opposing to do so.
13 Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton made it a political game when allegedly there were zero deaths
14 to use a “donut” in his name as Premier Daniel Andrews was already showing to use donuts to
15 claim zero deaths.
17 So, what zero deaths did they achieve in reality where every day people are dying anyhow from
18 all kinds of causes?
19 It surely couldn’t be from “covid” as was claimed because you cannot die from something that
20 never was proved to exist by the Koch postulate. How indeed could anyone claim someone died
21 from “covid” when there was no autopsy report to prove that indeed a person died from “covid”?
22 At my blog I published numerous statements from pathologist who had performed autopsies and
23 declared none had died from this alleged “SARS-CoV-2” virus.
24 I understand that Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton is not a qualified medical doctor and I view
25 as such not medically qualified to determine if a person died from this alleged “SARS-CoV-2”
26 Virus. I understand neither were those who are ordinary in charge of hospitals and or care
27 facilities. Their qualifications might be because of some PhD and entitle them to be referred to as
28 Doctor but that doesn’t make them to be “medical doctors”.
30 If something that is very much missing appears to be what happens to the documents when
31 citizens write in to Ministers, heads of Departments, etc. Are they simply so to say shredded or
32 deleted so no one else who takes over the Ministerial function or the position can then show
33 what was conveyed? After all my elaborate writings forwarded to Premier Daniel Andrews
34 since early 2020 should have been alarming enough to have questioned the competence of Chief
35 Health Officer Brett Sutton. Here we had CHO Brett Sutton issuing a mandate for mask only
36 shortly thereafter to modify it. Which indicates he never in the first place had any proper science
37 to base the mask mandates upon, (not seeking to imply he had such legal authority!) and then
38 Premier Daniel Andrews went on to make clear that a mere shawl could do. And the Victorian
39 Department of Health had its ongoing changing information that even the Victorian Police on 10
40 August 2020 admitted to me they weren’t even aware of what was applicable (They recorded the
41 communication). Let us not forget the absurd conduct for having people doomed in protective
42 gear to clean street poles, etc, because of the risk of this illusive “SARS-CoV-2” virus.
43 What is also absurd is that to my understanding not a single mask was manufactured specifically
44 against this illusive “SARS-CoV-2” virus. Manufacturers of ordinary mask actually commenced
45 to put on their mask package that it was not suitable against “SARS-CoV-2” virus/covid.
46 It is remarkable that any government purportedly seeking to look after the health of citizens
47 blatantly disregard to even attend to a basic issue such as ensuring that appropriate mask were
48 available. As such this spruiking about “saving every life” was merely some propaganda claim
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1 and not at all shown to be realistic. Indeed, the denial of proper medical services for those
2 needing medical care if anything underlined this was about expanding powers of control and not
3 about saving lives.
4 The conduct of the Victorian police to push an about 70 year old woman (in red) onto the ground
5 and then while she is on her back spraying relentlessly with some kind of capsicum spray and
6 the police officers then walk away, also indicated this was terrorism and nothing to do with
7 trying to constrain a person to be able to take the person into custody.
8 The firing of bullets onto parents holding children in their arms peacefully demonstrating within
9 their constitutional rights also underlines this was not about “HEALTH” but about terrorism to
10 gain control.
13 QUOTE 20211125-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian
14 Federal Police-Suppl- 34-RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION
15 Let us look at the following image of a 70 year old woman specifically tackled/pushed onto the
16 ground and then sprayed with what I understand was capsicum spray into her face, and there are
17 video’s that show that then the police involved simply walk away. As such, it was not at all to
18 execute any arrest at all. It in my view was a deliberate conduct of calling unduly harm. I look
19 forwards to any links you provide showing you objected to this kind of uncalled violent conduct
20 by the Victorian Police. Was she really such a danger to the Victorian Police while on the
21 ground?
23 Video: Cops Ask For Legal Protests

27 (INSERT: After they sprayed this elderly woman the police simply walked away and as such I
28 view this was uncalled terrorism, not at all to restrain and/or arrest a person!)
30 Video: End Covid Repression, Let Life Resume

32 This young woman (Melbourne) actually had medical condition to be exempt from mask
33 mandate! This however didn’t deter the Victorian Police in its violent aggressive conduct. I look
34 forwards to a link where you in the Parliament objected to this kind of violence!
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1 Video: Australia painted as a ‘dystopian nightmare’ as footage goes viral

2 Here we have images of the Victorian Police dealing with unarmed citizen exercising their
3 constitutional rights to protest and also how the Victorian Police is running after citizens to spray
4 them with what I understand to be capsicum spray. And this while capsicum spray was
5 originally introduced as an alternative of using real bullets. Well they now also use rubber
6 bullets, even at the Shrine of Remembrance to disgrace the fallen. And shooting in to the back of
7 unarmed citizens. Again, I look forwards to any links where you objected to this kind of police
8 violence.

10 Video: Police crack down on protesters at St Kilda beach Melbourne protests ABC News

13 Video: Australian Prime Minister Says Its Your Fault If You Took The Vaccine And Died
14 END QUOTE 20211125-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
15 Australian Federal Police-Suppl- 34-RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION
17 While some conduct on a federal level ordinary might be beyond the jurisdiction IBAC where it
18 however relates to the conduct and indeed conspiracy involving State Members of parliament,
19 Ministers, and their officials and mi9nions then it become relevant.
21 recommendation/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-
22 breaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=breaking&ats_es=a706e995ec590e9480340416ca68a7e0
23 FDA claims ivermectin 'horse dewormer' smear only a 'recommendation'
25 Physicians sue agency for interfering in their treatment of COVID patients
26 By Art Moore
27 Published November 23, 2022 at 9:27pm

29 Graphic from Aug. 6, 2021, Daily Beast story on ivermectin

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1 In a lawsuit by three doctors accusing the FDA of interfering in their treatment of COVID-
2 19 patients with ivermectin, a lawyer for the agency insisted that urging people to "stop"
3 taking the medicine was merely an informal recommendation.
4 The fact that the "recommendation" – which included mocking the drug as "horse
5 dewormer" – prompted hospitals and pharmacies to ban its use for COVID-19 doesn't
6 mean the FDA bears any responsibility, contended Isaac Belfer in a hearing in federal
7 court in Texas.
8 "The cited statements were not directives. They were not mandatory. They were
9 recommendations. They said what parties should do," Belfer said Nov. 1, Epoch Times
10 reported.

12 Dr. Paul Marik arrives at a courthouse in Norfolk, Virginia, on Nov. 18, 2021, to ask for an
13 order allowing him to treat his COVID-19 patients with ivermectin (Twitter video
14 screenshot)
15 Attorneys for the physicians, who included Dr. Paul Marik, cited three online posts by the
16 FDA, including a tweet, featuring a photo of a horse, saying: "You are not a horse. You are
17 not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it."
18 The tweet linked to an FDA web page titled "Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to
19 Treat or Prevent COVID-19." On a separate page, the FDA stated: "Q: Should I take
20 ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? A: No." A subsequent tweet said: "Hold your
21 horses, y'all. Ivermectin may be trending, but it still isn’t authorized or approved to treat
22 COVID-19."
23 Ivermectin – which has been a safe and effective, Nobel-prize-winning, FDA-
24 approved treatment for many diseases – can be prescribed for COVID-19 by a physician
25 "off label," and 93 randomized controlled trials confirm the reported success of many
26 physicians around the world.
27 Bottom of Form
28 The FDA attorney Belfer contended the FDA merely was declaring "why you should not
29 take ivermectin to treat COVID-19."
30 "They did not say you may not do it, you must not do it. They did not say it’s prohibited or
31 it’s unlawful. They also did not say that doctors may not prescribe ivermectin."
32 Belfer emphasized: "They use informal language, that is true. It's conversational but not
33 mandatory."
34 However, an attorney for the physicians, Jared Kelson, told the court the FDA's argument
35 doesn’t explain the language it used: "Stop it. Stop it with the ivermectin."
36 The FDA’s actions "clearly convey that this is not an acceptable way to treat these
37 patients," he argued.
38 Kelson said that if the government "is going to label ivermectin a horse medicine or a
39 horse dewormer and promulgate the idea that it is only for animals, then the natural
40 correlation is that doctors who prescribe it are horse doctors or quack doctors, which
41 has played out."

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1 The FDA, he said, has effectively maligned "a common drug that has been used for a very
2 long time and has been dispensed in billions of doses."
4 The government has moved to dismiss the case, contending the plaintiffs lack standing
5 because the stated injuries can't be linked to the FDA.
6 Kelson argued otherwise.
7 "It's one of the most famously safe drugs in the history of human medicine. And when
8 people did exactly what the FDA said to 'Stop it. Stop it with the ivermectin,' I don't
9 understand how that would not be traceable back to the FDA," he said.
10 The lawsuit charges the FDA interfered with the doctors’ practice of medicine, violating
11 the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and other laws. It asks the court to prohibit the
12 FDA from issuing guidance on whether ivermectin should be used to treat COVID-19.
13 U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown, a Trump appointee, has said he would rule "as quickly
14 as we can for ya'll."
15 Marik – as chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical
16 School and director of the intensive care unit at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital – began
17 using ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients in 2020. However, after the FDA's
18 statements, the medical school told him to remove his ivermectin protocol from its web
19 pages. And Sentara cited the FDA in a memorandum instructing hospitals to stop using
20 ivermectin against COVID-19.
21 Marik sued Sentara last fall, arguing argues Virginia’s Advanced Directive statute gives
22 hospitalized patients the right to choose what treatment they receive as long as a doctor
23 determines it to be appropriate.
24 The statute does not say "as determined by the hospital," the complaint said, it expressly
25 states "as determined by (their) attending physician."
26 Ivermectin, touted as a "wonder drug" in the Journal of Antibiotics, was shown in both in-
27 vitro and in-vivo studies long before the COVID-19 pandemic to have strong antiviral as
28 well as antiparasitic properties. In the spring of 2020, ivermectin was on the World Health
29 Organization's list of essential medicines and has been administered to refugees entering
30 the U.S. Significantly, a June 2020 study found ivermectin inhibits the replication of
31 SARS-CoV-2 in-vitro.
32 Driven by science and evidence?
33 In a Wall Street Journal op-ed on ivermectin in July 2021, David R. Henderson, a research
34 fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and Charles L. Hooper, asked
35 "Why Is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug?"
36 "If the FDA were driven by science and evidence, it would give an emergency-use
37 authorization for ivermectin for Covid-19. Instead, the FDA asserts without evidence that
38 ivermectin is dangerous," they write.
39 They point out that at the bottom of the FDA’s warning against ivermectin is this
40 statement: "Meanwhile, effective ways to limit the spread of COVID-19 continue to be to
41 wear your mask, stay at least 6 feet from others who don’t live with you, wash hands
42 frequently, and avoid crowds."
43 Henderson and Hooper ask: "Is this based on the kinds of double-blind studies that the
44 FDA requires for drug approvals? No."
47 I understand that in Australia likewise the media was about the “horse dewormer” and in view of
48 its involvement with the various governments about this scaremongering of covid they should be

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1 regarded as having been in conspiracy with the State Government. In my view the media
2 FAILED miserably to fulfil its critical voice about the covid scam and I understand that they
3 were handsomely paid by the government to remain silent by the financial benefits
5 Soon after the claim of the covid scam commence the TGA as I understand it issued a directive
6 to restrict the sale of ivermectin. A product that had been often referred to as a wonder drug and
7 been in use for decades for humans suddenly was deemed unsuitable, etc. Even claims that it had
8 not been tested specifically for covid, this while the TGA seemed to have no problems to
9 promote the Pfizer/Moderna mRNA “gene therapy” alleged vaccines that actually never had any
10 prior approval. As such, I view the TGA deliberately restricted access to ivermectin medication
11 as to ensure the “gene therapy” so called vaccines were then forced upon the citizens.
12 And instead of the State Government objecting to the denial of this so to say “wonder drug”:
13 ivermectin it went along as contrary to premier Daniel Andrews claim that every life matters, he
14 simply didn’t want to act in the interest of Victorians to have ivermectin readily available. After
15 all the issue was to get a certain target of jabs.
16 The disgrace was also shown where NSW Minister for Health Brad Hazzard got reportedly some
17 24,000 school children into a stadium had them coerced or otherwise injected. Anyone who
18 claims that this vaccinations was for the interest and wellbeing of the children in my view has
19 some twisted mind.
20 More and more details are becoming available that underlines that the scientist and medical
21 doctors who from onset in 2020 warned about the dangers of the jabs were all along right. This
22 however will not serve the millions of people now harmed by the so called vaccines and neither
23 bring back to life those who died. And yet the WHO somehow is claiming that it needs more
24 powers such as ID control, to determine when a person can have certain health services, even to
25 control the digital financial system. It was the very WHO that also pushed for mandates despite
26 having no scientific data to justify this. Despite that the Federal Government has absolutely no
27 legislative powers to transfer its powers to the WHO (a private organisation that works with the
28 W.E.F. the U.N., etc) nevertheless Ministers of all political stripes are nevertheless going along
29 to try to create this unipolar society where some alleged elites decides what citizens around the
30 world may or may not do, etc. That is also born out where in Canada they had the suspension of
31 bank accounts during the truckies non-violent protest, and now in Brazil bank account of those
32 opposing the so to say stolen election have also their bank account garnished, etc. As such, the
33 real purpose of “digital monies” etc, is that when a citizen seeks to exercise their constitutional
34 rights then the government can garnish their bank holding. And this is a problem in Australia
35 because the Constitution specifically provides that the States can accept payment in gold and
36 silver. As such, the Federal Government cannot override the provisions of the constitution to
37 force “digital currency” but then again they couldn’t care less about what the constitution stands
38 for when it doesn’t suit them. The same is with the Federal government allegedly during the G20
39 supporting for the requirement of a Digital vaccination ID. Despite the recent failure we have
40 politicians nevertheless pushing the WHO desire for world control. By this the WHO can then
41 dictate that a person cannot travel by aeroplane without being vaccinated against some alleged
42 disease such as the illusive SARS-CoV-2 virus. And the WHO financially benefitting from the
43 profits of the pharmaceutical companies then can dictate that children have to be jabbed on
44 numerous occasions regardless how it may harm a child. After all the profits of the
45 pharmaceutical companies is what really matters as without it all the bribes to politicians,
46 hospital administrators, government officials, medical doctors, scientist, etc would be reduced or
47 even stopped.

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1 Just that with my grandson Dion I gained even more interest into this scamming and how to seek
2 to stop it.
3 For example a moratorium on all vaccinations would be a start.
4 A legal requirement that a medical doctor has to do a proper medical assessment of the person to
5 be vaccinated and declare that this is appropriate with legal liability if he failed to do so then this
6 too may reduce the deception to care for a child when in fact deliberately placing the child at
7 risk.
8 The “safe and effective” claim should haunt medical doctors who make such a claim and yet
9 have no scientific bases to make such claim legitimately.
10 The scientific work which is gain-of-function should be prohibited.
12 For anyone to claim something is “safe and effective” when a “clinical trial” to establish this is
13 just commenced then this beyond doubt underlines this was a scam and not based upon any
14 scientific data. Indeed, it now has been disclosed that the TGA did not even do certain testing
15 but so to say took the word of the “Sponsors” (meaning pharmaceutical companies) for this.
16 Obviously one has to ask who really was running this elaborate scam? After all the media
17 appears to be doing the propaganda for the Victorian Government, not the sponsors. After all the
18 so called vaccines we purchased by the Federal government and not supplied by the
19 pharmaceutical companies for a proper “clinical trial”. As such, it was a commercial event where
20 ultimately the pharmaceutical companies stood to make billions of dollars profits and one has to
21 ask how much money was spend of taxpayers monies to ensure this scam being successful as
22 much as possible.
23 The credentials or the lack thereof of Premier Daniel Andrews may be also considered how the
24 elderly in nursing homes and other care facilities including hospitals were injected with a flu
25 vaccine that reportedly was unsuitable for anyone over the age of 60 years old. As such, the flu
26 vaccination was no more but to make the elderly more vulnerable and assure their earlier death.
27 Then use of the so called vaccines would send them into a much earlier grave and well be cruel
28 and m\make sure that even they are denied ordinary contact with family and friends. This was
29 terrorism as much as possible that could be inflicted heartlessly against the elderly who had
30 spent their lives to bring the country to what it is now but now being held to be useless eaters.
32 One has to understand that those who were jabbed may not slowly be on their way to a funeral if
33 they were injected with micro eggs that now slowly is blocking their arteries, veins, and even go
34 into the brains, hearts, kidney, etc. And obviously even those working for IBAC, the Victorian
35 Police, etc will not be spared from this slow death.


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1 Well, having the day after the election, without even being sworn in and neither being then a
2 Member of Parliament nevertheless supporting the WHO to gain control over the
3 Commonwealth of Australia health matters, including that of the States/Territories I would like
4 to see appropriately investigated. Not only by NACC but also IBAC as it interferes with
5 Victorians Health legislative powers.

8 As far as I am concerned this so called sex-change is not part of “education” and yet we seem to
9 have Premier Daniel Andrews spruiking this as part of education.
11 Parents have their children attending education facilities where on behalf of a parent the
12 school/education facility provide ordinary education and not interfere with the rights of parents.
13 Actually, the same could be stated about the Family Court of Australi8a and any Magistrates
14 Court of Victoria exercising or purportedly exercising federal jurisdiction.
15 In my view it has absolute no legal powers to determine if a child should somehow have some
16 form of sex change.

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1 Reality is people lost trust in the medical profession, scientist and in particular the various
2 governments and their minions.
4 HANSARD 22-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
5 Australasian Convention)
7 The Hon. J.H. HOWE: I will bow to the suggestion of the Chairman.
8 The Hon. J.H, CARRUTHERS (New South Wales)[3.46]: 1 hope the Committee will
9 strike out this sub clause. It is proposed by the legislative assemblies of New South Wales
10 and South Australia, and by the Council and Assembly of Tasmania, that the sub-clause
11 should be omitted. I can apply no better arguments than those which the hon. and learned
12 member, Mr. O'Connor, used just now with reference to lunacy. The hon. and learned
13 member said that where a permissive power was given there was pressure brought to bear
14 for the exercise of that power, and that when it was exercised in one direction pressure was
15 brought to bear that it might be exercised to the fullest extent. Applying that argument to
16 lunacy, if we had this power exercised at all, we should find strong arguments used for the
17 taking over of our lunatic asylums. If the power in this sub-clause were exercised at all, a
18 strong argument would be offered for the state taking over the whole of the benevolent
19 institutions of the various colonies which have to deal with children, and they would
20 become federal institutions. If you do that you must do what the hon. member, Mr. Howe,
21 proposes. If you interfere with the children in these institutions you will have to take over
22 the institutions for the infirm and the old. Now, there is a decided objection in this colony
23 to any federal interference with what the people conceive to be matters most sacred in the
24 family. We have in this colony a law modelled upon the English law dealing with the
25 custody of children and with parental rights. That question of parental rights is one which
26 opens up a very large range of questions. We may have all sorts of interference between
27 parents and their children under a proposal of this character. The state laws, up to the
28 present, have been perfectly effective to deal with this question, and I think the argument
29 of hon. members against applying federal action to lunacy apply equally well against
30 federal action in this matter. I shall apply those arguments now in my vote.
31 [start page 1083]
32 The Hon. E. BARTON (New South Wales)[3.48]: This may not be a matter of as great
33 importance as are some of the other matters in the clause, but I think it is worth
34 consideration. I will put it to my hon. friend that if the commonwealth are empowered to
35 legislate on the subject of marriage and divorce without having the power to legislate as to
36 the children, the issue of the marriage, this complication may arise-that the judge, having
37 to pronounce a decree of divorce or of judicial separation, and having also to deal with the
38 question of the custody of infants, if the commonwealth cannot legislate in regard to both
39 subjects, will administer one law with respect to the issue relating to divorce, whilst the
40 consequent portion of the decree dealing with the custody of the children will have to be
41 under a totally different and varying law.
42 The Hon. I.A. ISAACS: Why not add the words "in relation to divorce"?
43 The Hon. E. BARTON: If the subclause can be amended in the direction which the hon.
44 and learned member suggests, my objection will have disappeared, and there will be a
45 reasonable consistency in the law. I think the difficulty might be overcome by inserting
46 before the words "parental rights" the word "also," and at the end of the sub-clause the
47 words "in relation thereto."
48 Mr. SYMON (South Australia)[3.51]: Is it worth while to deal with the matter in that
49 way? If you give the federal parliament power in relation to marriage generally and
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1 divorce generally, then anything that concerns parental rights and the custody and
2 guardianship of infants is connected with either one or the other. It seems to me that if you
3 intrust the federal authority with the power of dealing with marriage and divorce, which
4 involves everything relating to the highest earthly ties-that of marriage-it ought,
5 consequent on that, also to regulate the custody of infants. It does not involve what the
6 hon. member, Mr. Carruthers, seems to think is in the minds of many who see some
7 objection to this-that it might empower the federal authority to interfere with domestic
8 relations in some mysterious manner so as to reduce children to a position of slavery. This
9 is a control that seems to me to be consequent upon marriage, and which might come into
10 operation, perhaps, in relation to all matters of divorce; but it is not confined to matters of
11 divorce, and might depend simply on marriage when the question of divorce does not
12 arise. It will, perhaps, be better to leave the sub-clause as it is and consider the matter
13 further later on.
14 The Hon. E. BARTON: Before the hon. and learned gentleman sits down he will,
15 perhaps, deal with what I forgot, namely, a suggestion from the hon. member, Mr.
16 Carruthers, that if this power were granted it would involve the probability of the
17 commonwealth having to take over the control of the institutions?
18 Mr. SYMON: I did not think that the hon. member, Mr. Carruthers, seriously meant
19 that.
20 The Hon. J.H. CARRUTHERS: That argument was successfully used against me in
21 regard to lunatics!
22 Mr. SYMON: I am sure that the hon. member will be able to successfully dispose of it
23 when it is next used against him. It would be just as reasonable to adopt the suggestion of
24 the hon. member, Mr. Howe, and say that the federal authority are to take control of all
25 institutions for the care of the aged and infirm. I think that hon. members will, on
26 consideration, see that there is no parallel between the cases, and, that as this affects one
27 part of the relationship of the citizens to the commonwealth, it ought fairly to be under a
28 uniform law and under federal control.
29 The Hon. C.H. GRANT (Tasmania)[3.53]: I think that the words as they [start page 1084]
30 stand, "custody and guardianship of infants," are rather too wide. It seems to me that these
31 words, without any qualification, would apply to destitute children. It would be better for
32 the state authorities to control the custody and guardianship of infants, because they are
33 immediately on the spot. They have opportunities of inquiring into the relationship of the
34 children and their parents, and into their condition if they are destitute and neglected.
35 Therefore, I think it is advisable to omit those words, and allow the sub-clause to remain as
36 proposed to be amended by the leader of the Convention.
37 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER (South Australia)[3.54]: I think it would be better to leave
38 the sub-clause as it is. I can understand that it will be a very good thing for each state to
39 make its own laws with respect to parental rights and the custody and guardianship of
40 children; but supposing that the children went into another state, and were thus taken away
41 from the law of which the previous state approved, and came under the law of another state
42 which had altogether a different method of dealing with such matters, and under which the
43 parent was not able to again get the custody of his child, or the guardian was not able to
44 again get the custody of an infant, what could he do? He could not proceed under his own
45 law. His own law might be good enough, but the person that he wanted to proceed against
46 would be out of the jurisdiction of his state.
47 Mr. SYMON: And the order would not have any force!

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1 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER: The order would not have any force. The result would be
2 that, however good his own law was, he would be unable to enforce it because the law of
3 the other state was of a varying character.
4 The Hon. J.H. CARRUTHERS: Sub-clause 26 provides for that!
5 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER: That is only an evidence clause, and will not have the
6 slightest effect in this matter.
7 Mr. SYMON: The hon. and learned gentleman's point is a point of jurisdiction!
8 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER: Yes; and it has nothing whatever to do with that. The
9 order would be good enough as a record of the action of the court in the first-named state,
10 but it would not be a record of the court in the other state; nor would it make the law of the
11 other state subsidiary to the law of the state which contained that record.
12 The Right Hon. C.C. KINGSTON: Does the hon. and learned member read the word
13 "recognition" as meaning proof?
14 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER: It is no more than recognition; it means what it says. The
15 word is plain enough.
16 The Hon. J.H. CARRUTHERS: Look at sub-clause 25, which says:
17 The service and execution throughout the commonwealth of the civil and criminal
18 process, and judgments of the courts of the states.
19 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER: But it must be in respect of a matter over which the court
20 has jurisdiction.
21 Mr. SYMON: Suppose you change the domicile!
22 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER: That will not operate to give jurisdiction. I think that
23 when we have given the most sacred of all relations-the, relation of marriage-over to the
24 commonwealth, and very properly, it follows, as a matter of course, that we must do this.
25 Parental rights-that is all we propose to give to the commonwealth. The commonwealth
26 parliament can make a definition and pass a uniform law.
27 Mr. SYMON: That is incident to the marriage law!
28 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER: It comes from the marriage law, and ought to flow as a
29 corollary. It is a corollary as far as marriage is concerned.
30 [start page 1085]
31 The Hon. R.E. O'CONNOR: It would not necessarily follow the law of husband and
32 wife!
33 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER: We are only talking about parental rights; that is the right
34 of the parent over the child!
35 The Hon. J.H. CARRUTHERS: If the hon. and learned member is willing to hand over
36 the rights, why not the obligations?
37 The Hon. Sir J.W. DOWNER: If the hon. member would like them added I have no
38 objection; but if the hon. gentleman wants to exclude them, I cannot see that any difficulty
39 need arise. So far as I know, the laws of all the colonies are exactly the same in respect to
40 the matters mentioned here, and there is very little probability of their being any different,
41 so far as parental rights and the custody and guardianship of infants are concerned. We
42 want to prevent the possibility of any difference, that is all, and to give the federal
43 parliament power to legislate on the subject if they please. I can see difficulties that might
44 arise in the enforcement of state laws through the child or infant being taken away from
45 the custody of its parent or guardian, and being out of the jurisdiction of the court of the
46 state in which the parent or guardian resides, and I think it is necessary to have one
47 uniform law on this matter as well as in regard to marriage and divorce.

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1 The Hon. J.H. GORDON (South Australia)[3.59]: I think we are quarrelling about terms
2 and not about substance. I believe that the hon. member, Mr. Carruthers, agrees with
3 almost everyone of us that as regards parental rights and the custody and, guardianship of
4 children so far as divorce is concerned, power should be given to the commonwealth; but
5 this clause goes much further and includes the whole region of, parental rights and the
6 custody and guardianship of children.
7 The Hon. E. BARTON: Put in the words "and in relation thereto" before "parental rights
8 "!
9 The Hon. J.H. GORDON: That will cover the whole ground. All our acts relating to the
10 custody and guardianship of children have relation to parental rights.
11 Mr. SYMON: Suppose a child is deserted?
12 The Hon. J.H. GORDON: That suspends the parental custody; but the parental liability
13 remains. I think that the amendment suggested by the hon. and learned member, Mr.
14 Barton, covers the whole ground.
15 The Hon. E. BARTON: I move:
16 That the figures "24" be omitted with a view to the insertion of the words "and in relation
17 thereto."
18 This will confine the operation of the subclause to the rights and obligations arising out of
19 divorce suits. The other matters to which attention has been directed will be considered by
20 the Drafting Committee.
21 The Hon. J.H. CARRUTHERS (New South Wales)[4.3]: I would point out that if we are
22 going to deal with the service and process of writs in regard to this matter in one state
23 when the parent resides in another, it will be just as well for the Drafting Committee to
24 consider the aspect of the case in relation to deserted wives. If the amendment of the hon.
25 and learned member, Mr. Barton, is carried, I think we might leave the matter to the
26 Drafting Committee.
27 Amendment agreed to.
28 Sub-clause 24, as amended, agreed to.
31 HANSARD 15-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
33 I understand the Convention deals with national subjects, and if we limit it to that, I will
34 not fear this interference; but, in dealing with such questions as parental control and the
35 custody of children, you are dealing with great national rights-the rights of human beings.
36 Can there be any question, any more vital question, than parental control and the
37 guardianship of children? These are handed over by this proposal, and you are going to
38 make it a question of the States concerned, irrespective of people, to be the ruling power in
39 this matter. Mistakes have been made, and we must retrace our steps and not attempt such
40 a wide scheme on these matters, which can be well regulated by the people. My hon. friend
41 showed clearly that a true Federation Will leave local con- [start page 658] cerns to be
42 governed by the local Parliaments. That being so, there is no need for having this question
43 in the Federal Parliament. My vote will be in direct antagonism to the views I formerly
44 expressed, taken at the first blush, but it is consistent with what I then said, that I would
45 seek to have imprinted on this Constitution the right of the people to rule as the chief factor
46 of the Federation, and the people most affected by it.

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1 The purported Commonwealth Powers (Family Law---Children) Act 1986(Vic) is not at all a
2 valid act because it was not approved by the State elector in a State referendum to allow the
3 judicial powers of the Supreme Court of Victoria to be diminished when such legislative powers
4 were to be transferred to the Commonwealth. As such, all and any Federal Judicial decision
5 regarding children not being that of a marriage fell outside the judicial powers of the Family
6 Law Act and so many court exercising federal powers within this Family Law Act 1975.
8 Hansard 15-9-1897 Constitution convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
9 Convention)
11 Mr. SYMON: We are the one country of freemen on the continent!
12 Mr. TRENWITH: I thank my hon. and learned friend for that term. There is one colony
13 of freemen on the continent. Why? Because every voter in South Australia has equal
14 power with every other voter. We are now going to create another form of citizenship, and
15 we must create it under conditions that will maintain freedom to the citizens of the nation,
16 as South Australia has obtained freedom for the citizens of the state. Therefore, I am
17 justified in saying that we have a right to consider the people of the larger states must and
18 will consider whether we shall hand to posterity a heritage of slavery or of freedom. If we
19 vote for equal power to every citizen, we shall be making free people of the future
20 Australians; if we vote for greater power for one citizen than for another, we shall be
21 putting chains upon the legs of the citizens in the larger states of this commonwealth.
24 Hansard 6-3-1891 Constitution convention Debates
26 I hope that I am at any rate acting in the spirit in which we all labour together, and that the
27 result of our labour will be to found a state of high and august aims, working by the eternal
28 principles of justice and not to the music of bullets, and affording an example of freedom,
29 political ity, and just action to the individual, the state and the nation which will one day
30 be the envy of the world.
34 devastatingly-to-jeremy-hammonds-baseless-arguments/
35 Virus Isolation: Is It Real? Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds Coolly but ...
37 21 Jan 2022 ... Andrew Kaufman, MD, Medicamentum Authentica Andrew Kaufman, MD,
38 refutes Jeremy Hammond's recent interview opining that SARS-CoV-2 has been ...
40 Virus-Isolation Is It Real? Andrew Kaufman MD Responds ... - BitChute
42 19 Jan 2022 ... Andrew Kaufman M.D. refutes Jeremy Hammond's recent interview opining that SARS-
43 CoV-2 has been shown to exist. Point by point, Kaufman ...
45 Is It Real? Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Jeremy Hammond
47 23 Jan 2022 ... ... Andrew Kaufman M.D. refutes Jeremy Hammond's recent interview opining that
48 SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to exist. Point by point, Kaufman ...
50 Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds to Jeremy Hammond - BitChute

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1 19 Jan 2022 ... On Jan 17, Dr. Mercola featured an interview (not by Mercola) with an independent journalist
2 named Jeremy Hammond at the top of an article ...
4 Virus Isolation...Is it Real? - Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds to ...
6 20 Jan 2022 ... The covid virus is fake. However, I am not convinced that viruses do not exist outside the
7 human body. Dr Vernon Coleman appears to believe ...
9 Virus isolation, is it real? Andrew Kaufman responds to Jeremy ...
11 20 Jan 2022 ... Andrew Kaufman M.D. refutes Jeremy Hammond's recent interview opining that SARS-
12 CoV-2 has been shown to exist. Point by point, Kaufman ...
16 ... Andre's Andrea Andrea's Andrei Andrei's Andres Andrew Andrew's Andrews ... Downs Downy Downy's
17 Doyle Doyle's Dr Dr's Draco Draco's Draconian Dracula ...
20 9740-8d0e530be7cf&utm_campaign=e87b3dfb-302c-4919-b479-
21 0b7e76413358&utm_medium=mail&utm_source=so
22 Sandy Barrett
23 Foxes guarding the Henhouse
25 In charge of the country’s vaccination program is Lieutenant-General John Frewen, which
26 circumvents the typical bureaucratic red tape, with Scott Morrison claiming use of the
27 military can “cut through all of that other process”. One might argue this is just another
28 way for Scott Morrison to shirk responsibility.
30 While Frewen claims to be “a completely agnostic, fresh set of eyes”, one has to wonder
31 whether a military approach to public health is fit for purpose. Using statements like “we
32 are going to wargame the weeks and the months, and figure out how do we get there“
33 and “there’s about 20 per cent who are still making up their mind. That’s the 20 per
34 cent that we really will want to go after.”, seems an unlikely fit.
36 All this government secrecy and meddling causes one to rightly question their intentions
37 and understandably motivate us all to investigate the reasons. Without proper transparency
38 it’s easy to speculate, and sometimes very difficult to arrive at the truth.
40 Given Big Tech’s involvement in censorship, it’s easy to see this agenda is a global one.
41 Mainstream media’s promotion of these medications is also logical, since Big Pharma
42 advertising accounts for most of their revenue. Clearly discrediting, shaming, and
43 smearing the reputations of dissenting voices, regardless of their calibre of expertise, pays
44 a lot more than journalistic reporting.
46 Mandates are the popular tool of our government, so if this is about public health and not
47 about control, why don’t they mandate the reporting of all “vaccine” adverse events?
48 Instead, they use AHPRA, the health regulator, to discourage reporting them and by the
49 time knowledge of these adverse events reaches the public, they have been vetted and
50 filtered, again withholding valuable information on a critical issue.
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1 Prior to being made head of TGA, John Skerritt was deputy secretary of Primary
2 Industries. He is not a medical doctor, has never treated patients with covid-19, and while
3 his PhD is in pharmacology, his specialty is in wheat. Why is a person who has no clinical
4 experience with covid-19 making decisions on new medications using novel technologies
5 never used in a mass treatment campaign?
7 Skerritt is also responsible for preventing Ivermectin being administered as a preventative
8 and treatment for covid-19. This is a drug with a safety profile akin to aspirin, listed by
9 WHO as an essential medicine; the same drug that successfully broke the back of covid-19
10 in the Uttar Pradesh region in India, with a population of 240 million.
14 pcr-test-without-knowing
15 The PCR test can vaxx You
17 Johns Hopkins: You Can Be Vaccinated With A PCR Test Without Knowing
19 The Vaccination That Is Not A Vaccination, But Gene Therapy
20 In a revealing video conference [9] with Dr. Judy Mikovits, Robert Kennedy
21 Jr. and Dr. David Martin, it is explained that the mRNA vaccine, by the legal
22 definition, is not a vaccine at all. It is falsely called a vaccine to hide the fact that the
23 purported vaccine is, in fact, a gene therapy. Experienced physician and
24 epidemiologist, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, stated in a censored interview with Rubikon,
25 “Actually, this ‘promising’ vaccine should be PROHIBITED for the vast majority of
26 people because it is genetic engineering!”
30 Moderna Chief Medical Officer Confirms mRNA Injection For COVID-19 Can Change
31 Your Genetic Code
33 Yet the Department of health website was silent about this, and I understood merely sought
34 indirectly to claim otherwise.
37 positive-for-the-coronavirus-more-examples-emerge/
38 Fully Vaccinated Individuals Are Testing Positive For The Coronavirus: More Examples
39 Emerge
41 A paper recently published by Dr. Ronald B. Brown, School of Public Health and
42 Health Systems, University of Waterloo, outlines how Pfizer and Moderna did not
43 report absolute risk reduction numbers, and only reported relative risk reduction
44 numbers.
45 Unreported absolute risk reduction measures of 0.7% and 1.1% for the Pfzier/BioNTech
46 and Moderna vaccines, respectively, are very much lower than the reported relative risk
47 reduction measures. Reporting absolute risk reduction measures is essential to prevent
48 outcome reporting bias in evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine efficacy.

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1 Brown’s paper also cites Doshi’s paper which makes the same point, “As was also
2 noted in the BMJ Opinion, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna reported the relative risk
3 reduction of their vaccines, but the manufacturers did not report a corresponding
4 absolute risk reduction, which appears to be less than 1%.”
6 Now consider this, if a mere 1% of “absolute risk reduction” instead of the claimed 95%
7 effectiveness should really be the focus then: HOUSTON WE GOT A PROBLEM! (An
8 American expression indication a serious problem).
10 deals%20with%20you%20.pdf?dl=0
11 Deal with reality, before it deals with you .pdf (
13 Why did the TGA provide “clinical approval” for a so called “vaccine” that is reportedly having
14 a mere 1% of “absolute risk reduction” instead of the claimed 95% effectiveness. Is the TGA
15 and its advisers going to claim they didn’t know/didn’t bother to check the details? Well, than do
16 not approve anything until you had all relevant details!
17 Indeed with the spade of complications and the government undermining the entire “clinical
18 trial” system the TGA should in my view have withdrawn/cancelled the “clinical approval” and
19 made clear that any “clinical trial” must be conducted within ordinary TGA guidelines and
20 anything otherwise is not to be deemed to be a “clinical trial” and has no legal justification
21 whatsoever.
22 If indeed there is a mere 1% of “absolute risk reduction” then considering the medical
23 problems flowing from having being jabbed (so called vaccinated) obviously alarm bells should
24 be ringing. You have seemingly, so it appears to me, more people dying from being jabbed then
25 likely to die from COVID-19. It just doesn’t make sense to permit “clinical trials” without regard
26 to the real harm perpetrated upon the “participants”. Neither can there be any excuse for John
27 Skerritt and other to claim “I didn’t know” because the very purpose of TGA is to research all
28 relevant details instead of merely following “government policy”.
29 What we have as it appears to me is that John Skerritt simply is going along with whatever
30 happened in European laboratories “We also have samples of those vaccines being analysed,
31 but we also are working closely with European laboratories and we've passed all the
32 laboratory tests.” rather then researching what is in the so called vaccines, such as include it
33 animal “embryonic kidney cells”. And as he didn’t seem to know this then how on earth can the
34 TGA approve any so called vaccine when not knowing what it contains?
36 Let me get this:
38 “We also have samples of those vaccines being analysed, but we also are working
39 closely with European laboratories and we've passed all the laboratory tests.”
42 If this was true then how on earth can it be that vials have been discovered around the world to
43 contain contaminations? Even Pfizer seems to have acknowledged that graphene is in some vials
44 but appears to claim that this was done by the provider.
46 QUOTE Video: Australia 11 x more Deaths after Covid-19 Vaccination than every other
47 Vaccine combined in 50 years

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4 END QUOTE Video: Australia 11 x more Deaths after Covid-19 Vaccination than every other Vaccine
5 combined in 50 years
6 Remember:
7 In my view it would have been sheer impossible for the TGA to claim on its website
9 We carefully assess the results of clinical trials and the way in which the trials were
10 conducted. We require well-designed trials of a sufficient length with a sufficient
11 number of people who represent the people for whom the vaccine is intended. The
12 results must demonstrate that the benefits of the vaccine greatly outweigh the risks.
13 We also require vaccine manufacturers to meet manufacturing quality standards. As a
14 further check, our laboratories assess the quality of every batch of a vaccine before it can
15 be supplied in Australia.
18 The consider

23 Let us go back to:

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1 QUOTE Video: Australia 11 x more Deaths after Covid-19 Vaccination than every other Vaccine combined in
2 50 years


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3 END QUOTE Video: Australia 11 x more Deaths after Covid-19 Vaccination than every other Vaccine
4 combined in 50 years
7 and-Health-Professionals-02082021.pdf
8 E-mail:
9 9 August 2021
13 The issue of the claimed ‘efficacy’ from initial studies has also been criticised regarding
14 the use of Relative Risk Reduction (“95%”) instead of the more useful and appropriate
15 Absolute Risk Reduction (0.7 % - 1.1 %). This critical issue is important in properly
16 estimating efficacy and risk/benefit analysis for particular demographics. These articles
17 may be of help on this issue:
18 COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room
20 E-mail:
23 Doctors have a legal obligation to inform patients of the important, ‘material’ risks
24 involved in any proposed procedure or treatment. In keeping with the principle of shared-
25 decision making and the NHMRC’s informed consent guidelines, and the Australian
26 Vaccination Handbook Guidelines, it is the opinion of the Covid Medical Network that
27 informed consent cannot be said to have been granted if the doctor has not informed the
28 patient (a) that they are a trial participant (b) that effective preventive and early treatment
29 therapies exist, (c) that there are a wide range of possible adverse effects including death
30 (d) that people below 70 years are a low risk of death from the virus and (e) that
31 breakthrough infection and transmission is possible. More information here and here.
32 We also believe that the conditions of free and informed consent are not being met if the
33 patient is under duress regarding their employment or freedom to travel.
34 We believe any medical therapy, including vaccination, should not be mandatory,
35 consistent with the right to bodily integrity as recognised by Universal Declaration of
36 Human Rights as well as other national and international human rights documents and
37 covenants.
40 The government has decided it is the best arbiter of what information you are provided
41 access to and has threatened practitioners with disciplinary action should they offer any
42 critique against the government’s public health responses, including the vaccine rollout.
43 They have also been inhibited in discussing and recommending early treatment alternatives

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1 such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, even risking jail for 6 months in Queensland
2 for transgressing such draconian directives and legislation.
3 We of the Covid Medical Network believe it is the duty of doctors to advocate for
4 their own professional Doctor - Patient relationship and stand against undue
5 government interference in the consulting room.
6 Doctors who fail to do this risk placing their patients’ needs secondary to the interests of
7 the State, thereby risking damage to our noble profession as a source of independent,
8 considered and fair advice.
9 We thank you for your consideration of these important matters and urge you to join with
10 us in returning our nation to rationality and excellence in medical care.
11 To access regular updates: The Covid Medical News Network
12 For more information:
13 Sincerely
14 Your Fellow Australian Doctors
15 E-mail:
18 In “20210808-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of
19 the Australian Federal Police-Suppl-02” I referred to:
25 If those conditions were part of the agreement/contract with the Commonwealth of Australia
26 then I view the agreement/contract is violating the provisions and so limitations of the
27 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) and violating also legislative
28 provisions and as such are/is NULL AND VOID.
31 proteins-and-harm-the-unvaccinated/
32 pfizer-confirms-covid-vaccinated-people-can-shed-spike-proteins-and-harm-the-
33 unvaccinated
34 Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The
35 Unvaccinated
37 October 27, 2021 by Author on Source
38 Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The
39 Unvaccinated
40 A new study has confirmed that people who have been vaccinated against COVID produce
41 excessive spike proteins that are capable of passing the Blood Brain Barrier causing
42 irreparable damage to the brain — and Pfizer’s own documents warn that vaccinated
43 people actually shed these excessive spike proteins putting the unvaccinated at risk for
44 harm:
45 In their latest issue brief, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) warned how spike
46 proteins resulting from experimental COVID-19 gene therapy vaccines have the capacity
47 to 1.) pass through the “blood-brain barrier” causing neurological damage, 2.) be “shed”
48 by the vaccinated, bringing about sickness in unvaccinated children and adults, and 3.)
49 cause irregular vaginal bleeding in women.

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1 Released last week and titled “Identifying Post-vaccination Complications & Their
2 Causes: an Analysis of Covid-19 Patient Data,” the stated purpose of the document is “to
3 provide additional information for concerned citizens, health experts, and policymakers
4 about adverse events and other post-vaccination issues resulting from the three
5 experimental COVID-19 vaccines currently administered under EUA (emergency use
6 authorization)” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
7 The non-profit organization highlighted the thousands of adverse events which are related
8 to these “vaccines” and captured by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
9 (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). “Yet these complications
10 have received a fraction of the attention paid to J&J’s blood-clotting controversy,” they
11 lamented with dismay, asking, “Why?”
12 In taking a closer look at this data, AFLDS presents “some major categories of concern as-
13 yet publicly unaddressed by either the FDA or CDC,” asserting that failure of these
14 regulators “to consider these and other ‘known unknowns’ is a dereliction of basic medical
15 research.”
16 They breakout their general categories of concern as shown below:
17 First, there are significant fears regarding the wide distribution of these new vaccines,
18 which employ a new technology and remain only experimental without full approval from
19 the FDA. Instead of employing an attenuated antigen response – as happens with
20 conventional vaccines – these experimental agents introduce something called a “spike
21 protein” into one’s system.
22 “It takes years to be sure something new is safe,” the AFLDS document confirms. “No one
23 knows definitively the long-term health implications for the body and brain, especially
24 among the young, related to this spike protein. In addition, if documented problems with
25 the protein do arise, there will never be any way to reverse the adverse effects in those
26 already vaccinated.”
27 Second, unlike conventional vaccines, these spike proteins, along with “lipid
28 nanoparticles” have the capacity to pass through the “blood-brain barrier” which
29 provides special protection for these sensitive areas of the body.
30 “There simply has not been enough time to know what brain problems and how often
31 a brain problem will develop from that,” the document warns.
32 Risks from such penetration include “chronic inflammation and thrombosis (clotting) in
33 the neurological system, contributing to tremors, chronic lethargy, stroke, Bell’s Palsy and
34 ALS-type symptoms. The lipid nanoparticles can potentially fuse with brain cells, resulting
35 in delayed neuro-degenerative disease. And the mRNA-induced spike protein can bind to
36 brain tissue 10 to 20 times stronger than the spike proteins that are (naturally) part of the
37 original virus.”
38 Third, as these experimental vaccines produce many trillions of spike proteins in their
39 recipients, these vaccinated individuals “can shed some of these (spike protein) particles to
40 close contacts,” causing disease in them.
41 In an email correspondence with LifeSiteNews, Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of AFLDS,
42 directed this writer to an April 29 tweet where she posted a document from Pfizer’s
43 experimental trials in which the pharmaceutical giant “acknowledges this mechanism” of
44 potential shedding, she wrote.
45 As the document states, one can be “exposed to [the] study intervention due to
46 environmental exposure,” including “by inhalation or skin contact” with someone involved
47 in the study, or with another who has been exposed in the same way.

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1 And this, according to AFLDS, can be dangerous. As the issues brief continues, “the spike
2 proteins are pathogenic (‘disease causing’) just like the full virus.” Furthermore, these
3 “spike proteins bind more tightly than the fully intact virus” and thus cases around the
4 world of “pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the extremities and brain, Bell’s
5 Palsy, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages have been reported in persons who are near
6 persons who have been vaccinated.” Such shedding also “appears to be causing wide
7 variety of autoimmune disease (where the body attacks its own tissue) in some persons.”
8 In addition, other more serious dangers to even the unvaccinated are possible due to the
9 fact that these “spike proteins can cross the blood brain barrier, unlike traditional
10 vaccines.”
11 Fourth, such shedding leaves children vulnerable if they are in proximity to parents and
12 teachers who have received these experimental vaccines. While the threat of COVID-19 to
13 the young is rightly described as “irrelevant,” including a 99.997% survival rate for those
14 under 20 years of age, AFLDS is concerned some children may become symptomatic due
15 to such proximity to the vaccinated. At such point there is a danger that “public health
16 bureaucrats” might use such cases to “speculate that a child’s illness is related to a SARS-
17 CoV-2 ‘variant,’” when it is a result of contact with vaccinated adults.
18 “Our other concern is that children could develop long-term chronic autoimmune disease
19 including neurological problems due to the fact that children have decades ahead of them
20 and trillions of the spike proteins mentioned above.”
21 Fifth, “AFLDS is aware of thousands of reports involving vaginal bleeding, post-
22 menopausal vaginal bleeding, and miscarriages following COVID-19 vaccination as well
23 as anecdotal reports of similar adverse events among those in close contact with the
24 vaccinated.” While at this point the independent physicians organization “cannot comment
25 definitively on the close contacts” other than to mention they “have heard reports of this
26 worldwide,” the many reported incidents of post-vaccination vaginal bleeding establishes a
27 clear “connection between the vaccine and irregular bleeding.”
28 “Despite this clear-cut evidence, menstrual-cycle changes were not listed among the
29 FDA’s common side effects in its phase-three clinical participants. Women’s reproductive
30 health needs to be taken seriously rather than waved away by agenda-driven public health
31 officials,” the brief reads.
32 Finally, acknowledging the “irrepressible economic incentive among pharmaceutical
33 companies” to market unnecessary and dangerous childhood COVID vaccines, boosters,
34 and the like, AFLDS insists “Public health experts should stop and assess data on possible
35 vaccine side effects and related post-vaccination questions before it is too late.”
36 So Pfizer’s own internal report (on page 69) warns health care workers about being
37 exposed to people who have been vaccinated — which is rather ironic considering most
38 health care workers are required to be vaccinated themselves.
39 Anyone walking in to a hospital or doctor’s office will be exposed to the spike proteins
40 being shed by virtually the entire staff of workers — but the concentrations will be low
41 compared to what is in the blood streams of the vaccinated.
42 Of course, the amount of spike proteins you could actually breathe in is miniscule
43 compared to the amount that these vaccines are programming vaccinated people’s bodies
44 to manufacture — non-stop 24/7.
45 A recent study confirms that the spike proteins produced by the mRNA vaccines can
46 indeed cause serious health problems as they continuously build up in the vaccinated.
47 As literally trillions of these spike proteins build up and overwhelm your body, your
48 internal organs will begun to shut down and your brain will stop functioning — which is
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1 why a U.K. government report is predicting a huge percentage of doubly vaccinated

2 people will be dying in the coming “Third Wave” of the fake pandemic.
3 This coming massive death toll will, of course, be blamed on new, exotic-sound virus
4 “variant” — or better yet, “scare-iants” — and the “selfish unvaccinated.”
5 Needless to say, it would behoove everyone who is unvaccinated to avoid extended
6 exposure to the vaccinated, especially in confined spaces.
7 The entire world has never been deceived on such a massive scale.
8 It would appear that Satan indeed has been loosed from his prison — and he knows his
9 time is short to make this final move to dominate this world before he is destroyed.
10 Source: Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm
11 The Unvaccinated
15 narrative/?ff_source=Email&ff_medium=wnd-
16 breaking&ff_campaign=breaking&ff_content=breaking
17 Washington Post busts 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' narrative
18 'Majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series'
20 They’re admitting is not “safe and effective”
21 George Christensen from Nation First <>
23 Thu, 24 Nov at 11:49 am
25 Major Australian radio station 2GB runs what is probably the country’s biggest talk show
26 with host Ben Fordham.
27 This morning, Fordham interviewed a ‘vaccine’ victim, young Monica Escander who was
28 afflicted with pericarditis after receiving her first shot.

Teenager's 'terrifying' adverse reaction from COVID

Radio 2GB

29 Upgrade to paid
30 But more importantly, 2GB sought comment on the matter from cardiologist Ross Walker.
31 With a career in cardiology of more than 40 years, Dr Walker is a well-known name
32 in Australia as he’s also the host of 2GB’s Healthy Living radio show.
33 Further, he is an academic research staff member with the National Institute for Integrative
34 Medicine and has written several books and contributes papers regularly to medical
35 journals.
36 Here is what Dr Walker had to say about the mRNA ‘vaccines’ and heart conditions:
37 The Pfizer vaccines... the Moderna vaccines... I don't think we should be having the mRNa
38 vaccines.
39 I’ve seen in my own practice as a private cardiologist 60-70 patients over the past 12
40 months who have had similar reactions to this.
41 Whether it's pericarditis or the more serious myocarditis.
42 I’ve seen a lot of people get chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations.
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1 Let that sink in.

2 One of Australia’s most well known cardiologists has told one of the nation’s highest
3 rating radio shows that we shouldn’t be having the mRNA vaccines because of safety
4 issues.
5 Even those associated with the nation’s official vaccine approval body are letting slip.
6 Speaking on mRNA ‘vaccines’, Professor Allen Cheng — a member of the Australian
7 Technical Advisory Group on Immunisations — told the press last week that:
8 … the more doses you get, the less benefit you derive from them and then we start to
9 worry about causing side effects.
10 So not safe or effective then?
11 We were labelled conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers for speaking such truths barely half
12 a year ago.
13 Now the legacy media and top doctors are saying it.
14 We’re winning.
15 Thank you for reading Nation First, by George Christensen. This post is public so feel free
16 to share it.
17 Share
18 Until tomorrow, God bless you, your family and nation.
19 Take care,
20 George Christensen
23 they received. In essence they were a government extension to push the government narratives.
26 "We need data on how many people out of work from mandates - Senate Estimates 10.11.22"
28 As I understand it many small businesses went bankrupt because the State Government was
29 more interested in towing the line of the foreign entities such as WHO, W.E.F., U.N. etc then to
30 care about the citizens. It is not uncommon that small business are often using their homes as
31 collateral to obtain funds to establish a business and those businesses now were destroyed all for
32 the sake of enforcement of MANDATES which ultimately were outside the State’s legislative,
33 executive and/or administrative powers and rather than reducing health problems turned out to
34 cause considerably the increase of demands upon medical services and harm upon citizens in
35 various ways.
38 effects_4874934.html?utm_source=healthnoe&src_src=healthnoe&utm_campaign=health-2022-11-
39 22&src_cmp=health-2022-11-
40 22&utm_medium=email&est=bquN44XsJid8crBFzzvliFwI8Ya3%2Fe644T6D79372uRfoebXQzhYm8wRQhR5kf
41 EsIOwy7guzRsMK
42 ''Sudden Death on a Massive Scale': Top Cardiologists Have a Warning
45 regarding-covid-jab-side-
46 effects_4874934.html?utm_source=healthnoe&src_src=healthnoe&utm_campaign=healt
47 h-2022-11-22&src_cmp=health-2022-11-
48 22&utm_medium=email&est=cfATRqb8TklHm3y%2F8Db9%2Fc8L1P0fMR4ovsB3bA
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1 Cardiologists Come to the Same Conclusion Regarding COVID Jab Side Effects
4 “The Covid mRNA vaccine has likely played a significant role or been a primary
5 cause of unexpected cardiac arrests, heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias,
6 and heart failure since 2021…”
7 Until the British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, expressed grave concern about
8 the safety of Covid mRNA vaccines, he was one of the most celebrated doctors in
9 Britain. In 2016 he was named in the Sunday Times Debrett’s list as one of the
10 most influential people in science and medicine in the UK in a list that included
11 Professor Stephen Hawking. His total Altmetric score (measure of impact and
12 reach) of his medical journal publications since 2013 is over 10,000 making it one
13 of the highest in the World for a clinical doctor during this period.
14 In the early days of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Britain, he advocated the
15 injections for the general public. However, in July of 2021, he experienced a
16 terrible personal loss that caused him to reevaluate the shots—namely, the sudden
17 and unexpected death of his 73-year-old father. His father’s death made no sense to
18 him because he knew from his own examination that his father’s general and
19 cardiac health were excellent. As he put it in a recent interview:
20 His postmortem findings really shocked me. There were two severe blockages in
21 his coronary arteries, which didn’t really make any sense with everything I know,
22 both as a cardiologist—someone who has expertise in this particular area—but also
23 intimately knowing my dad’s lifestyle and his health. Not long after that, data
24 started to emerge that suggested a possible link between the mRNA vaccine and
25 increased risk of heart attacks from a mechanism of increasing inflammation around
26 the coronary arteries. But on top of that, I was contacted by a whistleblower at a
27 very prestigious university in the UK, a cardiologist himself, who explained to me
28 that there was a similar research finding in his department, and that those
29 researchers had decided to essentially cover that up because they were worried
30 about losing funding from the pharmaceutical industry. But it doesn’t stop there. I
31 then started looking at data in the UK to see if there had been any increase
32 in cardiac arrest. My dad suffered a cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death at
33 home. Had there been any change in the UK since the vaccine rollout? And again
34 those findings were very clear. There’s been an extra 14,000 out of hospital cardiac
35 arrests in 2021 vs 2020.
36 The more Dr. Malhotra looked into it, the more he felt the same concern about the
37 safety of the mRNA vaccines that Dr. Peter McCullough had felt since the spring of
38 2021. The alarming incidence of sudden, unexpected deaths during the latter half of
39 2021 and the first eight months of 2022—especially among the young and fit—
40 strengthened his grave concern and suspicion.
41 In September of 2022,—after a thorough investigation of the growing volume of
42 data—he came to his conclusion:
43 The Covid mRNA vaccine has likely played a significant role or been a primary
44 cause of unexpected cardiac arrests, heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, and
45 heart failure since 2021 until proven otherwise.
5-12-2022 Page 39 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 His conclusion, including his precise verbal formulation of it, was identical to the
2 conclusion drawn by Dr. Peter McCullough. Though the two doctors ultimately
3 established contact to compare notes, they reached their conclusions based on their
4 own, independent inquiries, before they spoke with each other.
5 Recently the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation produced Until Proven
6 Otherwise— a short video documentary about the corroborating findings of these
7 two leading cardiologists. I believe it is no exaggeration to say that the gripping,
8 four-minute video is a MUST SEE for everyone. Please share it with your family
9 and friends.
10 If you live in Dallas—or happen to find yourself in Dallas—on the evening of
11 November 29, 2022, please be sure to attend the dinner for Drs. Malhotra and
12 McCullough, hosted by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. It is sure to be a
13 fascinating evening of discovery and conversation—not to mention a great party.
14 We hope to see you there. Please click HERE to register for the event.
15 Reposted from the author’s Substack
22 boris/5785964?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles
23 What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis.
24 “Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy”
26 It raises the question: what was COVID really about?
27 Millions have been asking that question since lockdowns and restrictions began in early
28 2020. If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and
29 the global economy knowing full well what the massive health, economic and debt
30 implications would be?
31 Why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and
32 terrorise entire populations and use the full force and brutality of the police to ensure
33 compliance?
34 These actions were wholly disproportionate to any risk posed to public health, especially
35 when considering the way ‘COVID death’ definitions and data were often massaged and
36 how PCR tests were misused to scare populations into submission.
40 investigate-sudden-deaths-of-80-young-doctors_4805760.html
41 Alberta Doctor Calls on Medical Association to Investigate 'Sudden ...
42 20 Oct 2022 ... An Alberta-based doctor is calling on the Canadian Medical Association
43 (CMA) to look into the significant jump in doctors' “sudden deaths” ...
47 michel-chossudovsky/5791054?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles

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1 “The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity” by Michel
2 Chossudovsky

7 interview/5798880?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles
8 Video: 90 Sudden or Unexpected Canadian Doctor Deaths: Dr. William Markis Interview
11 excess-deaths-in-2022/
12 US: Over 2400 Excess Deaths Each Day! Europe: 300k Excess Deaths in 2022!
15 Excess mortality during the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)
16 Excess mortality is a term used in epidemiology and public health that refers to the number of deaths from all
17 causes during a crisis above and beyond what ...
20 Tracking covid-19 excess deaths across countries | The Economist
21 20 Oct 2021 ... In many parts of the world, official death tolls undercount the total number of fatalities
22 | Graphic detail.
25 The pandemic's true death toll | The Economist
26 25 Oct 2022 ... How many people have died because of the covid-19 pandemic? The answer depends
27 both on the data available, and on how you define “because”.
30 _statistics&oldid=576931
31 Excess mortality - statistics - European Commission
32 7 days ago ... In September 2022, excess mortality continued to vary across the EU, with one Member State
33 (Slovakia) with little or no excess deaths, ...
36 World Population Data Sheet 2022 Highlights Excess Deaths Due to ...
37 14 Sept 2022 ... The 2022 edition of the World Population Data Sheet casts an in-depth look at the
38 demographic impacts of COVID-19, painting a global picture ...
41 hydroxychloroquine_4256887.html?utm_source=ai_recommender&utm_medium=a_bot_2_ads
42 NY Doctor Proved Everyone Wrong About Hydroxychloroquine
44 To date this doctor has treated 3,000 patients with COVID-19 symptoms, with only three
45 high-risk patients dying.

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1 Many doctors around the world started using the anti-malaria

2 drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) early on in the COVID-19 pandemic. Among them is Dr.
3 Vladimir Zelenko, a practicing physician in a Jewish community in Monroe, New York.
4 He garnered national attention in March 2020 when he told radio host Sean Hannity that
5 he’d had a near-100% success rate treating COVID-19 patients with HCQ, azithromycin
6 and zinc sulfate for five days. “I’ve seen remarkable results; it really prevents progression
7 of disease, and patients get better,” he said at the time.
8 In response, county health officials said Zelenko’s claims were “unsubstantiated” and
9 urged residents to listen to public health officials. In this interview, he explains how HCQ
10 works against COVID-19, and discusses the lies spun about the drug to suppress its
11 widespread use. Zelenko had a very active Twitter account and would get millions of
12 views on his tweets, and like many other truth tellers in this crazy pandemic, he was
13 censored and recently removed from Twitter.
14 “When we have a large population of people that need to be treated, it has to be oral,
15 cheap, safe and effective,” he says. “By the way, this is not new. This information was
16 known in 2005 — even before.
17 There are papers with [Dr. Anthony] Fauci’s name on it, calling [HCQ] a miracle drug.
18 Fauci called HCQ a vaccine. There’s a paper in which he called it an absolute dream
19 treatment and vaccine. So, it’s conveniently forgotten but that’s what it is. It’s a matter of
20 scientific record.”
21 What is most impressive to me is that he, through deep research and trial and error in the
22 trenches, determined an incredibly effective protocol, and he did this under enormous
23 personal health challenges. During the spring of last year, he was diagnosed with a type of
24 pulmonary sarcoma that is typically considered terminal, and although improved, he
25 continues to be under treatment for this condition.
26 Finding Solutions to Avoid a Death Trap
27 As SARS-CoV-2 swept through his tight-knit Jewish community, Zelenko was seeing
28 anywhere from 50 to 250 patients per day. At this point, he’s treated more than 3,000
29 patients with COVID-19-related symptoms. Only one-third of them actually received the
30 triple-drug regimen. The remaining two-thirds were in low-risk categories and did not need
31 drug treatment.
32 In all, Zelenko has only had 15 patients who ended up requiring hospitalization, four of
33 whom were intubated. All were eventually successfully extubated and have recovered. The
34 remaining 11 were admitted for intravenous antibiotics for pneumonia. In all, only three of
35 his high-risk patients died from COVID-19, which puts the mortality rate for this treatment
36 at just 0.3%.
37 “You cannot ignore that. That’s not even counting the risk stratification patients, which I
38 chose not to treat. In other words, I was able to tell these patients, ‘I know you’re going to
39 be fine. Go home, and you’ll be fine.’ And that has value.
40 If you include those, the mortality rate is even less. And this has been reproduced. You
41 don’t have to listen to me. You can call it anecdotal all you want, but there are now
42 Harvard professors of virology with 4,000 patient experiences.
43 Dr. George Fareed, for example, or Dr. Harvey Risch from Yale School of Epidemiology,
44 who has shown that it’s absolutely statistically proven that HCQ used in the prehospital
45 setting is absolutely effective. It’s impossible for it to be a mistake,” he says.
46 Why HCQ?
47 Zelenko tells the story of how he got started treating COVID-19 patients with HCQ:

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1 “Hospitals were near capacity and all the outpatient services were closed. Half my staff
2 was sick and all of a sudden I had a war zone. I basically started learning triage medicine,
3 trying to save as many people as possible.
4 At that time, the whole world had been focusing on building respirators and hospital
5 capacity [instead of putting] emphasis on prehospital care. I found that bizarre because
6 that’s never what we do in medicine. We [use] common sense and intervene in the earliest
7 stages.
8 It’s much easier to fix a small problem than a large problem. For example, someone has
9 cancer, we don’t wait for it to become metastatic disease. We treat as soon as possible.
10 Someone has a small infection. We put the infection out.
11 If you look at the CDC, they recommend starting the treatment of influenza with antiviral
12 drugs within the first 48 hours, not the week, except when it came to COVID-19. We were
13 told to send patients home, and when they get sicker, send them to the hospital, where
14 there was a good chance they were going to get intubated, especially in March and April.
15 At that point, in the city, they had mortality rates above 80%. So, it was a death sentence.
16 None of that made sense to me at all. So, I quickly started to brush up on my virology.
17 I wanted to understand how this virus works and more importantly, what I can do about it.
18 A series on YouTube called MedCram, Episode 34, saved the world. It explains the biology
19 behind how zinc inhibits RNA polymerase, and the fact that zinc can’t get into the cell. So,
20 it needs help.”
21 Zelenko goes on to describe how he settled on HCQ, a so-called zinc ionophore, meaning
22 it shuttles zinc into the cell. He decided to treat high-risk patients as early as possible, and
23 this turned out to be key. Early treatment really saves lives when it comes to COVID-19.
24 This is not a situation where the wait-and-see strategy is well-advised.
25 According to Zelenko, during the first five days of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the viral load
26 remains fairly steady. Around Day 5, it exponentially increases, potentially overwhelming
27 the immune system. This also meant he could not afford to wait for test results, which took
28 about five days. By then, most patients would already have progressed too far.
29 So, if a patient exhibited symptoms, especially if they reported loss of taste or smell as
30 well, he’d start treatment immediately. In hindsight, about 90% of the tests of people
31 experiencing symptoms had a positive test.
32 The Synergy of HCQ and Zinc
33 Zelenko likens HCQ and zinc to a gun and a bullet. HCQ is the gun that shoots the zinc
34 into the cell. Zinc is the silver bullet that kills the virus by inhibiting an enzyme associated
35 with viral replication inside the cell. The antibiotic azithromycin is given to prevent
36 bacterial pneumonia and other secondary bacterial infections that are common in COVID-
37 19.
38 Today, we have even more information, of course, which means there are more tools
39 available besides HCQ, zinc and antibiotics. Ivermectin, for example, appears very useful,
40 especially for prevention, as do steroids and blood thinners. So, Zelenko will now tweak
41 the treatment of individual patients based on their symptoms.
42 “It’s not a cookie cutter approach, but what is absolutely the same is that high-risk
43 patients must be treated as soon as possible, within the first five days from onset of
44 symptoms, and they all survive,” he says.
45 The Psychological Operation Against HCQ
46 Unfortunately, as discussed by Zelenko, there was essentially a “psychological operation”
47 put into place to scare people away from HCQ. A big part of that was turning it into a

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Page 44

1 political issue. From the start, doctors who used the drug were threatened with the loss of
2 their medical license, which is unheard of for a drug with such a long history of safe use.
3 The U.S. government made matters worse by only issuing emergency use authorization for
4 in-hospital use and not for outpatient settings. Meanwhile, HCQ has been used for about
5 60 years in people with chronic conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
6 “So, the hypocrisy, the loss of common sense, the outright indoctrination killed a lot of
7 people,” Zelenko says. “The root cause of it is the way we educate people. It used to be
8 that higher education was about teaching critical thought and deductive reasoning,
9 analytical analysis.
10 Now we indoctrinate people into responding to stimuli like dogs, like automatons, like
11 robots. Common sense no longer matters. That’s my critique of higher education and why
12 I think many physicians fell into the trap. Also, this country was traumatized. Even if a
13 doctor was willing to give it, patients were afraid to take it.”
14 The biggest reason for the fear was unfortunately due to falsified studies and trials using
15 toxic doses. It’s difficult to not suspect an ulterior motive in light of those facts. As noted
16 by Zelenko, a main component of pandemic response, namely prehospital or outpatient
17 treatment, was suppressed.
18 The question is why? One obvious reason was that it was a presidential election year, and
19 then-president Trump came out in support of HCQ in March 2020. His announcement
20 sparked immediate backlash from a chronically hostile media. “There were plenty of
21 people willing to use every possible way to vilify the president and to discredit anything
22 that might give him a win,” Zelenko says.
23 Then, of course, there were financial interests at play. Millions of dollars were being
24 invested into new drugs like remdesivir, for example — a drug that costs more than $3,000
25 per treatment and is only for in-hospital use.
26 Hospitals were also paid tens of thousands of dollars more for COVID-19 patients, so there
27 was no lack of incentive to get people into the hospital and keep them there either.
28 Meanwhile, Zelenko’s early outpatient treatment costs about $20.
29 Fraudulent Studies Fueled Distrust
30 As for the fraudulent and misleading studies, the first to raise alarm was a VA study in
31 Virginia, which found HCQ didn’t prevent death. However, they only used it on late-stage
32 patients who were already on ventilators. From there, they incorrectly extrapolated that it
33 would not be helpful in earlier stages, which simply isn’t true. Other trials simply used the
34 wrong dosage.
35 While doctors reporting success with the drug are using standard doses around 200 mg to
36 400 mg per day for either a few days or maybe a couple of weeks, studies such as the Bill
37 & Melinda Gates-funded Recovery Trial used 2,400 mg of hydroxychloroquine during the
38 first 24 hours — three to six times higher than the daily dosage recommended — followed
39 by 400 mg every 12 hours for nine more days for a cumulative dose of 9,200 mg over 10
40 days.
41 Similarly, the Solidarity Trial, led by the World Health Organization, used 2,000 mg on
42 the first day, and a cumulative dose of 8,800 mg over 10 days. These doses are simply too
43 high. More is not necessarily better. Too much, and guess what? You might kill the
44 patient. As noted by Zelenko, these doses are “enough to kill an elephant.”
45 It’s really unclear as to why these studies used such enormous doses, seeing how the
46 dosages this drug is normally prescribed in, for a range of conditions, never go that high.
47 “All those studies did was prove that if you poison someone with lethal doses of a drug,
48 they’re going to die,” Zelenko says.
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1 Then there was the famous Lancet study that the World Health Organization used to justify
2 essentially banning HCQ. This study was withdrawn when it was discovered that the data
3 had been completely and utterly fabricated with falsely generated data from a fly-by-night
4 company. It was supposed to be a meta-analysis of about 90,000 patients, which showed
5 HCQ had lethal effects.
6 Unfortunately, before it was withdrawn, this fake study resulted in the WHO (or to quote
7 Zelenko, the “world homicide organization”) putting a moratorium on the use of HCQ,
8 which didn’t improve public trust in the drug. Even more egregious, the U.S. Food and
9 Drug Administration used that fake paper as one of its justifications for removing the
10 emergency use authorization for HCQ, even though the study had already been retracted.
11 Suppression of HCQ Needlessly Killed Tens of Thousands
12 According to Zelenko, “HCQ is the safest medication in the history of medicine,
13 azithromycin is one of the most common antibiotics used in medicine, and zinc is a
14 mineral that’s well-known and well-tolerated. These drugs were affordable and available to
15 take at home, which was very important. And they worked.”
16 “The virus is not dangerous if you approach it correctly. If you treat it in the right
17 timeframe, it’s no different than a bad flu. You can deal with it.” ~ Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
18 June 30, 2020, Zelenko and two co-authors published a study showing that treating
19 COVID-19 patients who had confirmed positive test results “as early as possible after
20 symptom onset” with zinc, low dose HCQ and azithromycin reduced odds of
21 hospitalization by 84% and all-cause death by 500% compared to no treatment at all.
22 Crazy enough, even though Zelenko went to great lengths to share his clinical findings
23 with the White House and the National Institutes of Health, he received no support and
24 was told they had no use for it.
25 “What’s happened over the last 20 years is that the academic elite and pharmaceutical
26 industry have bred a monopoly on medical truth,” he says.
27 “They feel only data generated through randomized control trials, pharmaceutical
28 sponsored trials, or those that are coming out of major academic institutions are to be
29 viewed as truth. Anything coming from a frontline country doctor must be anecdotal.
30 That’s the crime here. And they created artificial barriers that prevented the flow of
31 common sense and lifesaving information. You know which countries did take it seriously?
32 See, this is a disease of affluence because the rich countries could afford the waste of
33 money. The poor countries like Honduras … they had no options.
34 They couldn’t afford respirators. They didn’t have enough hospital capacity. So, they
35 gravitated towards the cheap generic approaches. And those are the ones that have the
36 best outcomes.”
37 Zelenko highlights Uganda, which has a population of about 50 million people, yet has
38 recorded just 325 deaths. “I think this was a genocide against the elderly and a crime
39 against humanity,” he says. “There are plenty of people who have blood on their hands,
40 including the media.”
41 Coordinated Effort to Cause Harm
42 He also stresses that the pandemic response, including the suppression of HCQ, has clearly
43 been a global coordinated effort.
44 “You have to ask yourself, who benefits from a destabilized world? Who benefits from
45 chaos on the streets, from anarchy, from financial despair, from psychological trauma? …
46 In some parts of this country, suicide rates are up 600%.
47 I speak to my colleagues in emergency rooms — the amount of child abuse and spousal
48 abuse they’ve seen is absolutely ridiculous. The amount of collateral damage from
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1 preventable illnesses, like heart disease and cancer that are skyrocketing because people
2 are not getting access to routine care.
3 A lot of people weren’t getting elective surgeries on time. So, there’s been a lot of
4 collateral damage. The shutdown is killing more people than the virus. The virus is not
5 dangerous if you approach it correctly. If you treat it in the right timeframe, it’s no
6 different than a bad flu. You can deal with it. You don’t have to shut down the world.”
7 It’s Safe to Stop Living in Fear
8 Zelenko, who was born in a communist country and whose family suffered under
9 communist and fascist rule, is quite sensitive to the signs of these authoritarian regimes.
10 He recounts a story told in the book “The Gulag Archipelago,” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
11 Stalin wanted to dig a canal from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The work, done in the middle
12 of winter, led to the death of 400,000 prison workers, as they weren’t given the appropriate
13 clothes or tools. The bodies were thrown into the cement and became a permanent part of
14 the canal.
15 “No ship ever used the canal because it was too shallow. So, the question was, why was
16 this canal built? And the answer is: So that 400,000 people would die,” Zelenko says.
17 “I’m not attacking the vaccine. I’m attacking the need for the vaccine. I have not enough
18 information to say it’s good or bad. And I don’t like to guess. But what I can tell you is
19 that I know for a fact that 99.98% of young and healthy people under the age of 45
20 recover, with no treatment.
21 I also know for a fact, from my own real-world battle-tested evidence, which has been
22 reproduced now on hundreds of thousands of patients, that if you intervene early, you
23 essentially eliminate hospitalization and death. And, I’ve now treated two waves. I have
24 not seen one patient who’s had COVID-19 in the first wave, get it again …
25 So, the need for the vaccine doesn’t exist. It’s … been artificially conflated … offering
26 people an artificial false hope solution in order to enslave them to be codependent on
27 government. You know why my approach is so dangerous? Because not only does it treat
28 COVID-19, [but] it treats anxiety. It tells people you don’t need to worry.
29 My statement to the American people or whoever’s listening is: Return to normal living.
30 You do not need to worry. And by the way, there are nonprescription options … that can
31 replace HCQ if your government or doctor are too stupid or vicious to give it to you. So,
32 you don’t have to rely on them. You can buy over-the-counter things that will save your
33 own life. So, my point is, return back to normal life …
34 It’s unbelievable the crime that’s been done on the human psyche. I’m screaming to
35 humanity: Don’t be scared! Be cautious. Be smart. Use common sense. But don’t be
36 scared. Return back to life. Reengage in life.”
37 HCQ Mechanisms of Action and Alternatives
38 Over-the-counter alternatives to HCQ include EGCG (green tea extract) and quercetin,
39 both of which are zinc ionophores and therefore work much like HCQ does. Quercetin
40 works best when taken in conjunction with vitamin C, however, as the vitamin C helps
41 activate it. Zelenko recommends taking 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C with it.
42 Now, HCQ does have other mechanisms of action beside being a zinc ionophore, so it’s a
43 better choice, but if you simply cannot get it, EGCG or quercetin are viable stand-ins.
44 Additional benefits of HCQ include:
45  Inhibiting viral entry into the cytoplasm, in part by changing the pH
46  Inhibiting cytokine storms through anti-inflammatory properties
47  Stabilizing red blood cells, which improves oxygenation

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1 “Since it has four different mechanisms of action, it’s a very effective drug, and it has a
2 half-life of 50 days in plasma,” Zelenko says. “But if you can’t get it, you can’t get it. So,
3 I’ll take quercetin or EGCG.”
4 The caveat here is you must implement this treatment within the right timeframe. It can be
5 helpful to recognize we are in essence dealing with two diseases, or stages of disease, here.
6 First, there’s the viral infection, and second, there’s the immune over-response that leads
7 to the release of inflammatory cytokines and agents that can cause blood clots. The key is
8 to prevent the progression from the first stage to the second.
9 Prescription Help Is Available
10 Like many others who have dared run the gauntlet that is HCQ promotion, Zelenko has
11 been attacked from several angles. His character has been assassinated in the press, his
12 medical credentials questioned and threatened, and his online presence silenced.
13 “I had had zero media experience before March 2020. I am of a quiet doctor who was
14 taking care of his patients, living a serene life. All of a sudden, this all exploded on me …
15 I was on Twitter, getting 10 million impressions per tweet. They shut me down last month
16 for platform manipulation. I’m not even sure what that means. So, I had to develop my own
17 website. It’s free and has my protocols in 20 different languages.”
18 To learn more about Zelenko’s protocol, be sure to visit his
19 website, There, you’ll find protocols not only for early treatment
20 but also prophylaxis, along with studies that document the rationale for each of the
21 treatment components and patient testimonials.
22 His website also includes access to telemedicine via “Speak With an MD,” which can
23 overnight your medication. “So, if you live in a state that’s tyrannical, you can have a
24 consultation with Dr. Fields,” Zelenko says. “I had to develop this because there were
25 patients around the country who didn’t have access [to HCQ].”
26 HCQ should be available to most people in the U.S. at this point, but you do need a
27 prescription, and some doctors are still unwilling or resistant to prescribe it. Other times,
28 pharmacies can create roadblocks. “It may take some diligence but none of my patients
29 goes without the medication written for them,” he says.
30 Early Treatment Prevents ‘Long Haul’ Side Effects
31 In closing, it’s worth noting that when you treat early, your risk of developing long-term
32 side effects, commonly referred to as “long-haulers,” is virtually nil. Not a single one of
33 Zelenko’s patients who received treatment within the first five days of symptom onset
34 went on to develop long-haul symptoms afterward.
35 “I had patients that were long-haulers, but they came to me after that window, and they
36 were already advanced in the inflammatory process. At that point, the cytokine storm had
37 already taken hold. They had developed blood clots, some of them had pulmonary infarct,
38 or strokes actually.
39 Others developed ARDS or catastrophic lung damage and pneumonias, and others just are
40 not themselves. I don’t know how to describe it, but it ate away part of their souls. They’re
41 not the same people. There’s depression, there’s lack of energy. There’s a psychological
42 impact as well.
43 So, it’s not that I don’t deal with long-haulers, I do. But the way to prevent the long-hauler
44 syndrome is to intervene within the first five days, with appropriate antiviral medication in
45 high-risk patients. That is 100% successful,” he says.
46 The Light of Truth Will Prevail

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1 Zelenko refers to the COVID-19 pandemic and everything surrounding it as an

2 information war, a propaganda war, and his primary objective and agenda in this war is to
3 educate and speak truth.
4 “There’s a lot of false narrative being pumped into the heads of people, to create fear,” he
5 says. “In the Psalms of David, it says, ‘With crooked people, you have to deal crookedly.’
6 It also says you should learn from a thief.
7 So, I learned from the enemy, and I use their tactics to counter them. The main tactic is to
8 spread truth. By the way, it’s no longer dependent on me. I have second and third and
9 fourth generation leaders that have taken on the mission and are really spreading the
10 knowledge worldwide.
11 It’s unstoppable. They could try to slow it down, and they are. But the truth will come out.
12 The truth is coming out. And when the truth will be revealed, the people that try to obstruct
13 it and use lies to slaughter, will be destroyed by it, God willing.
14 I am now more optimistic than I’ve ever been, simply because there’s no more confusion.
15 Life was very confusing. You didn’t know what was good, what was bad. Now, it’s very
16 clear. There’s much more bad, that’s true. But I know where it is. I know where the enemy
17 is. And I know where the good is. And a little light pushes away a lot of darkness.”
18 Reference
19 March 24, 2020
20 lohud March 19, 2020
21 Age of Autism June 16, 2020
22 Hydroxychloroquine
23 The Solidarity Trial
24 June 30, 2020; 2020070025, DOI: 10.20944/preprints202007.0025.v1
25 Worldometer Uganda COVID deaths
28 Do also note: Age of Autism June 16, 2020 this in regard of my grandson Dion Schorel!
29 In my view the State of Victoria failed miserably to consider proper management of any so
30 called “childhood vaccinations” as to ensure that they were appropriate and not in the overall
31 would be separately and/or combined in some manner become very harmful being due to the
32 aluminium or other ingredients in them.
35 boris/5785964?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles
36 What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. “Ramping up an
37 Imperialist Strategy”
40 humanity/5794595?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles
41 Government Pushes a “Digital Dollar” So It Can Seize Assets at Will & Enslave Humanity
43 You will own nothing, while a handful of people will own everything. You will
44 exist if they allow it, be stolen from if they don’t like what you said, and be ruled
45 over in a dystopia that makes our current situation pale in comparison.
47 And

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1 They could (and would) monitor our bank accounts; monitor all of our transactions;
2 impose barriers to purchases of certain “unfavored” items, and even block access to
3 our money or limit how much of it we could spend.
4 They will take what they want, and cut off your ability to spend for as long as they
5 want.
7 And
9 We had better figure out how to untie against these sociopaths or we face a very
10 bleak future.
14 Excess mortality during the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)
16 Coronavirus
17 By country
18 Data explorer
19 Deaths
20 Cases
21 Tests
22 Hospitalizations
23 Vaccinations
24 Mortality risk
25 Excess mortality
26 Policy responses
27 Contents
28 Excess mortality during COVID-19
30 What is ‘excess mortality’?
31 How is excess mortality measured?
32 Excess mortality P-scores
33 Excess mortality P-scores by age group
34 Excess mortality using raw death counts
35 Estimated excess mortality from The Economist
36 Estimated excess mortality from the World Health Organization
37 Excess mortality: our data sources
38 Excess mortality during COVID-19: background
41 QUOTE 20210824-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian
42 Federal Police-COMPLAINT-Suppl-09-MURDER

44 How Do You Distinguish COVID-19 From Flu in Kids?

46 The CDC recommends testing to differentiate between symptoms of flu and COVID-19. Key
47 symptoms cited to be different between the two are the the presence of loss of taste or smell as
48 COVID-19 symptoms.
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1 Table. Similarities and Differences Between Flu and COVID-19

Symptoms Flu COVID-19

Fever (or feeling feverish) ✓ ✓

Cough ✓ ✓

Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing ✓ ✓

Fatigue (tiredness) ✓ ✓

Sore throat ✓ ✓

Runny or stuffy nose ✓ ✓

Muscle pain or body aches ✓ ✓

Headaches ✓ ✓

Possible vomiting and diarrhea* ✓ ✓

Change in or loss of taste ✓

Change in or loss of smell ✓

2 *More common in children than adults.
3 CDC website.[3]
4 One key thing to note is that people with COVID-19 do not develop symptoms right away as
5 compared to those with the flu. Persons with the flu are contagious for about one day before they
6 show symptoms. In contrast, persons with COVID-19 may be contagious for a longer period of
7 time before showing symptoms.
8 Study Highlights
9 The study by Song and colleagues[2] compared children diagnosed with COVID-19 between
10 March and May with children diagnosed with flu between 2019 and 2020. All data came from
11 one major US children’s hospital.
12 The main study outcomes were children’s symptoms at presentation and the course of illness for
13 the two infections.
14 Investigators compared 164 children who tested positive for COVID-19 with 1402 children who
15 had flu. The median ages of patients with COVID-19 and flu were 8.4 years and 3.9 years,
16 respectively, and there was a slight preponderance of males in both groups.
17 Researchers observed no significant difference in the rates of hospitalization (COVID-19: 17%;
18 flu: 21%); ICU admission (COVID-19: 6%; flu: 7%); or mechanical ventilation (COVID-19:
19 3%; flu: 2%) between groups.
20 No patient was found to have coinfection with both flu and COVID-19, at least in part because
21 of a sharp decline in cases of flu after schools closed on March 15, 2020.
22 Two patients with influenza A infection died. There were no deaths among patients with
23 influenza B or COVID-19.

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1 Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 were generally older than children hospitalized for flu
2 (median ages: 9.7 and 4.2 years, respectively). Adolescents older than age 15 years accounted
3 for 37% of hospitalized patients in the COVID-19 cohort.
4 Rates of underlying medical conditions among pediatric patients hospitalized for COVID-19 and
5 flu were 65% and 42%, respectively (OR = 2.6 [95% CI: 1.4, 4.7]). Neurological disease such as
6 epilepsy or developmental delay were the most common comorbid illnesses recorded.
7 Fever and cough were the most commonly reported symptoms among hospitalized patients in
8 both groups; however, fever, diarrhea/vomiting, headache, chest pain, and myalgia were more
9 commonly reported in cases of COVID-19 vs flu. This difference was significantly pronounced
10 in comparing COVID-19 and influenza A.
11 Rates of cough, sore throat, dyspnea, and congestion were similar in the flu and COVID-19
12 cohorts.
13 The CDC recommends testing to differentiate between symptoms of flu and COVID-19. Key
14 symptoms cited to be different between the two are the presence of loss of taste or smell as
15 COVID-19 symptoms.
18 The above seems to indicate that the flu symptoms and the claimed COVID-19 symptoms are
19 identical other than for the loss of smell and/or taste. Then again prior to the claimed COVID-19
20 existing the loss of smell and/or taste was also contributed to:
23 Smell and Taste Disorders | Johns Hopkins Medicine
24 Anosmia. Loss of sense of smell · Ageusia. Loss of sense of taste · Hyposmia. Reduced ability
25 to smell · Hypogeusia. Reduced ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, ...
27 Smell and Taste Disorders
28 Ear Nose and Throat Pediatric ENT (Otolaryngology)
29 What are smell and taste disorders?
30 The most common smell and taste disorders are:
31 Anosmia. Loss of sense of smell
32 Ageusia. Loss of sense of taste
33 Hyposmia. Reduced ability to smell
34 Hypogeusia. Reduced ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, or salty things
35 In other disorders, odors, tastes, or flavors may be misread or distorted. They may cause you to
36 detect a bad odor or taste from something that is normally pleasant to taste or smell. These
37 disorders can affect quality of life. They may also be a sign of underlying disease.
38 Problems with taste and smell can suggest certain health problems, such as:
39 Obesity
40 Diabetes
41 High blood pressure
42 Poor nutrition
43 Nervous system diseases, such as:
44 Parkinson disease
45 Alzheimer disease
46 Multiple sclerosis
47 What causes smell and taste disorders?
48 Some people are born with these disorders, but most are caused by:
49 Illness (for example, cold or flu, sinus infection, and allergies)
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1 Head injury
2 Hormone changes
3 Dental or mouth problems
4 Nasal polyps
5 Exposure to certain chemicals
6 Certain medicines
7 Exposure to radiation therapy for head or neck cancer
8 Cocaine snorted through the nose
9 Cigarette smoking
12 Yes, pull the other leg will you!
14 It must be clear that a person loosing taste/small also can be simply by other ways, as there are
15 videos around, where a person was unable to say if he was tasting union or something else. As
16 such, a person could innocently not being able to taste and/or smell not because of an illness but
17 merely because of some co-incidence having say a blocked nose. And one can get a blocked
18 nose not merely due to some illness but merely working in dust.
20 Obviously the question needs to be asked why on earth Are such absurdities such as so far
21 mentioned going on?
23 Is it that politicians, medical doctors, scientist, journalist, law enforcement officers, judges, etc
24 all list their marbles?
25 It seem to me that it is best to refer to the following video:
28 MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
30 I am not going to do a transcript as the video should be watched.
32 What seems to be clear is that MASS PSYCHOSIS is what I view seems to make politicians,
33 medical doctors, scientist, media, law enforcement officers and a host more all delusional that
34 they suddenly have a power and become totally unable to even understand let alone comprehend
35 that they not just place them selves in harms way but are blatantly ignoring the harm inflicted
36 upon their family members and others. How can anyone accept a medical doctor to conceal from
37 a patient the truth about the risk of being jabbed with a poison?
38 How can any politician destroy the very constitutional system that enabled this politician to hold
39 the position he/she does?
41 How can any law enforcement offici8er act in violation of laws that he/she seems wanting to
42 enforce against any law breaker?
44 How can any scientist rely upon “follow the science” when they have corrupted this?
46 How can any media get the trust of the readers when they so blatantly deceived the very readers?

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1 Throughout my life I held that the medical profession was trustworthy, but since January 2020 I
2 discovered that most of them are not at all. For sure there are doctors/scientist who are still
3 earning the trust of patients and others because of presenting the TRUTH, but far too often
4 medical doctors and scientist have destroyed the trust in science, etc.
6 We now have that reportedly the FDA (U.S.A.) has given final approval for certain so called
7 “vaccines” this even so the long term effects have not been established and in fact the “clinical
8 trials” are still to go on into 2023, etc.
9 What if the TGA in Australia were to do the same? Would this then somehow legally justify
10 whatever wrongdoing that was done.
11 Well, you can forget about that!
13 As I understand it blood cells ordinary do not stick together and are deemed to be “negative”
14 however it now appears that after the so called “vaccination” they become “positive” which I
15 understand makes blood clothing more likely besides many other issues.
16 END QUOTE 20210824-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
17 Australian Federal Police-COMPLAINT-Suppl-09-MURDER
19 Consider this nonsense about a daughter denied to visit her elderly mother because of not being
20 vaccinated when those who were vaccinated were no less but more likely to be more of a danger
21 to cause any infection, if it was indeed an infectious disease. Any e4xscuse we had it wrong
22 cannot be accepted as such as too many seek to excuse themselves, and blame whomever, rather
23 than to accept they never bothered to actually check the scientific data if what they were pushing
24 as a mantra, etc, was in fact based upon FACTS.
26 I cannot visit my elderly mum of 89 because I am Not Vaccinated - Northern Health Hosp. Vic.
27 healthachievers - <>
28 Mon, 20 Dec at 3:31 pm
30 This is so "mental: torture for my mum, who is bed ridden... has a twisted small bowel.
31 She may go into palliative care...
32 My sister who is vaccinated can only visit for one hour.
33 When communicating to Patient Experience -
34 : If my mum is vaccinated and my sister is vaccinated what risk exists?
35 Reply: is the Hospital Policy.
36 : If I, an unvaccinated and am healthy, wear ppe gear and mask - what risk exists?
37 Reply: Hospital Policy
38 : If Covid 19 is so contagious - then can the virus enter through the eyeballs?
39 Reply: No answer
40 God only knows, the torture my mum in her end of life is experiencing. A dog/animal has
41 more rights.
42 : I posed the question. I can see my mum, hold her hand as she is able to communicate,
43 rather than if she is "dying?" Note: I, may not be allowed to see mum, as I am not
44 vaccinated.
45 This is a nightmare for the whole family.
46 Who are the policymakers that under "compassion" grounds is "reasonable" for one hour -
47 out of an 8hour day?
48 : My mum cannot hold the phone and does not have a mobile phone. Essentially she is in
49 solitary confinement.
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1 This can happen to any of us.

2 Essentially - "risk" is the achillies heel.
3 If ppe gear and mask is worn, and my sister is vaccinated...
4 What "risk" factor exists?
5 So, help me, God.
6 Marg
10 The Depopulation Smoking Gun: Alarming Charts Show The Number Of
11 Americans 'Vaxxed' Aligns Ominously With Deagel's Forecast Depopulation
12 Numbers For 2025
14 Deagel published in 2005 a DEPOPULATION for the world and it seems that this covid scam
15 was to achieve this. However, it appears not as such extensively having worked and so now
16 other bioweapons are likely going to be used to achieve this DEPOPULATION goal. And I
17 view the Victorian Government very much proved to seek to assist to achieve this.
18 Do notice Australia proposed reduction in population!
20 QUOTE 20200820-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE -COVID-19 & Lung strain
21 from aborted foetus used for WI-38 flu vaccination
22 Let us look as ( population forecast
23 and in particular, the current countries hit with COVID-19!
25 Name Country 2017 2025 Reduction %
27 United Kingdom 65,650,000 14,517,860 51,132,140 77.886%
28 Ireland 5,010,000 1,318,740 3,691,260 73.678%
29 Germany 80,590,000 28,134,920 52,455,080 65.089%
30 Spain 48,960,000 27,763,280 21,196,720 43.294%
32 France 67,100,000 39,114,580 27,985,420 41.707%
33 Switzerland 8,240,000 5,342,540 2,897,460 35.163%
34 Denmark 5,600,000 3,771,760 1,828,240 32.647%
35 Belgium 11,490,000 8,060,900 3,429,100 29.844%
37 Italy 62,140,000 43,760,260 18,379,740 29.578%
38 Austria 8,750,000 6,215,000 2,535,000 28.971%
39 Ukraine 44,030,000 31,628,980 12,401,020 28.165%
40 Norway 5,320,000 3,833,960 1,486,040 27.933%
42 Portugal 10,840,000 8,113,860 2,726,140 25.149%
43 Poland 38,480,000 33,230,780 5,249,220 13.641%
45 TOTALS 462,200,000 254,807,420 207,392,580 44.871%
47 United States of America 326,620,000 99,553,100 227,066,900 69.520%
49 Australia 23,230,000 15,196,600 8,033,400 34.582%
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2 The website makes clear no “pandemic” was included into the forecast!
3 While India appears to gain population there is however no apparent increase to show where the
4 about 500 million people moved to, if it was claimed they merely moved to other countries.
5 It is therefore important to consider the issue of vaccinations and the issue of a planned world
6 reduction of population and how this might be achieved. However, considering that there is only
7 about 4 years left to decimate the population by about 500 million people, it might be that
8 vaccinations are to be the tool to commit genocide at a large scale. COVID-19 may not have
9 achieved what it were to have caused to dramatically reduce world population.
10 Prime minister Scott Morrison already has been peddling the COVID-19 vaccine (that doesn’t
11 exist as yet) for “measures” to be taken to ensure that about 95% of the population will be
12 vaccinated. I will now delve more into vaccination issues.
14 MRC-5 diploid cells in vaccines, WI-38 cell strains, 50 generations
16 Well I was just watching short videos:
17 Web Results
19 Stanley Plotkin: Pioneering the use of fetal cells to make ... - YouTube
20 2 Jul 2019 ... After witnessing the devastating birth defects, miscarriages, and pregnancy terminations due to
21 rubella infections in the 1960s, Dr. Stanley ...
24 Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour ... - YouTube
25 Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the
26 world on YouTube.
29 Dr Stanley Plotkin: The Godfather of Vaccines - YouTube
30 29 Apr 2020 ... Ira Pastor, ideaXme life sciences ambassador, interviews Dr. Stanley Plotkin, Professor
31 Emeritus at both Wistar Institute and the University of ...
34 Dr Stanley Plotkin Admits Fetal Cells Under Oath ... - YouTube
35 9 Apr 2020 ... Dr Stanley Plotkin Admits Fetal Cells Under Oath & Human DNA Fragments in Vaccines
36 (excerpt). Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping.
39 Stanley Plotkin MD Deposition (Highlights) - YouTube
40 11 Feb 2019 ... Stanley Plotkin MD aka The Godfather of Vaccines been cornered on a deposition to answer
41 the questions of a lawyer who is defending the ...
44 Dr Stanley Plotkin - YouTube
45 28 Nov 2018 ... Dr Stanley Plotkin Under Oath - The Shocking Truth (NOT THEORY) About What Is IN
46 Vaccines. Victurus Libertas VLTV. Victurus Libertas VLTV.
49 Stanley Plotkin Deposition (Highlights 2) - YouTube
50 5 Mar 2019 ... Stanley Alan Plotkin (born May 12, 1932[1]) is an American physician who works as a
51 consultant to vaccine manufacturers, such as Sanofi ...
54 Stanley Plotkin, MD - YouTube

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1 5 Nov 2018 ... Stanley A. Plotkin, MD, is Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics at the Raymond and Ruth
2 Perelman School of Medicine at the University of ...
5 Stanley Plotkin: Four Centuries of Vaccinology - YouTube
6 15 Dec 2010 ... Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin discusses the history of vaccinology and the role of the Philadelphia
7 region in vaccine development. This talk was given ...
10 How Is a Vaccine Processed by the Body When It Is ... - YouTube
11 13 Jan 2020 ... In this short video, Dr. Stanley Plotkin explains how vaccines given as a shot are handled by
12 the immune system.
14 And it is clear that the flu vaccination contains strains of aborted fetuses lungs which last about
15 15 cycles, if I understood this correctly.
17 Fetus - Wikipedia
18 A fetus or foetus is the unborn offspring of an animal that develops from an embryo. Following embryonic
19 development the fetal stage of development takes ...
22 Anatomy: Fetus in Utero - Stanford Children's Health
23 Fetus. An unborn baby from the 8th week after fertilization until birth. Placenta. An organ shaped like a flat
24 cake. It only grows during pregnancy. The ...
27 Fetus | embryology | Britannica
28 Fetus, the unborn young of any vertebrate animal, particularly of a mammal, after it has attained the basic
29 form and structure typical of its kind. A brief treatment of ...
32 Fetus | Definition of Fetus by Merriam-Webster
33 Fetus definition is - an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of
34 its kind; specifically : a developing human from ...
36 I have for some time questioned the use of vaccine with the elderly and held that the vaccine
37 might be the issue of COVID-19.
39 18 Coronavirus Autopsies (This is what they found in the Brain) _ COVID-19
41 Web Results
43 18 Coronavirus Autopsies (This is what they found in the Brain ...
44 24 Jun 2020 ... 18 Coronavirus Autopsies (This is what they found in the Brain) | COVID-19 #coronavirus
45 #covid19 #covid_19 12 Autopsy Cases Reveal ...
48 12 Coronavirus Autopsy Cases Reveal TRUTH About How ...
49 14 May 2020 ... Coronavirus | COVID-19 YouTube Video Playlist: ... Another study of 191 COVID patients
50 with coronavirus aka COVID-19, half of those who died ... 18 Coronavirus Autopsies (This is what they
51 found in the Brain) | COVID-19.
54 Pathologist Shares Findings From Autopsies Of COVID-19 Patients ...
55 8 Jul 2020 ... COVID-19. Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19. ... 18 Coronavirus
56 Autopsies (This is what they found in the Brain) ...
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3 What Doctors Are Learning From Autopsy Findings of New ...
4 6 May 2020 ... Because in some COVID-19 cases, by the time the body's immune system ... Are BLOOD
5 CLOTS the reason why COVID-19 patients are dying? ... 18 Coronavirus Autopsies (This is what they found
6 in the Brain) | COVID-19.
9 Links between brain disorders and coronavirus infections under ...
10 29 Jul 2020 ... COVID 19 might or might not cause brain damage, but Trump effect ... Oh no I really hope
11 that Covid 19 doesnt cause brain damage..... stay safe everyone ... 18 Coronavirus Autopsies (This is what
12 they found in the Brain) ...
15 COVID-19 Testing At The Crucible! - YouTube
16 9 Aug 2020 ... 18 Coronavirus Autopsies (This is what they found in the Brain) | COVID-19 - Duration:
17 9:39. Doctor Mike Hansen Recommended for you · 9:39.
20 COVID-19 recoveries: revisiting with patients who beat the virus ...
21 31 Jul 2020 ... COVID-19 recoveries: revisiting with patients who beat the virus ... 18 Coronavirus Autopsies
22 (This is what they found in the Brain) | COVID-19 ...
25 Blood Cells Drive Brain Development / Cell, August 6, 2020 (Vol ...
26 6 Aug 2020 ... 18 Coronavirus Autopsies (This is what they found in the Brain) | COVID-19 - Duration:
27 9:39. Doctor Mike Hansen Recommended for you · 9:39.
30 COVID Conspiracy Revealed! | Media Bites - YouTube
31 23 Jul 2020 ... COVID CLUES: Aliens? Spies? The mystery of Adelaide's COVID-19 car solved! Plus,
32 Seven News runs Italian hospital footage.
34 In essence it appears that there was a lack of oxygen in all 18 patient. And causes can relate to
35 the lungs not having enough oxygen to get to the brain or the oxygen not getting to the brain for
36 other reasons.
38 As I wrote about in the past that a NYC doctor way back in march 2020 already made known
39 that ventilators could kill a patient if it was not properly programmed for the particular patient as
40 they cannot handle the pressure. Nevertheless one may find that the bulk of deaths often is with
41 people put on ventilators.
42 .
46 This video underlines what I previously wrote about that residents in nursinghomes might be
47 jeopardized in the manner they are “cared” for, if one can call it “care”.
48 END QUOTE 20200820-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE -COVID-19 & Lung
49 strain from aborted foetus used for WI-38 flu vaccination
52 The 80% kill rate of Boston U’s weaponized COVID virus aligns alarmingly with Deagel’s 2025
53 depopulation forecast for America as the globalists open up Pandora’s Box

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1 Population Projections: States, 1995-2025 - U.S. Census Bureau

2 These projections are used as the basic input to many federal, state, and local projection models that produce
3 detailed statistics on education, economic ...
5 and Pubs/2025_Global_Trends_Final_Report.pdf
6 Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World
7 Owing to continuing population growth, 36 countries, with about. 1.4 billion people, are projected to fall into
8 this category by 2025. Climate change is ...
11 Depopulation projections a dystopian fantasy
12 13 July 2021 ... The source of the post's projected population figures is not a “major military industrial
13 corporation” as claimed but an obscure website, which ...
16 Population projections: states, 1995 - 2025 - PubMed
17 Abstract. PIP: All states will have more people in the future, especially in the south and west, while
18 population aging occurs as the baby boomers age.
21 b4b2-cf274f7be0d2?version=1.0
22 EU25 population rises until 2025, then falls
23 8 Apr 2005 ... Population growth in the. EU25 until 2025 will be mainly due to net migration, since total
24 deaths in the EU25 will outnumber total births from.
27 Premonition of 2024 - LinkedIn
28 13 Oct 2020 ... (“Deagel”) has self-identified as a guide to military aviation and advanced
29 technologies.
32 Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
33 Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation.
36 Comment from B Paul Henry -
42 Ivana Pavlovic on Twitter: "The 2025 projections are no longer ...
43 The 2025 projections are no longer displayed on the #Deagel site, but an archived version from the
44 beginning of the year shows predictions for large ...
47 Projections of Israel's Population until 2025
48 Population projections are a major tool for future policy-making and socio-economic planning on a national
49 level, as well as for research and analysis of ...
51 BOMBSHELLS: Bioweaponized aerial drone patent uncovered; toxic venom peptides scientifically
52 CONFIRMED in the blood and feces of covid victims
54 “Official speak” expert uncovers NEW EVIDENCE that proves COVID-19 leaked from Wuhan lab
56 The SYNBIO “Borgification” infiltration of the human race: It’s WAY beyond infertility and depopulation…
57 humans are HOSTING a nano-scale computational PLATFORM
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1 Enzymatic “fingerprint” proves synthetic origin of covid: STUDY

3 Russia invokes Biological Weapons Convention treaty, calls on UN Security Council to investigate US
4 biolabs in Ukraine
6 Bombshell study finds likelihood of covid having natural origin to be less than 1 in 100 million
8 NO EVIDENCE exists to suggest that covid “naturally emerged,” says former EcoHealth Alliance vice
9 president
11 Australian agency admits involvement in gain-of-function projects, wants government to legalize
12 bioweapons research
14 Owen Shroyer slams NIH, Fauci for granting EcoHealth Alliance funds for another round of coronavirus
15 research
17 QUOTE 20220219-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian
18 Federal Police-Suppl-50-Our Amazing Grace
20 globalist-scheme-video/
21 Shocking Speech by Thierry Baudet about 2010 Document ...
22 6 June 2021 ... Rair Foundation first broke the story by posting a video of a speech
23 by the Dutch MP, Thierry Baudet, who refers to a 2010 Rockefeller ...
26 Dutch Leader Exposes Rockefeller Foundation And Globalist Scheme-banned-video
28 Chairperson, in 2010, the Rockerfeller Foundation, one of the most influential NGOs in the
29 world, developed a number of scenarios for the future of technology and international
30 development. This report.
31 And in this report, the Rockefeller Foundation described the so called “Lock Step
32 Scenario” on the coming of a world-wide pandemic and its aftermath. Already in 2010.
33 According to this scenario - and I have it here with me - the Chinese would be the first
34 begin with “required quarantine for all citizens” - that’s a quote - and immediate and
35 almost hermetic closing off of all borders. National leaders all over the world would
36 strengthen their power with laws, rules, and restrictions, from the requirement to wear
37 masks to body temperature checks on entering train stations, planes, buildings. It all comes
38 in here. But it doesn’t even stop there.
39 According to Scenario Lock Step, we have a lot more to look forward to:
41 “Even after the pandemic was over, “the researches write, “the authorian control would
42 remain, with supervision of the citizens and their activities, and would even be intensified.”
43 In this report from 2010, even climate lockdowns are hinted at. Precisely what they are
44 already beginning to talk about in our time. I quote: “To protect oneself against
45 increasingly global problems - from pandemics and transnational terrorism to
46 environmental crises and increasing poverty, leaders all over the world will increase their
47 grip on power.” And the report also predicts well how citizens would react to all the
48 regulations. Sorry, I say. Just as now, people shout with joy when they are vaccinated,
49 photos of their injected arm on social media - it is all in this report - and they beg for a
50 Corona passport, the Lock Step Scenario writers predict, just as I said. The more controlled
51 world thus finds, so they predicted in 2010, much acceptance among the people. Citizens
52 voluntarily gave up part of their sovereignty - and their privacy - in exchange for more
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1 safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant and even eager to get more top-down
2 steering and supervision. National leaders had more freedom to enforce order in ways they
3 themselves saw fit. That this would lead to a digital passport, the authors of the
4 Rockerfeller Foundation report had also foreseen.
6 And
8 Just 13 years after the pandemic, the public would, according to the Rockerfeller
9 Foundation, realize they have been cheated, had enough of the controls and the
10 absurd power fantasies of the masters.
12 And
14 That we chatter over, “Oh, the infection will come back.” while this past year naturally, it
15 also happened, just as it happens every year, just as naturally, that with autumn, come the
16 new infection, just like always happens. and we pretend that it is because of Corona
17 while what we earlier called the flu, would seem to have completely disappeared. But it
18 is most important, and these will be my closing words, that we realize that with a pretext,
19 one or another hysteria over this Chinese flu, and infrastructure has been put together that
20 in any arbitrary moment, because of any arbitrary event, the authority can be applied again.
21 Lockdowns, masks, keeping distance, no more travel, no more hand shaking, allowing
22 absurd experimental injections. This corona period was an obedience training. The Tweede
23 Kamer and the Rutte government have carried out this training brilliantly. Congratulations.
24 Klaus Schwab can be proud of you. The globalist plan can find the passageway, and the
25 next step toward mass surveillance and total control can be set.
28 (The “Tweede Kamer” is referred to in Australia as the “House of Representatives”)
30 I actually downloaded the pamphlet and checked is out and indeed as Dutch MP, Thierry
31 Baudet stated the document indeed does indicates this.
34 We have seen with Grace, at least in my view, how her life was betrayed for the sake of some
35 hospital to make monies by her being killed. My past extensive writings has already referred to
36 other instances of the same. It is not just eventuating in the U.S.A. or Australia but around the
37 world. As I view it the C.D.C. for the sake of those funding it, is willing to let hospitals make a
38 small fortune by killing their patients so that the funders can earn a lot more. After all in the end
39 the politicians do not care less about it all as after all many of them are on the band wagon
40 getting their share of the loot. In the end they are robbing the Consolidated Revenue Funds of
41 their country big time, but they obviously couldn’t care less. This is why I view the proposed
42 “Saving Our Amazing Grace Act” would in my view be the correct manner to proceed.
45 Hier zijn de bewijzen dat de verkiezingen doorgestoken Kaag zijn!
47 This translation by Google translate in my view is incorrect, this as contrary to the article that
48 Kaag had won, the details set out in the article indicates that as with Joe Biden the final count
49 was corrupted in various manner. The heading rather indicates it to be a Dutch “stolen election”
50 where Rutte allegedly was returned as Prime minister where various counting and “evidence”
51 seemed to prove otherwise. While in The Netherlands counting is done via ballot papers,
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1 nevertheless in the end the numbers are put into a computer and then anyone who control the
2 computer system controls the outcome of the election regardless what the actual voting
3 intentions of the electors might have been. As I was born in Rotterdam The Netherlands and also
4 served in the Dutch Armed forces and so in NATO before in 1971 migrating to Australia I can
5 read the Dutch language and understand its meanings. However, as I am aware most of my
6 readers would not have that ability and if they translated the Dutch version into English might be
7 misconceiving what the article really was about. What my understanding of the article is that the
8 political parties that purportedly won the election in fact had lost it. However, as with the USA
9 2020 Presidential election there were unexplained changes to the voting tally so that in the end
10 Rutte somehow was allegedly re-elected.
11 END QUOTE 20220219-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
12 Australian Federal Police-Suppl-50-Our Amazing Grace
15 died/
18 By Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA
22 TOLD.
27 RIDE!
31 I understand the following links relates to how I view unlawfully the intention of electors are
32 diverted to what the electors desired.
34 Glenn Druery Part 1 of 6
36 Glenn Druery Part 2 of 6
38 Glenn Druery Part 3 of 6
40 Glenn Druery Part 4 of 6
42 Glenn Druery Part 5 of 6
44 Glenn Druery Part 6 of 6
46 There can be no doubt that the goal is to DEPOPULATE Australia:
48 Name Country 2017 2025 Reduction %
50 Australia 23,230,000 15,196,600 8,033,400 34.582%

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1 As such, it appears to me to be essential that Daniel Andrews also at times referred to as

2 ‘Commie Dan’ etc, as he allegedly has ties to Communist China, he can implement this
3 DEPOPULATION plan to what the U.N., WHO, W.E.F. and others desire and for this needs to
4 be re-elected at all cost.
6 This part of the COMPLAINT may be followed with a further part 8 albeit at this time I have
7 not as yet worked through a lot of material to be able to present it.
9 This part 7 may be followed by “202????? Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to IBAC –
10 COMPLAINT-Part 8” which further will deal with legal issues also.
12 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
14 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to address all issues.
16 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Friends call me Gerrit)


18 (Our name is our motto!)
19 END QUOTE 20221125-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to IBAC – COMPLAINT Supplement 1-Part 7
21 Again, it must be understood that electors are not at all limited in how they vote as they only can
22 vote for who shall be their local representatives in the Parliament. It was a deception upon the
23 electors that somehow they voted for a Government. Constitutionally one doesn’t even to have
24 to be a Member of Parliament to be appointed a Minister, albeit the person then must become a
25 Member of Parliament within 3 months of being appointed or his portfolio is no more.
29 This means that if a person is by majority of electors voted in for a position then this person
30 failing to become a Member of Parliament then has to vacate that position and the so to say
31 runner up be given the position. And so down the line until a person is selected to be a Member
32 of Parliament that is only when it comes to heading a Government Department as a Minister.
33 The election for an Ombudsman, etc, are not depending upon holding a seat in the Parliament
34 and as such the person elected can be and remain as such in the position unless removed by
35 petition, resigns or dies. Again there are other details to be ironed out but at least I presented a
36 possible solution to get rid of incompetent Heads of Departments. As for judges the same TAP
37 system and election process can be applied albeit the Election Court decision would be subject to
38 a joint sitting of the Parliament to approve it.
40 I received the following email:
42 QUOTE 3 December 2022 email
43 Darren <>
45 Sat, 3 Dec at 10:54 pm
48 Thursday, 12 November 1992 COUNCIL
50 Hon. D. E. HENSHAW (Geelong) - The Bill is breathtaking in that it provides the government with infinite
51 powers. To emphasise a point made by my colleagues on this side of the House, Stalin or Pinochet would
52 have been proud if this had been their own legislation.
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1 --
2 Regards,
3 Darren.
4 END QUOTE 3 December 2022 email
6 In my view the same could be argued in regard of the unconstitutional draconian mandates and
7 the murderous jabs, etc. And also with the manner in which our elected Members of Parliament
8 have so to say become puppets of foreign powers (in violation of S44 of the constitution) to
9 betray and terrorise Australians by making secret deals with foreign powers in violation of
10 Australians constitutional and other legal, human and natural rights.
12 Hansard2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
14 The Constitution empowers the Federal Parliament to deal with certain external affairs,
15 among which would probably be the right to negotiate for commercial treaties with foreign
16 countries, in the same way as Canada has negotiated for such treaties. These treaties could
17 only confer rights and privileges upon the citizens of the Commonwealth, because the
18 Federal Government, in the exercise of its power, [start page 1753] could only act for and
19 on behalf of its citizens.
22 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
24 Mr. BARTON.- We can have every faith in the constitution of that tribunal. It is appointed as the arbiter of
25 the Constitution. . It is appointed not to be above the Constitution, for no citizen is above it, but under it; but
26 it is appointed for the purpose of saying that those who are the instruments of the Constitution-the
27 Government and the Parliament of the day-shall not become the masters of those whom, as to the
28 Constitution, they are bound to serve. What I mean is this: That if you, after making a Constitution of this
29 kind, enable any Government or any Parliament to twist or infringe its provisions, then by slow degrees you
30 may have that Constitution-if not altered in terms-so whittled away in operation that the guarantees of
31 freedom which it gives your people will not be maintained; and so, in the highest sense, the court you are
32 creating here, which is to be the final interpreter of that Constitution, will be such a tribunal as will preserve
33 the popular liberty in all these regards, and will prevent, under any pretext of constitutional action, the
34 Commonwealth from dominating the states, or the states from usurping the sphere of the Commonwealth.
36 .
37 The following albeit applicable to the USA in some parts it also applies to the Commonwealth of
38 Australia, albeit “citizenship” in Australia is not a “nationality” but merely refers to the
39 residential stay of the person concerned. A resident say of Victoria is a Victorian citizen and by
40 this automatically a resident of the Commonwealth of Australia and so an Australian citizen
41 regardless of the nationality of that person. If the person were to move his abode to another
42 state, say Queensland then the person no longer will be a Victorian resident and so no longer a
43 Victorian citizen but becomes as Queensland resident meaning a Queensland citizen and by this
44 retains his status as a Commonwealth of Australia resident meaning Australian citizen without
45 needing to have any specific nationality. Meaning that if the person moves his abode from
46 Australia then no longer being a State/Territory resident/citizen then automatically no longer
47 either is a Commonwealth of Australia resident/citizen. Constitutionally that is there is no such
48 thing as ‘Australian Citizenship’ as a nationality! This was my legal objection in AEC v
49 Schorel-Hlavka on 4-12-2002 and the Court at no time defeated my objection about the
50 misconceived ‘Australian citizenship’ as some nationality and rather ordered the High Court of
51 Australia to hear and determine the matter, which so far it failed to do. As such my objection
52 remains and the purported legislation is ULTRA VIRES Ab Initio!
54 HANSARD 8-02-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
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2 Mr. ISAACS.-It is as follows:-
3 No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
4 United States, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law,
5 nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.
6 Sir EDWARD BRADDON.-That is the Tasmanian amendment.
7 Mr. ISAACS.-Yes, it has been adapted by than Tasmanian Assembly to suit our altered circumstances but I
8 want to point out that it only became necessary to pass that 14th amendment in the United States in order to
9 provide in the Constitution for the change that was wrought by the Civil War. The rights of citizenship for
10 the blacks and the abolition of slavery had been won by hard fighting, and this Article 14 had to be rammed
11 down the throats of the Southern States by the military provision which I referred, to in Sydney. This,
12 together with the 15th article, which goes with it, had to be passed. The object of it was as I have stated, and
13 that was recognised by the United States courts in the case of Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 United States
14 Reports, page 303. We can understand that a Constitution should say who shall be citizens of the United
15 States or citizens of the Commonwealth. We can also understand that having constituted a citizenship of the
16 nation, no state should be permitted to abridge that citizenship, and take away any of the privileges or
17 immunities pertaining to citizens. What are these privileges and immunities? That very question was dealt
18 with in what are known as the Slaughter House cases in 1872,16 Wallace, 36, and in certain other cases. This
19 is what the court said-
20 The right of a citizen of this great country, protected by the implied guarantees of its Constitution, to come
21 to the seat of government to assert any claim he may have upon the Government, to transact any business he
22 may have with it, to seek its protection, to share its offices, to engage in administering its functions, free
23 access to its sea ports through which all operations of foreign commerce are conducted, also to the sub-
24 treasuries, land offices, and courts of justice of the several states. Another privilege of a citizen of the United
25 States is to demand the care and protection of the Federal Government for his life, liberty, and property when
26 on the high seas, or within the jurisdiction of a foreign country; the right to peaceably assemble and petition
27 for redress of grievances; the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus; the right to use the navigable waters of
28 the United States, however they may penetrate the territory of the several states, and all rights secured to our
29 citizens by treaties with foreign nations; and the right of a citizen of the United States of his own volition to
30 become a citizen of any state of the Union by bona fide residence therein.
33 Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
35 Mr. SYMON.-Very likely not. What I want to know is, if there is anybody who will
36 come under the operation of the law, so as to be a citizen of the Commonwealth, who
37 would not also be entitled to be a citizen of the state? There ought to be no opportunity for
38 such discrimination as would allow a section of a state to remain outside the pale of the
39 Commonwealth, except with regard to legislation as to aliens. Dual citizenship exists, but
40 it is not dual citizenship of persons, it is dual citizenship in each person. There may be two
41 men-Jones and Smith-in one state, both of whom are citizens of the state, but one only is a
42 citizen of the Commonwealth. That would not be the dual citizenship meant. What is
43 meant is a dual citizenship in Mr. Trenwith and myself. That is to say, I am a citizen of the
44 state and I am also a citizen of the Commonwealth; that is the dual citizenship. That does
45 not affect the operation of this clause at all. But if we introduce this clause, it is open to the
46 whole of the powerful criticism of Mr. O'Connor and those who say that it is putting on the
47 face of the Constitution an unnecessary provision, and one which we do not expect will be
48 exercised adversely or improperly, and, therefore, it is much better to be left out. Let us, in
49 dealing with this question, be as careful as we possibly, can that we do not qualify the
50 citizenship of this Commonwealth in any way or exclude anybody [start page 1764] from
51 it, and let us do that with precision and clearness. As a citizen of a state I claim the right to
52 be a citizen of the Commonwealth. I do not want to place in the hands of the
53 Commonwealth Parliament, however much I may be prepared to trust it, the right of
54 depriving me of citizenship. I put this only as an argument, because no one would
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1 anticipate such a thing, but the Commonwealth Parliament might say that nobody
2 possessed of less than £1,000 a year should be a citizen of the Federation. You are putting
3 that power in the hands of Parliament.
4 Mr. HIGGINS.-Why not?
5 Mr. SYMON.-I would not put such a power in the hands of any Parliament. We must
6 rest this Constitution on a foundation that we understand, and we mean that every citizen
7 of a state shall be a citizen of the Commonwealth, and that the Commonwealth shall have
8 no right to withdraw, qualify, or restrict those rights of citizenship, except with regard to
9 one particular set of people who are subject to disabilities, as aliens, and so on.
12 Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
14 Mr. SYMON.-The honorable and learned member is now dealing with another matter.
15 Would not the provision which is now before us confer upon the Federal Parliament the
16 power to take away a portion of this dual citizenship, with which the honorable and
17 learned member (Dr. Quick) has so eloquently dealt? If that is the case, what this
18 Convention is asked to do is to hand over to the Federal Parliament the power, whether
19 exercised or not, of taking away from us that citizenship in the Commonwealth which we
20 acquire by joining the Union. I am not going to put that in the power of any one, and if it is
21 put in the power of the Federal Parliament, then I should feel that it was a very serious blot
22 on the Constitution, and a very strong reason why it should not be accepted. It is not a
23 lawyers' question; it is a question of whether any one of British blood who is entitled to
24 become a citizen of the Commonwealth is to run the risk-it may be a small risk-of having
25 that taken away or diminished by the Federal Parliament! When we declare-"Trust the
26 Parliament," I am willing to do it in everything which concerns the working out of this
27 Constitution, but I am not prepared to trust the Federal Parliament or anybody to take away
28 that which is a leading inducement for joining the Union.
31 Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
33 If we are going to give the Federal Parliament power to legislate as it pleases with regard
34 to Commonwealth citizenship, not having defined it, we may be enabling the Parliament to
35 pass legislation that would really defeat all the principles inserted elsewhere in the
36 Constitution, and, in fact, to play ducks and drakes with it. That is not what is meant by the
37 term "Trust the Federal Parliament."
40 QUOTE Thomas Jefferson:
41 "The germ of destruction of our nation is in the power of the judiciary, an irresponsible
42 body - working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little
43 tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief over the field of jurisdiction, until
44 all shall render powerless the checks of one branch over the other and will become as
45 venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.".
48 We the People by a vote in a referendum to veto or approve a proposed amendment to the
49 constitution and not and such amendment can only be relating to Clause 9 of the Act and neither
50 can be valid where it were to contradict another part of the constitution. The Courts have
51 absolutely no judicial powers to by backdoor manner pursue to amend the true meaning and
5-12-2022 Page 65 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
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1 application of the constitution. Therefore, the High Court of Australia in sue v Hill and other
2 cases claiming that there is such a thing as an ‘Australian citizenship’ as a nationality acted in
3 violation of the constitution and every judge pushing the same garbage when handing down any
4 purported judgment actually doesn’t hand down any legal based judgment because to contradict
5 the constitution the judge no longer sits as a judge but as a private person without legal
6 authority!
7 I in 2012 appeared before County Court judge Gaynor J and she made clear that the constitution
8 doesn’t apply to her. When she stated that people in the public gallery commented that she
9 addressed them that one more noice and she would clear the court room. Reality is that by her
10 statement that the constitution doesn’t apply to her she effectively no longer was acting as a
11 judge but as a private person without any legal powers/validity and everything she did
12 subsequently was without any judicial powers. Judges only have powers to adjudicate within the
13 legal provisions of the constitution and by an oath/affirmation are to uphold this. A judge who
14 refuses to acknowledge this as to sidestep my objections based upon the constitution therefore
15 betrays her oath/affirmation of judicial office and no more can be deemed to be a judge of the
16 court. Such a person I view should be banned for life to ever again hold any judicial position.
20 The following legal principle applies to Australia as much as it does to the USA.
22 Scheuer v Thodes, 416 US 232 94S Ct 1683, 1687 (1974) states:
23 “when a state officer (which includes Judges) acts under a state law in a manner violative
24 of the US Constitution, he comes into conflict with the superior authority of that
25 Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is
26 subjected in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct.
27 The State has no power to impart to him any immunity from responsibility to the supreme
28 authority of the United States”.
30 Despite my elaborate writings to local representative and others not a single one has responded
31 as to the kidnapping of my grandson Dion. And I understand that this is the general conduct
32 towards others also. They count on it that people lack the finances to litigate and no matter how
33 much they do something wrong they have taxpayers paying for any litigation to shield them.
34 That is why the TAP system is in my view so important.
36 My (non-religious) view is that life commences at conception, and no government and/or their
37 minions should directly and/or indirectly inflict harm upon any child born or not by
38 unconstitutional/unlawful mandates. Also, where Government tyranny using mandates that
39 directly/indirectly prevent a male to father a child and/or a female to conceived then to me they
40 must be held legally accountable by the TAP system.
41 Finally let those using TREASON/TERRORISM to be held legally accountable!
43 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
45 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to address all issues.
46 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Friends call me Gerrit)


48 (Our name is our motto!)
5-12-2022 Page 66 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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