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INTRODUCTION ➢ Nemo dat quod non habet – No one can give a better title than he has

• The law governing the selling of goods is referred to as SOGA SALE OF GOODS himself
➢ Sec. 27, where goods sold by person who is not the owner or consent of
• The act applies to contracts of sale of all types of goods, including
second-hand goods owner, the buyer no better title to the goods than the seller had (to
• Section 9(1) of the SOGA it can be determined by the course of protect ownership, if goods are stolen and sold, the right of the original
dealing between parties owner is retained)
1) Section 14(A), Implied condition as to “title”
• Section 9(2) of the SOGA where the price is not determined, the buyer ➢ Exceptions to ‘Nemo dat quod non habet’ A seller has no ownership or
▪ The seller must have title/ownership/property in goods to transfer to
must pay a reasonable price authority to sell, but the title transferred to a bona fide buyer
1) Estoppel
▪ If the seller does not have title, the seller is in breach of the implied
OWNERSHIP/PROPERTY IN GOODS & POSSESSION Owner by his conduct makes it appear to the buyer that the person
condition and therefore the buyer can repudiate the contract
• The ownership or property in goods means having the legal title or right who sells the goods has authority to do so and buyer relies on that
▪ Case: Rowland V Divall
over the goods conduct, the buyer obtains a good title because the ownership or
• Possession means having physical control over the goods authority to sell.
2) Section 14(B), Implied Warranty as to Quiet Possession
▪ Unless a different intention is shown, there is an implied warranty that
• Section 2 of the SOGA means every kind of movable property other 2) Sale by mercantile agent
the buyer shall have and enjoy quiet possession of the goods
than actionable claims and money Second-hand automobile dealer, a broker, or an auctioneer
▪ Case: Microbeads A.G V Vinhurst Road Marking Ltd

DEFINITION 3) Sale by one of joint owners

3) Section 14(C), Implied Warranty as to Free from Encumbrances
• Sale is a contract under which the property or ownership of the goods If one of several joint owners of goods has the sole possession of them
▪ The goods shall be free from any charge or encumbrance in favour of
is transferred from the seller to the buyer at the time of contract by permission of the co-owners, the property in the goods in transferred
3rd party not declared or known to the buyer before or at the time
• Agreement to sell is which a contract under the transfer of the property to any person who buys them of such joint owner in good faith and has
when the contract is made
or ownership of the goods is to take place at a future time not at the time of the contract of sale notice that the seller has not
▪ Case: Steinke V Edwards
• Section 4(4) of the SOGA, an agreement to sell becomes a sale when authority to sell
the conditions are fulfilled 4) Section 15, Implied Condition Contract by Description
• Section 4(1) of the SOGA, it is a contract when the seller transfers the 4) Sale under a voidable title
▪ The goods shall correspond with the description
property in goods to the buyer for a price When the seller of goods has a voidable title to them, but his title has not
▪ Case: Nagurdas Purshotumdas & Co v. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha Ltd
• Section 4(3) of the SOGA, it includes both sale and an agreement to been avoided at the time of the sale, the buyer acquires a good title to
▪ : Associated Metal Smelters V Tham Cheow Toh
sell. the goods
5) Section 16(A), Implied Condition as to Fitness for Particular Purpose
TERMS OF CONTRACT 5) Sale by SELLER in possession after sale
▪ Buyer must beware when making a purchase as to the quality of the
• Section 12(2) of the SOGA: Conditions is a term that is required in any When a person who has sold goods continues or has possession of the
goods purchase
contract. The violation of condition contract can then be cancelled, goods or the documents of title to the goods, the delivery/transfer of
▪ Caveat emptor: buyer must beware (if buyer careless to satisfy himself
and the products can be returned. It would allow the other party to the goods by that person or by a mercantile agent acting for him under
as to the quality, he cannot sue the seller)
repudiate the contract any sale, if any person same good faith has the same effect
▪ Exceptions under section 16 (1)(a)
• Section 12(3) of the SOGA: The warranty term is an add-on to the i) Disclosure of purpose, expressly or impliedly
contract's principal purpose. Which party can only sue for damages if 6) Sale by BUYER in possession after sale
ii) Reliance on seller’s skills & judgement
there is a breach of guarantee, but they cannot reject the products or if a buyer, having bought/agreed to buy goods, obtains possession of
iii) Goods supplied are the kind that seller normally supplies in business
cancel the contract title with the consent of seller, he can pass a good title to a subsequent
iv) The goods were not brought under patent or trade name
buyer acting in good faith
6) Section 16(B), Implied Condition as to Merchantable Quality
Provided that if the buyer has examined the goods, there shall be no
1. Section 14(A), Implied condition as to “title” implied condition as regards defect which such examination ought to ❑ Right in personam ❑ Right of Buyer to Bring an Action
have revealed o Failure buyer take delivery for Non-Delivery
2. Section 14(B), Implied Warranty as to Quiet Possession
o Failure buyer accept goods ❑ Right of Buyer to Bring an Action
3. Section 14(C), Implied Warranty as to Free from Encumbrances 7) Section 17, Implied Condition Sale by Sample o Failure buyer pay the goods for Specific Performance
▪ Sec. 17 (2)(a) – bulk must correspond with sample • Right of the seller to sue ❑ Remedies Available to Buyer
4. Section 15, Implied Condition Contract by Description
▪ Sec. 17 (2)(b) – buyer must be given reasonable opportunity to Breach of Warranty
5. Section 16(A), Implied Condition as to Fitness for Particular Purpose compare the bulk with sample ❑ Right in rem (seller can) ❑ Buyer’s Action in Tort (individual
▪ Sec. 17 (2)(c) – goods are free from any defect rendering them o Right of lien V individual)
6. Section 16(B), Implied Condition as to Merchantable Quality
unmerchantable which would not be apparent on reasonable o Right of stoppage in transit
7. Section 17, Implied Condition Sale by Sample examination of the sample o Right of resale

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