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City of Tacurong
A.Y. 2021-2022

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________________________________________________________


I. LESSON TITLE: Jesus Rises From Death

II. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: In this lesson, you are expected to:
 explain why the Resurrection is the most important event in God’s plan of salvation,
 point out ways of showing one’s faith in the Risen Lord, and
 praise and thank God for the gift of new life brought by Jesus’ Resurrection.
III. LEARNING MATERIALS: Enjoying God’s Friendship 1; Christian Living Series; Vibal Publishing Inc.;
Pilar I. Romero, Ph.D.; Pp. 226- 230, Learning Guide 20, PowerPoint Presentation
and Zoom, laptop or smartphones
Day 1: Synchronous Approach
1. Activating Prior Knowledge: Instructions: Write the word to complete the statement.

 Easter season is the time we celebrate the _______________________of Christ.

2. Introduction: Instructions: Sing the song to celebrate Jesus’ coming back to life.

Alive, alive, alive forevermore. My Jesus is alive, alive forevermore. (2x)

Sing alleluia, sing alleluia. My Jesus is alive forevermore. (2x)
3. Presentation Through the Bible text taken from Matthew 28: 1-10, we shall discuss and learn the story on
what happened during the Resurrection of Jesus.

The Resurrection of Jesus

Early in the next morning, Sunday, Mary Magdalene and another woman came to see the tomb of Jesus.
Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, approached the tomb, rolled
back the stone and sat upon it.
He looked like lightning and his clothing was white as snow. When the guards saw the angel, they shook
with fear and fell down like dead men. Then the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid! I know that you came to
see Jesus. He is not here, for He has been raised just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Then, go
quickly and tell His disciples, “He has been raised from the dead, and He is going before you to Galilee; there you will
see Him.” Behold, I have told you.”
Then they went Wy quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce this to His
On their way to the city, Jesus met them on the road and greeted them. They approached, and worshipped
Him. Then, Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go tell My brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.”

Important Points:
 The women who were with Jesus’ disciples came to the tomb of Jesus and they were scared.
 The disciples rejoiced when they saw Jesus.
 Jesus comes back to life three days after He died.
 By coming back to life, He shows that He had the power over sin and death.
 Christ resurrected on the first day of the week, that is Sunday.

 Jesus’ Resurrection completes the work God the Father gave Him.
 The Resurrection completes the work God the Father gave Him.
 The Resurrection of Jesus gave hope to His apostles.
 Jesus’ rising from death means new life for us.
 Easter Sunday celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus.
 Easter season is the time we celebrate the resurrection of Christ who gave us hope.
 We celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection in the Mass every Sunday.
 We worship the risen Lord every Sunday when we go to Mass.

Activity 1: Instructions: Draw a heart ( ) on the line if the statement tells the truth about Easter.

________1. Easter is just like any ordinary Sunday.

________2. Easter celebrates Jesus’ Resurrection.

________3. Easter is best celebrated by having a party at home.

________4. Easter is the greatest feast in our life as Jesus’ followers.

________5. Easter Sunday is best celebrated by going to Mass.

________6. Easter is a sad event.

________7. Resurrection gives us hope that we will have eternal life.

________8. Jesus’ rising from death means new life for us.

________9. Easter the time when we recall and celebrate Jesus’ rising from death.

_______10. Easter Sunday celebrates the Birth of Jesus.

Activity 2: Instructions: Arrange the jumbled words in the box to tell the importance of Jesus’ Resurrection. Write
your answer on the line.

we celebrate, is the time, the Resurrection of Christ, Easter season,

who gave us hope.



NOTE: To my
2. Home-based Teacher Partner: Thank you for guiding the child in going through the lesson and
3. learning activities. Thank you too for allowing the child to check her/his understanding of the
in doing the
lesson by 4.answering independently and as honestly as possible the activities given. Answer keys are
provided at the end of this Learning Guide (LG) to help you go over the pupils’ answers of the activities in
Day 1.Answers to Activity 3 for Day 2 must be submitted to the teacher following the date indicated through
messenger. Thank you so much for partnering and being with us in this mode of teaching- learning delivery.

Activity 3: Instructions: Read the CFC 627 and answer the following questions.
The Importance of the Resurrection
Christ’s Resurrection is the most important event in God’s plan to save us. The Resurrection shows us how
God wants to save all of us. When Christ rose from the dead, the rule of sin is ended, our broken world has been fixed
and we become whole again. Cf. CFC 627

1. What is the most important event in God’s plan?

2. What does the resurrection show us?


V. ASSESSMENT: Instructions: Tell who or what is being described in each sentence. Write your answer on the

1. Jesus comes back to life. _______________________________________________________________

2. She went to the tomb of Jesus. __________________________________________________________

3. He was one of the apostles who went to the tomb. _______________________________________

4. It was where Jesus was buried. __________________________________________________________

5. It is the day when Christ comes back to life. ______________________________________________

Answer Key
Activity 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Activity 3: Easter season is the time we celebrate the resurrection of Christ who gave us hope.

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