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4102) " Rae sonar ‘THE REGISTERED OWNER ZS RRMINDED 70 UPGRADE THE “PAPER TETLEY TO "COMPUTERIZED TETLE" TOR FASTER TRANACYTONS Coesrines Sar {oro.), HLM x. onto ‘This 2 Cented To Copy a OCT RP-1725 on eat Registry of Deeds of Province of Camarines Sut. Ths cnsss cf 4 pages) and does no equre 9 maruaiy ste tigate pusuart Le RA. Na, 8702. Prine at Registry of Deeds of Province of Camarines Sur. FRequesed fy PARRO, MULREY BUSTAMANTE ef No 2022008718 OR No 1027878887 ste 10037022 OR Date Oct 32022 Tene 0245256 Amt Pad 273.38 + 2802 LNGRMWEAD + 4409 INEANUGACD 4409 INEHNIEAOD f Thi : 2 Soot vinine sa aren of #iFTOS Necawh Ome Maw wD ‘ 4 man My Brice i a wu 204 i Caran inetcunan tases Ta ne Mote Pubs dete nf Taser: tion=3e LIGH, Cope Hors of Deetey Carel bar THE REGISTERED ONWER IS REMINDED TO UPGRADE THE "PAPER ZEFLE" TO “COMPUTERIZED TITLE" FOR FASTER TRANSACTIONS, Heasterap ents ‘This 2 Coed Te Copy f OCT RP-ET2S on fl a Registry of Daeds of Province of Camarines Sur. Tis consis of 4 pagls) and cove not requ a manualy fixed ngnaue pursuant lo RA No. 6752 Peleg x Registry of Deeds of Province af Camarines Sur Feqveses fy PARRO, MULREY BUSTAMANTE. Fe No 2022005719 OR Wo: 1027979997 Date 10082072 ORDate Oc 32022 Time 246252M Ant Paid: 27335 AdO INGHIWAACD + 2409 LNWEACD + 4a09 INARINIAACD LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY CCV FORM Ua 402 LNIHNEGADD + AdOD LNIKNWZACD + R409 INSHAZACD THE REGISTERED OWNER, e ir: raawsactron IS REMINDED To uFe! RADE THE “PAPER TITLE" TO “COMPUTERIZED TITLE" FOR FASTER eestor of Deeds = nists cartiog Tun Copy of OCT RP-#T25 ne at Reis of Dvds of Province of Camarines Su Tis asi SSG Soca io RA No. 8782. Printed at Registry of Deeds of Province of Camarines Sur. ose at requre »manuaiy axed wan Requested By PARRO, MULREY BUSTAMANTE rot no 2022008719 ORNo, 1027979967 Date 10032022 OR Dae : Oc! 3 2022 ‘me (24625 BM Art Paid 273.5 wit AN ‘THE REGISTERED OWWER IS REMINDED TO UPGRADE THIE “PAPER TITLE" TO "COMPUTERIZED TITLE" FOR FASTER TRANSACTIONS LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY CCV FORM aaa aes oe Se enister of Devds “This is « Ceres Twn Copy ot OCT RP-8725 on leat Regsty cf Deeds of Province of Camarines Sur This consists o 4 panels) and doesnot equte a manvaly axed sgraare pursuant 19 RA No 6752 Pred a Registry of Deeds of Provnes of Camarines Sur. Requcsied By PARRO, MULREY BUSTAMANTE. Ref No. 2022009718 ORNo. : 1027379867 Date 30032022 OR Date Oct 32022 Teme :0248258M Amt Paid: 27335, Xd02 INENMUIAOD + AdOD LNERMWANCD + 2409 INZHNUAACD DRED OF EXTRA-JUDICIAL S2TILIMENT AND SUBDIVISION AGRLEXSNT WIM ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS = Thie Agreement made and executed by and amone sgal age. marr: S PEDRO PARRO, of legal age Cemaringe Sur; SALVACTON PERRO. Pusco, and reaident of La Paz, Pili, Casanines of legal age, married to Micolas Barela: ASUNCTS PARE CEL barited: LOURDES PARRO, of legal aye. married to Anane gs & QS PARC, OF Legal age, married te Benjamin Ta ELE legal age, married to Consuelo Parrot DELIA FARRO. ot § married to Romulo Soresta: RUBEN PARR, of Inga! age, einals. CF 3 OSCAR PARK), deceased and hereia repr Qt, svivl 24 PARR. of Jeyal age. widow G8 PANTING PARES. decreased nnd herein repree st ae, widow, all Filipinos ana v2 lay shed. Sur, ucw and hereinafter referr on the 2 San Jose, Bula. died intestate at San Jose, Fy JORMA HONTERALCOU re Aegg Sur, leaving certain parcels of land more particusarly bed ond, bounded as follows = 7 PARCEL 1, Lot 1652, Cad-294 : ula Cadastre PAWEL OF Tak 3) dituavad in the Barri DE Tamar ite SeUARE METERS.” Declared wade ate = i , Lat 1707, Cad 2947. Bala Cadaster A PARCEL OF LAND slut Wvov! ad-224, Euls Cadaste vated. in, the, Bari ly of fan dogg, Municipality of, Bu Gear Tanai) wanded on th and on the E., oy all of | Cad- cs RTY THREE BAL SIVT¢ ONE (49,561) SCUALE METERS. BAG Assessed at Toland yp Luzon a Deca. se cee PARCEL. 3, lat 1208, Cad-294.. : Tila, Cadastre abated: Bula Cadastre, pality of Bula, Bounded on the i2ois on, phe NW. , by Lot.1Z07; on the Bo. by Lot cy jot 1208, hg an area of TO Ly fot SWo9 tha, £., by Take Bula, ana om the G1) SG cad-294; Bula Cadastre, axa NTY FOUR THOUSANL, THREE (00 s!2 1272) SQUARE METERS. De 4 pe fe rrd Pa ne grounds Te De es oe ce 3 Pasa na Pind Tage obey “ay ond asseseed at P PARCEL 4, Lot 1209, Cad-294 Bola Cadastre situated in Province of Camarines Sur. SE., by Lot 1211; on the W.» 3206, and on the NE.. by © Cadastre, xxx containing FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR Declered under Tax Dec. No. ——— P ae PARCEL 5, Lot 1210, Cad-294 Bola Cadastre ~ A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1210, aituated in the Barrio of Ss Biivinee of Camarines Sur, leland of © BE by Lot 1211; on the W.. and WH» Se ey pe 1208, all of Cad2e4. Bula Cadeores Fes en area of THIRTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED. Ung an eree1) SQUARE HETERS. Declared under ‘and aedessed at P PARCEL 6, Lot 1722, (Portion) Cad-294 Hula Cadautre A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 12 on. Bounded on eituthee of Camarines Sur. Island cf 1 1 n Greek; on the ty Lot 1202 (Portion), Ereperty Parre-Puato; oF “py Lot 1228; and on th all of Sh -23a, Bula Cadostre. 200: SEVENTY SQUARE AINE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY 8 ETERS. Declared under Tax Des. Ne PARCEL 7, Lot 1441, (Portion) Cad-294, Bula Cadastre ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF ‘TITLE No. RP-8725(2602) P. fsa wR PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1431, Portion) Cad-294, Bula cron Pur tw . of Butea. by Lot 1441, (Portion). now Provincial Roedi the properties of Lumpero and Balles~ the Pipereion of Lot 1441) on the NE. by Bicol River; on, be Shs containing an area of FORTY FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED oom SONETY SIX (44,195) SQUARE METERS. Declared under Tex Dee. No. WHEREAS,’ ‘the ‘above-named deceased left sé known debte or obli~ gations which-have not keen ecttled to this dates and agsessed at P WHEREAS, 1€/4e now the desire of the above-named heire to eett lean adjudicate the above-described parcels of land in the fore Gnd"manner hereinafter set forth NOW, THEREFORE, invoking the provisions df Section 2, Rule 74 of thd lew Rules of Court, the HEIRS have sil egreod, 28 they 20 hereby tee eto cattle, divide and adjudicate thé sbeve-described parcels of land unto themgelves as follows Cad-294, Buls Cadastre, wren te” the Barrio of San’Jose. Hunicips) 64: ‘of Bule, Chadetre "situated in the Barrio of Pancypoyan, Municipe) sry Cadaerr province of Canerines Sur. Tsland of Luzon. Bounded EBT: Gy Nencealian Creek and Lots 1408 and 1440; and on oe, Sit “by Lor 1441, (Portion). all of Cad-204, Bula Cadastre, uw fbn Parrd 8 3 5 f i TO PEDRO PARRO : Lot 1, of the proposed consalidation-subd. 1 to 8. Bounded on the N., and NE., by Lot Bula Lake; on the S., by Lot 2 of the pre subdivicion planj and on the W.. by Lot 1215, . an ares of FIFTEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AKD TWH (18,922) SQUARE METERS; Lot 1224-E (Portion of Parcel 4) of the proposed subdivision plan. Bounded on the NE., by Lot 1204-F of ths proposed subdivs Sion plan; on the SE., by Lot 2169. Cad on the SW. by Lot 1224-D of ‘the proposed subdivision plans Nw. by Lot 1223, Cad-294, containing an sre of NII WINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ‘TWO (9,962) SQUARE IETER ial (Portio of Parcel 7). Bounded on the lW., by Lot 1441-P. property of Lumpere: on the HE., by Lot 144i-N, ehere of Nagdale- na Parro Barela: on the SE., by Lot 1441-0, (Remaining portion and on the SW., by Lot 1441-L, share of Lourdes Parra. ell af the proposed subdivieion plan, containing an of FIVE THO SAND (5,000) SQUARE METERS; Lot 1441-M of the proposed eubdivieion plen of ‘TO MAGDALENA PARRO : Lot 2, of the propésed consu] tdatics Ito $8. Bounded on the W., by Lot 1, st the propcee tion-eubdivision plan; on the E.. by Buls Lake Jof the proposed consol idat ian-eubdivision plan by Lot 1215, cad-294, containing an area of WEL’ EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY Eluit? lida: 4-1 (Portion of Parcel 1 Bounded on the SW.. by Lot eich plan; on the NW., by Lot 1 2136; and on the SE., by Lov 216: 4, eontainin, Pee of NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY TWO SQUARE METERS; ST glct 1441-1 of the proposed subdivision plan of Lot 244i of Parcel. 7). Bounded on the NW.. by Lot 1441-P, property of z Lumpero, and Lot 1441-G, property of Bal- So iester; on the NE., by Bicol River ; on the SE.. by Lot 1441-0, (Remaining portion): and on the SW.. by Lot 1441-M, share of Pedro Parro,, all of the propoced avldivision plan, containing an area of PIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY MINE (5,779) SQUARE METERS TO ASUNCION PARRO = Lt’ 4, of the proposed consolidsticn-subdivision plan of Parcele 1 to §. Bounded on the N., by Lot 2, of the proposed consolida— tion-subdivision plan; onthe &., by Bula Lake; on the S., by Lot 4 of the propoeed consolidation-subdivision plan: and on the W., by Lot 1215, Cad-294, containing an area of TWELVE THOUSAND) EIGHT HUNDRED’ AND EIGHTY EIGHT (12.688) SQUARE HETERS; TO LOURDES PARRO = Lot 4, of the proposed consol idat ion-aubdiviaicn plan of Parcels 1 to 8. Bounded on the N., by Lot 3, of the proposed consolida tlon-subdivision plan; on the E.. by Buls Lake; on the S.. by Lot 5 of the propased conaolidat iun-cubivicion plan: and on the W. by Lot 1218, Cad-294, containing an area of TWELVE THOUSAND EIGHT, HUNDRED AND EIGHTY EIGHT (12,568) SQUARE METERS: Lot 1221-H (Portion of Parcel 4) of the proposed subdivision 22 < at o Aa é gi te &. Bounded sn the th. » Ly Let &, of t ane een plan: on the E-. by Bula Lakes on the 8. by Loe = 3 < rd 2 § Lot 1224-F (Portion of Parves 4) Yoten “teunaed on, the 34. by Lot 4 Pounded on the SW., by Lo 1441-1, of the procosed cubaiy 2189, Cad-234, containing an AND SIXTY TWO (9,962) SQUARE t Lot 1441-L of the proposed subdivision plen =f of Parcel 7). Bounded on the Ww... by Frovincts by Lot 1441-P, property of share of Pedro Parro: on the SI portion); and on the SW., oy Let Of the proposed eubdivision plan, comtels THOUSAND (5,000) SQUARE METERS: TO EDITA PARRO + planof® Lot 5, of the proposed consolidation: subdivision F 1 to §. Bounded on the N., by Lot 4. of the prone tion-eubdivieion pla the E.. by Suls Lakes Gof the proposed congo! tdat 11 livigon plet by Let 11s, Cad-294. containing an anes. Of Batt HUNDRED AND EIGHTY EIGHT ¢2..UGe) SCUehe ged subdivision io proposed auba fg. on the oy by Lot ond on the SE., by Lot THOUSAND WINE HUNDRED the Bror Lot 1224-6 (Portion at Parcel “1 plan, Bounded on the SW., Uy Lot 1 Picton plan: cn the WW... by Lot 1iv 144! H, of the proposed subdivision Fl 3m 3109, sad-294, containing an ares of MIM AND SIXTY Two (9,962) SQUARE METERS: TO ELMER PARRO : ion plan sé Fars posed consolida- £ the proposed oe eepa Proposed congo] idaticn-aubdivision plat; end.on the. h-+ by Lot 1218, Cad-294, contatning 4 T Elan? HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SeVEU «12.6 area ot THE! SQUARE METERS powed subdivision d gubdi- Bieton plan: on the NW.. by Lot 15 1aH1.G, of the proposed eubdyvision plan: aud on thé SE: by Loe 3199, Cad-204, containing an ates of NIHE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY TWO (9,962) SOUARE METERS; cf 1441-1 of the proposed subaivizicn plan Sf Lot 1442 (Porticn ef Parcel 7). Bounded on the lW.. by Provineial Road: on the NE- ty Lot 1441-9, share of Delia Parro; on the SE., by Lot 1408; on OY Eu, by Lat 1440, both of Ced-28d, and Lot 1441-H, share of pealine Parre, Jr., all of the proposed subdivision Flan, com veining an area of FIVE THOUSAND (5,000) SQUARE. MST: "tO RUBEN PARRO = Lot-7, of the proposed consol idat ton-subdivision plan of Parcels Tio 5. -Bounded on the N., by Lot fi, of the proposes consol tae~ {ion-eubdivigion planj on the E., by Bula Lake: on the S.. ty Low D of the proposed conzol idatipn-subdivision plan: and on, = by Lot 1215, Cad-294,, containing an ares of TWELVE THON SAND BIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY E. TOLDELIA Paro : and : |. bat 6, of the proposed con [3 tp 5. Bounded on the N Jjtlon-evbdivieion pleni an the 2 8 of the proposed coneolidaticn- by Lot 1215,,Cad-23¢,, containing, 3 EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SEVEN" (32,887 ai det, 1224"B Portion of Parce! 42 4 Aaa" Bounded on the W, i by Lot? Y (PecrScrvatos on the ME» by Lot! 122 th i gubdivision plan: on ths SE.. by Lot 210%: Cad~254i and on She “ by, Tanagan| Creek, containing an spe of NINE THOUSAND RINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY “qwo' T9962) SQUARE METERS: Farrd o- of Barcel 7). Bounded on the Mi Jour dee Kuchon & & a e : 4 1 (Gad 239. S., by Lot} "SOE phe proposed slibdévieson fi" 2" VERGGSAND' (5,000) SQUARE HETERS: TO HRS ,OF-OSCAR PARNO = aqvielon plan of Parcels P. ease, Lot 9, of the proposed conse] 1435 1c er 5? Bounded on the N.. by Lot 6 1 to 5. Betvaeion plan; on the E. by Bula t “{211, Cad-284; on the the rine proposed consol ida nthe SE.» by Ia f. Bron, alin, nd. O se Nteabguvieion plan: ‘and on th fe SAR ELGing Fon aren of, THELME TUUSINO IE PD enairry RQ a CHE aden SQUARE METERS: . Lot 1224-C (Portion of Parcel tiv proposed subdivision ‘plan. Bounded on the SW, "by Lot. E. of the proposed subdt= ‘cad-254i on the NE.» By L a eeca plan; on the WW. by Let x 23 Visio Pen: Cr opened subdivision plan: snd on oe Te by Lot 122A-D of She Pegneedning an aces. of NINE THCUSHND NINE HUNDRED 2188s THO (9,962) SQUARE METERS: eT ioe 1441-6 af the proposed subdivision Flan 64 Tet iad (Ps Let aan Gy Bounded on the HW.» by Provinets) Boss of oh RH cunded on, A guce dee on the SE. 4 BY by Lt sO, Cad-204; on the SW., by Lot 1441-F. property O° Nicolae Eo Jesue» all of the proposed subs on plan, containing an 5 2 § egeree Sue yg THOUSAND (5,000) SAKE METERS: ov pal proposed consol idstion-subdivision plan of Porgele Lot Ae: Bounded on the H., by Lot 9, of the proposed ‘consol ida~ 3 te feiision plan; on the SE.. by Lot 1211-and Lot 2215) ang Elon eee ey Lot zis, all Cad-204, containing ao. aroe oF TWELVE ShoGaND AINE ONDBED AND TWENTY TWO (12,922) SUAEE METERS ‘Lot 1924-D (Portion of Parcel 4) of the proposed subdivision R wlan. Bounded on the SW.» by Lot 1224-0, of the ‘proposed subdi- 4 ‘vielon plan; on the RW., py Lot 1223, Cad-294; on the NE., by Lot EAT ‘by Lot RIES onda contadning a ee co UNE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED Pan oe jarea or Mn NINE HUN 4 evi LEBACE of the proposed subdivision plang and on he fe ok 14d1-H Of the proposed subdivieton plan'6f Lot 1441 (Portion PE patcei 7), Bounded on che lv. by Provinctel Roads eu Cre UE: fiWy lot 1441-1, share of Hre of Eimer Parroy on the SE. by bot Cad-294, con- ee 1440, Ca on the SW.. by Let decar Parr, all of the propoeed / ares of FIVE THOUSAND (5,000) sai7Ak which respective sheres and o: firus subject, however to the Iiatil of the Hules of Court; AND WITNESSETH FURTHIS WHEREAS, a Remaining Portion and designated as Lot 1441-0 of tie taining an area of FOURTEEN THWUSANY vis (14,178) SQUARE METERS ie hereby reserves | mother JUANA MONTEFALCON which shall be 2 to the HRS OF JUANA MUNTEFALCON to be repre e Parcry dee bow a WHERFAS, in an Affidavit keown No. TIT, Series of 1969, duly notar on Septester 24, 1969, Salvac nounced and abandoned whatever rit she way have in all the remain. partition, hereby by this Agreer-"t > mentioned TW WITHESS WHEREOF, the Parties heres this Agrément this day c s Bula). Camarines Vipeine= ing FANNY Yay ghe lone PEDRO PARRO HApHALENA’ & P. P feundee Facts Centr WURDES PARR CANTON law fe cpm faery, 2a tet gr eosbere BRET F fame preggaetenn Fe (banela Gown ACKNOWLEDGMENT qiepuaLiC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) | PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR) 5.5 MUNTCTPALITY OF BULA ) enarlacs BEFORE HE, a Notary Public tor and in the Province of © sury/on thie day of for anugoa, personally appeered the following persons : a es AME comm TAX CERT NO. DATE ISSUED “PLACE 1SSUED $ PEDRO PARRO & HAGDALENA P. BARELA rea tAeeTON PARRO. LOURDES P. CANTON 7397314-A EDITA Px TIOCSON [20655274 LER PARRO | RUBEN PARROT SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY |, GINA PARRO-PORNILLOS, of legal age, Filipino, married, resident of Zone 4 Sagrada, Bula, Camarines Sur, by this instrument. do hereby appoint constitute and designate my brother MULREY BUSTAMANTE PARRO, likewise of legal age, married, and a resident of the same address stated above. as my true and lawful attomey-in-fact, to do and perform in my behalf to do the following: To TRANSACT and NEGOTIATE wilh any interested telecom company for the purpose of lease and construction of ower onthe portion of ou ol orale 3 Barangey Panoypoyan, Sula, Camarines Sur, which we ineried irom our paren? PAULING PARRO AR. (prion of land under OCT No.RP-8725 [2602] by virtue of eed of Exrajudcial’Sellement and Subdivsion Agreement of the estate of PAULINO PARRO SR and JUANA MONTEFALCON; and fo ENTER into lease contrac, and SIGN for and in my beh Hereby giving and granting unto said atiomey-in-fact ful powers and authority to d0 and perform all and every act requisite or necessary to carry ine atten! the foregoing authority as fully to all intents and purposes as | might or could Tawfuly dof personally able and present. This authority shall be in force and effect until revoked in writing, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, | have hereunto set my hand this 11" day of October 2021. f ed coms Principal =e PARRO- Attorney-In-Fact WITNESSES: LLOYD IN. DE JESUS ACKNOWLEDGMENT Republic ofthe Phipps} Pi, Camarines Sur 88 BEFORE ME, this 11™ day of October 2021, personally appeared the parties presented to me the integrally complete document and acknowledged to re that their signatures appearing therein were affixed by them freely and Voluntarily for the purposes of this instrument. Parties are not personally known to Ine and the principal presented her Bula PWD ID bearing No. 051706000-628 while attorney-in-fact presented his Non-Professional Driver's License ID bearing No. £07-00-010158, being the parties who executed thle above instrument. This Special Power of Attorney consists, ofone age ofl and signed by the PLM? parties and their witness. | quest, WITNESS my hand and official seal. | FLORANTE Doc. No. 336; GRANT popu Page No. 68; \ ; Until'31 December 2023 Book No. XL; \ BL. ceveamives Sur Series of 2021 | Re We.a3519 -1999 MCLE Com Na.vio003411 {pp 2021 buss PAID 17 Dec. 202" (O78 Wa. D1S9075-01.04202!

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