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all most some any no/none


children/money/books etc. (in general): the children / the money / these books e t c :
o Children like playing. O Where are the children?
(= children in general) (= our children)
o Money isn't everything. O I want to buy a car, but I don't have
(= money in general) the money. (= the money for a car)
o I enjoy reading books. O Have you read these books?
o Everybody needs friends. O I often go out with my friends.

most / most o f ..., some / some o f ... e tc

all most some any no / none / not + any

most/some e t c + noun most of/some of e t c + the/this/my . .. e t c

all all (of)

cities the ...
most most
children th is/th a t...
some some
books of these/those ...
any any
money my/your... etc.
no none

O Most children like playing. O Most of the children at this school

(= children in general) are under 11 years old.
O I don't want any money. O I don't want any of this money.
O Some books are better than others. O Some of these books are very old.
O He has no friends. O None of my friends live near me.
O All cities have the same problems.
You can say all the ... or all of the ... (with or
(= cities in general)
without of):
Do not use of in these sentences: O All the students in our class passed
O Most people drive too fast. the exam, (or All of the students . . .)
(not M ost of people) O Am y has lived in London all her life,
O Some birds can't fly. (or... all of her life.)
(not Some of birds)

all of it / most of them / none of us etc.

all O You can have some of this cake, but not all of it.
it O a: D o you know those people?
them b: Most of them, but not all of them.
some of
us O Some of us are going out tonight. W hy don't you come with us?
you O I have a lot of books, but I haven't read any of them.
O 'How many of these books have you read?' 'None of them.'

the ... (children / the children etc.) Unit 72 some and any ^ Unit 76 no/none/any ^ Unit 77
all and every Unit 80______________________________________________________________________________________
^ Q Q | Complete the sentences. Use the word in brackets (so m e/m o st etc.). Sometimes you need o f
(som e o f / m ost o f etc.).
1 M o st children like playing, (m ost)
2 Som e o f this money is yours, (som e)
3 .......................................people never stop talking, (som e)
4 .......................................the shops in the city centre close at 6.30. (m ost)
5 .......................................people have mobile phones these days, (m ost)
6 I don't like........................................ the pictures in the living room, (any)
7 He's lo st........................................ his money, (all)
8 friends are married, (none)
9 Do you k n o w .......................................the people in this picture? (any)
10 .......................................birds can fly. (m ost)
11 I enjoyed the film, but I didn't like the ending, (m ost)
12 .......................................sports are very dangerous, (som e)
13 We can't find anywhere to stay. .......................................the hotels are full, (all)
14 You must have.......................................this cheese. It's delicious, (som e)
15 The weather was bad when we were on holiday. It rained........................................ the time, (m ost)

Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use:

all/m ost/so m e/none h o f th e m / o f it

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How many of the people are women? M oot o f them .
How many of the boxes are on the table?
How many of the men are wearing hats?
How many of the windows are open?
How many of the people are standing?
How much of the money is Ben's?

Are these sentences OK? Correct the sentences that are wrong.
1 I'ke playing. M o s t children..
2 All the students failed the exam. OK
3 Some of people work too hard.
4 Some of questions in the exam were very easy.
5 I haven't seen any of those people before.
6 All of insects have six legs.
7 Have you read all these books?
8 Most of students in our class are very nice.
9 M ost of my friends are going to the party.
10 I'm very tired this morning - I was awake most of night.

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