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These pictures show people learning. Compare and contrast the pictures (min. 10 sentences).
Include the following points:

 Difficulties of learning alone

 Is there someone at home to help you with your homework/studies
 Advantages/disadvantages of learning in a group
 The role of teachers
 Your own methods for

On these two pictures I can se

a homschooling boy, and a
class that studies at school. In
my opinion home schooling or
e learning has some
difficulties. For example at
home you ca be attracted by
playing on your phone or
watching tv either than doing
your homework. But for me
my parents are here to study
with me and until I haven’t
finished they won’t let me
play. But this isn’t the same
than learning in a group. In a group you can ask for help from your teacher or classmates,
and you can work in smaller groups two. But a big disadvantage is that classmates can
distrubt you, or sometimes you can even be unliked by your teacher. In my opinion the role of
teachers is to open
us the way for
highschool or
university, but they
also have to teach
us our subjects ect.
Some teachers also
concider that
teaching us to be
gentlemans is their
task too. My
method for learning
is easy by doing the
exercises I try to
learn everithyng by
reading it twice then
I practice with it and
the majority of the
time I succeed.

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