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Christine Mae P. Picon

DEFINITION OF TERMS o Official Name- the name under which it is listed in
one of the official publications
o Physician – legally responsible for prescribing
o Chemical Name - the name by which a chemist
names it; this name describes the constituents the
o Medication – a substance administered for
drug precisely (e.g acetyl-paraaminophenol for
diagnosis, cure, treatment, relief or prevention of
disease. It is also called drug.`
o Trade Name/Brand Name - the name under which
o Medication Administration - task of a nurse; a
a manufacturer market the medication (e.g.Tylenol.
nursing dependent action; an important nursing
Biogesic, Advil)
function that involves skill full technique and
o Nurse - person licensed to administer, educate
consideration of the patient’s development and
about, and evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed
o Pharmacology - is the study of the effect of drugs
on living organisms.
o Pharmacy - is the art of preparing, compounding
and dispensing drugs; refers to the place where
drugs are prepared and dispensed
o Pharmacist - a licensed person to prepare and
dispense drugs and to make up prescriptions.
o Prescriptions - the written direction for the
preparation and administration of a drug.
o Pharmacopoeia - is a book containing a list of
products used in medicine, with descriptions of the
product chemical tests for determining identity and
purity and formulas for certain mixtures.
o Formulary - is a collection of formulas and
o Pharmacodynamics - the process by which drugs
alter the cell physiology and cause the effects on
the body
o Pharmacokinetics - the study of the action in the
body and their movement though the body systems
during absorption, distribution, biotransformation
and elimination, including the time required for
therapeutic or pharmacological response to them.
o Pharmacoanthropology - science that deals with
the study of the difference in the drug response in
various ethic or racial groups.
o Posology - the study of dosage or amount of drugs
given in the treatment of diseases
o Drug Study/ Summary - study of drugs before giving
o Generic Name- given before a drug becomes
official. Reflects the chemical family to which the
drug belongs (e.g. Acetaminophen for Tylenol,
Paracetamol for Biogesic , Ibuprofen for Advil)

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