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Drug can lead to:

 Abuse
 Addiction
 Legal Offenses
 Serious Health Problems
 Death

Drugs- are chemicals that affect a person in such way as to bring about physiological, emotional,
behavioral change.

Dangerous drugs- are those that have high tendency for abuse and dependency, these substances
may be organic or synthetic, and pose harm those who use them.

Drug abuse- exists when a person continually uses a drug other than its intended purpose. This
continued use can lead to drug dependence, a state of a physical and psychological dependence or
both on a dangerous drug.

Drug addiction- is a complex and often chronic, brain disease. It is characterized by excessive drug
craving, seeking, and use. Addiction is caused by brain changes caused by constant drug use.

Dependency- this is the state of physical and psychological dependence, or both, on a dangerous
drug, or drugs, experienced by a person following the use of that substance on a periodic or
continuous basic. A person dependent on a drugs will experience withdrawal reactions (also known
as “cold turkey”, symptoms that occur after long-term use of a drug is reduced or stopped abruptly)
after abstaining from drugs.

1.7 million- estimated drug users in the Philippines.

More than 6 years- duration of drug use.

Polydrug use- nature of drug use.

Commonly abused substances:

 Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (shabu)

 Cannabis (Marijuana)
 Inhalants (Contact Cement)

Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (shabu)- is found to have harmful effects to the brain. It changes
how the brain functions. Studies have shown that methamphetamine abusers have reduces motor
skills and impaired verbal learning as a result of alterations in the activity of the dopamine, a
neurotransmitter involved in reward, motivation, experience of pressure, and motor function.
(shabs, ice, meth, kristal, basura, tawas, bato)

Marijuana- use impairs a person’s ability to form new memories and to shift focus. Its active
component, tetrahydrocannibinol (THC) also distrupts coordination and balance, posture and
reaction time (experience commonly referred to as “spacing out”) (weed, jutes, pot, grass, damo,
Inhalant- the effects of inhalants are similar to that of alcohol, including slurred speech, lack of
coordination, euphoria, and dizziness. Inhalant abuser may also experience lightheadedness,
hallucinations and delusions.

Reason why people turn to drugs:

 Family problems
 Peer pressure or Curiosity
 Weak personality and desire to escape from reality

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