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Instruction: Read the following workplace issues and express your thoughts using at least one (1) emotion
from the Ortony, Clore, & Collins’ (OCC) Emotion Model.

Issue Emotion Why do you feel that How will you deal with the
way? positive/negative emotion?
A workmate is I will be distressed if I can deal with that negative
spreading malicious rumors about me emotion by remaining confident
malicious rumors spread. A negative emotion, about the false rumors because I
about you. mood, idea, state, or action know someone believes in me,
Distress is defined as distress. When and I believe in myself, that
someone believes those malicious rumors cannot affect
rumors and spreads myself, my life, or my work.
malicious rumors about me,
it makes me feel afraid,
upset, and sad.
A new employee If a new employee was I will deal with this negative
was promoted promoted instead of me, I emotion by accepting the result of
instead of you. would be disappointed the promotion. Accepting is the
because as an employee, I key to being motivated that I can
am giving my all to the do it too and I will be promoted
Disappointment company, my tasks, and too. I don’t want to be bothered
responsibilities, and I am about this kind of issue. I will not
hoping to be promoted as focus on this negative emotion,
well. I'll feel this way but I will focus on how I am
because I know this isn't the dedicated to my work, passion,
best I can do and I'm and goals.
disappointed in myself.
Your workmate I know how difficult it is to I'd talk to her/him, console
has been do something while thinking her/him, and encourage her/him.
underperforming about major issues, most of I understand how difficult it is for
because of which are personal in nature. her performance to suffer, but
personal issues I would feel sorry for her instead of criticizing and
and it has greatly Pity because, as a coworker, I becoming enraged, I should try to
affected the should be sensitive and understand and assist her as best
performance of aware of what is going on I can. I would empower myself in
the team. with my team members. order to carry my team and help
us achieve our goals. If one of us
falters, the rest of us will rally to
help the team and each other.
The management Giving incentives and I will continue to perform good
gives bonuses to employees feels and better for the company. I will
incentives/bonuses like a success, pleasure, or not be complacent for the
to performing Joy happiness because we feel bonuses
employees. involved in the company and Or incentives but I feel motivated
are praised and noticed for to do what is right and not to do
having these types of what is wrong for the company.
bonuses. Our hard work and Being a best performing
dedication to our work are employees can also make myself
recognized. Being an proud, believe and confident that
employee, we are motivated I have the skills and knowledge
to do and continuing to work for this industry.
The management Management's Thinking about the situation and
has been encouragement to be a whether the various outcomes
encouraging the Gratitude better version is a gesture of will help you or not can help you
employees to be a gratitude to each employee improve your abilities.
better version of because it benefits not only
themselves and the company but also you
achieve growth in because being a better
the company. version or being professional
allows you to develop your

02 Seatwork 1 *Property of STI

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