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1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of Managerial Problem
1.3 Objective of Study
1.4 Importance of Study
1.5 Scope of Study
1.6 Research Methodology
1.7 Data Analysis
1.8 Chapterization

1.1 Introduction
A research design is a broad plan that states objectives of research project & provide
the guidelines. What is to be done to realize those objectives. It is in other words a
master plan for executing a research project. Its specifier objective, data collection &
analysis methods, time, cost, responsibility, problem outcomes and actions. It is the
arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that involve
or claim to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

1.2 Statement of Managerial problem

1.3 Statement of research

A Study of impact of communication gap on employee’s productivity with reference to
KV Staffing Services.

1.4 Objective of study

a. To study the Impact of communication Gap between employees of KV Staffing
b. To identify the factor affecting on productivity because of communication gap.
c. To Understand nature of psychological factors affecting communication.

1.5 Importance of Study

This study would help to understand the factors affecting on communication gap and
productivity. It would help the organization to examine their psychological
communication approach. Other firms could also learn the successful approach of
effective communication and also aware about the things which need to avoid in that
environment. It could be the lesson to other firms to adopt the business strategy and
suitable brand management process who are in the same business.
1.6 Scope of Study
Geographical Scope: Present study related to KV Staffing only.
Conceptual Scope: communication gap concept studies with respect to meaning,
Definition, cause etc.
Analytical Scope: collected Data analyzed with the help of statistical tools or
frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation etc.

1.7 Research methodology

A. Data Required: Theoretical information of drug concept, feedback of KV Staffing
Employees etc.
B. Instrument: questionnaire will be used to collect feedback etc.
C. Sources of data:
1. Primary Data Source: Questionnaire
2. Secondary Data Source: Magazine, Website.
D. Nature of Study: Descriptive research design
E. Sampling Framework:
1. Sample unit- Employees of KV Staffing Services.
2. Sample population- 200
3.Sample Size: 160
4. Sample techniques: clustered sampling method used to select sample.

1.8 Data Analysis

The collected data analyzed with the help of statistical tools like mean, standard
deviation, frequency, percentage etc.
1.9 Chapterization:
This study is presented in 5 chapters as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction to study-
This chapter delas with introduction of study, Managerial problem, scope, importance
of study and research methodology adopted for study.
Chapter 2: Theoretical Background
This chapter deals with conceptual framework information.
Chapter 3: organization profile-
This chapter deals with history of organization, organization information includes
marketing scenario, HR scenario, also financial position of organization.
Chapter 4: Data analysis and interpretation-
This chapter deals with introduction, data analysis and interpretation of data.
Chapter 5: finding and suggestions-
This chapter reveals findings suggestions and conclusion besides above chapter, project
report appended with questionnaire and bibliography.

1.1 Introduction to the study

2.2 Objectives
2.3 Causes
2.4 Importance
2.5 Limitation
2.6 methods / tools / Techniques

1.1 Introduction to the study

Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between
individuals/groups through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior. In a
business organization maintaining effective communication is of great value and
importance, as it leads to create the desired effect or the required action. However, in
today’s business landscape where we work across geographies, time zones and cultures,
maintaining a space for effective communication is always a challenge.

What is Communication gap?

Communication Gap is when the meaning intended by the speaker or sender is not what
is understood by the recipient. There might be several reasons for communication gaps
to arise in the workplace. It is as much important to bridge the communication gap
between employees, as it is to maintain effective communication in the workplace.
Thus, identifying as to how the communication gaps emerge in the workplace and
taking the necessary steps to maintain effective communication at work will be of great
benefit to a business organization.

2.2 Objectives

2.3 Reasons for the communication gap at the workplace between

Inter-employee communication is vital for productivity and also the moral of a business.
Communication gaps between employees may eventually sabotage the growth of a
company, so such a company issue should be addressed very carefully and seriously.
The causes of employees not being able to communicate qualitatively or even at all
might be:

1. Experiencing fear

Whilst often seen as being an issue associated with speaking to employees of a higher
rank, this is not always the case. In any situation where a member of staff is afraid of
the reaction of another, then this is problematic. Examples could be that the staff
member is accused of something, isn’t taken seriously, or is ridiculed – in which case
that person is unlikely to communicate further, they could withhold information and
not feel confident about expressing themselves or their opinions. In any situation where
fear is a factor, it can very quickly lead to serious problems such as a bullying culture,
staff discontent, separation of staff into small groups or cliques, and a generally
unpleasant atmosphere. This will affect individual employees and productivity and
efficiency as a whole.

2. Experiencing doubts

Employees at work usually interact with each other during the day and should be
encouraged to. This social interaction is important but are they are not confident enough
to discuss company-related topics. Often, employees might be unsure if company
information should be shared with their colleagues or they simply believe that such
information is not within their colleagues’ remit. In reality, employees would love to
be informed about projects and news related to their own company. Knowing such
information boosts their motivation, engagement and sense of being part of something
bigger than themselves.

3. Wrong attitude and body language

Communication gaps are not always structural problems within a business. Individuals
can have communication problems too. The tone of voice, facial expressions, body
language – not everyone is the same. It is human nature to communicate more naturally
with some colleagues than others, develop rapport, and share common ground. When
you have a group made up of individual personalities, there is always going to be
potential for misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

4. Inappropriate channels or timing

It’s not always possible to talk directly to fellow employees, especially as businesses
are often spread over large sites and involve remote workers. In such cases different
channels of communication are essential. If the employees are not comfortable with the
communication channel in operation, perhaps because of lack of training or fear of the
new, then this will inevitably lead to less frequent and less successful communication.

This is similar regarding the timing of communication, any communication that is not
timely, lag, comes too late, can cause practical productivity and progression problems
but also leave the worker feeling disenfranchised and out on a limb.

2.4 Importance

What Are the Pros of Communication in the Workplace?

1. It opens up additional avenues for creativity to drive down:

Humans are intricate beings who have amazing stories to tell. The experiences that we
each have are unique to ourselves. There really is no one in this world who is exactly
like us. It is this level of individuality that inspires creativity in a wide variety of ways.
When there is adequate communication in the workplace, this creativity can be sent to
where it needs to go so a job can get done.

2. It closes the distance that exists between two people or groups:

Communication ultimately allows one person or group to step into the shoes of someone
else, even if it is only for a brief period of time. This allows each party to the
communication to experience a perspective that is outside of their own. The information
that is gathered from such an experience can then deepen a personal perspective while
it draws people together.

3. Workplace communication can inspire innovation:

What is unique about human communication is that it conveys information. Humans

are like sponges, absorbing little bits of data and influence from those who are around
them every day. This information can be passed along not only from person to person,
but from generation to generation. Communication in the workplace can inspire
innovation because a fresh set of eyes can see gaps in the information that others might
not have been able to see.

4. It happens quickly and requires little in the way of time investment:

In the past, it was almost a necessity for remote teams to work independently of one
another because of communication limitations. Those limitations no longer exist. If it
is possible to speak in real-time with an office that is half a world away, then it is
possible to speak with the employee who sits three desks down to get their perspective
on things. Many of the limitations that get placed on communication today are self-

2.5 Limitation
What Are the Cons of Communication in the Workplace?

1. Sometimes communication is more about deception:

One of the harsh truths about the workplace is that there are always politics in play.
What makes us all different can make us stronger when we can come together, but it
can also cause people to gather in groups where they feel most comfortable. If one
group wants to gain an advantage over another group, then the communication in the
workplace may be deceptive in nature so that edge can be obtained.

2. It can tear people apart:

Communication can be helpful in bringing people together, but it can also drive a wedge
between them as well. There is such a thing as too much honesty. Telling someone that
they are a lousy, unproductive worker might be a description of the truth, but it doesn’t
help to build that person up to become productive. If we are not careful about the words
that we choose to say in the workplace, then people can be driven apart.
3. It creates too much connectivity at times:

Some communication in the workplace is a good thing. With modern technology,

however, many workers are hyper-connected to each other. There is no place where
someone can escape unless they decide to unplug themselves from their network. When
that happens, they may find peace, but they’ll also lose out on the communication that
happens while they’re on the outside, creating a future disadvantage. In some ways,
hyper-connectivity is a no-win situation.

4. Communication can be difficult to decipher at times:

Communication can happen quickly today, but that doesn’t mean a complete
understanding has been conveyed through that quick burst of data. Workplace
communications today can be limited and fast, making it difficult to figure out what is
being said or what the purpose of the intentions happen to be. This makes
miscommunication more likely simply because there are so many efforts to
communicate with one another today.

The pros and cons of communication in the workplace show that sometimes there can
be too much of a good thing. Communication should be effective, precise, and
meaningful. When that happens, there is no limit to the stories that can be told.

2.6 methods / tools / Techniques

1. Recognize the causes
The first step is often the most important and most difficult – you need to identify the
factors that have caused this communication gap to emerge. Which employees are
responsible for not transmitting the information? What are the reasons they failed?
Which are the ineffective channels involved? Explore all possible factors that could
lead to the existing communication gap, be completely honest with yourself, and be
open-minded about the possible factors involved. Then move on to resolving.

2. Analyse different solutions

Depending on the scope of the communication gap and the factors that caused it,
analyse different approaches that can help resolve the issue. Dig deeper into the
problem so you can evaluate the resources necessary for fixing it. This could involve
such things as organizing training seminars, invoking team-building practices,
changing your communication channels, or even addressing particular staff directly
with your concerns. There are consultant professionals in the field who could be of
great help. This is where you as an employer have to step up to the plate and take action
for the long term good of your company.

3. Follow up

The solutions are often seen as the hard part and once they are enacted it is easy to sit
back and relax. This foolhardy, it is rare that you can fix all the issues in one sweeping
movement. Even if everything seems fine at first, there’s a more than fair chance that
things could drift back to how they were. Making sure the problem no longer exists
requires that you continuously follow up with your employees to see how
communication is going after the measures you’ve taken. If the problem still exists,
readjust your strategy and test out other approaches to address the issue.

4. Encourage employees to speak up

Eliminating fear and mistrust is an important prerequisite for smooth communication

between your employees and you. Assuring employees that their voice will be heard
will motivate them to express their opinions, speak up when they identify a problem,
share their own ideas for improvements, suggest strategies for increased productivity,
and give feedback for company-related matters. It helps create an in for one mentality
that will serve as a path to success.

5. Listen

When encouraging your employees to speak up, you need to actively listen and take
into consideration their concerns, ideas, and feedback. If you can, establish an open-
door policy that will break down the barriers between your employees and you. Be
aware that there might be differences in the way young employees and older employees
might want to speak with you. While young employees are okay with using technology,
older employees would usually prefer to speak face-to-face. The most important aspect
of this is to make them feel comfortable and confident enough to be open and honest
with you. It may take time to become an established procedure but the information you
will get is absolutely invaluable.

6. Be transparent

It’s important to be open to your employees. Being transparent and honest about things
that are happening in the company builds trust and boosts the loyalty of your employees
and is a sign of confidence in your own skills. When sharing information and news,
encourage your employees to ask questions and answer them in a calm, friendly
manner. Share positives, as well as negatives, far too often are meetings seen as being
inevitable to deliver bad news.

Transparency within the company is a key factor to bridge the communication gap at
the workplace and to make employees feel respected.

3.1 Name of the unit

3.2 Location or address of the unit
3.3 Brief history of the unit & present position
3.4 strategic intend of the company
3.5 Milestones achieved by company, awards, certifications etc.
3.6 Marketing scenario
3.7 Human resource scenario of company
3.8 Operations management of company
3.9 financial position of company with its analysis
3.10 Future plans of company
3.11 Organization chart

3.1 Name of the unit: KV Staffing Services.

3.2 Location or address of the unit: 208-2, Shatlejatat Dhandge Path, MIDC,
Pimpri Colony, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra 411018.

3.3 Brief history of the unit & present position:

KV Staffing is Pune based company engaged into staffing business. Its headquartered
is in Pune and sales office is in Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad. particularly for
Automotive, Manufacturing, Information Technologies (IT), Pharma and Engineering
(R&D) Companies. We support for hiring needs across the product life cycle. KV
Staffing’s 200 + Employees working onsite at various customer location. KV Staffing
provides End-to-end Services across the recruitment Cycle. Also, they provide some
business models like permanent hiring, project Basic engagement, BOT (Build-operate-
transfer) and contract staffing onsite deputations etc.
Currently KV Staffing have team of 200+ Engineers deputed with 20+ Recruiters and
we are working with HYSTER-Yale, Whirlpool, LG, JABIL Circuit, Schindler, FCA,
Magna Style, Magna Seating, Brose, HUF to new a few.

Why KV:
1. Dedicated and focused efforts
2. Experience Recruitment Team
3. Ability for quick ramp-up.
4. Extensive network on freelancers across India- Can support any kind of resource
5. Max ratio of Closure/ Number of candidates interviewed

3.4 Strategic intend of the company:

At KV, we recognize the need to provide a service that can react dynamically to our
client business from conceptualizing to delivery with a partner-in- business’ approach
and harnessing values. Our organized functioning, accountability towards delivery and
a spirit of partnership lead us to leading position in providing quality staffing solutions
to customer.

3.5 Awards achieved by company:

D.Y. Patil Best Placement Award
Whirlpool Excellence award

3.6 Marketing scenario

Before KV staffing enter in the market there is various competitors is in
the line When KV staffing Start with our client company then now only
KV staffing Provides candidates to those companies. This is KV staffing
companies’ achievement.

3.7 Human resource scenario of company

KV staffing is a recruitment firm & Payroll Company as well as KV Staffing’s
employees work as Onsight employees for one of the best companies around the world.
KV Staffing’s HR manages all the attendance and payroll of the employees, who work
for the KV staffing’s Payroll. As a corporate partner to clients, they source qualified
professionals to help enhance the client’s human capital on the one hand, and on the
other hand, they help to individual to optimize their career choices. With their extensive
local, international network as well as fully digitalized sourcing approach, KV staffing
source the best candidate for any role.

3.8 Operations management of company

3.10 Future plans of company
To enroll 250 + employees on KV Staffing Payroll.
To recruit 80 + Recruitment staff for KV Staffing.

3.11 Organization chart

Amol Naik

Kishor Bangar Harshita Singh Pratibha

(Finance manager) (HR) (BDM)

Gaurav Upadhyaya Mamta Kori


4.1 Data Analysis

4.2 Data Interpretation

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