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Prologue: Understanding The Hero ’ s Journey

In life we all go through a cycle called “the hero’s journey,” a concept first written about by
Joseph Campbell. It’s basically what occurs to every lead character in every story ever told. This
applies to you because this is your story, and you are the hero in your own movie called: “Life”.

Stage 1. Home
Stage 2. Call to Adventure
Stage 3. Refusing or Accepting the Call
Stage 4. Meeting the mentor
Stage 5. Crossing to the adventure
Stage 6. Struggles / Meeting enemies and allies
Stage 7. Death/Rebirth (You become a new person)
Stage 8. Slay The Dragon / Reward
Stage 9. Journey Home
Stage 10. Sharing Treasure (Uplifting your community/friends/family)
Every story starts out with the main character in an environment in which they feel comfortable,
then something happens that takes them on an adventure. They meet a mentor, face difficulties
and from the difficulties learn and grow into a new person. They take what they learn and use it
to defeat the bad guys and are rewarded. They then make the journey home with new knowledge,
experience or treasure.
It may give you a sense of comfort knowing where you currently are in the hero’s journey and what will possibly come next.
In our lives, we are constantly experiencing and repeating the hero’s journey. Some cycles take
months, and some take years.
If you are in your comfort zone and have an offer to do something new, you are currently in
Stage 2 - The Call to Adventure. It is up to you now to refuse or accept the call. Refuse it if you are
happy with where you are; accept it if you want to grow and have new experiences.
If you are currently struggling on your path, you are in Stage 6 - Struggles - where you will learn
valuable life lessons that will ultimately change you and allow you to progress to Stage 7 -
If you have reached success or obtained your “reward”, it will soon be time for you to make the
journey home and share your “treasure”, in the form of new knowledge or experiences to uplift
your community. From here, you can choose to stay and enjoy or go out on your next adventure.
Real Life Experience: This helped me and gave me a sense of comfort knowing that I wasn’t the
only one on a journey chasing my dreams. Knowing where I was on the map and knowing I was
brave enough to accept the call to adventure reassured me. I looked to this lesson when I first
came to Thailand. I had no friends and my parents were in a different country, so I struggled.
The only thing that was with me was my dreams and my shadow. I literally felt like I was a
newborn baby learning how to read and speak a new language. Fortunately, I had a mentor
named Kun Ton Lawan, and she believed in me when nobody else did. I didn’t know when I
would be successful, but I knew in my heart I would be one day.
The following chapters include all the life lessons I’ve ever learned and applied to my life. I
write this for my children; I write this for the world; and I write this for you, in hopes it can help
you on your own hero’s journey.
I Self
*1. Control Automatic Thoughts
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits becomes your destiny. – Lao Tzu

Just being aware that automatic thoughts exist can help you keep them under
control. Automatic thoughts are thoughts we ’ve conditioned oursel ves to have.
They seem like truth, but they are just instinctual interpretations. For example, when
someone cuts you off while driving, most people ’s automatic thought is, “Oh, he’s
inconsiderate, impolite, and selfish.” This thought causes you to get angry, and you
end up honking the horn, yelling, or even fighting with the person. In reality, his
wife could be giving birth in the car, or he really just has to poop.
The situation caused a thought, which caused an emotion, which lead to a behavior.
If you catch your first thought and reinterpret it in a positive way, it will trigger a
positive emotion, which will cause positive behavior.
Real-Life Experience. There have been many situations where my interpretations
led me to be uncontrolled and ungrounded. Learning that my first thoughts are not
always the truth helped me greatly. I can now reinterpret events in a way that keeps
me grounded and in control of myself. An example is when I heard someone say
something that offended me. Before I would have interpreted such speaking as
disrespect; now I interpret it as: “T his person just doesn ’t have the skill to use
language artistically.”
*2. Embrace Fear
“You must understand fear so you can manipulate it. Fear is like fire. You can make it work for
you: it can warm you in winter, cook you r food when you ’re hungry, give you light when you
are in the dark, and produce energy. Let it go out of control and it can hurt you, even kill
you … Fear is a friend of exceptional people. ”
– Geoff Thompson
Being smart and being afraid are very similar things. The person who says he is afraid of nothing
is more likely stupid than brave. This person is not smart enough to know the risks inherent with
life. A brave person is one full of fear and aware of the risks but still decides to take action.
Bravery is not being fearless, it is having fear, but being able to take action in the presence of
We are taught early on to not be afraid. Though the ones who teach this mean well, fear is a basic
human instinct that keeps us alive. It is good, for example, that we fear lions.. If I wasn’t afraid
of a lion that barged into my room, that lion would kill me. Fear makes us use our brain; it allows
us to create tools to overcome lions.
There are two types of fear:
1. Fear that makes you still.
Example: You are thinking so much you freeze - we could call this “analysis paralysis.”
The more you sit and think, the more fearful you become. This fear can be deadly and will make
you miss out on opportunities.
2. Fear that makes you move.
Example: Let’s return to the previous analogy of running away from a lion. It is the fear
that makes you take action and the fear that makes you prepare yourself. This type of fear is
useful. It will make you run from the lion. Fear that makes you move will also cause you to study
the beast. In this way you will be able to create the proper tools to protect yourself from it.
Use fear to make yourself study and gain knowledge about what you ’ re afraid of.
Knowledge can destroy all fear.
“We fear what we do not understand. Learn about what you are afraid of, and you will fear
less… understand it completely and you will be fearless. ” – Sean Buranahiran
(Sword Picture)
Real-Life Experience: In California, in the year 2010, I was 19 years old. At that time I competed
in a Muay-Thai fight. The month leading up to the fight I was scared. Every time I would think
about my opponent, I would be scared. This fear gave me the motivation to train harder and
longer than usual. This fear was making me prepare. I would train my fear away.
Looking back, if I had access to videos of my opponent fighting, I would have watched them to
study his techniques closely each day. I ’d search to find his weaknesses and his strengths. This
would be so that I could press his weaknesses and avoid his strengths when I fought him. Sadly,
there weren ’t any videos of him on YouTube. The day of the fight, I walked into the back room
where the fighters were and accidentally saw him hitting pads. I stayed and watched him from
the corner of my eye. I remember feeling very sneaky. From this brief observation I could see he
was a puncher, not a kicker. I knew those types of people hate being kicked, and I knew to stay
away from his hands. Luckily, I loved kicking. After getting this information about him, I felt
more prepared and less fearful.
I prepared myself to fight him all three rounds. My strategy was to take the first round slow, go
hard on the second round, and avoid him in the third because I figured I ’d have more points
than him by then. But not everything goes according to plan … becau se I kicked him in the head
during the first round and knocked him out.
Preparing myself for the fight lessened my fear 40%. Learning my opponent ’s strengths and
weaknesses lessened my fear another 40%.
If I saw the future and knew I would beat him, I would be 100% fearless. But since we don ’t
have that ability, let’ s make use of the 20% of fear remaining. Using that 20% we can maintain
awareness that our opponent is dangerous and know that anything can happen. Keep that fear and
it will help you be in the present moment. I ’ve seen many fighters lose when they were cocky
and thought their opponents were harmless. This is an example of where having no fear gets you
So we must change the way we look at fear. Fear is a positive emotion, and it is a useful
emotion. Knowing this alone will change you.
*3. Limiting Beliefs
One day a young boy saw a giant elephant tied to a small stick in the ground with a
rope. There were no chains or cages. The boy asked the elephant trainer why the
elephant didn ’t just run away? It could obviously just pull the rope and the stick
out of the ground. The trainer replied, “When they were young and much smaller,
we use the same sized rope to tie them, and at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As
they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe
the rope can sti ll hold them, so they never try to break free. ” The young boy was
amazed. These animals could at any time break free, but because they believed they
couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.
Many of us were taught when we were younger that certain things were impossible.
But as the world develops and moves forward, things that were once impossible are
now possible. Just because something seemed impossible when you were younger
doesn ’t mean it still is. You can make anything possible.
People once thought it was impossible to fly and even more impossible to get to the
moon. Technology and science have made almost everything possible. You just
need to have the courage to believe and let go of your limiting beliefs. That thought
that says, “You can’t do it. Get rid of it, because it’s a limiting belief like the giant
elephant being held by the tiny rope. You can break free from the chains of your
limiting thoughts.
Tip: Wear a rubber band around your wrist, every time a limiting belief comes up,
pull the rubber band let it go. Your mind will begin to correlate pain to your limiting
beliefs, and you will have them less. After you do this say, “I can do it.”
*4. Ignore the Critics
A truly happy person will not say something to make someone else feel bad. Someone who says
things to make others feel bad is like a cup water … full and overflowing with their own
insecurities and thus spills them onto you. What they’re saying has less to do you with you and
more to do with how they feel about themselves.
Truly successful people usually encourage others. Because of this, real successes will never talk
down to you or discourage you. If you have experienced hurtful words without justification,
don ’t spend time on plotting revenge. Time will show it is very likely their life will remain in
the same place: stunted of growth and progress.
It is normal for hurtful people to spend time worrying and commenting on other people ’s lives
instead of their own. This behavior naturally keeps them in the same place. They are in pain and
know of no other way of dealing with it. So focus on bettering your life and nature will take care
of them.
One of the hardest things I had to learn was how to ignore the critics, especially the ones who
are your friends and family. Most people don’t do things because they fear what other people
will think about them. We’re afraid of what they’ll say when we f ail. What I did was I didn ’t let
anyone know what I was doing. I worked in silence and failed in silence. I also only spent time
with people who were on a similar journey to mine. We cannot avoid criticism or let the fear of
criticism govern our lives. A q uote that helped me get over the fear of criticism goes, “ To
avoid criticism, don ’t say anything, don’t think anything, don't do anything.”
Opposing Thoughts: Critics can be good for you, but not in the beginning stages. I think people
need more encouragement in the beginning. Having critics later on can help save you money
since you won ’t need to hire a consultant to tell you what you’re doing wrong. Criticism is also
good as long as it can be used to make you better. Just as you want to be wary of hateful
criticism, also be wary of excessive compliments. After you ’re well on your path, only hearing
good things can hurt you. This is because you won ’t hear the bad things you need to in order to
grow. Khun Khao said, “If you want someone to fail, you can either criticize them all the time or
compliment them all the time.”
“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that bark s. ”
Real-Life Experience: A time when I didn ’t completely ignore a critic was when I first came to
Thailand with the offer to become an actor. I started to practice reading and speaking Thai. I
would go to a gym near me every day, and when I was done with my workout I would read a
Thai book. One day I was sitting beside the pool and a person I did not know started a
conversation with me and asked “What are you doing in Thailand?” I told him that I am here to
act… and to my surprise he told me I wouldn ’t be a ble to do anything here because my Thai
was so horrible and I was wasting my time. I was extremely angry but didn ’t argue with him. I
just ended the conversation quickly. Although half of what he said was true, the other half
wasn’t. What was true was that my Thai was horrible. What wasn ’t true was that I was wasting
my time and that I should do something else. I found I would be angry every time I thought of
him. So I promised myself every time I got angry, I would read a chapter in a Thai book out
loud to practice. I turned the negative emotions he gave me into something positive and
productive. I hope this example can help you do the same if you ever face a situation like this.
*5. Don ’t Co mpare Yourself
“Don’t compare your Chapter 1 to somebody else’s Chapter 20.”
Peacock & The Crow:
Once upon a time, there was a happy crow who lived in a forest. One day, he flew by a lake and
saw a family feeding and taking pictures of a swan. He thought to himself, “Wow, that swan is
so white and so beautiful! People love it and want to feed it. When people see me, they chase me
away. That bird must be the happiest bird in the world.” So the crow decided to fly over and ask
the swan, “How does it feel to be the happiest bird in the world?” The swan replied, “I thought I
was the happiest bird in the world, until I saw a parrot. The parrot has two colors, while I only
have one. You should ask him what it feels like to be the happiest bird in the world.” So the crow
flew over to the parrot and asked, “What does it feel like to be the happiest bird in the world?”
The parrot replied, “I thought I was the happiest bird in the world, until I saw a peacock. The
peacock has many colors, while I only have two. You should ask the peacock how it feels to be
the happiest bird in the world.” The crow flew over to the zoo and saw hundreds of people
gathered around taking pictures of the peacock. He flew over to the peacock and said, “Oh dear
peacock, you are so beautiful and hundreds of people come to visit you every day. You must be
the happiest bird in the world. How does it feel?” The peacock replied, “I thought I was the
happiest bird in the world, but my beauty has gotten me trapped in this cage. I’ve spent many
years in here. I’ve seen parrots and swans in other cages, and I realized that the only bird that is
not captured and caged… is the crow. The crow is free and able to go wherever he wants. So my
friend, I must ask you, “How does it feel to be the happiest bird in the world?”
Moral of the story: don’t compare yourself to other people, because you don’t know the bad parts
of their life. You only see what’s on the surface. Focus on yourself and your strengths. Focus on
looking at what you have, not what other people have. I made a video telling this story on social
media, and I’m not surprised that the Crown Prince of Dubai shared my video. I’m sure a lot of
people think he lives a wonderful life but don’t see deep down what he goes through. We all
suffer, and we all have joy. Pay attention to your joy, and you will surely be happy.
Imagine you are running in a race and looking at other people. You gaze up at the people way
ahead of you and back towards the people catching up from behind you. Looking around takes
away from your concentration, and as you do it, you may slip and fall. The best thing for you to
do is to focus on yourself, your breathing and your running (action taking). Placing your
attention on how well other people are doing slows you down, so stop doing it.
The only person we should compare ourselves with is the person we were yesterday. If you are a
better person than you were yesterday, than you’ve already won.
Real-Life Example: I know these days it’s extremely hard to be happy with social media
bombarding us with updates on what everyone and their mom is doing. I unfollowed many
people; those who constantly posted depressing news, those who posted inappropriate pictures,
and those who constantly posted about how good their lives were. It’s okay for you to unfollow
them if they inspire negative emotions within you. You don’t need to be constantly reminded
about how much fun they’re having or how happy they are. Follow people who motivate you,
who post interesting topics, and who make you feel good.
Tip: I’ve seen people post pictures when they go out, and when I actually go out with them, they
have a horrible time. But when it comes time to take a picture, they smile and make it seem like
they’re having the time of their lives. I can only imagine the number of people that do this. Don’t
let the pictures fool you: you are seeing only what people want to portray.
*6. Self-Respect “Treat Yourself Like S omeone You
Love ”
“ You cannot expect other people to respect you, if you do not respect yourself first. ”
Take all the love you want to give someone else, and learn to give it to yourself. Compliment
yourself, surprise yourself, take yourself places to try new things . Think of yourself as
somebody who you can to give love to.
First, ask yourself, how you would treat somebody you love? Would you encourage them to eat
healthy food? Would you take them to try new experiences such as surfing? Or sign them up to
learn karate? Do those nice things for yourself. Caring for and learning to love yourself is how
you will find another person with whom you can share your love.
Love is not two people finding someone to fulfill them to be happy. Love is two fulfilled people,
choosing to be happy together.
Real Life Experience: A quote I read that changed my life was , “ If you make friends with
yourself you will never be lonely. ” After that, I would take myself on movie dates or on
adventures to places I had never been. I would look in the mirror and compliment myself
because nobody else would. This self-talk really helps. Speaking to yourself in an uplifting way
is the beginning of self-love.
“ Self-Love begins with Self-Talk ”
*7. Be Proud of Your Scars – Let Go of The Past
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are liv ing in the present. ” - Lao Tzu
The past is what made you who you are today. Every experience you’ve ever had and every
person you ’ ve ever met helped create you today. And today, we have met. So I thank everyone
who has ever loved you, or hurt you, for helping us meet. You are exactly where you need to be,
and you will become exactly who you need to become. It is time to be proud of your scars,
because they ’ ve made you stronger. The divine gives the hardest fights to its strongest soldiers.
You ’ ve come a long way, and if you weren ’ t strong enough, you wouldn ’t be here right now.
There are currently people going through what you have gone through and they are still
struggling. You already made it out alive. You are a symbol of strength for those people. Don ’ t
give up . Keep going, and be proud of your past.

“The way to let go of your past is to be proud of it, know it is what made you who
you are today.”.
*8. Be Adaptable
“ It is not the strongest species that survive,
nor the most intelligent,
it is the ones most adaptable to change. ” – Charles Darwin
When I first came to Thailand, I was lucky to read a book which taught me some very important
lessons. When you first arrive to a new environment, try your best not to stand out — learn how
to blend in and observe everything.
Observe who is at the top and why; who is on the downturn and why; who has the power; who
does all the information go through, and so forth.
Things like this helped me adapt to a new culture and new social groups. I learned that no matter
how much I liked the way I dressed, my culture, or my way of thinking from abroad — the best
thing for me to do was to dress in a socially acceptable way for the area I was in and adapt to the
local cultural customs.
I accredit a lot of my success on social media to my understanding of the culture. If I came into a
country with only my ideals and forced them onto people — I ’m sure it wouldn’t have been as
effecti ve as learning the culture and acting according to what was acceptable first.
For example, Americans are taught to be assertive, confident, use body language, and to speak
loudly while using clear and concise language. But at the time of writing this book, according to
Thai culture, being loud, confident, and assertive with a lot of body language is off-putting to
most people. Some may interpret this behavior as the person thinking they ’re better than others
(even if that is not the case). This is why my approach t o interacting with people accustomed to
American culture would be different than interacting with those accustomed to Thai culture. For
instance, I would not speak on a stage in America the same way I would on a stage in Thailand. I
would still be myself, only a different side of myself would show on stage.
It is best for everyone to adapt and learn about the place they are in before taking any action.
Whether you are in a different social group, state, or country. Actually, a good way to think of it
is to imagine new places you experience as if you are on a different planet. In this way you are
more inclined to learn and adapt to your new environment.
*9. Be Open-Minded
“The mark of an intelligent mind is the ability to entertain an idea without fully accepting it. ” –
When someone says something which challenges our beliefs, we may automatically deny the
idea. This is because it ’ s changing the fabric of our reality and the way we perceive the world.
Instead of debating, or simply not listening to them, tell yourself that this is just the way they
view the world, and it may be useful to hear this person ’ s point of view.
“ If you live 100 years, you have to learn 100 years. ”
Entertaining the idea doesn ’t mean you accept it. Once you listen to it, you may come to better
conclusions in the future; you may be able to combine ideas, or you may understand that there
are many types of people in the world who believe strange things. Either way, you learn so much
and become a better person for it. You open yourself up to a whole new world of ideas and
people. This alone puts you far ahead of the game.
“ If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room. ”
*10. Question Yourself
A wise man is always questioning himself.
“The person who is always confident isn ’t the wisest.
Because a wise man is always questioning if what he
is doing … if what he is thinking... is right or not. ”
Once upon a time, the greatest fighter in the world asked his coach, “Coach, if you were
teaching someone to beat me in a fight, how would you advise them to beat me?”
As they continued speaking, the coach then shared the greatest fighter ’s weaknesses with him,
pointing out his flaws. With this new awareness, the greatest fighter then set to work on fixing
Every chance I get to meet a successful person, I ask them the same question,
“What is the best life advice you can give me that I can apply to my life right now? ” One of the
answers I got was to stay away from “yes” men. Get the people who are always complimenting
you and agreeing with you out of your life. Those people do not help you grow. You want to be
around supportive people who also help you look at things from a different angle.
Surrounding yourself with people who are afraid to tell you when they think you ’re doing
something wrong will distort your reality. You will develop an ego and arrogance, whi ch will
ultimately lead to a fatal mistake.
Tip: It helps to be behave in such a way that others feel safe enough to tell you what they think.
What I do very often is I ask people who I consider close, “Is there anything you see that I can
improve on?” Y ou can get them ready by saying, “Please be honest. I won’t get mad. I want to
improve, and your honesty will help me.”
Real Life Experience:
I recently took a trip back to my hometown in California. I asked close friends and family of
mine. “Can you please tell me how I’ve changed? In both positive and negative ways?” This
was very important to me because I had not seen them for years! It ’ s amazing when you get to
hear your strengths and weaknesses. It is an important thing to do for self-development. It ’ s
also very important to ask yourself these hard questions.
Here are some examples of questions you can ask yourself:
● How am I being? How have I changed?
● Is my ego out of control?
● What are my weaknesses?
● How can I improve on them?
Questions that challenge the very core of who you are, are vital for your growth and sustained
*11. Think Differently
“If you think like everybody else, you aren’t thinking.”
From time to time, think the opposite of what other people are thinking. It ’s a good
practice and good exercise for the brain. I personally like to question popular beliefs
and ask myself, “How can I look at this from a different angle?”. Thinking about an
idea differently and questioning it allows the opportunity for that idea to grow.
People questioning your ideas is not bad because if they find holes or better ways of
thinking, in the end, it is beneficial for humanity. You may make a new discovery,
advance technology, or create a new philosophy!
Real-Life Example:
The following statement is just a random idea that I do not believe to be fact. It is
purely imaginative for entertainment purposes (reader discretion is advised):
One day, I was exploring the idea of the existence of aliens. Many people like to
say, “The universe is so vast, there must be life somewhere!” I decided to play with
this idea by thinking the opposite of this belief. I said, “What if the universe has
been trying to create life th is whole time, and our solar system and our earth was
the only successful and sustainable one? ” Stay with me here.
Imagine that the universe has been trying to create life so it decided to make many
galaxies and planets. Some with three suns, some with ten moons, some with a lot of
planets at varying distances. All of this effort from the universe with one goal,
creating life, similar to planting many seeds to see which one would grow. Our solar
system happened to get lucky with one sun, one moon, and the perfect distance
separating from the Earth.
That is my hypothesis of how life on Earth could be the only life in the universe.
Although it may sound crazy, I encourage all of you to do similar exercises in
thinking differently. All innovative and world changing ideas once sounded crazy.
One of you might be right, and you may change the world.
*12. Think Legacy
A lot of people want their actions to reap the rewards instantly. This
is short-term thinking, which is not bad , but d ifferent types of
thinking must be applied in different situations . For example, I was
taught I should think differently if I wanted to reach the top . I was
taught to think how my actions could affect me in 10, 20 years , even
my entire lifetime. It makes more sense to me to do things that will
last the rest of my life, instead of doing things that will last for a
moment or a couple of years. I have turned down many job offers
which paid well in order to keep my reputation. I feel my reputation
is much more valuable, especially since, unlike many jobs, it will last
me a lifetime.
I was also taught to think your legacy is greater than your currency.
I ’ m not saying you can ’ t have both, because it ’ s possible. But if I
were to ever make a decision , my legacy always comes first. And if
a decision affected my long-term legacy in a negative way, I would
not accept the offer, no matter how much money was offered or how
badly I needed it.
Tip: Think of how your actions today will affect how you will be
remembered after you die.
*13. Everything Depends on the Context and Situation
This may seem like common knowledge, but after seeing so many comments online, I realized I
needed to write this short chapter. There is not an idea or quote that is true for every situation.
Take these statements for example, “ Distance makes people miss each other and love each other
more, ” and its opposite, “ Distance makes people forget about each other. ” These statements
are both true within the right context, but they are opposing ideas. Their application depends on
the specific context and situation they ’re used in .
The relationship that spends too much time together needs distance. A relationship where they
rarely see each other doesn ’t need distance.
As you can see, all ideas, quotes, and concepts need to be applied to the right situation.
You can have two opposing ideas such as: “Believe in Yourself” and “Always Question
Yourself” . They are opposites but are also both necessary to embody. There will be times when
you have to believe in yourself 100%, and there will be times when you have to question if what
you are doing is right. It is up to you to decide what is right for the specific time and place you
are in.
So next time you hear someone say, “That isn’t true in all situations, ” them, “You’re right… it
all depends on the context.”
II Social
90% of “luck” is given to us by other people. If we look back at our lives, we’ll see where people
gave us opportunities to get ahead. The more people you meet, the more opportunities arise. This
section of the book will explore ideas on how to be a human being other people will enjoy being
around , thus increasing your chances of success.
14. *Choose The People You Surround
Yourself With Wisely
Sick people get other people sick if you’re around them too long. Lazy people, complainers, and
people that doubt themselves… with enough time spent around them, they will have an influence
on you.
Get the people who make you feel heavy in your heart, who weigh you down, who make you
doubt yourself, and who are constantly complaining out of your life, or go somewhere else far
away from them.
You can either fade away by saying, “Hey friend! I’m really focused on working to achieve my
life goals... You are always in my thoughts. I wish you well, and good luck with everything you
do… if anything changes, I will let you know and we can catch up in the future.” That way you
do not create any enemies or bad feelings towards each other.
You are telling the truth because you are busy bettering yourself. You are creating a new
environment that supports self-development. So go ahead and tell them you’re busy. You can be
busy for months working on this self-development project.
Real Life Experience: I had a conversation with a successful man who said it’s hard for him to
cut people out of his life because he gets attached and feels empathetic toward them. I, on the
other hand, find it extremely easy to stay away from people who slow me down or waste my
time (but who knows, it may change in the future). I didn’t see it as I didn’t like the person. I saw
it rather as a need to give love to myself and better myself.
Opposing thoughts: I pondered the idea, “Are you abandoning your friends?” No. Think of it this
way: if you and your friend are hanging off the edge of a cliff, it would be difficult for you to
help him while you too are hanging. It’s easier for you to help pull him up after you’ve climbed
up first. So, take the time to develop yourself, and when you are strong enough you can come
back to help your friend more effectively.
The process of self-development takes time - years even - so your friends may feel bad, but in
the end they will thank you. And if they are truly your friends… they will understand. So go
spend time with people who you want to be like. Learn from them. Learn from everyone. Learn
the way people think, how and why they do the things they do. The following chapters will
explore ideas about how to find a mentor, how to ask them quality questions, and how to behave
socially in these new environments.
15. *Manners
“Manners will take you where money cannot.”
If you don’t have money or power, manners and kindness make for great alternative currencies
for meeting people. Manners and kindness will open doors for you in ways you never would
have imagined. I’m not saying be kind only to those who will benefit you. You must treat the
janitor with the same respect you do a CEO. True kindness is when you can be nice to people
who cannot benefit you. It must become a part of your character — always, not only when you
see fit. Being kind and courteous to random people changed my life, and here are three real life
examples of how it happened.
Real-Life Example #1: I was eating at a restaurant one night, and I saw an old man who needed
help getting to his car. I helped to open his car door and carried what was in his hand. He
thanked me, and we ended up having a long conversation. The restaurant was closing, but he was
a very respected person in military, so they opened the restaurant and let us inside. He, his
assistant, and I were sitting down talking. He gave me the best life advice I’ve ever received. He
told his assistant, “please take a picture for us, because one day this kid will be famous.” This
man changed the course of my life forever. A few years later when I became a well-known
public figure, I called him after not contacting him ever since that day. We had a nice time
catching up, and I told him I’m famous now and thanked him for that day. He laughed and said,
“This is one of the first successes you will have in life, and there are many more to come.”
Real-Life Example #2: One day many years ago my father helped out a man at his workplace.
My father would always see this Thai man who dressed in faded old shirts, shorts, and sandals.
My dad thought he didn’t have much money. One day, my dad asked this man if he would like
some free food because he has some Pad See Ew (Thai Noodles) in the back. This man, surprised
by my dad’s kindness, became his friend. It turns out that he was one of the wealthiest and most
influential Thai persons in California. This man helped me meet Kun Ton Lawan Kancati, the
owner of JSL, who gave me an opportunity to come to Thailand and mentored me to become
who I am today.
Real-Life Example #3: In 2015 I was eating at my favorite restaurant in Thailand, formerly
known as Rub Rom Rim Nam (now it’s named Zap Rim Nam in Nonthaburi). There is indoor
and outdoor seating. I was eating indoors. It started raining, and I saw that the pillows outside
were getting drenched. So put down my fork and spoon, ran outside to help collect the pillows
and seat cushions. Next week, I come back to the restaurant and the owner came to speak to me.
She said her employees spoke of my kindness and offered me a 20% discount card for the rest of
my life. I eat there every day now.
Tips: Fast hand, fast feet, fast think. The moment you see someone that might need help, walk to
them quickly, move things quickly, or help them carry something quickly. The fast think part
means don’t think and just do. When we see someone needing help, we usually think, “will
someone else help?” Everyone thinks that, so there is a delay when someone needs help. Once
you cut out the thinking and move in to help, it’s faster.
Last but not least: sharing. Just like my father offered to share Pad See Ew. It’s funny to think
that one of the reasons I’m here today is because my dad offered someone Thai noodles.
“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and
every kindness, we birth our future.” ― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
16. *Social Awareness
The root of all social awareness is to observe. Observe if the other person looks tired. Observe if
they seem anxious to go somewhere. And make sure you ask them instead of interpreting for
yourself because you may interpret incorrectly. If it seems they are doing something important,
you can ask if they’re busy, but do not interrupt them.
All this seems like common knowledge. But after going out and meeting so many people, I found
this is not the case for most people. Not long ago I had no social awareness, and I am still
working on bettering myself today. The key is observing others. What usually happens is some
people think about themselves in a social situation and forget to observe the people around them.
Problems I’ve seen include people talking about themselves too much when nobody asked about
them. Talking about things they’re interested in with no idea if the other people are interested.
Talking too long. Asking questions is good, but you must also observe if the other person is
ready to answer your questions. Asking too many questions is also bad. Make sure that person
seems interested in what you are asking, or if they have fun thinking and answering your
questions. Are they smiling or animated when they explain? Or are they giving you short
answers and look tired?
I stay away from people that talk about what they want whenever they want without observing if
other people are ready to listen. So don’t do it, especially if you want to be around people you
want to learn from.
Real Life Experience: When I was 19, I talked about myself a lot when I met a celebrity couple
at an event. I was trying to impress them. They never talked to me again. I look back and cringe
inside. But it was a good learning lesson. I wish I asked more about them, shared only a little
about myself and offered my services. If you want to learn from someone and get their contact
information, you can offer your services if they ever need help doing anything.
Tips: Ask 5 people around you your strengths and weaknesses and how you can improve
17. *Mentorship
A lot of successful entrepreneurs or writers had mentors, and they all suggest finding one if you
aspire to improve.
Alexander the Great is considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all time. He was
mentored by Aristotle; Aristotle was mentored by Plato; Plato was a student of Socrates.
We are lucky today because we can learn from these people. We have books, we have
documentaries, and we have internet. If you can’t find a quality mentor around you, you can find
any mentor you need online. But if you’re lucky to have access to someone doing what you want
to do, offer to help them with anything they need. You can be around them and absorb
everything they have to offer. Meet them once or twice a month for lunch, prepare questions, and
do what they suggest so they see that you are a good student.
“The person you will be in 5 years depends on the information you receive now and the people
you surround yourself with.”.
Real Life Experience: You can have many mentors (just I like did). I didn’t have many
financially free and happy people around me growing up, so I found them all online. I listened to
Joe Rogan and Elliott Hulse. They both swear, but they also both keep it real. They also
interview interesting people, so they opened my mind to a lot of different ideas. I listened to
them 24/7 after isolating myself so I could become successful. They became my best friends.
They say your income is the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. My
online mentors were financially free and happy. So I knew if I listened to them all the time, I
would eventually earn financial freedom as well.
Tips: This may seem like common sense, but it’s worth repeating. Don’t annoy your mentor by
talking too much. Be helpful. Be a good listener, and ask questions you’ve already tried
answering yourself.
18. *Asking Questions
“Do not measure someone’s intelligence by what they say but by the questions they ask.”
I am more impressed by people asking quality questions rather than them telling me things they
know. Try to ask quality questions you truly want to know. Ask questions related to the field in
which the person is an expert. Practice asking yourself questions and answer them. Personally, I
love asking people about how they got to where they are and how they became the person they
are today. I’m genuinely fascinated by people’s life stories because there is so much you can
learn from other people’s experiences, but again, observe if that person is ready to answer your
“Knowledge is having the right answer. Intelligence is asking the right questions.”
Here’s an easy four-step process to asking the right questions:
1. Ask yourself what the other person is good at.
2. Ask them about their expertise.
3. 5 W's: Who, What, Where, When, Why
4. The BIG H — How?
1. This person is good at writing.
2. Do you like writing?
3. Who got you into writing? What do you like about writing? Where did you
meet the person that introduced you to writing? When did you start? Why do you
like it?
4. How do I start writing? (This is where you can learn. When people start talking
about things they like doing, they tell a lot.).

Tips: Phrase questions in a way that help the person think of the answer faster for example.
“ What makes you most happy? ” may take them a while to answer because it ’ s too broad.
Instead try asking “ What do you do to relax after working a long day? ” , as this will help them
not have to think so much and answer quicker.
19. *Humility: Never make others feel less
than you.
“ The Higher You Go, The More Humble You Must Become. ” .

It seems like people do the opposite: the higher they go, the higher they act. But making yourself
seem better and higher than others may feed your ego and make you feel good about yourself,
but it does more harm than good. It seems opposite of what everyone thinks, but if you look
closely, a lot of the people who are highly successful and well-known are also humble and
friendly. Will Smith, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Gary Vaynerchuk. They have high
achievements, but they emphasize being down to earth when around people. I once heard that
Will Smith introduces himself and shake hands with everyone in the room. Whether this is true
or not, it is a very good rumor to have going around. Will Smith knows that humility is a
powerful weapon.
You may not do it intentionally, but when you make yourself seem better than other people, you
may make people feel less than you. You invoke jealousy in others, and that can create
unnecessary enemies when they could have been allies. You may think it’s their problem for
being jealous. This could be true, but if you care about your potential audience, friends, or
family, take this into consideration and lessen the chances of people getting envious and
speaking about you badly. I don’t blame others. I take full responsibility when other people
become envious of me and speak about me in a negative way. I ask myself: Was there anything I
could have done to prevent this? Is there a way I could have acted more humbly? If I really look
and find that the answer is no, I realize it’s no longer my problem and that they are the ones with
insecurity issues.
If we purposely try to make ourselves seem higher, we may also have some insecurity issues to
work on. The only time we will ever have to talk ourselves up or make ourselves look good is
when we don’t feel good about ourselves to begin with. If you’re good, you know you’re good,
you wouldn’t try to convince anybody else, unless you’re a fighter like Muhammed Ali or Conor
McGregor, who constantly say “I’m the greatest!” Those guys are public figures that play a role.
They need to make people believe in them, but I’m sure they don’t sit around with their family
and friends talking themselves up; that’s only for the cameras. So if you ever catch yourself
talking yourself up, you may want to look inside and see what’s going on and how you can
improve in that area of your life.
Real Life Experience: I trained in Muay-Thai with my friends. My friend Lambert, who was the
best fighter out of all of us, would always say he wasn’t good. He never talked about how good
he was because he was secure. There was another person that bragged about how good he was
and tried to teach me how to kick (it was horribly ineffective). He then challenged me to a fight,
and I knocked him out in five seconds with a kick to the ribs. Safe to say he wasn’t that good at
Tip: Staying humble makes people want to help you more. You may be given an opportunity you
might not have received if the other person thought you were already well-off.
20. *Let your actions do the talking
“Actions speak louder than words.”.
One of the worst things in life is someone who talks and talks but doesn’t do what he says.
Please don’t be one of these people and please don’t waste your time with these types of people.
Talk less and do more. Work in silence and let your success be the noise. I’ve surprised my
family many times. Once, I just came home with a kickboxing trophy. I didn’t tell anyone I was
training to become a Muay-Thai champion, or that I was going to fight. I just did it. My motto
was always: Work in silence and talk about it once it’s done.
I started making videos online, and I always thought, “I’m going to do this so well and build my
name to the point that my mentors and my friends back home would hear about what I’m doing
from other people… not from my own mouth.” And it happened. All of my mentors, everyone
that I respected or considered a friend has contacted me, saying they see what I am doing and are
very proud. I always prided myself for having this “work in silence and let your success be the
noise” attitude.
If you spend time talking about it, that is time you wasted when you could have been doing it. If
you haven’t anything to show for it yet, don’t talk to other people, unless it is for ideas and you
respect their opinion.
Real-Life Experience: I had the opportunity to have a drink with Tony Jaa from the famous
action movies “Ong Bak” and “The Fast and the Furious”. Even though he already achieved
world fame, I asked him if he still had dreams he’d like to accomplish. He said yes, but chose not
to speak about them. He explains he’s been this way since he was a child. He doesn’t tell people
about his dreams; instead, he protects them and pursues them. I feel that when you keep your
plans to yourself, it builds a great fire inside of you, and it drives you to take action. But when
you speak about it, you are letting some of the fire out, and the drive you have lessens. So keep it
inside, let that fire burn, and let it drive you to take action and accomplish your goals.
21. *Hold Your Tongue
“A smart person knows what to say.
A wise person knows whether or not to say it.”

One day, as Michelangelo was sculpting a statue of a powerful man in Florence named Soderini.
Soderini considered himself an expert in fine art and told Michelangelo although he thought the
piece was magnificent, the nose was too big. Michelangelo realized that Soderini was standing
right under the sculpture which made the nose look bigger. Michelangelo did not tell him this
because he did not want to damage the man’s pride or make him look bad in front of other
people. Michelangelo lead Soderini up the stairs, grabbed some marble dust and pretended to
chisel at the nose. He slowly dropped the marble dust he had in his hand making it seem like he
was working on the nose. Michelangelo finished and Soderini said, “I like it better. You’ve made
it come alive!”
Michelangelo knew that by changing the nose, he would ruin it. But Soderini prided himself on
his knowledge of art. So to offend such a man by arguing over such a thing as ‘perspective’
would be foolish and likely to damage Michelangelo’s reputation as well as his chances of
getting future work. His solution was to creatively satisfy Soderini’s need to have input so he
could feel he helped make the statue perfect. Michelangelo found a way to preserve the
perfection of his statue, and at the same time made Soderini believe he had improved it.
Sometimes we want to be right or seem intelligent, and we forget that it might make someone
else look bad. There are many times that I did not correct someone in a live interview because I
knew it would embarrass them in front of many people. If we care only about being right or
looking smart, we can hurt other people, but if that person is in a position of power, they can also
choose to hurt us. We must remember to help other people save face.
“The problem in trying to prove a point or gain a victory through argument is that in the end you
can never be certain how it affects the person you're arguing with. They may appear to agree
with you politely, but inside they may resent you, or perhaps something you said inadvertently
offended them. words have that insidious ability to be interpreted according to the other person’s
mood and insecurities.”
22. *Seeing other people’s strength
“Our power comes not from suppressing others but uplifting them.”
I’ve had the honor of being around many great leaders. All possess the gift of making the people
around them feel good about themselves. They make people feel special and important. They
empower other people, and by doing so it makes people want to work hard for them.
Real recognizes real. It takes talent to recognize talent. If you can see the strength in other
people, it means you have strength. That’s why I didn’t care for people that couldn’t see my
potential. I thought to myself, “Their eyes aren’t high enough.” They can’t see what makes me
special because they don’t have it in themselves. And I honored those who could see it in me
because it meant they had it in themselves. So, seeing strength in other people is a sign that you
have strength within yourself.
This society is trained to see people’s weaknesses. We must uplift each other more nowadays.
People love hearing about their strengths. If you can see other people’s strength, you can see
more clearly how you can work together. You will collaborate in a more effective way, thus
taking you closer to your dreams and to success.
23. *Authenticity
“When you are authentic, you create a certain energy, people want to be around you because you
are unique.” - Andie MacDowell
Being authentic starts with self-acceptance. Saying to yourself that you like how you are, and
you don’t care how people will look at you or think of you, because you are OK with yourself.
There are people that act like they don’t care by acting aggressive and tough, but that is just to
create armor and protect themselves. The feeling of not letting the opinions of others opinions
affect you is more graceful and relaxing, not aggressive.
“Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity.” - Janet
Louise Stephenson
Authenticity is something that cannot be taught. It comes from self-acceptance and accepting that
not everyone will like you. What matters most is that you are happy with yourself. You will
attract the right people by being yourself, and you will filter out the people that aren’t right for
your life.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest
accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you are shy, you can be shy. If you are quiet, be quiet. There is no need to try to puff up your
chest, speak loudly, and try to act confident. People can feel fakeness. Here is something you can
practice: Finding strength in what you think are your flaws.
Real Life Example: I was told I was too sensitive and saw it as a weakness for a long time. Then
I saw that it allowed me to be inspired very easily to write, create videos, and be empathetic. I
was told that my accent and my slow speech was a weakness, but those are the things that make
me unique and helped with my storytelling. If I acted like everyone else did on social media
because I thought that’s what people wanted, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Everyone at that
time acted super energized, spoke loudly and quickly with a lot of body language, but I did the
exact opposite. I spoke slowly, calmly with very little movement. I was just being me.
Whatever you see as a weakness within yourself, practice finding the strength and be proud of it.
That is the first step towards authenticity. It is a powerful weapon because people will not know
why they are drawn to you. They will want to be like you, not exactly like you, but FREE like
you are from the prison of other people ’s opinions . They won ’t know what it is. But deep
down, you have inspired them. Because one of the hardest things to do is to be yourself in a
world that is constantly trying to change you. Just by being around you, other people feel safer
to be themselves.
24. *Being Honest Is Always Easier
We lie when we are afraid or need to protect ourselves. I’m not saying to tell everyone
everything, or tell your competitors all your secrets; in this case, I’m talking about social
situations. Being honest and open, telling people how you truly feel and what you want, is
transparency. People gravitate towards that because there aren’t many honest and transparent
people nowadays. It’s a breath of fresh air. So, you can be that breath of fresh air for other
Whenever I am in a difficult situation, the easiest thing for me is to tell the truth. Rather than
waste energy thinking up a lie, I keep it to do something more productive. It keeps your mind
free and light, and you won’t have to remember your lies.
When you lie all the time you become untrustworthy, and worse than that — untrusting. If you
don’t trust anyone and are always second guessing everyone, and it closes opportunities for you
to advance in life. You may have had to be this way in the past to survive... but as you move
through your journey of self-development, trusting other people until they prove themselves
untrustworthy is necessary.
“Believing everyone is dangerous, but believing nobody is more dangerous.” – Abraham Lincoln
Be honest with yourself. Lying to other people can make other people want to kill you, but lying
to yourself is like killing yourself. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re hard working, when
deep down you know you’re a lazy bum. Don’t blame the world for all your problems when you
know deep down you can do something about it. When you’re honest with yourself, you see the
problems that you need to work on. If one day you’re alone and you ask yourself a question and
all you have is a head full of lies, you can’t trust the answer that comes up. Practice being honest,
so when you ask yourself, “What do I need to do now?”, the answer that comes will be one of
“Staying pure in thought has a spiritual effect. The lighter you feel, the less complicated your
thoughts are, then the easier it is to connect to the universe, the divine, and your heart.”.
25. *Sense of Humor
“Every time you are able to find humor in a difficult situation, you win.”
A sense of humor can diffuse a tense situation. It’s one of the most powerful weapons I’ve ever
seen. After a serious meeting or a serious conversation with a loved one, if you can make them
laugh, you can change atmosphere.
Having a sense of humor is something new to me. I’ve had a chance to spend time with wealthy
and healthy business people, and they are very humorous and enjoy life. I’m sure when it comes
time to work they are serious, but other than that they are having a good time. After seeing this, I
realized that on the road to self-development, we don’t have to be serious all the time. When I
was growing up, I took life extremely seriously and was always trying to learn something. I was
told to relax and not take life too seriously. Today, I finally understand what they meant. But
looking back I wouldn’t change a thing.
The reason I am who I am today is because I took life seriously, but now I can relax a bit. So if
you’re somebody who is taking life extremely seriously right now, I understand you. I’m not
going to tell you to relax or tell you to have some fun. All I’m saying is that if you can have a
sense of humor, if you can make fun of yourself and laugh a little, it will make you more
pleasant to be around. Like I said in the beginning of this section, opportunities come from other
people, and if you can be a pleasant person, the likelihood of you receiving an opportunity is
higher. This will bring you much closer to achieving your goals.
Tip: A famous comedian in Thailand named Buay gave me a tip on how to be funny. He told me
don’t think and just say what comes to my mind. I am no comedy expert, but I did try this out in
a few podcasts, and I made a lot of people laugh. Thank you, Buay.
“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find
laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.”.
26. *Say NO
“Sometimes saying NO to others is saying YES to yourself.”
Saying NO is so important I decided to put before the success section of the book.
If you want to take control of your life, this is the first step. You have to start saying NO to other
people and YES to yourself. It’s your life. Take control of it now. Say YES to everything you
truly want to do.
No more wasting time going out with people you don’t even like. No more living life for other
people’s expectations.
A book named Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche talks about three stages of life: Camel,
Lion, and Child.
The camel is an enduring creature that bends down and is loaded with baggage. The baggage
represents what society has taught you — what adults and the media have taught you to believe.
The camel makes its journey into the desert carrying all this baggage. Although a camel is
enduring, over time the heavy baggage causes the animal to become resentful and bitter towards
life. The camel will stay this way for as long as it chooses to not become a lion.
In order to become a lion, the camel must battle a dragon named “Thou Shalt”, or in other words
“You will”. On the dragon’s scales are written countless commands: “You will dress this way.”;
“You will think this way.”; “You will behave this way.” The transforming camel battles the
dragon by saying NO, followed by: “I will ____!”; “I will do what my heart desires.”; “I will
behave the way I see fit.”; “I see ‘NO’ as the shield and 'I will’ as the sword.” The camel repeats
this tirelessly until the dragon is defeated.
By winning this battle the camel becomes a lion. This lion’s name is “I will”. As a lion, you shall
go out and exert your will onto the world.
Real-Life Experience:
Saying “No” is necessary for two important, but different occasions.
1. Saying “No” to the people who distract you from your goals.
Example: Saying “No” to going out is simple: “Hey I’m sorry I’m not going out tonight…
because I will be writing my book.”
2. Saying “No” to the life other people want you to live, and saying “Yes” to the life you want.
Example: I never liked openly saying “No” or arguing with anyone. I saw it as a waste of
time. If I said no, they would try to convince me, and it would turn into a debate. That took away
my time and energy which I could have used to accomplish my goals. I would either say, “I’ll
think about it” or “Thank you for your advice”. Sometimes even a combination of the two,
“Thank you for your advice. I’ll give it some thought.” In the end, I would do what I saw fit.
I’ve been given life advice from people I really respected that I truly did not agree with. I
considered their ideas, but made my own decisions in the end and everything turned out great.
The people you respect may not be happy at first, but in the end when you’re successful, (if they
truly care about your success) they will be happy.
You have to live with yourself every day. If you live your life according to other people’s
expectations, you will not be happy. One day they will die, and you will have to live the rest of
your life regretting the things you didn’t do.
Become a master at saying “NO”. Find ways of saying it with such artistry that the other person
has no idea you just rejected them. “Thank you so much for that great idea, I will take it into
consideration!” and just go do something else. Or, “Thank you for thinking of me and inviting
me out, but I’m sorry to say I’ll be busy for the next year working on bettering myself”. Start
saying “NO” today! You can even say “NO” to this if you’d like.
“When you say YES to others, make sure you aren’t saying NO to yourself.”
III Success
*27. Obsession
“There's no talent here. This is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent doesn't exist. We all are equals as human beings. You
could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that's that. I'm not talented. I am obsessed.” - Conor

If you are in a field where you are not obsessed, it will be very hard to compete with the ones
that are. To reach the top of your field, you must be obsessed with it. Your future career may be
right under your nose. What do you do all the time? That can be your success. If you’re creative
enough, you can turn what you naturally do into your career.
When I first started editing videos I didn’t like it, but now I really enjoy it. Before I started
writing this book, I wasn’t obsessed. These days, it’s all I think about.
Editing videos and writing have two things in common:
1. Sharing information
2. Sharing experiences (which I love doing)
I always share what I learn with the people around me. That’s how I make myself do things I
may not necessarily enjoy at first. As long as the activity allows me to share information and
experiences, I’m happy. I am obsessed, I have no idea why… I think it’s the way I was designed
from birth. So not only am I thinking about learning and sharing, I am doing it 24/7.
If you are someone that likes doing many things (like me), you can have one obsession that
allows you to practice it through many mediums. For example, I love sharing ideas and
experiences by mentoring, giving talks, making videos, writing books and even making movies.
This way I will not get bored. Find the commonalities between the things you like to do, and you
may discover what your obsession is.
If you’re not obsessed with anything, don’t be discouraged, it just means you haven’t tried
enough things yet. There are many examples of successful people that found their passion after
the age of 40. In fact, the founder of KFC didn’t become a chef until he was 40 himself. Vera
Wang began her career designing after 40. Stan Lee was near his 39th birthday when he created
his first Marvel series. I even have a friend who didn’t realize he loved working with wood until
after 30. So don’t worry, you have time to find your obsession; you just have to be diligent and
keep trying new things. If you’re unsure, take up a variety of different activities. Ask yourself,
“What is it that I’ve wanted to do for such a long time but haven’t done yet?”, or, “If I were able
to have one skill instantly, what would it be?” For me, it would be doing backflips, so maybe I
should try learning gymnastics.
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.
And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.” – Steve Jobs

*28. Go The Extra Mile

“ Hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work hard. ” .
Kobe Bryant is a famous basketball player who won championships with his team consecutively
and was awarded multiple most valuable player awards. He was considered the best player in his
prime. In an interview he said one of the reasons for his success was waking up at 3:00 AM in
the morning. He would practice from 4:00 AM until 6:00 in the morning.
Other basketball players would only train two sessions a day, while Kobe would wake up early
to add a third session. Over time, the extra two hours a day added up and created a huge gap
between him and the competition. He said no matter how hard other teams would train during the
summer, they would not be able to catch up to him. This was because he had accumulated so
much training time over the span of many years.
He said people looked at it as hard work, but in another interview he mentioned he just really
loved basketball, so he wanted to do what he loved as much as possible.
I understand what he means but I think it’s a combination of both; love for what you do plus the
drive to be one of the greatest.
Pondering: How can I adapt this concept into my life in my current situation? What can I do
more of to get an edge in my field? If I were to wake up early what would I do with my time?
Real-Life Experience: In high school I would train in Muay-Thai with a group of friends. We
would all train together every day after school. I had one friend who became noticeably more
skillful than the rest of us. I thought he was talented. I later learned he would continue practicing
after we left. I realized, “That’s why he always beats me up when we fight!”
I experienced the pain which could be inflicted on me by someone else’s work ethic. I saw
firsthand the result of someone training just one extra hour for a couple of weeks. He put in the
extra work and went the extra mile, and it paid off. I can only imagine if someone applied this
concept for a year how far they would be ahead of the competition.
*29. Observance
“ When you are not doing, you must be observing. ”
One night Kobe and his team were playing against Michael Jordan , and Jordan performed a
move that Kobe did not know how to do. Kobe, instead of having his ego hurt or feeling
intimidated, asked Jordan, “ How did you do that? ” and learned a very valuable lesson from
Another time, Kobe called the coach of a rival team and asked him questions for one hour about
how he can become better. One day him and that coach sat down and watched videos of past
games to study them. Kobe thought they would watch only the parts that Kobe had the ball …
but this wasn ’t the case. The coach had Kobe watch everything … the whole game and
everyone playing. They watched and re-winded to help him fully understand the strategies and
tactics that involved every player. He said this helped him when he competed because everything
seemed to slow down and he was able to see everything happening. The game seemed to be in
slow motion and he would see things three steps ahead of everyone else and was now able to
manipulate the game.
Key Points:
Kobe would notice strengths in his competition and directly asked them about it. We can apply
this to our lives: instead of feeling intimidated and distancing ourselves, we can befriend our
competition and ask for their advice. It is much more effective to be this way.
Kobe said that he would call people regularly, especially if he was curious about something. One
concept I learned from studying him was that his greatness came from him constantly being
curious, willing to learn, and a student of the game. He always said there has to be a higher peak
to strive for, asking, … “How can I reach the next level?” He would watch videos of past players
who were considered legends and said in an interview “A lot of the moves I do, I stole from the
greats”. This is a great example of observance. Watch what great people in your field do and
mimic them. You will not be able to copy someone 100%, but mimicking them will allow it to
become uniquely yours.
Real Life Experience: When I practiced Muay-Thai I would study Buakaw, but I also found it
valuable to watch amateur fighters. I would often go to amateur fights to watch for fun , and I
started to notice that I would be able to clearly see what they did wrong and how they could do it
better. In my mind I was learning what not to do, and this a very valuable lesson in observance.
Study the greats first , and when you get a chance, study those who aren ’ t as good and you will
be able to see what not to do. You’ll also form ideas on how you can do it better. If you can catch
what others are doing wrong, it means you know how to do it right.
*30. Discipline & Commitment
“ Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after
the mood you said it in has left you. ”
“ Discipline is the ability to make yourself get things done whether you feel like it or not. ”
Everyone feels inspired, but being inspired doesn’t make you accomplish your goals. Inspiration
is just a feeling, and feelings come and go. If you only take action when you feel like it, you will
not be successful. No matter what you do, even if you love it, there will be days you feel lazy. In
order to be successful, you will need to cultivate the ability to take action when you don’t feel
like it.
Make a commitment. “ I will make 50 videos before I give up. ” “I will make 10 products and
10 books before I change plans.” Making a commitment removes emotion and allows you to take
action. By committing, you will come to understand delayed gratification, because sometimes
the product that sells the most is the tenth one a person invents. And sometimes the video that
spreads the furthest is the fiftieth an artist puts out after wanting to give up. A lot of the times,
people will go back and purchase the products you ’ ve made previously, and some will watch
the other 49 videos. So none of that was a waste of time. I always think that it ’ s better when you
are successful later, so people can go back, buy your other products, or watch your other videos.
Because if you become instantly famous, fans may buy your first product or watch your first
video, but there is nothing else for them to go back and review.
Set up a time and a day of the week you will take action so that you operate like clockwork. In
the beginning, I would film myself every night practicing being in front of a camera, even if I
was only speaking for 1 minute or only saying a few words. That was me cultivating my camera
presence because I felt I wasn’t ready to upload my videos yet. I read a quote that said, “You will
never feel ready, start now, and you will get better along the way.” I then made a commitment to
filming every Thursday, editing every Friday, and uploading a video every Saturday 9:00am.
Don’t forget to reward yourself after you’ve done the task. I would reward myself by watching a
movie at the cinema on Saturday night. Think of something you like and give it to yourself after
you’ve finished. I did this consistently for a year with 0 followers and made a commitment to
create 50 videos before I gave up. Discipline, commitment, and consistency can go a long way.
Tip #1: Make it easy for yourself to do the task. I set my camera in a fixed spot in front of a
chair, so that every day I can just sit down and press record without having to set it up every day.
Set up your tools in such a way that as soon as you sit down you can start the task.
Tip #2: I have a trick where I think of myself as a robot. No emotion. If I need to exercise, I just
start changing and go the gym. If I need to write, I just walk to my computer and start typing.
*31. Consistency
“ Long-term consistency is greater than short term intensity. ”
I have a belief that if you do anything consistently enough , it will eventually be successful. The
problem is most people go intensely in the beginning, don ’ t see results, and lose fire. The
market and the people are aware of this. The people and the market are testing you, to see if you
are consistent and committed.
Consistency builds trust. And no matter what field you are in, we all are in the business of
building trust. Trust that the quality will be consistent, on time, and will be around for a long
time. So in the beginning, the market will test you, and people will test you to see if you are
consistent. Only then, they will invest their trust in you. So don’t fear if you don’t have any
results. You may have thousands of people watching you from a distance, and they are waiting to
see if you will be around for half a year or a year before they decide to press follow.
Real Life Experience:
A good example of this is when I don’t try a restaurant or don’t go into a new clothing store until
I’ve seen them around for a long time. I don’t commit until I am sure that restaurant or that
clothing store was committed and consistent.
The Chinese Bamboo tree is the strangest tree in the world. According to National Geographic,
the Chinese Bamboo takes 5 years to grow. You have to water and fertilize it every day,
otherwise it will die in the ground. During the 5 years, you will see nothing grow. It will be like
you are watering the ground. You will see nothing from your efforts. But in the fifth year, the
Chinese Bamboo tree will break through the ground and grow 80 feet in just 6 weeks.
This is a lot like life. We put effort into something and don’t see results for a very long time. A
lot of musicians and actors I’ve studied have been working on their craft for no less than 5 - 10
years. So if you’re wondering why you haven’t made it yet… ask yourself: what year are you
Tips: Inspiration gets you started, so inspire yourself often. Watch motivational videos, read
parts of your favorite book, listen to a song that gets you pumped up, then go do. Inspiration is
not something you do once; it’s rather a lot like showering. You must consistently inspire
yourself, especially in the beginning. Some days you won’t be inspired, and you’ll have to force
yourself to work regardless. This is where discipline and commitment comes in from the earlier
*32. Build Alliances
“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.”

I learned this from observing musicians, especially rappers, in America. The ones that were the
most famous or that were on the rise to fame would collaborate with everyone. I noticed this and
applied it to every field I went into. In the beginning I would collaborate with everyone. Later, I
had to choose wisely who I decided to associate myself with. But in the beginning stages, I
recommend collaborating with anyone and everyone that is available.
For some people, it’s setting their ego and pride aside and contacting the other person. For
others, it is having the courage to send a request. No need to fear rejection. Rejection is
completely normal and not personal. They may just be busy, but at least you asked and opened
an opportunity for yourself.
If you find that a lot of people are rejecting you, you may need to build yourself up a little more
and show consistency. When someone asks to collaborate with me and they only have, let’s say,
10 videos, I want to see that this person is truly dedicated to what they do. so I would
recommend that if they can create more videos consistently I would happily collaborate with
them in the future.
Real Life Experience:
At the time of my rise to the top of social media, other people saw me as competition and would
mimic what I was doing. People around me got upset that everyone was mimicking me. Instead
of getting angry with them, I decided to contact everyone on the same social media platform and
became friends with them. I realized that I needed allies, especially if everyone saw me as
competition. Not to make it seem like life is a war or a battlefield, but I do like the comparisons
between to the two. There was a quote that I liked that I knew had to be applied, “Keep your
friends close, but enemies closer.” I wanted to understand those who mimicked me more.
I was open minded to get to know these people and would then later decide what category to put
them in. I ended up liking everyone that I met, and we all realized that we are no threat to each
other, and we can actually help each other grow our audiences. I learned at a young age that if
I fight against the feeling of disliking somebody and move closer to understand them, the
feeling of disliking would disappear, and I would be more at peace in the world. I think
many of us hate the feeling of disliking somebody. What gets rid of this feeling is understanding

“If you do not seek out allies and helpers, then you will be isolated and weak.”
*33. Mastermind
“No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association with other minds to grow and
Imagine a battery powering a lightbulb, and another identical battery powering a lightbulb. They
both generate the same amount of light. But if these two batteries come together to power a big
lightbulb, the light is greater than if they were separate. Just like two minds coming together will
form greater light, greater ideas than if they were to try to think by themselves.
“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible,
intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”

A mastermind can be your friend, mentor, or significant other. I always thought that having a
relationship or engaging with friends would slow me down. I was wrong. I realized that choosing
the wrong friends or wrong type of person to be in a relationship with would ultimately slow me
down. I read about Henry Ford and his wife. Henry Ford got the encouragement and support to
make cars from his wife, and he credited a lot of his success to the people he surrounded himself
with — people with knowledge he did not have.
The most successful mastermind I’ve ever had was with someone I see every day. It is perfect
when you can find a significant other or friend off whom you can bounce ideas and build
together while also holding each other accountable.
The idea is to meet with each other and bounce ideas off of each other, to know each other’s
goals and help each other reach that goal. People in your mastermind should have their own area
of expertise. It’s okay to have two people who are experts in the same field because they may
have different ways of approaching it. For example, my friend who also does videos online is
extremely knowledgeable when it comes to numbers and statistics, while I on the other hand feel
my strength is having the ability to put myself in the viewer’s shoes. We combined our
knowledge and worked together, and I have been extremely pleased with the results. I also have
a friend who has written several best-selling books, and I love bouncing ideas off of him, and he
bounces video ideas off of me. The relationship doesn’t have to be strictly business. I actually
enjoy their company and love doing other activities with them that are just for fun.
“A Mastermind Group is where two or more people meet on a consistent basis with the intention
of helping each other to achieve more. When this happens , they become an unstoppable force. ”
*34. Know How To Increase Your Luck
1. Luck comes from other people.
2. You can increase your luck just by changing your location.
3. Luck is opportunity meeting preparation.
1. If you look back in your life, most of your “luck” came from other people. Someone gave you
an opportunity or introduced you to someone. To increase your luck, you must meet more
2. If you want a seat on the bus, and you ’ re standing near the door when people get off the bus,
you may miss the opportunity to sit because you are far away. You must stand in the middle of
the bus to increase your chances of getting a seat. So much of success in life is being in the right
place at the right time. Changing your location can truly change your destiny. If you want to be a
Hollywood actor, you increase your chances by moving to Los Angeles. Move closer toward the
things you want to become.
3. Whatever it is you want to do, prepare for it now, even if you don ’ t have the opportunity to
do it. If you are lucky to meet someone who gives you an opportunity to do something, and you
can ’ t do it, it becomes a misfortune. So whatever it is you want to do, prepare for it now, so
when the opportunity comes, you can take it and do it right away.
Real-Life Experience:
All of my luck came from other people. The opportunity to come to Thailand was from a man
who introduced me to a woman who gave me an opportunity to act and learn Thai. An example
of changing my location, which changed my destiny, was when I came to Thailand. I took
everything I learned in America and made videos about it in Thai. Nowadays, I take what I learn
from Thailand and tell it to the world. But if I stayed in America and talked about what I learned
in America, I would only be repeating what is already taught, and I may not be where I am today.
Changing my location equated to changing my destiny.
*35. Know People
You will need to be able to understand people as quickly as you can in order to see how you can
work together most effectively or if you need to keep distance from them. A lot of this
understanding comes with time and life experience, but there are things you can study to help.
Enneagram is a very useful tool which talks about 9 types of people.
But this is not a foolproof method to understanding people, because although people can be
categorized as the same “type” , they can be completely different. In reality, there are 3 levels of
understanding people:
1. See
2. Speak
3. Do
1. When you see them
You can understand someone a little by observing their body language, eyes, face, and the
way they dress.
2. When they speak
You understand more about the person by what kind of questions they ask, what they speak
about . You can ask questions that show what they value. For example, what is your favorite
movie and why? If you could meet 5 people dead or alive who would you like to meet and why?
3. What they do
When someone speaks, they speak about what they want to become, but it is what they do
that will ultimately define what they become. You understand the person fully when you observe
their actions, and this comes with time. You observe if they are consistent with their behavior.
You observe how they treat the waiter, how they treat someone who has power. Do they treat
them differently? Or do they treat everyone equally. Are they disciplined? Do they follow
through on what they say they ’ re going to do?
There is no way to instantly understand someone. I ’ ve talked to retired police detectives and
successful elders in the entertainment business . They ’ ve all said you can see the person and
understand them a little, but in the end it takes time to fully understand someone.
*36. Connect the Parallels
“ From one thing, know ten thousand things. ”- Miyamoto Musashi

Everything you ’ ve ever done has held deeper lessons than the actual activity, skill,
achievement, or product itself.
Learning to fight taught me bravery . Fighting taught me, in order to win I must know myself
and the enemy. If I only know myself or if I only know the enemy, I have a 50% chance of
winning. If I know neither myself nor the enemy, I will lose. Everything teaches you a deeper
lesson if you know to look for them . And now that you’re aware , it is time for you to figure
out what those lessons were.
The concept of knowing your enemy and knowing yourself can be applied to every field. Know
yourself, and know the person you are dating. Know your business and your competition.
The core concept of attaining a skill or becoming great has its parallel lessons.
Take this core concept and apply it to everything.
Real-Life Experience:
I was addicted to a video game named, “ World of Warcraft ” . I played it all day every day.
When I wasn’t playing, I thought about it and how to become better. I surrounded myself with
people that played it, and we would talk and analyze how to become better.
In the game, I competed against other people on a team. I messaged everyone who was available
and teamed up with as many people as I could. I stuck with the people I worked well with, who
were as dedicated, and left behind the ones who weren ’t. (They were upset, but I did come back
and help them later. Afterwards, they were happy and proud.)
I worked my way up to be on the #1 team in the game. The way I got to know the #1 team in the
game was: I built up my reputation, researched where they played, and went to that place to help
protect them when they got attacked by enemy players. They thanked me, we became friends,
and they eventually invited me to compete on the same team with them. I became rich and
famous in the game.
I thought to myself at 16 years old , “If I can achieve fame, wealth and success in the game, I
can do it in real life if I applied the same concepts.”
The parallel in this example is …
I played it every day — Discipline & Commitment.
I thought about it when I wasn ’t playing — Obsession.
I surrounded myself with people that played it — Mastermind.
I messaged everyone and teamed up — Building Alliances & Collaborating.
I left behind those who weren ’ t as dedicated as me — Choosing Who To Surround Yourself
I went to a place where the #1 team was playing — Increase Luck / Right Place Right Time.
I realized that success in the game can lead to success in life — Connecting the Parallels.
This is exactly what Miyamoto Musashi was talking about when he said, “ from one thing, know
ten thousand things. ” From one game, I learned many life lessons that can be applied to every
aspect of my life. Getting great at anything can teach you deeper lessons that can be applied to
your life now. It ’ s time for you to look back and do the same. How can something you used to
do be applied to what you are doing now?
*37. Failures can be friends, Successes can be foes
There is a lesson in every situation. Sometimes failures and disappointments are where we learn
our greatest lessons. I find that the question which helps the most in those situations is, “ What
is life trying to teach me? What can I learn from this? ” After many failures and
disappointments, what usually follows is great achievement, because you learn to never make
those mistakes again.
Vice Versa:
Achievements are great, but great disappointments can also follow. Fighters who receive
championship belts often lose them because they have been crowned, “ The Best Fighter in the
World ” . This can make them become complacent and train less hard. The greatest fighters do
not let achievements define them. They keep the same attitude and work ethic that got them to
the top. The best thing to do when good things happen to you, is to be proud, but also to remind
yourself to keep the same attitude and work ethic that got you there.
*38. Write Goals
I learned how to write my goals from a famous book named, “Think and Grow Rich”. It’s very
effective and gave me great results, so I am very happy to be able to share it with you today.
Usually, people write what they want. That’s not actually how you should write your goals.
There are in fact 6 steps:
1. Write what you want specifically. If it’s money or weight, write the specific number.
2. Write what you will give/do for what you want.
3. Write a date for when you will accomplish this.
4. Write a plan to achieve what you desire and start now whether you’re ready or not.
5. Write down steps 1-4 into a paragraph statement.
6. Read this statement out loud to yourself twice a day, once in the morning and before you
go to bed. When you read this statement, visualize yourself executing your plan and that you’ve
already accomplished your goal.
*39. Do
"Knowing is not enough;
we must apply.
Willing is not enough;
we must do."

Knowing is not the same as understanding.

Knowing is only knowing.
Applying the concepts, failing and succeeding with them makes you understand.
I know a lot of people that “know” what to do, but do not “do”.
I know some that “know” and “do”,
...and very few that “know” and “do” consistently.

Knowing all of these concepts is the first step…

Applying them is the second…
The third step is applying them consistently.
This chapter will be short. Because I want you to go do something now.

Real Life Experience: I’ve run into many people who know the concepts and can
recite the words as if it was their favorite song, but have not applied them to their
life. If my children are reading this: please do not be that type of person.
*40. Push The Limit / Constantly Reinvent Yourself
The following are great questions you must constantly ask yourself when you feel you’ve
reached the top; they may also be useful on your way there.
Ask yourself, “How can I beat myself? If someone were to do this better than me what would
they do?” Work on that.
Do something different, do the opposite of what your competition is doing. Set the trend; when
they follow, set the next trend.
Once you’ve reached the top there are two things you can do:
1. Conquer the mountain and stay there the longest.
2. Conquer the mountain and move on to the next adventure.
I personally am the one who likes to conquer and move on to the next mountain. Maybe one day
I will find the mountain I would like to stay on top for the longest.
When you do something and it works, it is easy to get complacent and continue doing it until it
no longer works. This is the same as getting stuck in the comfort zone, and the only way to grow
is to leave the comfort zone once again. Your audience will eventually get bored, and you will
eventually get bored.
Continue doing what works, while at the same time adding something different and
experimenting. You must innovate. For example: I did short viral clips, and they worked so well
that people were inspired and started creating their own viral videos.
During that time, I wanted to try creating vlog-style videos giving talks outside. At first the
views were only 100,000, but eventually I did ten episodes of going out and giving talks, and the
views reached the millions. Again, people started to get inspired and started to create videos
giving talks.
I started doing the very first interview-style podcasts in Thailand, and now there are many
podcasts shows in Thailand.
I started doing videos in English and eventually I had a video with 40 million views and I was
shocked to see that I had influential people such as P. Diddy, Lindsay Lohan, and The Crown
Prince of Dubai share my videos. So far nobody else in Thailand has made English videos, but I
hope to inspire others to do this as well.
I always asked myself how much further can I take this? How can I take it to the next level? How
can I do something that nobody else has done? I have a lot of plans for the future but I must do
what Tony Jaa taught me: keep some of my dreams a secret and show people when I’ve
accomplished them.

Real-Life Experience:
At the peak of my climb to social media, I asked myself who would be able to outdo me? What
qualities would this person need? I came up with the answer of someone who is like me, but also
funny. I realized I needed to learn comedy. I met with comedians, studied stand-up comedy and
even did a stand-up comedy set. I was amazed the advice comedians and funny people gave me
actually worked! I then opened a new social media channel where I do a humorous show with
two of my friends.
You can reinvent yourself after you surpass each mountain. You will be rewarded for it and for
pushing your own limits.
* IV Spirit
This next part is for those who have learned, practiced and successfully put into action all other
lessons prior to this section of the book. If you have not fully integrated those earlier lessons, you
will not be able to fully understand the following concepts.
I believe there is a force in life that not everyone is aware of but that everyone can connect to. I
call it “ The Flow ”. You might call it a state of mind.
Science cannot fully explain concepts like the Law of Attraction and others, but that doesn ’t
mean these wonders don ’t exist. Once upon a time, gravity could not be explained but it still
existed. I believe one day … science will be able to explain these phenomenons.
I believe in things such as foresight, getting the aid of spiritual beings and having a deep
connection to your intuition ; each of these can help guide your life. I also believe spiritual
practices such as meditation, prayer, and being pure in thought and intention can help you
connect with these phenomenons. This may sound crazy if you haven’t heard of these concepts
before ; believe me, I would not believe them myself if I had not experienced them first hand.
Like many others, I rooted my beliefs in only science, reason, and what was logical (or
observable). But looking back through history, so many things which once seemed magical, can
now be scientifically proven and explained. For example, the rising of the sun, lightning, rain or
even tornados. I believe these “ spiritual ” concepts will one day, be scientifically explained.
But for now, if you feel hesitant, please indulge me and read this following section for fun.
41. Surrender yourself into the light
One evening when I was 19 years old, I looked up into the night sky and said to the stars…
“Please give me a sign… I’ll do whatever you want me to do, I’ll say whatever you want me to
say… I’ll be whatever you want me to be… If my destiny is to be a garbage man I’ll do it, I just
don’t want to suffer or my family to suffer. I am your servant”. I find it interesting I did this out
of what I feel is pure human nature. Being a lost young man caused me to do this. Now that I am
older, I realize many religious texts have people surrender to something greater. Something truly
special happens when you believe something greater than you exists and is helping to guide you.
I’m not sure what I was talking to that night, but it did feel good. My words to the night sky was
the act of surrendering my life to something greater. It was no longer about “my” plan; I gave in
to the greater plan the universe provided for me, and allowed myself to walk that road. From
then on, I stopped listening to what I wanted to do and listened to what the universe wanted me
to do. I expected nothing from life and reacted to what was given to me. This took a lot of
pressure off my chest and I became much more relaxed.
For the years following this event, I paid attention to recurring themes and went with them. For
example, I kept getting recommendations to start making music, so I would try making music.
Acting on this lead me to make my first music related YouTube videos. Eventually this brought
me to Thailand to make music. In Thailand I performed music and met a production company
that then invited me to do acting. My friends kept inviting me to act in their short films and
encouraged me to take their offers. It was a recurring theme so I took it as a sign for me to start
Acting led me to practice reading and speaking Thai. This reason alone is why I can speak and
read Thai today. This also led me to meet Peach who encouraged me to start creating videos
online. Now 2.5 million followers and 1 billion views later I am writing this book. I decided to
write this book because of another recurring theme: many of my followers recommended I write
a book. Publishing companies then offered to help, and a very good friend of mine Khun Khao
inspired me to do so.
If I look back in my life, I haven’t made any decisions by myself. I followed the
recommendations of other people I respected and trusted. This is how I currently live my life. I
listen to what “life” wants me to do, and I do it.
Whenever I meet someone I ask “What is the greater reason I am meeting this person?” When I
face adversity I ask “What life lesson am I learning from this hard situation?” I see everything as,
life is trying to tell me something, life is trying to make me grow, life is trying to teach me.
Another phrase for this is “Going with the flow”.
42. Become One With The Flow
If you go with the flow long enough, the flow starts to go with you. You become one with the
stream of life. What life wants for you becomes the same thing you want for yourself. What you
want is the same thing life wants for you. But you must take the first step and surrender; listen to
what life wants you to do. Once you start walking down this road of surrender and listening to
life, you become aligned. And once you are in alignment with your highest destiny , all your
wants will be aligned with what the universe wants for you.
People always ask me what do I want to do in 5 or 10 years. I usually don’t have a clear answer,
because I do whatever the “ flow ” wants me to do. I react to the resources I have around me
and the opportunities given to me. I’ve learned things usually don ’ t go according to plan, so I
don ’ t make detailed plans anymore. I have an idea of what I want , but I always know that
life ’ s plan for me is always greater, so I let the flow handle the details of the plan and the road it
wants me to take.
My job is to stay ready, listen and react.
When you live this way you start seeing that you meet certain people for a reason. Certain
situations happen to you for a reason, and some coincidences are not coincidences at all - there
is a greater meaning behind it. It is your job to ask and figure out the deeper reason behind these
43. Things Happen for a Reason
Chinese Farmer Story:
Once there was a Chinese farmer who worked on his poor farm with his son and their horse. One
day the horse ran away and the neighbors came to say, “How unfortunate for you!” The farmer
replied, “Maybe”.
The next day the horse came running back home with seven wild horses following him. The
neighbors came and said “How fortunate for you!” The farmer stayed calm and replied,
The next day the farmer’s son fell riding one of the wild horses and broke his leg. He had to rest
an d couldn ’t help with the farm chores. The neighbors came and said “How unfortunate for
you!” And the Chinese farmer again replied “Maybe.”
The next day the military came to the Chinese farmer’s village recruiting all young men to join in
a war where many young men were dying. The soldiers saw that the Chinese farmer’s son had a
broken leg and didn’t force him to join the war. The neighbors came and said “How fortunate
you!” and the Chinese farmer replied “Maybe.”.
The design of life is so complex we never know if a situation that has happened is good or bad.
The best thing for us to do is remain neutral and be at peace with everything that happens. Know
everything that happens has a greater meaning behind it. If we can see life this way… we will
have a level head in all situations and react in a grounded way.
If you find yourself in a hard situation, simply ask yourself “What is life trying to teach me?”
Real Life Experience:
When I first came to Thailand to pursue acting, I felt so lucky because the first week I was there,
there was an audition to be on a reality show where the winner would become the next action
movie star. I loved fighting, and I already knew how to fight from my background in Muay Thai.
I knew this audition was destiny. The timing was perfect, I fit the role, and I wouldn’t have to
speak much Thai. I auditioned but didn’t make the final cut. I was extremely disappointed and
felt that life played a giant trick on me. The following months I was presented with life lessons
and opportunities which I would not have received if I were busy filming that show. I was then
extremely thankful I didn’t make the cut. It gave me time to learn how to read Thai, speak Thai,
and become who I am today. I learned sometimes life makes you want something only so it can
lead you somewhere else.
44. What You Wanted Was Actually the Lesson, Not
the Thing Itself
Sometimes life makes you think you want something. So you chase after it with all your heart. In
the end, though, life doesn’t give it to you because in truth, it’s not what’s right for you.
Why would life play such a trick on you? Why would life make you want something so bad that
you obsessed over it day and night but in the end didn’t reward it to you?
It wasn’t the “thing”, or the “success”, or the “person” that life wanted to give you. Your gift
from life was actually the lessons you learned while pursuing your desires.
The desire was only the carrot on the stick, and you were the horse. Desire led you to this point
and this growth.
Now you are wiser, more intelligent and more experienced. It’s now time to use what you’ve
learned to either try again or to move onto something better. Pay attention to the signs and see
where life wants to lead you now.
Tip: Hope for the best, expect the worst, that way you’ll never be disappointed”. As
I got older I realized a lot of people's suffering comes from life not living up to their
expectations. So if you lessen your expectations, you lessen your suffering.
45. Pay Attention to the Signs
Signs come in many different forms. A recurring suggestion from others; a recurring image; a
recurring idea or concept. I take action when I get three such repeated signs.
Do you have a frequent suggestion from friends or people you respect? Do you see a flyer, ad or
commercial inviting you to try something? If it makes you excited, if you feel pulled towards it
like a magnet, try it!
Life may be trying to tell you something.
46. You Meet Everyone For A Reason
People who come to your life are there for a reason and for a season. Some are meant to be there
for a moment, and some are meant to last a lifetime. You receive valuable life lessons from both
when you ask “ What am I supposed to learn from this person? ”
They could be a positive example in your life; they may teach you how to be thoughtful through
the actions they perform. They could also be a horrible person and be an example of how not to
be. You can learn from both good and bad people. Seeing a good example and a bad example are
equally important.
“ You are the sum of every person you have ever met in your entire life .”
Sometimes when you meet someone who evokes a great feeling inside of you, you know it was
meant to be ; sometimes someone meets you, and you evoke a great feeling inside of them and
they know it was meant to be. Cherish these people, because in a world of 7 billion people it is
hard for people who inspire these feelings to meet.
When you live your life this way, you try to find the meaning behind every interaction. And from
every interaction, you are made a better person. I often say to myself, “ Oh you made me meet
this horrible person so I could learn to not be that way ”.
There are 3 types of people you will meet:
● A mirror
● A crystal ball
● An angel
A mirror is someone you meet who reflects qualities you already have in yourself. Whether it be
positive or negative, mirrors are there for you to see your strengths or your flaws. If you’re aware
of this, you will be able to improve on your positive qualities and compensate for your negative
A crystal ball is someone who lets you see how you might become in the future. Seeing this from
a positive aspect, if you see someone who works hard and loves what he does, you will see that
following his example will lead you to a happy future. From a negative aspect, if you see
someone who is wealthy but not healthy, you will realize you must live a balanced life.
An angel is someone who comes into your life for perhaps a moment or for a lifetime. This
person comes as a gift. They may give you a piece of advice you were looking for just when you
needed it most, they may inspire you, and they may give you an opportunity or a friendship that
can last the rest of your life.
You can separate the people you meet into these three categories. Some may come as a
combination of all three. It is your job to figure out the meaning and reason behind every
interaction. In this way, you can learn and grow from everyone and every situation.
47. Destiny
I have a strong belief in destiny, and that we were put on this earth to do something great.
“Great” does not mean becoming extremely wealthy, famous or doing something that changes
the whole world. You can do regular things a great way. You can do things to effect change in
your house, your community or your school.
You can be cook, you can be a driver, you can be a teacher; whatever it is you choose to do, do it
for fulfillment. Do it because deep down inside you feel it is your calling.
Whichever path you choose, fulfillment is the ultimate goal. This is how you will do little things
in a great way. A strong belief in destiny has kept me at ease and continues to keep me going.
Whenever I feel discouraged or tired, I pray, asking only: “Am I still on the right track? Am I
still fulfilling my destiny? If not, please guide me back onto the path, and I will do whatever it is
I am supposed to do”.
I feel as children we know what our destiny is, but society has conditioned us to not listen to our
calling. I’ve spoken to many people who say they had this feeling inside of them; this sense that
since childhood they were going to do something great. Conversely, though, I’ve also spoken to
people who have not had that feeling, but they did say they felt they were going to be a great
spouse, great mother or father. In my opinion that is a great goal to have.
Destiny vs. Free Will:
I believe the design of people’s lives and destiny cannot be defined by the questions: “Does
destiny exist?” or “Do we have free will?” I believe it’s a mixture of both. I believe some
people’s lives are more planned out than others, meaning they have less free will; some people’s
destinies are less planned out, which means they have more free will.
Just like hired positions in companies, everyone has a different job description, meaning some
people have more responsibilities and others have less. Some have more leisure time while
others have to work overtime. I feel the same concept can be applied to people’s destinies and
free will. Some people’s destinies require them to work overtime and other people’s destinies
gives them more free will as well as leisure time. Neither is greater than the other. No matter
what their destinies are, they are both fulfilled and happy.
But if you’re truly connected to your heart, your intuition, and the flow of life, then everything
you want is your destiny. Life has placed these inside of you since the day you were born. Life
will help guide you in every way possible, whether it be through giving you signs, giving you
extreme curiosity, or giving you drive and willpower to achieve your highest purpose.
Another thing I’ve thought is that each person has many possible destinies. We can choose to be
the best version of ourselves and live it out to its fullest potential, or we choose to be the worst
versions of ourselves which will set an example for others of how not to be. That can be a
destiny as well.
48. Purpose & Meaning
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out
why.” —Mark Twain.
If you do not know your destiny, give yourself one. Give your life a purpose and meaning.
Giving your life purpose is giving yourself a reason to get up in the morning and live your life.
Tell yourself, “I am here to make a difference either in my family, my community, my country or
the world, and I will try my best with my abilities to do so.” It can be a grand or it can be simple.
Your purpose, which you can choose, can be as big as wanting to change the world or as small as
effecting change in your community.
Real-Life Experience: When I was a child and first learned about death, I would have trouble
sleeping. I was so sad that my friends, my family and myself would one day die. I thought to
myself, “Why are we born only to die? What is the point of all of this?” During this time I was
studying about Martin Luther King and Gandhi at school. These people both died making the
world a better place. I then gave my life purpose and meaning by saying “I will live and dedicate
my life to making this world a better place before I die, that is why I am here.” This gave me a
reason to live life, and I lived my life for a reason. I didn’t know how I was going to make the
world a better place. That would come later.
49. Pray “Send”
I pray to give thanks, I pray to ask questions, I pray to ask, “How can I serve you?” I never ask
for things, because the divine knows what you want already, and I know that if I serve the world,
I will receive those things. So when you pray, there is no need to pray for things. Pray when you
need a sign. Pray when you are unsure about your life and ask how can I serve the world? Pray
when you feel grateful and give thanks, and pray when you want to be humble in the presence of
the divine.
Real-Life Experience: I had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine. He said he prays at
night and that is his way of sending an email to the divine. And when it’s time for him to receive
an email back, he will meditate.
50. Meditation “Receive”
Meditation for me is many things. It is quieting your thoughts so you can hear your soul. It is
deactivating your senses and activating your intuition. It is to stop your mind from receiving
information from the world and to start receiving from the divine.
Real-Life Experience: For my father’s birthday he wanted to spend the night on the top of a
mountain. After dinner, he told me he did not want a gift, he didn’t want a card, he didn’t want
me to get him anything. He just wanted me to sit down and meditate. I was around 19 years old
at the time and thought this was a bit strange, I was a very logical and scientific person who
needed proof for everything and didn’t believe in these things.
Luckily I had a college psychology professor tell me before every class, “You are here, so be
here now. There is no need to worry about anything outside the classroom because it will be a
waste of time, you can’t do anything about it. But what you can do is be here, learn here, and
make the most of the place you are in now.” I clearly remember this coming up in my mind and
thinking “I am here, so be here now, just try meditating. There is no internet, there is nothing else
for me to do, so why not just try it.”
I remember learning to just focus on my inhale and exhale. So I did just that. I meditated for
three hours and it changed my life. About an hour into the meditation, I felt a very relaxing but
tingling sensation in my stomach. I felt still and at peace… then… something communicated to
me, “You’ve finally found me, you are not the body, you are this soul.” And I suddenly was
connected. After that day, my life changed. I would continue to live my life and always feel the
connection and presence of my intuition and soul. The inner voice was now guiding my life.
If you are a scientific and logical person, I understand your disbelief because I was that way as
well. I would not believe anything unless I experienced it for myself. I am very curious as to
what happened that night and how I could explain it scientifically with proof. One day I hope
science can explain this phenomenon so everyone in the world would want to meditate.
The only scientific thing I can think of is that when you meditate, you are not using your human
senses such as taste, touch, smell, sight, or hearing. We know that when other senses get weaker,
other senses get stronger. So by doing this (narrowing your senses), you activate another sense
some may call your intuition or gut feeling.
I can see how this would help a scientific person open the door to meditation, but the feeling I
have of an antenna that connects to the divine is something I cannot explain. Hopefully science
will one day explain it for the benefit of humanity.
Tip: It is quite simple to meditate. Focus only on your inhale and exhale of breath. if thoughts
come into your mind, gently bring your attention back to your breathing. Go in without hopes or
expectations for an experience similar to mine. I learned I was extremely fortunate to connect
with my soul and intuition; people have meditated for years and haven’t experienced this. The
only reason I can find for receiving this experience was because I did not expect anything, I did
not “want” anything. I went into my meditation open, with no hopes of what will happen and no
doubts. The very act of hoping for a result or doubting the process will hinder your experience.
So go in empty and pure.
51. Intuition / Inner Voice
“The very word intuition has to be understood. You know the word tuition—tuition comes from outside, somebody teaches you,
the tutor. Intuition means something that arises within your being ; Wisdom is never borrowed, and that which is borrowed is
never wisdom. ” - Osho

There are three levels of intelligence: Instinct, Intellect, and Intuition.

Intuition arises as a strong feeling or a pull into a direction. It comes when you quiet the mind
or are attuned with your body senses. When you are taking a nice relaxing shower and suddenly
a great idea pops in your head — that is it. That is your inner voice, your intuition or higher self,
some may even say the divine. Socrates called it his Daemon that would advise him. You can
choose to name it whatever you want.
Imagine if you connected to this intuition throughout the day how much easier life would be.
You would have great ideas all the time, you would have access to the highest knowledge on
how to get things done. It would take a massive amount of relaxation and openness. That’s why
practices such as meditation , chanting and body sensing customs exist. Each one of these helps
you practice being free from thought and allows you to access your inner voice. When you ’ ve
reached a certain level in your practice you will be able to access your inner voice throughout the
How do I distinguish between my thoughts and my intuition?
That is a question I often ask myself. All I know is that intuition comes quickly. Try to remember
the feeling of when you were showering and a great idea came up , or the moment you lay down
and are relaxed in bed and an idea appears from nowhere. Connecting with your intuition feels
just like that. It doesn ’t come from analyzing or thinking, so if you are doing that you can cross
it out as being your intuition.
I personally like to consider my intuition and inner voice as something other than myself so I can
easily distinguish my thoughts from it. Sometimes I call it the universe or the flow of life, just
like Socrates called intuition his Daemon.
Our thinking sometimes kills our intuition. We had a feeling not to do something, we did it and
we say “ I should ’ ve listened to myself. ” We had a feeling not to trust this person, but we did,
and we got cheated. When we listen to our inner voice the first time, it gets stronger and stronger
every time. So be aware. Have faith and act on what inside is telling you without over analyzing

"Everyone who wills can hear the inner voice. It is within everyone." - Mahatma Gandhi
“ Your inner voice is the voice of divinity. To hear it, we need to be in solitude, even in crowded
places. ” - A. R. Rahman
The End
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I hope you found some of it useful. Please let
me know your favorite parts in a comment on Facebook or Instagram! ☺ If you have any
questions, prepare them , because I will be doing a lot of events this year to give out autographs
and talk to you guys! I hope to see you in the future when you ’ ve become the highest version of
yourself and have reached what you’ve considered the top. Good luck, my brothers and sisters.

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