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(X ray Photoelectron spectroscopy)



6th Evening

• XPS is also known as ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis).

• Useful to find chemical composition, chemical state and electronic

configuration of material.

• Reveal information about thin film structures and surface layer.

• XPS is based on Einstein's idea about photoelectric effect which was

presented in 1905.

• Very simple and widely used technique and data obtain from it is analyzed

The working principle of XPS is ejection of electron from the surface of sample in
UHV condition when it is expose to the soft x-rays.

Elements present in sample can be identified on the basis of kinetic energies and
binding energies of their photoelectrons.

Intensities of photoelectron provide information about concentration of element in a


The electrons emitted from atoms near the sample surface (10-100 Angstroms) can
escape the sample surface. This depth is about twenty atomic layers.
Photoelectric effect

• When an X-ray (with energy hv) ejects out an electron (by energy B.E). The
ejected electron is called photoelectron and this effect is called photoelectric

• The atom will release energy by the emission of an Auger Electron

Auger Electron Emission

Photoemission Relaxation or
X-ray Fluorescence

L K 1 s 2 s 2 p L K 1 s 2 s 2 p L K 1 s 2 s 2 p
The ejected photoelectron has kinetic energy:
K.E=hv-B.E- Ø

KE Kinetic Energy (which is measured by spectrometer of XPS)

hv Energy of photon emitted by X-rays

Ø Spectrometer work function. Few eV. calculated by calibration.

BE Binding Energy
Photoelectron Kinetic
• No emission of photon if hν < Ø Energy
• No emission of photon from levels with BE + Ø > hν
Valence Ef Binding
• Increase in KE oh photoelectron cause decrease ki Energy
Photon Core hole
• Photoemission intensity is represented by α. Core
• Require monochromatic beam. levels

• Each element has different value of KE for core level


A source of X-rays
X-Ray Source
An ultra high vacuum (UHV)
Ion Source
An electron energy analyzer
CMA Analyzer
 Magnetic field shielding

An electron detector system Sample introduction

A set of stage manipulators
Schematic Diagram
Hemispherical Energy Analyzer

Outer Sphere Magnetic Shield

Inner Sphere Analyzer Control

Electron Multi-Channel Plate

Lenses for Energy
Electron Multiplier
Optics Adjustment
(Retardation) Resistive Anode
X-ray Encoder
Source Position Computer
Lenses for Analysis Position Address
Area Definition Converter
Position Sensitive
Detector (PSD)
5 4 .7
 X-ray Source
Monochromatic Al Kα : hv=1486.6 eV and Mg Kα: hν = 1253.6 eV
 An Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) chamber
(Pressure < 10-9 Torr) cylindrical mirror analyzer
can also be use
 Hemispherical Analyzer
It contain positive charge on inner plate of hemisphere to attract electron and
negative charge on outer plate to repel electron which help to move electron in an
Only electrons of certain voltage can allow to pass through plates due to potential
 Data Collection System
(Detector, Analyzer Control and Computer System)
Sample preparation

 Sample preparation is not require usually. We just mount the sample and place it
for analysis
 Removal of Volatile Material with the help of pumping or by washing with a
solvent like ethanol.
 Removal of Nonvolatile Organic Contaminants by freshly distilled solvents.
 Surface Etching (surface contaminants can remove by ion sputtering and other
erosion techniques).
 Abrasion cause roughen the surface by grinding up to 600 grade paper. It
increase intensity of signal as compare to smooth surface.
XPS peak Elemental Shift

• XPS peak is plotted between No. of electrons (CPS) and B.E.

• Electron-nucleus attraction helps us identify the elements.
• Each element and orbital has different binding energy for each electron
present in it.
• The orbit which are closer to nucleus has high binding energy but low K.E
Elemental Shifts
Binding Energy (eV)
Element 2p3/2 3p 

Fe 707 53 654
Co 778 60 718
Ni 853 67 786
Cu 933 75 858
Zn 1022 89 933
Chemical Shift
• It occur due to electronegativity difference and bonding of atoms.
• Higher positive oxidation state has high BE due to interaction between emitted
electrons and nucleus.
• Differentiate between different oxidation state and chemical environment is
major use of XPS.

Functional Binding Energy

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). Group (eV)
hydrocarbon C-H, C-C 285.0
amine C-N 286.0
alcohol, ether C-O-H, C-O-C 286.5
Cl bound to C C-Cl 286.5
F bound to C C-F 287.8
carbonyl C=O 288.0
XPS Peak - Electronic effect

 The binding energy of core electron not

only depends on the energy shell level
they occupy but also on
n principle quantum number
l orbital angular quantum number
s spin angular quantum number Electronic shift
effect also known as
j total angular quantum number multiplet splitting

For orbital p
orbital angular quantum number l = 1
Spin angular quantum number s = ± 𝟏 𝟐
total angular quantum number j =𝟏 , 𝟑
𝟐 𝟐
Surface and bulk investigations of organ metal pipe degradation

 Samples of degraded organ pipe are obtain from the Sicily island where aging of
metal alloys are influenced by environment.
 These samples are investigated by XPS, EDX and XRD.
 Tin and lead are cheap metals, shiny appearance and ductile in nature so use in
organ pipes.
 Formation of tin oxide blisters, tin chloride phases and formation of lead nitrate
salts are the types of degradation observe during analysis.
 XPS was recorded In order to determine the oxidation states of elements and
their surface atomic concentration were performed on PHI 5600 system using
Al Kα Source.
 Binding energies were calculated with respect to C 1s which is ionize at 285 eV.
Because it is generally accepted to be independent of chemical state of the
sample which is under investigation.

 The colour of tin is light grey but in several places circular white areas can be
observed. Because of the degradation on the edges of the mouth and it makes
metal brittle.
 XPS analysis clearly shows the presence of nitrogen and chlorine in the samples
taken from zone completely degraded.
 The XPS atomic concentration of sample a and b contain Sn 34,84%, Cl 35,11%
and O 30,05% respectively .
By Antonio Bovelaccia, Enrico Cilibertob, Enrico Grecob, Ezio Viscusob in 2012
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages Limitations
 Non-destructive technique.  Very expensive technique.
 Surface Sensitive (10-100 Å).  High vacuum is required.
 Detection unit: ppt and some  Slow processing (1/2 to 8
conditions ppm. hours/sample).
 Quantitative measurements are  Large area analysis is required.
obtained.  H and He can not be identified.
 Provides information about chemical  Data collection is slow 5 to 10 min.
bonding.  Poor lateral resolution.
 Elemental mapping.
XPS is used to measure: Applications in the industry:
 Elemental composition of the  Failure analysis
surface (top 1–12 nm usually).  Polymer surface
 Empirical formula of pure materials.  Corrosion
 Chemical or electronic state of each  Adhesion
element in the surface.  Semiconductors
 Uniformity of composition across  Dielectric materials
the top surface (line profiling).  Thin film coatings
 Uniformity of elemental composition
as a function of ion beam etching XPSPEAK 4.1, FitXPS, CasaXPS and
(depth profiling). Spectral Data Processor (SDP) V3.0
are the softwares use for XPS analysis
• X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) by David Echevarría Torres
Erdoğan.Fatma Sırkınti

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