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Erika D.

Pangan BSA3A
1. How can I follow and obey God’s will and live a Godly life?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if God provided a life-plan for each of us? What if he had provided
us with an instruction manual when we were born? A guide detailing what we ought to do to
carry out His plan for our lives? It might be challenging to discern what God wants for us at
times because of the world's cacophony and the sounds of all our duties pushing at us. Life can
be so stressful and confusing at times. Furthermore, God is in control of our plans and is aware
of what He intends for us. He has a detailed plan for our lives. Being in prayer is one technique
to ensure that you are carrying out God's will for your life. Spend some time every day focusing
on the Lord and the plans He has for your life. God will bless and be able to work through each
area of your life abundantly if you are giving it to Him. Allow God to direct your steps, and
believe in the dreams He gives you. Recognize that He will qualify you and trust that He will
assist you in realizing any dreams He has placed in your heart so that He may be exalted in the
process. Understand what is stated in the Bible and live as He commands. Consciously provide
an example for what a Christ follower should be like by abiding by the law. Even if being an
adult in the modern age presents problems and pressure, God qualifies us through our flaws just
as He did when He chose Moses to lead the Israelites and confront Pharaoh. If God has given
you the desire to return to school, He will make you eligible to do so. He will be there to walk by
your side and support you where you fall short.
2. How can I be faithful to God in my everyday life?
Regular prayer and attending Sunday mass are your personal doors to God. Being an active
member of the congregation by serving as a Eucharistic Minister or usher, or by volunteering
with your church community, has become a part of your unique identity. Reading bible verses on
a regular basis will help you live out your religion even when you aren't attending church, like
morning prayers. Take your bible and spend some time reading outside if you can (remember to
socially distance yourself). This will keep your spiritual wellness intact while providing you with
some much-needed exercise and fresh air. Even just sitting outside and reading in your backyard
or on your porch can keep you living your faith if you are unable to go for walks due to an illness
or injury.
3. What does it mean to do good works?
According to evangelical Baptist doctrine, salvation does not justify good actions; rather,
they are the result of salvation. They are a testament to a true and appreciative religion. They
include activities related to the Great Commission, such as evangelism, church service, and
charity. Your excellent deeds will have two results: first, they will bring glory to God; and
second, they will inspire people to follow your noble example and come to know and adore our
God. So, instead of hiding your light, let it shine before people so they can see your good deeds
and lift up your heavenly Father in the process.
4. What are Christian moral and ethical values?
Loving God with all of one's heart, mind, soul, and strength is the highest ethical obligation a
person may have. The obligation to love one's neighbor as oneself is their second highest ethical
obligation. In order for a Christian to fulfill these moral obligations, they must be submitted to
the principles of God's Word and the Law of Christ. Morality is emphasized in Christian ethics.
Although the law and commandments are deontological guidelines outlining this morality, they
are established within the context of devotion to God. According to the Old Testament prophets,
God despises all injustice and unrighteousness and rewards those who uphold moral principles.
5. What does God require of us?
By striving for righteousness or by making atonement for our sins via the sacrifice of others,
we cannot possibly please God. Instead, Micah outlined the three guiding principles of what God
requires of His people: to walk humbly with Him, do justice, and to love kindness. God
anticipates that we will accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. He demands that we surrender
our lives to Him and, in doing so, grow into the likeness of Christ. God desires for us to grow in
Christlikeness. Justice, kindness, and humility are the three qualities that God values most in us
and wishes to see in us as well. Treating others with fairness and respect is the definition of
justice. You don't treat people badly or oppress them.
6. How can I obey word of God?
You are demonstrating to God that you are a good shepherd of what he gives you by
gratefully taking care of the little things he has placed in your life, such as making your bed and
watering your plants. You can demonstrate to God that you are ready and able to obey whatever
he asks of you by obeying in everything, even in the little things.
7. How can I live my life in Christ?
You might be going through a time in your life where you feel lost, unsure of your future plans,
and uninspired. Perhaps you are simply going through the motions every day. Here are some
things you can do if you feel as though you are trapped in the dark and need to find the light of
Jesus. Stop performing the same action every day. Whether it's attending a yoga class or studying
at a different coffee shop, break out of your routine and try something new. Try to change up
your daily routine in some way. Step outside of your daily routine and engage in an activity that
makes you happier. Spend time doing what you enjoy, something for yourself, and something
that will brighten your life by going out and doing it.
8. What should I do to avoid sinning?
When we choose not to act in a way that we know is proper, we commit sin. We also commit
sin when we disobey God or act contrary to what the Bible instructs us to do. Ask God to show
you where you are sinning so you may work with Him to quit. The psalmist claimed that in order
to avoid sinning, he concealed God's "Word in my heart" (Psalm 119:11). You can keep your
mind and heart fixed on God and away from worldly temptations by reading, remembering, and
reflecting on His Word. Avoid places and circumstances where you might be tempted to sin.
Avoid going to bars if you have a drinking problem.
9. How can I be a child of God?
If your belief compels you to submit your life to Jesus as your LORD, then you are a child of
God (Creator and Owner). a persistent belief in your LORD and continual submission to him. In
other words, the child of God! Our heavenly Father will be loved if we are God's children.
10. How can I show my love for God?
We must get to know God in order to better comprehend what He wants for us if we are to
love Him. By reading the Bible and attempting to apply what we read, we demonstrate our love
for Him. In addition, we must attend services, pray, participate in small groups or Bible studies,
and conduct our lives in a way that will bring Him honor.
11. What values are taught in the bible?
We want to make sure that our schools are places where kids may learn and play, feel safe,
happy, and respected, where they can flourish and experience God's glorious world in all its
completeness. We do this via our core Christian principles of Love, Compassion, and Respect.
Our goal is to give each kid a unique set of rich, lasting learning opportunities that help them
develop their character. Everything we do is based on strong connections where we value and
respect each other's individuality. We give every child the room they need to grow and develop
into the best people they can be. Our Christian ethos fosters individual beliefs and attitudes,
enabling everyone to look for meaning in life's journey.
12. What are the Christian virtues?
The four cardinal virtues of wisdom, justice, temperance, and fortitude are combined with the
three theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity to form the seven heavenly virtues in
Christian tradition.

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