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Management Services: A Magazine of Planning, Systems, and


Volume 3 Number 1 Article 3


Measuring the Value of Information - An Information Theory

Norton M. Bedford

Mohamed Onsi

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Bedford, Norton M. and Onsi, Mohamed (1966) "Measuring the Value of Information - An Information
Theory Approach," Management Services: A Magazine of Planning, Systems, and Controls: Vol. 3: No. 1,
Article 3.
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Bedford and Onsi: Measuring the Value of Information - An Information Theory Approach

What is management accounting information?

Surely, more than just a collection of data. Rather, it
should reduce uncertainty the minimum, demand
action, and indicate the appropriate action.



by Norton M. Bedford, University of Illinois

and Mohamed Onsi, Fresno State College

ow much and what kind of based on such techniques as re indicates how it can be applied to
H information does an executive gression analysis and linear pro
really need for a given decision?graming, do seem to provide
accounting measurement and com
Up to what point does the collec quantitative data closer to the Information theory is a body of
tion of additional information pro underlying state of nature than that knowledge that has been developed
duce more return than the cost in provided by the traditional ac in recent years. Its uses in different
curred in the collection? counting process. These models, disciplines are increasing widely.
This has always been a problem however, are expensive to develop, Although a precise definition of in
for accounting executives, but it and the data that go into them are formation theory has not yet been
has not been an overwhelming costly to gather. The accountant established,2 its basic concepts are
one. The cost of expanding the needs quantitative measurements generally accepted. There are three
traditional information provided by of the “amount” and “value” of the basic concepts that should be dis
accounting for planning purposes information provided by the model. cussed: the information concept,
is ordinarily not great, nor is it par A possible way of locating the the concept of measuring the
ticularly difficult to determine. point at which the cost of data col “amount” of information, and the
With the growing emphasis on lection outweighs the value of the concept of the “value” of informa
scientific techniques in manage information gained is provided by tion.3
ment planning, however, this prob the application of “information Information is conventionally de
lem is becoming more acute. The theory. ” This article outlines recent fined as obtained knowledge, facts,
new accounting planning models,1 progress in information theory and data, or news, even though it has

Published by eGrove, 1966

January-February, 1966 15 1
Management Services: A Magazine of Planning,
notion Systems, and
of information, Controls, Vol. 3 The
represents [1966], No. 1, Art. 3definition of in
data evaluated or information ac formation as knowledge, facts, and
cumulated for general use in the data may have been adequate for
future. Its value does not depend the recording of economic events.
upon its use by a particular person. The second definition of informa
The concept of “information” tion will be more useful for the
may be clarified by relating it to management accountant when ap
the decrease in ignorance that is plying information theory to the
experienced rather than to the planning function.
amount of knowledge obtained.7
There are advantages to the view
that information is a process of ig ‘Amount’ of information
norance reduction rather than a The “amount” of information is
process of knowledge creation. The
equal to the reduction of uncer
need to reduce ignorance seems to
When a number of choices are equal tainty. Stated in other terms, the
motivate and stimulate accounting
ly probable, information indicating amount of information is a function
research and study. If the account
the one best action can often be of the “unexpectedness of an
come almost invaluable. ant concentrates on what is known,
he may tend to become satisfied event. ”9 The assumption underlying
with the status quo and may exert this definition has been expressed
more precise definitions.4 The main less effort to acquire further in in the following manner: “If the
inadequacy of the conventional formation. message to be transmitted is known
definition is that distinctions exist Regardless of the manner in in advance to the recipient, no in
among data, information, and which information is viewed, its formation is conveyed to him by it.
knowledge. function is to reduce the amount There is no initial uncertainty
To illustrate, accounting data or range of uncertainty under doubt to be resolved; the ensemble
customarily are assumed to repre which decisions are made. In this of a priori possibilities shrinks to a
sent material that may be used sense, the more information there single case and hence has zero un
a basis for inference but is not is supporting an accounting esti certainty. The greater the initial un
evaluated for its worth to a spe mate of probable costs and rev certainty, the greater the amount
cific individual for a specific situ enues of possible plans the more of information conveyed when a
ation. Such data are “collections of accurate is the estimate and the definite choice is made.”10
signs and characters generally ar smaller the range of possible errors. According to information theory,
ranged in some orderly way to An accounting estimate is im the more uncertain the decision
represent facts — any facts that are proved by reducing the uncertainty maker is in selecting a certain
a matter of direct observation.”5 under which it is made. Thus, the course of action the greater is the
Information, on the other hand, “amount of information” is meas amount of information supplied by
represents accounting data evalu ured by the reduction of ignorance useful data. If, before new informa
ated for a specific use. To an ac and uncertainty and not by the ad mation is supplied, a possible
countant, information is the funda dition knowledge.8 “ choice ” by a decision maker is
mental material upon which in practically certain (has a proba
telligent action is based. It has the bility near one) and the other pos
connotation of significant data. Sig sible choices have probabilities of
NORTON M. BEDFORD, being selected near zero, the
nificance has been defined as a Ph.D., CPA, is a pro
measure of the net value obtained fessor of accountancy at
amount (and value) of any addi
from matching the needs of a spe the University­ of Illinois, tional information are On the
­­­ Urbana. He has served other hand, if all possible courses
c problem ­ low.
with appropriate or­­
ele on the American Insti
ments of data.6 ­ tute's committee on long-
of future action have an equal
The distinction between informa range objectives and the probability of being selected, any
tion and data is that information is committee on account data that would reveal which
ing procedure. Professor
concerned with the use of evalu Bedford is a member of the National Associ
choice should be made would rep
ated data for a specific problem ation of Accountants and is a former vice resent a large amount of informa
and for a certain individual at a president of the American Accounting Asso tion.
ciation. MOHAMED ONSI, Ph.D., is an as
certain time to achieve a definite sistant professor of ac
Two propositions follow:
goal. As problems vary, persons counting at the School 1. When the number of choices
change, or time passes, the value of Business, Fresno State is fixed, the amount of information
College, Fresno, Cali
of information differs. That is, the fornia. Professor Onsi
in data is greater when the prob
value of information is not de is a member of the Na abilities of the various choices are
tached and permanent in itself. Its tional Association of Ac nearly equal.
countants and the Amer
value is a function of its uses. ican Accounting Associ
2. If all choices are equally
Knowledge, the third common ation. likely, the more choices there are
16 Management Services2

Bedford and Onsi: Measuring the Value of Information - An Information Theory Approach

Information is valuable only when it results in gain; it should be

gathered only to the point where incremental cost of additional
information equals the profit that can be earned through having it.

the greater the amount of informa large amount of data without being upon an individual’s ability to dis
tion. There is more information in “informative” in the sense of say cern meanings.13
data if a decision maker has to ing something useful or even true. The value of information, from
make a choice from a set of The value of information must be an economic point of view, is meas
possible actions than if he­ selects measured by the receiver in terms ured by the gain achieved from us
one out of a set of twenty-five. of its uses to him. ing such information. Marschak
If there are sixteen alternative The flexibility of information notes that “to an economist it seems
choices, data will provide more in usage influences its value. There natural to call value of information
formation if, by its use, the alterna are two dimensions to the problem the average amount earned with
tive choices are reduced to four of determining the worth of flexible the help of that information.”14 The
rather than to eight.11 information in decision making. underlying premise is that “infor
The first indicates that in the same mation should be gathered up to
environment one piece of informa the point where the incremental
‘Value’ of information
tion has a wider usage if it can be cost of additional information is
The value of information implies used for more than one potential equal to the incremental profit that
its effectiveness and usefulness. In decision. The other dimension indi be earned having it.”15
formation conveyed to a receiver cates that one piece of information The psychological and economic
should induce the desired conduct. has wider usage if it can potentially dimensions of information are not
Usefulness implies a relationship to be used in several environments. in conflict. The psychological di
a purpose or a goal, and the value The difficulty, however, is that the mension is concerned with the re
of information is determined by the accountant cannot anticipate all sponse of the receiver to informa
changes caused through the use desirable uses of the information tion, while the economic dimension
of the information in the pursuit that could be or is provided to the is concerned with the outcome
a purpose. The value of informa different departments in the organ using such information. Manage
tion is measured by comparing the ization. This makes it difficult for ment accounting, as a quantitative
outcome of the actions of the de the accountant to assign a prob discipline, is concerned with both
cision maker before and after the ability for the use of specific items dimensions, since it deals with
receipt of the information. Ackoff of information. However, this need both people and economic events.
suggests three ways in which in not handicap the accountant in de
formation may change the actions veloping from past experience a
Planning uses
of a decision maker. A message type of subjective probability of
informs if it changes the prob the uses of information. The use of information theory in
ability of choice or potential course management accounting is based
of action of an individual. A mes on the assumption that “any or
Recipient important, too ganism is held together in action
sage instructs if it indicates a basis
of choice from among potential The value of information de by the possession of means for the
courses of action. message moti pends not only on its potential use acquisition, recording, preservation,
vates if it changes the value of the to the recipient but also on his re transmission, and use of informa
outcome of a course of action.12 ception and interpretation of the tion.”16 Management accounting in
Fundamentally, information may message. This type of effectiveness formation is informative if it tells
have value for one person but not is influenced by psychological fac the receiver something not already
for another, depending on its rele tors of behavior. By regarding a known. Information is gained only
vance for potential action by an human being as an information about matters in which there is
individual in a certain environment receiving device, several psycholog some degree of uncertainty. The
and time. A message may have a ical experiments have thrown light amount of accounting information

Published by eGrove, 19661966

January-February, 3
Management Services: A Magazine of Planning,
supplied Systems,isand
for planning Controls,
equal to Vol.
ing3 accounting
[1966], No. 1,planning
Art. 3 models on
the reduction of uncertainty that it a probability basis, information
provides. Once the accountant is theory may be used to provide a
able to measure uncertainty, he measurement of the amount of in
can also measure accounting in formation generated and its value
formation in similar terms. Ac for a certain use. The following
cordingly, management accounting illustrations indicate how this
information has to meet these re could be done:
quirements: 1. The probabilistic sales budget.
1. It must be informative in the Probability is introduced into a
sense of decreasing the amount of sales forecast by treating probable
uncertainty. sales a frequency distribution or
2. It must demand action. The as having multiple values, rather
collected information is worthwhile than as a single-valued estimate. It
if, and only if, it indicates action is hypothesized that unless the
relevant for the achievement of a sales forecast is defined in terms
certain goal. of probability, it is impossible to
3. It must motivate an appropri develop realistic sales budgets.18
ate action. Unsatisfactory results A sales forecast represents a prob
must be prevented by its use. ability distribution of expected
Planning under conditions of cer sales constructed by applying either
tainty generates no information, time series analysis or modern de
since there is no reduction in un cision theory. The probability dis
certainty. Planning under condi tribution of expected sales may be
Planning under conditions of tions of risk and uncertainty gen normal or skewed, depending on
certainty generates no erates information which can be the enterprise situation. The impli
measured according to the con cation of the probabilistic budget is
information, since cepts of information theory. In that the accounting sales budget is
formation, in these cases, can be not a single value but a multiple
there no reduction in measured if the number of all pos of values. The decision level, which
uncertainty. Planning sible relevant events and the prob represents the sales level for the
ability of each occurring are given. next period, indicates the number
under conditions The management accountant is of units that should be produced
concerned with those events whose to maximize expected profit. This is
of risk and uncertainty gen
presence or absence would have a achieved when the expected profit
erates information that direct effect on decisions. By a from producing an additional unit
study of past experience or by sam is equal to the expected loss of not
can be measured.
pling, an accountant can determine selling it.
the kinds of patterns existing in a 2. The probabilistic cost budget.
sequence of past activities by plac Variable cost and fixed cost per
ing them in the form of a frequency unit of output may be random vari
distribution. Information theory ables. Neither fixed nor variable
measures the amount of informa cost per unit of output can be de
tion generated by detecting these termined precisely a single
patterns and determining the way value. While such costs may not be
in which one outcome has followed known with certainty, a prob
another. ability distribution of their possible
The impact of information theory values for the forthcoming output
on concepts underlying the ac is either known or can be reason
counting budget depends on the ably approximated.
validity of the premise that “the Information on the behavior of
‘modern entrepreneur’ is probabil production costs may be obtained
istic omniscient: that he knows the from an analysis of past data. If
probability distribution of out the probability of various quanti
comes from all alternatives.”17 The ties of inputs used to produce a
idea of probability distribution and unit of output is known and a
the concept of “expected income” standard price is set, a frequency
are, therefore, appropriate notions distribution of various unit costs of
for accounting planning under con output can be developed. The fre
ditions of uncertainty. By develop quency distribution of expected
18 Management Services 4
­ ­ ­
cost may beBedford andorOnsi:
normal Measuringone
skewed. the Value
event ofinInformation - An Information
a set of sales values, Theory Approach
An accounting cost budget no H(X), is:
longer consists of one value but of
a multiple of values. For example, H(X) = ∑ P(X1) 1(X1);
for a certain level of output, the i=1
expected unit cost may be 50¢ with 1(X 1) = — log2P1(X)
a probability of .75 or 52¢ with a = the summation of the self
probability of .25. For each sales information of each sales event
level, there is an equivalent pro X 1 weighted by probability
duction level with different values, occurrence.
each with a certain assigned prob
ability. Proceeding in applying informa
3. The probabilistic profit budg tion theory, assume that: P1(X1) is
et. A probability distribution of the initial or a priori probability of
profit for each course of action can sales (X1) occurring and P2(X2) is
be developed. Assuming that de the posteriori probability of such a
mand and total cost are proba sales value (X1) occurring after the
bilistic variables and that the dis first evidence is received. The in
tribution of expected sales is inde formation generated, assuming such
pendent of the distribution of costs, a sales value occurs before receiv
the distribution of profits may be ing the first evidence, is:
developed as the joint distribution
of revenues and costs. For each H = [-log P1 X)] -
level of output, a probability dis [- log2P2(X)]
tribution of profit may be devel = log2 Probability of sales after re
oped and expected income calcu ceiving message, i.e., pos
lated. Accordingly, it is no longer teriori prob., P2(X) ÷
valid to say that the accounting Probability of sales before
profit budget is a residual. After receiving message, i.e., a
developing the accounting budget priori prob., P1(X)
in probabilistic terms, the amount
of information generated by the To measure the amount of infor
model can be measured. mation generated in cases of inde
pendent events, assume that sales
' Amount' measurement
(X1, . . ., X ) and cost (Y1, . . .,
Yn) are two independent sets of
According to information theory, events. Assuming that a certain sale
information contained in the oc value (X1) and cost (Y1) may oc
currence of a particular event (i.e., cur, the information of the joint
sales, cost, profit) depends on its occurrence of the sale value (X1)
probability of occurrence. If an and the cost value (Y1) is equal to
event is certain to occur, the ac summation of the information of
tual occurrence of that event con each:
tains no information; the informa
tion generated H = log2 1 = H (X1, Y1) = (X1) + (Y1)
0 bits.19 The smaller the probability An organization cannot function
of occurrence of a certain event For example, if the probability of smoothly if the amount information
the higher the amount of informa expected sales (X1) 20,000 units to be sent through any channel ex
tion generated. If the probability is is ¼ and the probability of expected ceeds the capacity of that chan
¼, the information generated unit cost (Y1) of producing such nel. . . .
H = log2¼ = 2 bits. quantity as $10 is 1/16, the amount
If there is a set of sales values of information generated by the
X1, X2, X3, . . . Xn, and the prob occurrence of these two indepen
ability of occurrence assigned to dent events is:20
each is P1X1, P2X2, . . . Pn n, the in
formation generated from the oc H (X1, Y1) = (-log2¼) +
currence of a particular event, i.e., (-log2l/16) = 2 + 4 = 6 bits
X1, is equal to: H = —log2P1X1).
However, the average information Through estimating the bits of
received from the occurrence information generated from ac-

Published by eGrove, 19661966

January-February, 195
Management Services: A Magazine of Planning, Systems, and Controls, Vol. 3 [1966], No. 1, Art. 3

Not only must the amount of information be measured, but. ..

counting data, the determination els of management or between two loaded centers to decrease noise
of the kind and size of information departments can be compared with in accounting reports.
network is possible. Knowledge of the maximum attainable flow of in Management accounting, an
the amount of information trans formation to indicate the inefficient information center, is concerned
mitted from one department to channels. The problem may be with the measurement of the
another or from one level to solved by (a) increasing or de amount of information and the ef
another is used in determining such creasing accounting channel ca ficiency of its communication with
factors as the channel capacity or pacity — the number of accounting in the organization. This concern
kind of channels. The underlying employees, machines, or types of re means that accounting must in
premise is that “an organization ports supplied; (b) decreasing the evitably be concerned with infor
will not function smoothly if the redundancy of reports by develop mation theory.
amount of information to be sent ing codes that can be used for dif
on any channel or processed at any ferent purposes of analysis; (c)
‘Value' measurement
center exceeds the capacity of that routinizing reports indirectly via
channel or center.”21 The flow of underutilized channels; or (d) re Not only must the amount of in
information between any two lev assigning some functions of over formation be measured but the ex
pected value of such information
should also be specified. The rele
vant question is how far the man
agement accountant should go in
an attempt to gather information.
What weights should be placed on
various sources and types of infor
mation that differ in reliability?
It may be believed that to reduce
uncertainty, the accountant has to
gather and synthesize more data
about the future. There is, how
ever, a limit on resources to be
expended for research and a point
of diminishing returns on the in
formation-gathering process. The
problem is to what extent the man
agerial accountant should replace
less reliable expectations at lower
costs with more reliable expecta
tions at higher costs.
Using the expected value model,
it is possible to quantify the value
of additional information. If the
outcome of the best act under un
certainty is calculated (EMV) and
if the expected profit under cer
tainty is obtained, the difference
represents the expected value
perfect information (EVPI). The
expected value of perfect informa
tion is equal to the expected op
portunity loss of the optimum act
but not equal to the expected op
portunity loss (EOL) of any other
act, if such an act is chosen. The
EOL may be decreased by choos
The relevant question is: What weights should the management ac ing the optimum act without any
countant place on the various types of data that differ in reliability? need for additional information at
20 Management Services 6

Bedford and Onsi: Measuring the Value of Information - An Information Theory Approach
... the expected value of such information should also he specified.

the moment, but the EOL of the accountant may gather information From such investigation, two
optimal act can be decreased only before the final decision is made. concepts emerge. The first is the
by obtaining new information and In making a decision, he will be “uncertainty cost” concept. The un
decreasing the uncertainty in concerned with the expected value certainty cost is equal to the dif
volved. The value of new informa of gathering new information. The ference between the expected
tion is measured relative to the accountant faces many alternatives. profit under certainty and the maxi
optimal action, given the informa First, if the actual event (X) will mum expected profit under cer
tion already available. occur at or above the breakeven tainty. In other words, it is equal to
To indicate the way expected point (i.e., X>BE), no decision the expected opportunity loss of
value of information increases with will be changed. The conditional the best decision under a given
uncertainty, assume that the dis value of the information is zero probability distribution (i.e., mini
tribution of expected sales has a (CVPI = 0), since it does not mum opportunity loss). Such an
mean, E (u), equal to 1,000 units change the decision to be made. uncertainty cost represents a mo
and a standard deviation of 150 Second, if the event (X) will oc tive to gather new information to
units. The breakeven point may cur at less than the breakeven reduce uncertainty. This concept
be more, equal to, or less than the point (i.e., X<BE), the decision will assist the management ac
expected mean of sales. (The meth will be changed. The conditional countant in deciding when to stop
od of analysis can be applied in value of perfect information, ac collecting new evidence. If the
each situation.) Assume that the cordingly, will be positive and will cost of collecting additional infor
breakeven point is equal to the increase with the value of the ac mation is higher than the uncer
sale of 775 units. If the marginal tual event. The conditional oppor tainty cost, the accountant will
profit per unit is $2, the expected tunity (equal to EVPI) is stop collecting new evidence.
profit line (see the illustration on equal to the profit margin per unit The second concept is the “irra
this page) may be fitted in a prob multiplied by the difference of the tionality cost” concept. It repre
ability density function, assuming breakeven point from the actual sents the amount by which the ex
that the Y axis measures two scales: point; i.e. [C(BE-X)]. pected opportunity loss of the
the height of the density function The expected value of perfect in chosen decision exceeds the cost of
and the expected profit. formation in this case is calculated uncertainty according to the given
by multiplying the conditional value probability distribution. Such a
of perfect information by the prob cost does not represent the uncer
Criterion of acceptance
ability distribution. The expected tainty of the conditions under
If the submitted project is at value of information will be little which the decision is made but
least equal to the breakeven point, or nothing if the mean of sales is represents the degree of irration
it is accepted; otherwise it is re certain, having a probability of oc ality on the part of the decision
jected. To express an opinion, the currence near 1. maker. The management account

January-February, 1966 21
Published by eGrove, 1966 7

ant is concerned with the
Management irrational
Services: nor of
A Magazine will
Planning, Systems,the
it determine anddecision
Controls, Vol. 3 [1966], No. 1,
3 such remove
cost. It is his responsibility to di that has to be made in a certain the highest degree of uncertainty.
rect the attention of management problem. To apply the information The emphasis on measuring the
toward the costs which could have theory, the accountant has to have amount of information in the sys
been avoided. reliable and relevant data indicat tem as a whole and at each level
ing the whole ensembles of events of reporting is a result of develop
in a certain situation, expressed in ing an information flow matrix for
their relative frequencies. the entire organization. Within this
The application of information A distinction has been made be matrix, not only the periodicity of
theory to accounting measurement tween the amount and value of in information flow and time-lag
and communication is promising. It formation. Information value and problems but also the amount of
adds new concepts and techniques information amount do not neces information and the redundancy of
to the accountant’s knowledge that sarily correspond. The ranking of information can be manipulated. A
refine and supply new dimensions information structures according to simulated model of the amount of
to his data. However, the scope of their value is a subjective matter, information that can be sent over
the application of information the depending on its usefulness for a a given channels) with a certain
ory in accounting is not broad, nor given user and the payoff function. noise can be developed.
does it promise solutions to every On the other hand the amount of It is our belief that continuing
problem. Information theory will information is independent of the research will increase the reliability
not indicate from where data can payoff function and it reaches its and significance of accounting
be collected to solve a problem, maximum when the messages are planning and control systems.

1 Richard Mattessich, “Budgeting Models Economics and Management Systems, 13 George Miller discusses the ability of
and System Simulation, Accounting Re McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New individuals to distinguish between stimuli
view, July, 1961, pp. 384-397; Andrew York, 1963, p. 76. “The Magical Number Seven Plus or
C. Stedry, Budget Control and Cost Be 7 Frederick A. Ekeblad, The Statistical Minus Two,” Psychological Review, 73,
havior, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Method in Business, John Wiley and March, 1956, p. 81-97.
Cliffs, New Jersey, 1960, pp. 113-143. Sons, Inc., New York, 1962, p. 37. 14 Marschak, Remarks on the Eco
2 Information theory is sometimes defined 8 For a and measure of ig nomics of Information,” in Contributions
as a branch of the mathematical theory of norance and uncertainty, see: T. F. to Research in Management,
probability. Another is that in Schouten, “Ignorance, Knowledge and University of California, Los Angeles,
formation theory is concerned with the Information,” in Information Theory, ed. January, 1959, p. 80.
problem of measuring changes in knowl Colin Cherr, Academic Press, Inc., New 15 Herbert A. Simon, “Theories of De
edge. See S. Kullback, Information The York, 1956, pp. 37-47. cision-Making in and
ory and Statistics, John Wiley and Sons, 9 Donald M. Mackey, Information The havioral Science,” The American Eco
Inc., New York, 1959, p. vii, and Donald ory and Human Information Systems,” nomic Review, 49, June, 1959, p. 270.
M. Mackey, “The Nomenclature of In Impact of Science Society, 8, No. 2, 16 Francis Bello, The Information The
formation Theory,” in Cybernetics, ed. 1957, p. 88. ory,” Fortune, 48, December, 1953, p.
Heinz Von Forester, Josiah Macy, 10 Jerome Rothstein, “Information, Meas 137.
Foundation, New York, 1952, p. 222. urement, and Quantum Mechanics,” Sci 17 Richard M. Cyert and James G. March,
3 Information theory can be discussed on ence, 113, August, 1951, p. 172. A Behavioral Theory of the Firm,
three levels: (1) the technical level, 11 Information from a choice in a given Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
(2) the semantic level, and (3) the ef set is measured, by Hartley, as the loga New Jersey, 1963, p. 45.
fectiveness level. The other concepts of rithm to the base of the total number 18 R. W. Crawford, The Probability
information theory are the “noise,” the of choices available in the set. This as Budget — A New Management Concept,”
redundancy, and the channel ca sumes that the choice of one event from in Operations Applied, Amer
pacity concepts. a set is as likely as any other. However, ican Management Association, Special
4 In philosophy, information is the proc this assumption in general is not true. Report, No. 17, American Management
ess by which the form of an object of Shannon, accordingly, measures infor Association, New York, 1957, p. 67.
knowledge is impressed upon the ap mation in terms of probability and not 19 The amount of information, in infor
prehending mind to bring about a state in terms of choice. His equation meas mation theory, is measured in terms of
of knowledge. In logic, according to ures the average amount of information bits, from “binary digit. Accordingly,
Websters New International per event of all the events in a set as the common logarithms of the base 10
of the English Language, 2nd ed., G. & N are converted to the base by multiply
follows: HN = ∑ Pi lo Pi. See: Claude ing the common log by 3.32.
C. Merrian Co., Springfield, Massachu i=l
setts, 1945, p. 276, information is a E. Shannon and Warren Weaver, The 20 Harold Bierman, Jr., L. E. Fouraker,
logical quantity belonging to proposi Mathematical Theory of Communication, and R. A. Jaedicke, Quantitative Analysis
tions and arguments. . . ” University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1963, for Business Decisions, Richard D. Ir
5 Hector R. Anton, “Some Aspects of p. 106. win, Inc., Homewood, Illinois, 1961, p.
Measurement and Accounting, Journal 12 Russell L. Ackoff, “Towards A 310.
of Accounting Research, 2, Spring, 1964, havioral Theory of Communication,” 21 Robert Dorfman, “Operations Re
p. 3. “Management Science, 4, April, 1958, search, The American Economic Review,
6 Adrian M. McDonough, Information p. 220. 50, September, 1960, p. 586.

22 Management Services 8

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