Le Ngoc Thao - Internship Report

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Vinh Long, July, 2022





Supervisor: MSc. Pham Ngoc Kieu

Student’s full name: Le Ngoc Thao

Student’s ID: 2011062023

Class: Business English

Vinh Long, July, 2022


First of all, I want express my great attitude to Cuu Long University for creating
conditions for me to experience and practice. I would like to express my great
attitude to Mr. Anh Tai, who helped me contact Bo Hsing Company. Their
guidance contributed to my success during my internship. In particular, I wish to
thank Ms. Ngoc Kieu who wholeheartedly guided me in this report.

Secondly, I would like to sincerely thank everybody at Bo Hsing company,

especially Ms. Kim Anh, the head of the production management department,
who helped me a lot during my internship. I would also like to thank the people
working at Bo Hsing Company, the staff in the department are always
supportive, hospitable and friendly.

To sum up, It was my good luck to take my internship at Bo Hsing Company, a

prestigious place that gave me many experiences. The purpose of this report is to
explain what I did and learned during my internship period. The report focuses
primarily on the working environment, my job and benefits that I get. I also
enclosed with my translated materials that I had done
CHAPTER 1: BO HSING COMPANY....................................................1
I. Contact Infomations.............................................................................1
II. Overview............................................................................................1
III. Structure:............................................................................................2
a) General diagram............................................................................2

b) Functions and duties of the departments:......................................2

CHAPTER 2: PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES.........................................4

I. The work I completed..........................................................................4
II. New skills acquired and improved skills:.........................................11
a) New skills:...................................................................................11

b) Skill Improved:............................................................................11

III. Observable work techniques:..........................................................12

IV. Classroom skills employed.............................................................12
V. Lesson learned................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3: CONCLUSION.................................................................14
I. Experiences gained:..........................................................................14
II. Positive and negative aspects:.........................................................14
CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDATION...................................................15
I. Contact Infomations
Address: National Way 1A, Hoa Phu Industrial Zone,
Hoa Phu Ward, Long Ho District, Vinh Long Provice.

Tel - Fax: (84) 270 3962749

Email: bohsing.enterprise@klf-group.com

II. Overview
oHsing Enterprise Co., Ltd. is the trade name of the Bo Hsing Limited
Liability Company. The company was founded in 2007, and its symbol is

The firm is one of the major participants in the leather and furry sector. Bo Hsing is a
100% Taiwanese-owned company with a 7-hectare working space in Hoa Phu
Industrial Park and a 16 million USD investment. The company's production area
includes processing, washing, and disinfecting textiles as well as exporting leather.

BoHsing, one of the largest companies in the industrial zone, has grown steadily over
the years with Hoa Phu's tireless efforts in the areas of leather and fur sewing,
weaving and washing. Bo Hsing is convinced that this is one of the Vietnamese
companies that manufactures and processes leather and fur garments and has highly
efficient working processes, safe production processes and sustainable business
practices. I am. Sustainable and environmentally friendly. Bo Hsing's management
believes that it is not only responsible for the care of its employees, but also for the
people around it who live near the industrial zone.

This is one of the factors that contribute to the expansion of the company size. The
company's goal is to promote each individual's career potential through regular
training and to provide employees with a friendly and safe work environment in all

respects. The company wants to be selected and used more often by domestic and
global customers.

III. Structure:
a) General diagram

b) Functions and duties of the departments:

 Managing director: The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the person in charge of
running the business according to its goals, vision and inherent core values. The
CEO is also the one who aggregates data and makes strategic decisions for the
company's short and long term business and is responsible for these business
 Mining Department: the department directly in charge of monitoring and managing
issues related to the mining process, responsible for the quality and effectiveness
of the product. Translate, Diagram, Design are departments under the management
of Mining Department
 Business Department (Logistics): the department responsible for researching,
developing, distributing products, finding customers, bringing in revenue for the
company… The people working in the sales department all have the sole purpose
of making families. increase revenue and profit for the company. In addition, the
sales department will be responsible for managing Warehouse, Import and Export,
 Human Resource Management: the search, exploitation, management and use of
human resources in an enterprise so that
 Financial Department: responsible for evaluating and setting operating budgets for
businesses. Also draw up a specific plan regarding the funds that need to be spent,
provide specific instructions on how to spend these funds and the loan repayment
 Production Department: the department directly involved in the production of
goods of the enterprise. The head of the production department is the Production
Manager. Other members of this department include technicians, engineers,
designers, machine operators, etc. At the same time, they are responsible for
managing other parts such as cutting, sewing, checking, packaging products.


I. The work I completed

Through Cuu Long University, I was able to obtain a practical internship, and I
worked for Bo Hsing Company as a production manager staff for one month. Here, I
was given tasks connected to production management, such as defining standards,
inspecting things, dealing defective goods, etc., and was motivated by related work,
experience-based instruction, and these activities. I also learned more about how the
product was made, which was another thing I learned.


Time: 1/6/2022 – 7/6/2022
Main activities:
- Learn about the company, production manager jobs
- Get to know the department's staff
- View and learn sample room documents, production plans
- A summary of the company's operations, machinery, and manufacturing
- Be aware of the order's details, including the material, color code, size,
quantity, MPO, customer, and total quantity.
- The department's general operating procedures and working style

Source: During Internship

Overview Diagram

Customer's Code







Steps To
Creating A Finished Product.

Source: During Internship

Time: June 8, 2022 – June 14, 2022
Main activities:
- Learn production progress reports
- Learn to track the material progress, material status and anomaly handling
of defective materials
- Monitor production progress
- Arrange to update the schedule to invite customers to the factory inline final
- Learn to manage export orders by customer/MPO
- Know the information of product code, customer, order order number. Date
of cutting / up / transfer / down.
- Know how to deal with defective materials.
- Know when to send invitations to customers.
- Understand the management of export orders according to customers/MPOs
and make the planned/actual norms
- Save the Anomaly Handler

Source: During Internship

Time: June 15, 2022 – June 21, 2022
Main activities:
- Together with brothers and sisters in the department, we went to buy
stamped boxes
- Print technical documents such as: Checking input materials, warehouse
handouts, drawing diagrams of technical rooms
- Borrowing Finished Shirts/Pants from the Warehouse to double check the
actual norm
- Write a norm report
- Notice of sampling to confirm mass export / and report the quantity of goods
to the Import-Export Team booking
- Know how to wrap and box/stickers.. related materials for packaging and
purchase order.
- Know how to use a copier
- Know how to check the actual norm of a product unit
- Improve professional English when writing reports
- Understand the sampling process and the time to report the quantity to the
Import-Export Team

Report Writing Data

Source: During internship

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Time: 12/6/2022 - 30/6/2022
Main activities:
- Check the quantity
- Translate, read and understand the number of orders in the Daily Production
- Learn and report the order closing process
- Briefly learn about sending for processing
- Know how to report the export quantity to import and export and the time to
declare before the export date is 3 weeks
- Understand customer information, item code, order code, delivery date, ...
for management and report writing
- Understand that if it is an order that needs to be sent for processing, it will
follow the plan to transfer materials to be processed.
- Understand the order closing process. If no more problems arise, then notify
the processing party to issue Invoices, liquidate the contract, make payment

Material owner's probation report

Source: During Internship

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The head of the production management team, Ms. Kim Anh, is in charge of
managing, directing, and supporting me throughout the internship. The department
chair will get a report following each day of practice. This will make it simple for Ms.
Kim Anh to supervise and assess the trainee's comprehension.

Report form. (Source: Photo by me)

II. New skills acquired and improved skills:

a) New skills:
 Time management skills: In my opinion, having these skills will make you
appear more professional at work. It teaches me how to set priorities, schedule
certain work hours, and mainly strengthen discipline and habits.
 Time management and information storage skills : These two together make it
simple for me to locate information at work. scientifically arranged, simple to
find and filter. I can quickly retrieve documents, add data, or review
information when I do this.
 Problem-solving abilities: During my previous internship, I developed some
fairly crucial problem-solving abilities. Solving difficulties at work and
becoming an expert in problem analysis are like keys to professional success.
 Adaptability skills: My ability to adapt and quickly adapt to change has
facilitated this ability. I believe this good adaptability will make me more
flexible and proficient in operating in a variety of environments.

b) Skill Improved:
 Language skills: This might be regarded a skill that I think will be of great
value to my major. I use a lot of foreign languages at work because Bohsing

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was originally an import-export business, so my listening and speaking have
really improved, albeit they are still not very fluent.

 Communication skills: I believe that everyone should develop their this skills
in order to succeed in any career, and I made significant progress in this area
during my internship. When communicating to departmental employees and
clients, I now have greater self-assurance and tact.

 Self-study abilities: Since production management is absolutely foreign to me,

this ability has greatly improved my knowledge in this area. Additionally, this
ability aids me in intentionally promoting the active feature while consciously
limiting the passive in my work and studies.

III. Observable work techniques:

I learned the following things throughout my one-month internship at the company in
addition to professional working style:

 Application of technology skills: In the 4.0 era we live in, interacting and working
with machines is commonplace. I am confident that this expertise will be
incredibly helpful if I can learn how to use them and comprehend how they
operate. Boost productivity and quality of output when working

 Management of human resources: As was already noted, a good manager must

successfully manage human resources in addition to planning tasks. The
performance of the organization will be higher if managers are aware of the
employees' strengths and limitations and help them develop to their maximum

 Work division: A production manager needs to be able to analyze, organize, and

delegate responsibilities and authority to each team member and department. I
believe that in order to develop this skill, it must work hand in side with human
resource management skills

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IV. Classroom skills employed
For an export garment company like Bohsing, where I work in production
management, the majority of the documents are in other languages. One benefit of my
internship here is that. Along with using my fundamental knowledge from my major
in foreign languages, the following abilities were very helpful to me throughout my

Presentation abilities: I no longer find presentations unusual because I frequently must

deliver presentations at the end of terms in order to achieve specific obligations at
school. This ability also enables me to be bold and confident when I enter the
internship setting.

Office computer proficiency: As a result of my education in Basic Informatics, I have

implemented a lot of what I have learned when working in an office setting, including
using Word, Excel, and other programs.

Teamwork abilities: Naturally, I can't function alone in a team situation. I used this
ability when conducting inventory visits with other official personnel. Combinations
of laying can be effective.

V. Lesson learned

During an internship, I pick up skills that will help me grasp the work I'll have to
accomplish in the future. Working in practice gives me the chance to put the abilities
I've gained above along with the chance to apply the knowledge we commonly refer to
as theory that we learn in the classroom. I also had the chance to evaluate my
weaknesses and strengths in order to come up with a plan to improve and get past

Chinese and English are the two primary languages utilized in the department's daily
reports because foreign goods prevail. Thanks to the ardent leadership of the
department head and the brothers and sisters in the production management
department, I got the opportunity to learn about and comprehend numerous stages of
this department during my previous internship. Basically, as a student specializing in

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English, the knowledge I have acquired from my employment is extremely helpful
and relevant to me. My most recent internship allowed me to put the theory and
specialized jargon I had studied into practice. This will be very helpful to me in the

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I. Experiences gained:
Throughout my internship at Bo Hsing Company, I learned a great deal and developed
my talents. I now possess the skills and information necessary to address issues that
develop at work. That is very significant and helpful for us students. I also get the
chance to expand my knowledge and learn new things. Learn more about import and
export procedures, finish up the product manufacturing processes, and apply what I've
learned. This internship taught me a lot of new things. It will undoubtedly be very
helpful for my upcoming trip.

II. Positive and negative aspects:

 Advantages: With a network of sizable workshops and work spaces, cutting-edge

machinery, and a skilled team for business collaboration. What benefits from
experience and a realistic understanding of how things work in the workplace.
Being an import-export business, Bohsing is quite practical for someone like me
who is majoring in languages. It is challenging to properly comprehend the
content of the product as compared to other students who do not have a lot of
specialist jargon. Of course, other pupils can use outside influences to help, but it
will take some time. I discovered that to be a benefit throughout my internship.

 Difficulty: Due to the fact that this is the first time, there are still many challenges,
a new environment, and a new working style. For a student like myself,
everything was novel, but overall I was able to adjust. When it comes to the
internship, I haven't got any formal training thus I'm starting from scratch.
Everything must be learned and perfected from the beginning with experienced
production management knowledge. As a result, it was first challenging, but by
doing so, I developed my self-study skills.

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I had the chance to watch, learn about the requirements of the profession, and evaluate
my strengths and shortcomings after a month of preparation so that I could have a plan
to advance and conquer when actually joining the actual working environment.
Everything is quite professional, which makes the practitioner feel at ease and stress-
free. Even though this is a relatively new work for me, I have mostly adjusted to
everyone. I've been able to teach my body to adjust to the new surroundings thanks to
this. But there are a few things I think the school can work on to help myself and other
kids in the future, like:

- Subject choice freedom: Most colleges now permit students to select courses related
to their major. Students should only be guided and given suggestions to assist them
make better decisions; this fosters greater initiative and the capacity to make their own

- A wide range of scheduling options: I find the school's topic schedule to be

extremely rigid and clichéd. I believe it is best to provide students with a variety of
lesson time alternatives so they can schedule their own time and meet their own
demands, such as part-time employment. Finding part-time employment will be
extremely challenging for students if the schedule is changed once every two weeks.

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