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Since June, 2021 the United States has shared 

79,002,050 safe and effective COVID-19

vaccine doses with the people of Pakistan – free of cost. This includes 73,501,990 Pfizer
and 5,500,060 Moderna doses. Of the 79,002,050 vaccine doses, 100% were donated
in partnership with COVAX.

President Biden committed the United States to be the world’s arsenal for vaccines,
leading an international and coordinated vaccination effort, and announced that the
United States will provide 1.2 billion doses of safe, effective vaccines – free of cost – to
meet global needs and save lives now. The United States is working with other
governments, global initiatives including COVAX and the African Vaccine Acquisition
Trust (AVAT), and other partners to get COVID-19 vaccines to where they are needed

Learn more about our work Delivering Vaccines and on COVID-19 Recovery.

DECEMBER 2, 2022

Department Press Briefing – December 2, 2022

NOVEMBER 16, 2022

Department Press Briefing – November 16,


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