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Lesson 3: GMO: Science Health & Politics

Lesson Objectives

• At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

• identify issues on genetically modified organisms.
• discuss different implications & impacts of GMO's and;
• create a research paper on the impact of GMO's in the
Philippine context.
The idea of GMO in the Philippines particularly
on Bt Corn developed when Rosalie Ellasus,
an OFW in Singapore attended IPM- Farmer
Field School.

She voluntered that her field be tested with

Bt Corn, she observed that their was an
increase in the yield from 4.2 tons per ha to
7.2 tons per acre..

Ongkiko 2016, said, that this is one of the

success stories of the GMO's.
Origin of the term Genetic Engineering

Coined by Jack Williamson in the year

1951, author of science fiction novel
Dragon's Island .

Through continuous search for development

the term genetic engineering became a
What is GMO? How is it done?
• According to WHO, GMO is the term used for an
organism, created through genetic engineering.

• WHO defines GMO as an organism either plant, animal or

microorganism, in which the genetic material has been
altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating or
natural recombination
The Process
On GE Mosquitoes

The use of GM male

mosquitoes as pest
control over female
carriers of Zika and
dengue virus.
Examples of GMO's in Food & Agricultural Industries

• According to CEEH, 2013.

• Pest resistance
Bt Corn

Asian Corn Borer

Bacillus thuringiensis
• Rainbow Papaya
• PRSV detrimental to
papaya plants.
• Herbicide tolerance
• Glyphosate (herbicide for
• Fortification
• Golden rice (beta-carotene)
• Cosmetic Preservation
• Arctic apple (resist
• Aquadvantage salmon
• Increase growth rate
GMO's in Non Food Crops & Microorganisms

• Flower Production
• modified color & extended
vase life
• diverts anthocyanin
biosynthetic pathway to
production of delphinidine
glucosides, changes
flower to blue.
• Paper production
Ex: poplar trees for higher
yield of paper production
- genes that code for ferulic
acid in young poplar.
- harvest lignin
• Pharmaceutical
- modified to produce
pharmaceutical products
-Ex: periwinkle plants
- bacterial genes added to
periwinkle to enhance
• Bioremediation
- assist in bioremediation of
polluted sites.
- Nicotiana glauca modified
with phytochelatin TaPCS11
used in bioremediation.
• Enzyme & drug production
- CGTase food flavor enhancer
- Bacillus modified with gene
from thermophilic
- Artemesinic acid (antimalarial
drug) produced by yeast &
bacteria, modified with sweet
wordwood plant gene.
• GMO's in medical field
Humulin- genetically
engineered human insulin.
- type 1 diabetes patients
insulin dependent.
Benefits of GMO's

• Higher efficiency in farming- less pesticide application.

• Increase in harvest- crops developed resistance to pests.
• Control in fertility- control purity of hybrid seeds (GMO
seed) increases yield
• Increase in food processing- altered characteristics of
GMO crops.
• Improvement of desirable characteristics
• Nutritional & pharmaceutical enhancement
• Reduce the use of fertilizer & pesticides.
Common Examples of Food with GMO's

• Kellogg's corn flakes Top 5 countries that

• Quaker Chewy granula bars operate GMO farmlands
• Ultra Slim fast • US
• Quaker yellow corn meal • Argentina
• Alpo dry pet food • Brazil
• India
• Canada
Potential Risk of GMO

• Inadequate studies on GMO - GE is a young branch of

• Promotes mutation of organisms- long term effects
• More allergic reaction side effects of gene mutation
• Antibiotic resistance- increases widespread of disease.
• Nutritional value ( food may change in their nutritional
Potential Environmental Risks Caused by GMO's

• Risk in gene flow

modified gene from GE crops transferred to its wild relative
or to soil organism or to human intestine ( when ingested).
- no studies yet on the effects of absorb modified gene to
other organisms.
Emergence of new forms of resistance & secondary
pests and weed problems
Recombination of virus & bacteria (to create new

Karki (2006)
Potential Human Health Risks Caused by GMO

• consumption may have adverse effects since it is not

organically / naturally grown.
• alter the balance of existing microorganisms in the
human digestive system.
• production of toxins detrimental to human health.
• production of allergens have adverse side effects on

Ahkter (2001)
• There are many groups worldwide that encourage
people to boycott GMO products and to be vigilant in
checking if foods they buy has GMO ingredients.

• The Philippines has ruled against the use of Bt eggplant

another GM crop. (Ongkiko,2016)
Other Potential Risks that cause GMO Concern

• Human genome project- ability to produce genetic

information would create biases (advantageous to
people who holds the information, disadvantageous to
those who do not have genetic info).
• Mutation of GE organism (they become more resistant/
virulent, cause more dreadful diseases.
• Cloning- Asexual reproduction of an organism using
parent cell through GE.
The First Cloned Sheep “Dolly”

• February 24,1997 from

Scotland, was born through
• Created by Ian Wilmuth &
• With its celebrated success
came the fear of human
• Due to the celebrated success of mammalian
cloning. It emerged the ethical issue of man,
playing with GOD.
Biosafety on GMO's

• International organizations
developed principles &
treaties, that somehow
ensure biosafety on
• responsible for
development of
standards,codes of
practices, guidelines &
recommendations on
food safety.
• Cartagena Protocol on
- regulates the transboundary
movement of LMO's.
- it requires exporters to seek
consent from the importers
before its first shipment.
• International agreement
on labelling of GM food
& food products
• label gives right to
importing parties to reject
or accept GM products.
( Whitman,2000)
GMO's in the Philippine Context

• Please read the history of GMO's in the Philippine

Context on pp.145-147 (Prescribed STS book).

• In March 7.2016, 5 government agencies namely:

DOST, DENR, DoH, DILG, DoA passed a joint
Department circular No.1 series of 2016.
• Rules & regulations for the research and
development, handling and use,transboundary
movement, release in the environment &
management og GM plants and plant products
derived from the use of modern biotechnology.
• Joint department circular paves way to
issuance of new permits for planting and
importing GM crops in the country.

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