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Unit: Concrete Design

Task: Design of Concrete Mixes (Task 03)

Student ID: 506645 ENR No. : WGK8568

Candidate name: D.K.K Hewage

Date of submission: 2017.11.05

Tables of contents

Page No

 Compare the methods used to design concrete mixes in accordance with standards 39 - 43

 Briefly explain the factors to be considered in concrete mix design 44

 Designed a concrete mix to meet specified parameters 45 - 51

 Compare the methods used to design concrete mixes in accordance with standards

Concrete is a construction material, which is a mixture of cement, sand, aggregate

and admixtures mixed with water. It hardens with time and gains the strength. Concrete mixing is the process in which all
ingredients of concrete are selected with proper proportion. The mix proportions shall be so proportioned to ensure
the workability of the fresh concrete, and when concrete is hardened, it shall have the required strength, surface finish and
durability. Normally two types of methods are used for proportioning different ingredient, i.e. nominal mix and design mix
of concrete. Selection of types of concrete mix depends on the requirement of strength and nature of work.

Nominal Mix

The nominal mix is the process in which all the ingredients are prescribed as per specifications and their proportions
are specified in the ratio of cement to aggregates for the certain strength achievement. The nominal mix is preferred for
simpler, relatively unimportant and small concrete works. In other words, the nominal mix is adopted for ordinary concrete
work. Concrete shall be called ‘Nominal mix concrete’ when it’s adopting by a mix like 1:1.5:3, 1:2:4, 1:3:6 etc. and so
without any scientific basis, basis on past empirical studies.

Nominal mix generally contains volumetric batching. Normally the proportion is decided by weight and for
concreting, it is converted to volumetric proportion, i.e. with respect to 1 bag of cement, i.e. 50 kg of cement standard
measurement boxes are made on site, which is in the proportion of 1 bag of cement. Nominal mix concrete may be used for
concrete of M 20 grade or lower grade such as M 5, M 7.5, M 10, M 15. M 20 is identified as the concrete grade in which, M
indicates Mix and 20 indicates the compressive strength of concrete cube after 28 days of curing in N/mm2. There are various
grades of concrete that can be used like M10, M15, M20, M25, M30 etc.

Proportions as Per IS for Nominal Mix

The proportions of materials for nominal mix concrete shall be in accordance with IS 456: 2000, which are shown below,

Total quantity of dry aggregate by Maximum

Proportion of fine
mass per 50 kg of cement to be taken quantity of water
Grade of concrete aggregate to coarse Proportions
as the sum of the individual masses per 50 kg of
aggregate (by mass)
of fine and coarse aggregates cement (l)

M5 800 60 1:5:10

M7.5 625 45 1:4:8

Generally, 1:2
M10 480 but it may very from 34 1:3:6

M15 330 1:1 to 1:2 32 1:2:4

M20 250 30 1:1.5:3


The proportion of the fine to coarse aggregates should be adjusted from the upper limit to lower limit progressively as
the grading of fine aggregates becomes finer, and the maximum size of coarse aggregate becomes larger, graded coarse
aggregate shall be used. i.e. for an Average grading of fine aggregate (that is Zone II- IS 383- Table 4). The proportions are
generally 1:1½, 1:2, 1: 2½ for the maximum size of an aggregate 10mm, 20 mm and 40 mm respectively.

As per the IS 456: 2000, in the nominal mix can be proportions changed if the quantity of water is to be increased to
overcome the difficulties of placement and compaction so that the water cement ratio can be maintained as specified.

• The nominal mix is the prescriptive type concrete; a proportion are pre-decided
• Easy to make at a construction site
• Does not more time to decide the proportion because proportions are already given by standard code
• No need for skilled persons
• Nominal mix design is based on past experience, have no scientific approach.
• It may or may not give exactly designed strength unless all other factors like compaction, w/c ratio, curing of
concrete are strictly followed.
• Water-cement ratio is considered by assumption so, if we do not take care of it, sometimes it leads to bleeding,
segregation and may make concrete of poor strength and durability.
• There is no consideration for grading and density of aggregate etc.
• Higher Cement content is used.
• No laboratory tests are conducted.
• This mix does not consider and check specific properties of individual ingredients, i.e. cement- fineness of
cement, grade of cement and type of cement, size and grading of aggregate etc.

Design mix
Design mix is a process in which the proportions of the ingredients of concrete are properly determined with their
relative proportions to achieve the concrete of desired strength. Not only the desired strength but according to the properties
of fresh concrete like workability or performance of concrete with the certain specifications. Concrete shall be called ‘Design
mix concrete’ when the proportion of its ingredients are decided after trial and error of various option in the laboratory, after
carrying out tests, from given selected and available material to be used for the work.
Guidelines for Mix Design
There are various standard guidelines available for making a design mix concrete such as, IS method Concrete
mix proportioning guidelines (Bureau of Indian Standards – I.S. 10262- 2009) and Recommended Guidelines for Concrete
Mix Design- I.S. 10262- 1982, BS method (BS EN 206- 1 and its complementary standards BS 8500 parts 1& 2- British
Standard) and, ACI method (ACI 211, 211- 91, re approved- 2002- American Standard).

Mix design is the most intellectual and rational approach to the selection of mix proportions with specific
materials considering with more or less unique characteristics. Design mix contains weight batching. It not only makes
concrete of desired strength but also makes it economical too. All the materials are tested before use in the design mix.
Properties of Ingredients are Checked
In the design mix method, we have to check every property of ingredients and after that, we start design.
Property of ingredients which we would like to check such as,

Cement - Cement grade, consistency, initial setting time and final setting time, specific gravity etc.

Aggregate - Density, bulking of fine aggregate, the specific gravity of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate, grading of
aggregate, fineness modulus, particle size, silt content, water absorption, unit weight etc.

• Design mix is more scientific than the nominal mix.
• Mix design is used for more extensive and important concrete works.
• Mix design is based on the actual material to be used which are available.
• If the locally available material can satisfy the criteria, it will be used for mix design concrete, so that it will
reduce the cost of importing material from outside.
• The quantity of the ingredient to be used are rational, i.e. its neither overused nor underused.
• It is based on the laboratory trial/error experiment method.
• It gives an assurance of strength.
• Mix design concrete is performance-based concrete.
• Design mix concrete is widely used.
• The designer can use admixtures rationally to modify the properties of concrete according to their requirement.
• Slump and strength can be related, i.e. for strength we can use different slump by changing water/cement ratio
with or without or admixtures so as to suit concreting of different elements, i.e. for footing it may have less
slump, i.e. less w/c ratio, but for thin elements like chhajja or thin walls, it may need a larger slump, i.e. higher
w/c ratio or more quantity of admixture. This is not possible in the nominal mix.
• It needs more time.
• If the type or quality of ingredient will change during the progress of work, all the proportion will be changed,
so be very careful about this or we may have to go for fresh design which may delay the entire project. So that
in between the work does not suffer. So, it is better to have mix design with 2/3 possible brands of cement and
also aggregate from different sources.
• Need for skill person to prepare the mix design.
Nominal mix and design mix of concrete, both are the important criteria for proportioning different ingredient of
concrete. A design mix concrete is preferred over a nominal mix concrete in all important work and which concrete is above
M20 grade of concrete and also where there is the requirement of different workability and chances of any deviation. It is used
in the large projects’ due assurance of strength, durability and workability.

Designated mix method

The mix is chosen form a list of designated concretes (GEN, FND, PAV, RC etc) depending on the site
conditions and the application for which it is to be used. Concrete produced in accordance with BS 8500-2:2006.
For many common applications, the simplest approach is to specify a designated concrete. Designated
concretes were developed to make the specification of designed concretes simpler, complete and more reliable. While they
do not cover every application nor do they permit the use of every potential concreting material, they are suitable for a wide
range of housing, structural and other construction applications.
An essential part of the designated concrete concept is the requirement for the producer to hold current
accredited production control and product conformity and therefore designated concretes are only applicable where
third-party certification is selected as the option in specifying the concrete.

It is stressed that the reference to third-party certification does not make such a method of specification
obligatory: it has been included with the support of industry bodies wishing to maintain the progress which has been
achieved in quality levels as a result of such certification.

• Small labour force is required.
• It has Quality control of the materials and the concrete.
• Plants should be supplied for distribution of concrete.

Proprietary mix method

Concrete for which the producer assures the performance subject to good practice in placing, compacting
and curing and for which the producer is not required to declare the composition.
This approach is appropriate where it is required that the concrete achieves a specific performance, using
defined test methods. The proprietary concrete is selected in consultation with the concrete producer and the specification.
This method of specification might not suitable for initial use in public procurement contracts if the specification, in effect,
determines the concrete producer. BSI has not substantiated any claimed performance made for proprietary concrete by any
The producer is not required to disclose full details of the mix constituents or composition to the specifier.
Where the concrete is produced under third-party certification, the producer is required to substantiate to their third-party
certification body that their proprietary concrete satisfies any performance requirements and limiting values that are specified
or declared. Where the concrete is not under third-party certification, the producer is required to confirm that any performance
requirements and limiting values that are specified or declared were satisfied and, on request, supply the relevant test data.
A performance approach to specifying self-compacting concrete is given in The European Guidelines for
self-compacting concrete - specification, production and use. This uses the proprietary method of specification and is written
in a form that complements BS EN 206-1. In this case, the compressive strength class and limiting values are specified as if a
designed concrete was being specified, but the properties of the fresh concrete are specified from the classes given in the

 Briefly explain the factors to be considered in concrete mix design
The technical and economic factors should be considered when designing a concrete mix. The actual
cost of concrete is related to the cost of materials required for producing a minimum mean strength called characteristic
strength that is specified by the designer of the structure. This depends on the quality control measures, but there is no doubt
that the quality control adds to the cost of concrete. The extent of quality control is often an economic compromise, and
depends on the size and type of job. The cost of labour depends on the workability of mix.
e.g., a concrete mix of inadequate workability may result in a high cost of labour to obtain a degree of
compaction with available equipment.
The other technical factors should be considered as follows,
1. Compressive strength of concrete

2. Water-cement ratio

3. Selection of type of cement

4. Workability and water content

5. Durability consideration
1. Compressive strength of concrete
It is one of the most important properties of concrete and influences many other describable properties of
the hardened concrete. The mean compressive strength is considered usually 28 days, determines the nominal water-cement
ratio of the mix. The other factor affecting the strength of concrete at a given age and cured at a prescribed temperature is the
degree of compaction.
2. Water-cement ratio
The water cement ratio required to produce a given mean strength is determined from previously
established relations for mix made of from similar ingredients or by carrying out tests, using trial mixtures made with actual
ingredients to be used in construction including admixtures.

3. Selection of type of cement

It is depending on the required rate of strength development resistance to chemical attacks and on the
thermal consideration. A cement with high rate of development of heat of hydration maybe required for cold weather and with
a low rate of heat of hydration cement may be required for mass concrete for concreting in hot weather.
4. Workability and water content
The degree of workability required depends on three factors. These are the size of the section to be
concreted, the amount of reinforcement, and the method of compaction to be used. The desired workability depends on the
compacting equipment available at the site.
The water content of the aggregates is the major factor influencing the workability of concrete.
5. Durability consideration
The durability of concrete is its resistance to the aggressive environmental conditions. High strength
concrete is generally more durable than low strength concrete. In the situations when the high strength is not necessary but the
conditions of exposure are such that high durability is vital, the durability requirement will determine the water-cement ratio
to be used.

 Designed a concrete mix to meet specified parameters

Question 01

The strength of required for the floor slabs of a building is 25MPa at 28 days.
The slump required for pumping of concrete to upper floor is 100mm.
The maximum size of aggregate to be used is 20mm and fine aggregate having a fineness modulus of 2.60.
Tests shown that aggregate has a specific gravity of 2.65 at SSD condition and have negligible absorption and moisture
The bulk modulus of coarse aggregate is 1600Kg/m3.
Calculate the ingredients required by using ACI method.
fm = fmin + KS Equation can be used to calculate the target mean strength.
Take K=1.64, S=3.0, and factor for standard deviation as 1.05.

Strength required = 25Mpa in 28 days

Slump required = 100mm
Maximum size of aggregate = 20mm
Fineness modulus = 2.60
Specific gravity –SSD (aggregates) = 2.65
Bulk density of coarse aggregate = 1600Kg/m3
Take K = 1.64
S = 3.0
Standard deviation =1.05

Since there are no special exposure conditions, Ordinary Portland (Type I) cement will be used without air entrainment.
fm = fmin + KS
fm = mean strength K=probability factor S=standard deviation
fmin = minimum strength or specific characteristic strength fm = fmin + KS
= 25+ (1.64 x 3.00 x1.08)
= 30.166 MPa
Say 30 MPa

From the below table, the estimated water cement ratio can be calculated.
For 30MPa = 0.55 (water cement ratio)

From the below table, the maximum water content for non-air entrained with slump of 100 mm and maximum size of
aggregate 20 mm is 200kg/m3.
Therefore, the water content = 200 kg/m³

Required cement content can be calculated.
Water cement ratio=0.55 =WW/C=2000.55; W = water content
W/C= water cement ratio
Cement content =𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑.𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔
Say 364 kg/m²
From the Table 10, for maximum size of aggregate of 20 mm and fine aggregate with fineness modules is 2.6 and
dry bulk volume of coarse aggregate is 0.64 per unit volume of concrete.

The quantity of coarse aggregate required is ρ = mv; ρ = bulk density
m = mass
v = volume
∴ ρ = mv
m = 1600 x 0.64 = 1024 kg/m³
Coarse aggregate = 1024 kg/m³

Fine aggregate content can now be estimated using the mass method. From the below table, the first estimate of the density
of non-air-entrained concrete is 2355 kg/m³.

2355= Cement + Water + Coarse aggregate + Fine aggregate

∴ Fine aggregate = 2355 – (364+200+1024)
Fine aggregate = 767 kg/m³
Since all the masses obtained are on the SSD basis and the aggregates have a negligible moisture content, no further
adjustments are necessary.
The estimated quantities in kg per cubic meter of concrete are as follows,

Cement content = 364 kg

Fine aggregate = 767 kg
Coarse aggregate = 1024 kg
Water content = 200 kg

Question 02

Concrete is required for a raft foundation in a moderate condition soil.

A mean compressive strength of 25MPa is required at the age of 28 days. The cover to reinforcement required is 30mm and
maximum size of aggregate is 20mm.
The available coarse aggregate is crushed & fine aggregates 50% passes 600-micron sieve.
The aggregate has no absorption and the bulk specific gravity is 2.55.

Find the ingredient proportions to be used.

Compressive strength = 25Mpa in 28 days
Covering = 30mm
Maximum size of aggregate = 20mm
Fine aggregates 50% passes 600-micron sieve
Bulk specific gravity = 2.55

For moderate exposure conditions, Ordinary Portland (Type I) cement can be used.
From the below table, the compressive strength of mix made with OPC and crushed aggregate and a Water-cement ratio of
0.5 is 49MPa.
Hence, from the Fig. 1 the free water cement ratio for the required mean compressive strength of 25 MPa is 0.77.
However, for the moderate exposure condition the durability requirement specified the maximum permitted water cement
ratio is 0.5.
Therefore, the water cement ratio = 0.5

Consider the approximately workability required a slump of 100mm from the below table, approximate free water content
for crushed coarse aggregate with maximum size of coarse aggregate is 225 kg/m³.

Required cement content can be calculated.
Water cement ratio=0.5 =WW/C=2250.5; W = water content
W/C= water cement ratio
Cement content =450 kg/ m³
From the below Fig., for aggregate with bulk specific gravity of 2.55, the wet density of concrete is 2400 kg/ m³.

Hence, the total aggregate quantity can be calculated.
= 2400-( 450+225)
= 1725 kg/ m³

For free water cement ration is 0.5, a slump of 100 and maximum size of aggregate 20 mm. The
fine aggregate is (from the below Fig.) 27 % of total aggregate content.

∴ Fine aggregate = 1725 x 27100

Fine aggregate = 465.75 ≈ 466 kg/m³
Coarse aggregate = (1725 – 466) kg/m³
Coarse aggregate = 1259 kg/m³
Since all the masses obtained are on the SSD basis and the aggregates have a negligible moisture content, no further
adjustments are necessary.

The estimated quantities in kg per cubic meter of concrete are as follows,

Cement content = 450 kg

Fine aggregate = 466 kg
Coarse aggregate = 1259 kg
Water content = 225 kg



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