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Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.

YSPM's Yashoda













Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda


This is to certify that, Mr. Mane Ashutosh Mangesh

is a bonafide student studying in MBA-II? He has completed a project report titled A Study On
Unemployment Graduate With Reference B.A. Graduate Students In Rural Area,
Satara..Under the guidance of Miss. Pro. Dr.R.R. Chavan. satisfactorily and submitted to Shivaji
University, Kolhapur for the Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA). The matter presented in the project report has not been
submitted earlier.


Date: - YSPM, Satara

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda


This is to certify that Mr. Mane Ashutosh Mangesh has completed his project report titled as A
Study On Unemployment Graduate With Reference B.A. Graduate Students In Rural Area,
Satara. Under my guidance. He has completed the project satisfactorily and submitted to Shivaji
University, Kolhapur for Partial fulfillment of the requirement of the award of the Degree of Master
of Business Administration (MBA). The projectwork is of original nature and not copied from any
other earlier project work and further ,no part of it has been submitted to any university as full or
partial fulfillment conditions for passing any examination. His observation and conclusions are
based on data collected by him research in a rural areas.


Date:- Dr. R.R. Chavan

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda



The Director,

Yashoda Technical Campus Wadhe, Satara.

Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I, the undersigned hereby declare that the project report titled A Study On Unemployment
Graduate With Reference B.A. Graduate Students In Rural Area, Satara. Submitted to
Shivaji University, Kolhapur for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the award of the degree
of Master of Business Administration (MBA), written andsubmitted by me under the guidance of
Dr. R.R. Chavan. It is my original work. The empirical findings in this project are based on data
collected by myself while preparing the project report. I understand that any copying is liable to be
published in a way the university authorities deem fit.

Date: Yours sincerely,

Place: Mr. Mane Ashutosh Mangesh

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

The case studies and exercises on unemployment protection based on the fictional country of Coresia is part
of the training material of the Unemployment protection: A good practices guide and training package,
Experiences from SATARA. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the ILO/Japan Project,
Promoting and Building Social Protection in SATARA, launched in 2011, was implemented with SATARA
Member States through the SATARA Secretariat to strengthen social protection in the region. We are
grateful to the various experts and practitioners who contributed to this guide and training package. In
particular, we are highly thankful to Loveleen De and Charles Crevier. We also acknowledge the value of
the feedback and inputs received from the participants to the courses on unemployment protection, in
Bangkok, Thailand in 2013 and in Malacca, Malaysia in 2015 that considerably helped improving the quality
of this training material. All interpretations and errors remain the responsibility of the authors.

Mane Ashutosh Mangesh

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda


Particulars Page No.

Chapter I
Introduction to study
1.1 Introduction 9
1.2 Social problem 9
1.3 Statement of research problem 10
1.4 Objectives of study 11
1.5 Scope of study 11
1.6 Importance of study 11
1.7 Research methodology 12
1.8 Characterization 13
Chapter II
Research Methodology 14
2.1 Introduction of organization 15
2.2 Data Required 15
2.3 Data Source
Chapter III
Sampling Framework 19
3.1 Research Hypotheses 20

3.2 Employment Level in Maharashtra 21

3.3 Cooperative sector: A big relief 22

3.4 Labour force, factories in Maharashtra 23

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
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3.5 Employee BA Graduate laws

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

Chapter IV

Data Analysis and Interpretation 25

4.1 Introduction 26

4.2 Data analysis and Interpretation 26-36

Chapter V

Findings, suggestion and conclusion 37

5.1 Introduction 38

5.2 Findings 38

5.3 Suggestion 39

5.4 Conclusions 40


Bibliography 43

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

Chapter I
Introduction to study
1.1 Introduction to study

1.2 Managerial problem

1.3 Statement of research problem

1.4 Objectives of study

1.5 Scope of study

1.6 Importance of study

1.7 Research methodology

1.8 Characterization

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda


Introduction to the Study and Research Methodology

1.1 Introduction:-
Research methodology can be defined as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information or facts
on the specific topic.In fact, it is an art of scientific information. Research in common parlance refers to a
search for knowledge.You can undertake research within most professions, more than a set of skills, it is a
way of thinking, examining more critically the various aspects of your professional work.When you say you
are undertaking a research study to find answers to a question, you are implying that the process is being
undertaken within a framework of a set of philosophies, uses procedures, methods, and techniques.The word
research is composed of two syllables, re and search.Re is a prefix meaning again, a new & over again.
Search is a verb, which means examine closely and carefully.Together they describe a careful, systematic
study and investigation in some field of knowledge undertaken to establish facts and principles.It is an
academic activity which can be also used in technical sense. The meaning of research is, “a careful
investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”.

1.2 Social problem:-

A social problem is any condition or behavior that has negative

consequences for large numbers of people and that is generally recognized
as a condition or behavior that needs to be addressed. This definition has
both an objective component and a subjective component

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda
1.3 Statement of research problem:-

After defining management problem, it is a need to find out awareness and satisfaction levelof
people on BA Graduate facilities with help of schedule and questionnaire so, title of study the
is “ A study on satisfaction of people towards unemployeement.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

1.4 Objectives of study:-

Following are objectives of study

A first objective is to generate a new body of data on the personal life of unemployed young people, their
perception of their situation, their life projects, their identity development, the intensity and quality of
their social relations, their political participation, and their attitudes toward the political institutions and
the society at large, thus allowing for cross-sectional (across social groups) and cross-national (France,
Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland) comparative analyses of the social and political
exclusion of unemployed youth.

1.5 Scope of study:-

Geographical scope

Geographical scope is concerned with job less BA graduate student in Satara rural area. They have not
get job after graduation.

Conceptual scope

Conceptual scope of study is employee is not get job after BA graduation and non-statutory
unemployment, the introduction of unemployment .

Analytical scope

Analytical scope of the study refers to tabulation, calculation of percentage mean, rank method
used for dataanalysis.

1.6 Importance of study

This study helps to understand level of satisfaction of people on BA Graduate facilities

provided by the organization. Analysis of data related with BA Graduate facilities will
provide remedial measures to efficiency of employee BA Graduate .

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

1.7 Research Methodology

The type of research is of descriptive in nature
1.7.1 Data source
The data is collected from primary and secondary sources.

Secondary data source

The secondary data is collected through books, websites.

Primary data source

The primary data source include data collected through Questionnaire, observation and
discussion with management.

1.7.2 Sampling
Sample method

For collection of data researcher uses the convenient sampling method.

Sample unit

Researcher has taken people from Hindustan manufacturing company, Satara.

Sample universe

There are 71 people working in Hindustan Feeds Manufacturing Company, Satara.

Sample size

N = n/1+n (e)2

= 71/1+7*(0.1)2

= 71/1.71

= 42

From above calculation sample size is 42

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

1.7.3 Data analysis

After data collection the data has been feed into Microsoft excel and analysis has been
carried out with the calculation of mean and standard deviation.

1.8 Chaptalization

Chapter I: - Introduction

This chapter deals with introduction of study, objectives of study, scope of study,
importance of study and research methodology.

Chapter II: - Organizational profile

This chapter consist in brief of organization profile, financial position, products of

company, organization structure.

Chapter III: - Conceptual framework

This chapter consist of basic concepts. Different BA Graduate facilities and importance of
employee BA Graduate facilities.

Chapter IV: - Data Analysis and Interpretation

This chapter consist of the data collected by researcher and interpretation made on the
basis of data analysis.

Chapter V: - Findings and Suggestion

This chapter deals with findings, suggestion and conclusion.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

Chapter II

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Type of Research Design

2.3 Strategic intent

2.4 Financial position

2.5 Products

2.6 Future goals of organization

2.7 Organizational structure

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda



Introduction :- In 1930s through research conducted by the Works Progress Administration and the
Census Bureau, the modern meaning of unemployment emerged. Under this definition people who are
not working but having an ability are actively looking for work are included as unemployed.
Unemployment is the biggest problems in the economy. It also can be defined people who have capacity
and skill to work but they can’t find a job in a workforce. There are two major causes for unemployment
i.e., social problem and wrong government policy’s. Social problem may be because of continues
increasing population which leads to more demand for limited number of jobs. The cause for wrong
government policy creates economic problem like rise in inflation, company’s threats, etc .
Introduction :-
Unemployment is defined as the people who are not willing to participate in the labor force. In another
word, unemployment is a preference made by the individuals. Unemployment is an essential social
problem as well as it is an important macroeconomic indicator. Considering that the world population is
increasing rapidly, and the global financial crisis has started a new era when many developed countries
have got into trouble, the labor force is facing a harsh time. The unemployment rates even in the
developed countries have reached 10% or exceeded 10%. Some developed countries could manage to
keep the unemployment rate relatively lower by decreasing the real wages. High unemployment rates or
relatively lower real wages are causing social problems, and the productivity of the labor is deteriorated
(Haugen and Musser, 2011).
Therefore, the unemployment problem will force the economy managements of the countries to develop
relatively better and innovative ways to overcome the problem. Even it is possible to claim that the
unemployment theories need to be reviewed after the global financial crisis. In this essay, I will discuss
the unemployment in the new era of the global economy.

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Unemployment, according to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development), is people above a specified age (usually 15)[2] not being in paid employment or self-
employment but currently available for work during the reference period.[3]

Unemployment is measured by the unemployment rate, which is the number of people who are
unemployed as a percentage of the labour force (the total number of people employed added to those

Unemployment can have many sources, such as the following:

new technologies and inventions

the status of the economy, which can be influenced by a recession
competition caused by globalization and international trade
policies of the government
regulation and market
Unemployment and the status of the economy can be influenced by a country through, for example, fiscal
policy. Furthermore, the monetary authority of a country, such as the central bank, can influence the
availability and cost for money through its monetary policy.

In addition to theories of unemployment, a few categorisations of unemployment are used for more
precisely modelling the effects of unemployment within the economic system. Some of the main types
of unemployment include structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, cyclical unemployment,
involuntary unemployment and classical unemployment. Structural unemployment focuses on
foundational problems in the economy and inefficiencies inherent in labor markets, including a mismatch
between the supply and demand of laborers with necessary skill sets. Structural arguments emphasize
causes and solutions related to disruptive technologies and globalization. Discussions of frictional
unemployment focus on voluntary decisions to work based on individuals' valuation of their own work
and how that compares to current wage rates added to the time and effort required to find a job. Causes
and solutions for frictional unemployment often address job entry threshold and wage rates.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
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According to the UN's International Labour Organization (ILO), there were 172 million people
worldwide (or 5% of the reported global workforce) without work in 2018.[5]

Because of the difficulty in measuring the unemployment rate by, for example, using surveys (as in the
United States) or through registered unemployed citizens (as in some European countries), statistical
figures such as the employment-to-population ratio might be more suitable for evaluating the status of
the workforce and the economy if they were based on people who are registered, for example, as
India Unemployment Rate 1991-2022 :-
• Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and
seeking employment.
• India unemployment rate for 2021 was 5.98%, a 2.02% decline from 2020.
• India unemployment rate for 2020 was 8.00%, a 2.73% increase from 2019.
• India unemployment rate for 2019 was 5.27%, a 0.06% decline from 2018.
• India unemployment rate for 2018 was 5.33%, a 0.03% decline from 2017.
Unemployment in India:-
According to data from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), India’s
unemployment rate touched a four-month high of 7.9% in December 2021.

With Covid-19 cases on the rise amid the threat posed by the Omicron variant and many states
imposing fresh curbs, economic activity and consumption levels have been affected.
This could adversely affect economic recovery further going ahead.

About Unemployment:
Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work.
Unemployment is often used as a measure of the health of the economy.
The most frequent measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate, which is the number of
unemployed people divided by the number of people in the labour force.
National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) defines employment and unemployment on the following
activity statuses of an individual:
Working (engaged in an economic activity) i.e. 'Employed'.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
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Seeking or available for work i.e. 'Unemployed'.
Neither seeking nor available for work.
The first two constitute the labour force and unemployment rate is the percent of the labour force that is
without work.
Unemployment rate = (Unemployed Workers / Total labour force) × 100

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

Chapter III

3.1 Research Hypotheses

3.2 Employment Level in Maharashtra
3.3 Cooperative sector: A big relief
3.4Labour force, factories in Maharashtra
3.5 Employment guidance centers

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Research Hypotheses
The following is a list of the hypotheses that are empirically proven in this survey.
H0: A change in educational level will not give a significant change to unemployment among
fresh graduates.
H1: A change in educational level will give a significant change to unemployment among
fresh graduates.
H0: A change in graduate attributes will not give a significant change to unemployment
among fresh graduates
H2: A change in graduate attributes will give a significant change to unemployment among
fresh graduates.
H0: A change in employability skills will not give a significant change to unemployment
among fresh graduates
H3: A change in employability skills will give a significant change to unemployment among
fresh graduates.
H0: A change in job mismatch will not give a significant change to unemployment among
fresh graduates
H4: A change in job mismatch will give a significant change to unemployment among fresh

Employment Level in Maharashtra

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Reducing unemployment has been one of the primary challenges being faced by the state
To tackle joblessness, skill development of youth is given utmost importance across the districts
with government institutes offering demand-based training to educated people.
At present, nearly 10% of the state population has got vocational skills, but the government has
recognised the need to create employment-driven training to youth.
The government considers the expenditure on 'employable education' (vocational skillsets) is an
investment to reap the benefits of the demographic dividend.
Maharashtra has envisaged a target of providing employable skills to 45 million people by 2022
as part of the overall plan of the central government.
The state government has forged partnerships with industry, academic institutes and NGOs to
take forward the idea of imparting employable skills to the youth.
Industry body CII has successfully implemented the skilling agenda with "Finishing School"
concept across Pune district.
These schools provide soft skills training to the final year ITI / Polytechnic students, improving
their employability and orienting them to the organisational requirements from the very start and
thus making them industry ready.
Over 3,000 students from the Finishing School batches in Pune at ITIs and government
polytechnic had benefitted from this CII initiative.

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Cooperative sector : A big relief

In Maharashtra, cooperative sector plays a pivotal role in safeguarding interests of the people
engaged in various economic and social activities.
The state is a pioneer in the co-operative society which has made significant contribution to the
socio-economic development, particularly in employment generation and social integration.
Initially, the movement was confined mainly to the field of agriculturalcredit, but later spread
rapidly in other sectors.
However, after globalisation, the cooperative society is facing serious challenges like
competition from MNCs, resource constraints and lack of professionalism.
As on 31 March 2014, there were about 2.30 lakh co-operative societies in the state with about
509 lakh members.

Creating livelihood sources of Maharashtra

It has been found that adequate livelihood opportunities need to be created for inclusive
Only through this process, more employment can be added for the benefit of a growing labour
force in Maharashtra.
As per census 2011, nearly one fifth population of the state belongs to youth group (age 15-24
years), which will be the future labour force.
The workforce not only needs to be trained to meet the requirements of all sectors and all kinds
of jobs but also to link them to job opportunities and market requirements.
A well-nurtured and productive workforce contributes to a dynamic economy.
Plan strategies and programmes are being designed to bring a special focus on employment
generation as a specific objective.

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YSPM's Yashoda

Labour force, factories in Maharashtra

As per the population census 2011, there were 4.94 crore workers in the state, of which
3.26 crore were male.
The work participation rate (WPR) for state was 44.0 as against 39.1 for all-India.
Maharashtra has 61.3 lakh establishments that employed 143.8 lakh people, according to the
provisional estimates of sixth Economic Census 2013.
The state ranks first in employment among all states.
The number of establishments and employment in the state has increased by 47.5% and 36.5%
respectively as compared to fifth Economic Census 2005.
Of the total 61.3 lakh establishments, 42.7% were in urban areas with 54.1% share in
The corresponding figures at all-India level are 41.7% and 34.4% respectively.
Out of total 143.8 lakh workers in the State, hired workers accounted for 49.8%.
During 2012, the average daily employment in 37,339 working factoriesregistered under Factory
Act, 1948 was about 20.6 lakh.
This showed a growth of 4.1% in the number of factories and 13.3% in employment over
corresponding figures for the year 2011.
Of the total working factories in 2012, about 23% had 50 or more workers.
Maximum workers were employed in the "manufacture of basic metal and metal products"
(17.6%), followed by "machinery and equipment (other than transport equipment) (13%)

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Employment market information
Employment market information programme (EMIP) is a centrally sponsoredprogramme
implemented in the state.
The main objective of EMIP is to provide information about the structure of employment in the
public and private sectors to monitor the changes in the level of employment.
Under EMIP, data is collected on quarterly basis.
The programme covers all establishments in the public sector irrespective of their size and non-
agricultural outlets in the private sector employing 10 or more persons.
However, in Greater Mumbai only those non-agricultural units which are employing 25 or more
people are covered.
Total employment in the state at the end of December 2014 was59.32 lakh, of which 22.41 lakh
(37.8%) was in public sector.
Of the total employment, 31% were female people.

Employment guidance centres

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda
Employment and Self-Employment Guidance Centres (ESGC) have been set up in every district
for registration for seeking employment and to provide guidance to unemployed youths for self-
There are 35 district ESGCs, six university ESGCs, eight coaching-cum-guidance centres for ST
and one special ESGC for disabled persons functioning in the state.
The number of persons on the live register of ESGC as on 31 December 2014 was 35.71 lakh.
During 2014, number of persons registered with ESGC was 5.36 lakh.
About 85,000 persons were placed against 8.41 lakh notified vacancies during 2014.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

Chapter IV

Data analysis and interpretation

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Data analysis and interpretation

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Data Analysis and Interpretation

4.1 Introduction:

Data analysis refers to the computation of certain measure along with searching for patterns of
relationship that exist among data. Interpretation is the result of analysis, which enables the
conversion of data into Statement, propositions, or conclusions, which ultimately complete the
research Objectives. This chapter deals with Data Processing, Tabulation, Presentation, Analysis
and Interpretation of the data.

4.2 Data analysis:

Data analysis deals with analysis of whole data collected by researcher. Researcher has analyzed
the data with the help of percentage, mean, standard deviation and with the help of tables.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
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Demographic analysis of people

Table no 4.2.1 Gender wise classification of people Gender No. of respondents Percentage

1 Male 36 85.7
2 Female 6 14.3
Total 42 100
(Source: Primary data)

Graph no. 4.2.1

Gender wise classification of pepoles

Male Female


Above Graph shows that 85.7% people are male and 14.3% people are female in

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
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Table no. 4.2.2 Level wise classification of Students Level No. of respondents Percentage

1 Job Less 27 64.28
2 Preparing education 11 26.19
3 On the job 4 9.53
Total 42 100
(Source: Primary data)

Graph no. 4.2.2

Level wise classification of Students

Job Less Preparing education On the job


Above Graph shows that 64.28% Students are from operating level, 26.19% people arefrom
Preparing education and 9.53% are from On the job

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
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Table no. 4.2.3 Marital status wise classification of peoples Marital status No. of respondents Percentage

1 Married 34 80.95
2 Unmarried 8 19.05
Total 42 100
(Source: Primary data)

Graph no. 4.2.3

Marital status wise classification of pepoles

Married Unmarried


Above Graph shows that 80.95% people are married and 19.05% people are unmarried.

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Table no 4.2.4 Age wise classification of people Age group No. of respondents Percentage

1 21-30 10 23.80
2 31-40 11 26.20
3 41-50 11 26.20
4 Above 50 10 23.80
Total 42 100
(Source: Primary data)

Graph no. 4.2.4

Age group-wise classification of peoples

21-30 31-40 41-50 Adobe 50


Above Graph shows 23.80% people are from age group of 21-30 and above 50, remaining
26.20% people from age group of 31-40 and 41-50.

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Data analysis regarding awareness and satisfaction of people towards BA Graduate facilities.

Table 3 Distribution of samples as per Encome Of Family

Sr. Encome Of Family Frequency %

1 Below 1 Lakh 7 70.00
2 Below 2 Lakh 1 10.00
3 Below 3 Lakh 0 0.00
4 Below 4 Lakh 2 20.00
Total 10 100.00

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Above Graph shows that 35.7% people are jobless and 23.3% people are on the job but
like a contract base of 3 to 6 month in organization. Other they do the education and
family occupation like agree and bussiness

Above Graph shows that 41.% people are agree for that latest technology are reduce the
man power and .26% people are somewhat agree but other people said that they high tech
machince are operate human and the produce and make man power .

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In that situation not essy to get job in big city with big payment. Above Graph shows that 44.7%
people are agree for that statement and 29.3% people are get a job on own education in organization.

In Satara city, there are not sufficient job for BA Graduate student Above Graph shows
that 26.% people somewhat agree for that statement.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
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Above Graph shows 35.% people are some people are not to leave the home they like stay
with family and for job they not stay in city

Above Graph shows 38.% people are doing the business and farming they should traditional
source of family they do the and 23% people are do the job cause the have any source

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
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Above Graph shows 38% people are facing problem a lot of transporting to go to the work and
other are stay in industrial area but in rural area there are lot a problem of transport

Above Graph shows 61% people are Rady for do the job business in future they not do the
job after BA

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

\Above Graph shows 52% people are like to continue education. And do the higher education for better placement
and now BA graduate

Above Graph shows 47% people are want to suggestion to getting the job opportunity and
they want get employment services

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Findings, Suggestion and Conclusion

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Findings

5.3 Suggestion

5.4 Conclusion

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
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Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion

5.1 Introduction:-

From the collected data, it has been possible to come across many facts and findings of the mattersrelated
to Hindustan Feeds Manufacturing Company, Satara. Data collected by the researcher for the study has
been analyzed with the help of tables. The researcher has drawn certain conclusions and observations
which were based on the analyzed data. This chapter represents the findings andsuggestions drawn by
the researcher.

5.2 Findings
1. 34% of respondents have been unemployed for 6 months, 28% of respondents have been unemployed
for 6 months- 1 year, 24% respondents for 1-2 years and 14% for above 2 years as students don‟t have
job opportunities as well as improper quality education.
2. Majority of the respondents agree on the point that colleges do not provide any job opportunities.
3. 43% of respondents say that they find difficulty in finding job because they have no work
4. Majority of the respondents have not registered their names at Government employment office and
so do not receive any call from them consequently.
5. 49% of the respondents find it difficult to meet the special need of organizations like working with
the new technology and new trends in industry.
6. Majority of the respondents say that graduates secure job opportunities sometimes only & most of
the respondents said that the relationship between Maharashtra Government and unemployed graduates
is fair. 7. Role played by the Government in encouraging unemployed graduates is poor according to
majority of respondents.
8. 45% of the respondents think that Maharashtra state has the most adequate infrastructure and
manpower to create jobs for the unemployed graduates.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda
9. Majority of respondents said that Maharashtra state Government do not have any account for creation
of jobs.
10. 45% of the respondents do not channelize any loans received for a particular purpose from the

5.3 Suggestions:-
• The very first step we can do is to stop rising population in India. In old days when India was
not highly populated country almost everyone used to get job easily. But, today India cannot give
employment to large population. So the government has to take initiative to control population
by motivating people for having smaller families.
• Government should keep strict watch on these institutions and find new ways to create better
labor force. Colleges and Institutions should not just provide education and employment, make
but should be employable. Maximum syllabus should be practical. Syllabus should be updated
and should fulfill current industry trends.
• Government should create more agricultural based industries, so that rural candidates won‟t
migrate to urban areas. This won‟t put more pressure on urban jobs.
• Exporting more things will increase the production in India and will generate more
employment. Government should allow more foreign companies to open their units in India, so
that more employment opportunities will be available.
• There are various schemes launched by the Prime Minister of India like Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), MUDRA, job portals, Make in India
which promotes employment and students should make use of them.
• There are various recommendations proposed on the problem like controlling the population,
improving the quality of education at every level may it be primary, secondary or higher,
selection of course and institute where proper training encouragement from the government,
more exports than imports.
• The educated youth should change their mind also and they should think of self-employment,
rather than searching jobs and services here and there wasting their energy. In this way very
serious problem of unemployment may be saved to a great extent.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda

5.4 Conclusion

Unemployment among graduates would be the lack of professional connections.

Unemployment among graduates would be the lack of experience. Fresh graduates often do
not have any practical experience of work Trend of many fresh graduates seeking high income
and professional jobs. conclusion As we did the research for Apple Company‚ we could found
out that Apple Company is well developed in a way of their products and services towards the
users. Apple had innovated their products and taking the lead of the other company like Nokia‚
Sony Ericsson‚ LG and so on by its own touch screen hand phone technology selling on market
to be one of the most influential in the share market of the nationwide. As to be seen‚ Apple
focuses its strength on building up their branding power.

Practical no 4. M.B.A-I Sem-II. Research Methodology.
YSPM's Yashoda


1. P. Subha Rao, Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial

Relation, Himalaya Publications, (1999)
2. Journal on Top 10 Indian Company to provide better BA Graduate facility. (2019)






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