Adobe Scan Aug 25, 2022

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JRAM re typically Paster, so are

Implement memory leel clorer theProeeta
AAMacess times typically range rom CS
25 ns uhile DRAm acce imes typical tange
Tom 5o fo to
RAM ROM Romis the memaryhot connot be
changedby aprogram or jerRom retains ik
Memaryeven after the computer i turned off
For mak RoM he dalq is simply ehcheol onh the
chip in the achor. ekhinqpermenently chonge4 hie
phyaicasuctureaf the chip, ike
for EPRoM data con be wtfen, RoM can porholly
chonge ts tontent

A simple exomple Rom i he cortndge ued

i thvideo qame tonsole, uhich_allou ane cgsiem
o run Mulhple aamej
fqaf EEPROMwhich programable Roh_uwedl
o r he comuher BIOS


ompulerrequire inpul harduart procesi.nghardoare

hat dehne
AOutpu handur The bardwore A hear a2-
Camput-eris the (PO & memay rhout
Campube could na) Eunchon
Waking Storage
Lampulex ue tdoypel o The CPU infemc
aecondany storage
nmary storaqe & fo it or hoth
closely tshpnmo.ry shera9e efemi?q
dolyFar thit reajan this part of he
insbnichan) Confex E af CYU
discuss mepoy in the
peaging_co at t h e
only temporonly
Pamany memary halds doa
i exeLuhnq aprog0M Secopdoy
Hme he conmputey
permanoent orSemi-
perganest dahd
Storage holds
same extena magneic med iom-
on pmgrame h dala
To perkorm he abplicaton the
memory To do thi
Needt be Copy in_pameary the dato&pogrome
copies 4all
RAM interack wih Rom
1abaota compuler i to
he loadaopezHng system
Compu ier mainmeman4 0 2
operahi nc Sustem ik loadedin
O 0E Users fo un RAm
applicyh'on he omputer
eoLms Sen of hant fime frub &checkec he
malapera bons con be perkalmed by ihe
inibiaBe he boo lbader , ahichloadf
ecube hestartup sequchce4 he ap.erziting

OM CRead only Memary)isa homworisan

irctpmgrammed oith specihic data_twhen it i
nanukacured Romconaint nan-Valatilemeanr the
daa cannakbe dhange narmally con anly he
Nak wtten Fo
Lo periarm he cperahion the programe needr t be
in RAMsa Rom perkorm he operatton that
capie he daka om secondory meMary Kom) fo
RAM ROM hou a hoobirap laader uhich load1 the
operating Susiem a veny hrt then_periorML 2ther Operuh ep
RDM Keeps he ddka oith ar thaut eleciiy
Rom ho lorqer Capaty han RAm So i Fon share
large amaunt f daka permane nHy
There are ype of Ram
)PRom (lroaromable Ram)
) EPRomEraiable Pmaramable_Rom)
ii)££PRom (Elechriand ërasahle Ro

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