Coordinates of Pilgrim Hat (Short Bond)

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Ordered Pair of Pilgrim Hat

Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 4 Shape 7

(-11,-6) (-6,-4) (-4.5,7.5) (-1,-1)

(-12,-6.5) (-6,-3.5) (-2,7) (0.5,-1)

(-12,-7.5) (-5.5,-0.5) (0,7) (1,-2)

(-11,-8) (-5,1) (2.5,7.5) (1,-3)

(-8,-9) (-4.5,4.5) (3.5,8) (0,-4.5)

(-3,-10) (-4.5,6.5) (-1,-4.5)

(3,-10) (-4.5,7.5) Shape 5 (-2,-3.5)

(8,-9) (-4.5,8) (-4.5,6.5) (-2,-2)

(11,-8) (-3.5,8.5) (-1,6) (-1,-1)

(12,-7) (-2,9) (1,6)

(11.5,-6) Shape 8
(1,9) (3.5,6.5)
(10.5,-5.5) (-5.5,-0.5)
(9,-5) (-3,-1)
(3.5,8) Shape 6
(6,-4) (3.5,6.5) (-2,0)
(4,-5.5) (4,3.5) Shape 9
(2,-6) (5,-0.5) (-6,-3.5)
(0,-6) (5.5,-3) (-4,-4)
(-2,-6) (6,-4) (-2.5,-4)
(-4,-5.5) (1,-5)
(-5.5,-5) Shape 3 Shape 10
(-6,-4) (2,-1)
(-11,-6) (-2.5,-4)
(-8,-5) (5,-0.5)
(-10,-7) (-3,-3)
(-11,-6) (-5,-8) (-3,-1)
(0,-8.5) Shape 11
(5,-8) (2,-4)

(9,-7.5) (5.5,-3)

(10.5,-5.5) Derramas, Dannica
8 - Timothy
Jimenez, Katrina Mae

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