Harvey 2012

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Evaluation of Erythrocytes

Each hemoglobin tetramer is capable of binding four mol-

ecules of O2 when fully oxygenated. The initial binding of a
Erythrocyte Morphology molecule of O2 to a monomer of tetrameric deoxygenated
Erythrocytes from all mammals are anucleated, and most are hemoglobin facilitates further binding of O2 to the hemoglo-
in the shape of biconcave discs called discocytes (Figs. 4-1, bin molecule. The changing O2 affinity of hemoglobin with
4-2).205 The biconcave shape results in the central pallor of oxygenation results in a sigmoid O2 dissociation curve (Fig.
erythrocytes observed in stained blood films. Among common 4-9), when the percent saturation of hemoglobin with O2
domestic animals, biconcavity and central pallor are most pro- is graphed against the PO2. The steepness of the middle
nounced in dogs (Figs. 4-3, 4-4), which also have the largest portion of the curve is of great physiologic significance
erythrocytes. Other species do not consistently exhibit central because it covers the range of O2 tensions present in tissues.
pallor in erythrocytes on stained blood films. The apparent Consequently a relatively small decrease in O2 tension in
benefit of the biconcave shape is that it gives erythrocytes high tissues results in substantial O2 release from hemoglobin.
surface area : volume ratios and allows for deformations that The overall affinity of hemoglobin for O2 is decreased by
must take place as they circulate. Erythrocytes from goats increasing H+, CO2, temperature, and, in most mammals,
generally have a flat surface with little surface depression; 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3DPG). There is a direct correla-
a variety of irregularly shaped erythrocytes (poikilocytes) may tion between body weight and the O2 affinity of hemoglobin
be present in clinically normal goats (Fig. 4-5). Erythrocytes in whole blood (lower body weight, lower O2 affinity) when
from animals in the Camelidae family (camels, llamas, vicuñas, various species of mammals are compared.205
and alpacas) are anucleated, thin, elliptical cells termed ellip- The O2 affinity of fetal blood is greater than that of mater-
tocytes or ovalocytes (Fig. 4-6). They are not biconcave in nal blood except in the cat. Differences in fetal versus maternal
shape and are minimally deformable.437 Erythrocytes from O2 affinity may potentiate O2 transport from the mother to
birds (Fig. 4-7), reptiles, and amphibians are also elliptical in the fetus. However, the fetus is subjected to low arterial O2
shape, but they contain nuclei and are larger than mammalian tensions, and the increased O2 affinity of fetal blood is likely
erythrocytes. Blood cells in salamanders are the largest needed to more fully saturate hemoglobin with O2.205
recognized (Fig. 4-8). The ability of plasma to carry CO2 is small, but the car-
bonic anhydrase reaction in erythrocytes increases the CO2-
Erythrocyte Functions carrying capacity of blood 17-fold by rapidly converting CO2
Mammalian erythrocytes normally circulate for several to carbonic acid (H2CO3). The H2CO3 spontaneously ionizes
months in blood despite limited synthetic capacities and to H+ and bicarbonate (HCO3−). The HCO3− diffuses out of
repeated exposures to mechanical and metabolic insults. the cell down a concentration gradient and chloride (Cl−)
Erythrocytes have three functions: transport of oxygen (O2) moves in (chloride shift) to maintain electrical neutrality.
to tissue, transport of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the lungs, and These processes are reversed at the lungs. Some CO2 is also
buffering of hydrogen ions (H+). In nonanemic animals, the transported bound to hemoglobin as carbamino groups.
presence of hemoglobin within erythrocytes increases the Deoxyhemoglobin binds about twice the CO2 that oxyhemo-
O2-carrying capacity of blood more than 50 times that of globin does.205
plasma without erythrocytes. The O2 content of blood depends Hemoglobin is the major protein buffer in blood. Deoxy-
on the blood hemoglobin content, the partial pressure of dis- hemoglobin is a weaker acid than oxyhemoglobin. Conse-
solved oxygen (PO2) in blood, and the affinity of hemoglobin quently, when oxyhemoglobin releases its O2 in the tissues,
for O2. the formation of deoxyhemoglobin results in increased binding


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