Hum - 135

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Sub: English
Course No.: Hum-135
3 Credit Course – 41 Lectures

1. English Phonetics: Ways of correct English pronunciation.
The speech sounds of English Language,
Differences and similarities between the speech sound of English and
2. The vowels, consonants and diphthongs.
3. Phonetic transcription of some words.
4. Construction of sentences:
Basic structure of a sentence,
Different types of sentences and their structures,
5. Simple, complex and compound sentences,
6. Constructing different types of sentences through dialogue writing.
Combining sentence by using coordination and subordination.
7. Grammatical Problems:
Errors which usually occur in sentences.
8. Problems with different parts of speech with special reference to verbs,
Some problems in usage.
9. Vocabulary:
How can we enrich our collection of words?.
Five points that are essential for developing vocabulary.
10. Getting meanings of unfamiliar words from their contexts,
11. Some common words which we need in our everyday life.
12. Comprehension:
Imaginative and practical passages,
Meaning, styles, facts of given passages.
13. Points which we should keep in mind while doing exercise on
14. Practicing reading comprehension.
15. Paragraph Writing:
What is a paragraph?
Topic Sentence
16. Order and unity in a paragraph,
17. Composition:
Thesis sentence
Linking Expressions
18. Writing guided compositions following some hints.
Writing compositions on current affairs.
19. Dialogue writing:
What is dialogue? Points that we need to keep in mind while writing
dialogue on a given topic.
20. Writing dialogue on given topics.
21. Concept of effective oral presentation
22. Precis Writing:
What is a precis?
Which points we need to keep in mind while writing precis on a given
23. Writing precis on given passages
24. Amplification:
Points relating to expansion of ideas,
25. How can we expand a proverb?
26. Exercise on Amplification.
27. Commercial Correspondence:
Defining Context, Feedback
28. Different types of letters. Different parts of a letter,
29. Business letter; Public letter; Job application letter,
30. Commercial letters: Tender-notice and Pre-qualification notice,
Different types of tender notices.
31. Short stories:
“An Astrologer’s Day” Written by R.K. Narayan,
A general discussion on the story. A critical analysis of the story,
32. Important characters of the story.
33. ‘Shooting an Elephant’ George Orwell,
A critical analysis of the story.
34. “Fire on the Mountain” written by William Golding,
A general discussion on the story,
35. A critical analysis of the story.
36. ‘The Rocking-Horse Winner’ by D. H. Lawrence,
A general discussion on the story.
37. A comparative and critical analysis of all the three stories.
38. Report Writing:
Different types of reports,
Book reports; Science Project reports,
39. Points that we should keep in mind while writing a science project
40. Writing reports on general topics.
41. Feedback Session:
A general discussion on the topics already covered.

Recommended Books :

• Raymond, Murphy. Intermediate English Grammar. Cambridge: CUP

• ---. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge: CUP, 2001.
• Thomson, A. J., & Martinet, A.V. A Practical English Grammar. New
Delhi: OUP, 2001.
• Hefferman, AW James. Writing A College Handbook. London: Norton,
• Sharma, R C., & Mohan, Krishna. Commercial Correspondence and
Report Writing. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.
• Fitikides, T.J. Common Mistakes in English. London: Longman, 2002.
• Berry, T.E. Most Common Mistakes in English Usage. New Delhi:
McGraw-Hill, 2000.
• G, Simon., & Swan, M. Effective Reading. Cambridge: CUP, 2001.
• Mosback, G., & Mosback, V. Practicing Faster Reading. Cambridge:
CUP, 1999
• Imhoof, M., & Herman, H. From Paragraph to Essay. Harlow:
Longman, 2000
• Haq, Ahsanul. Ed. Prose of Our Time.
• Hornby, A S. Oxford Advanced Learner,s Dictionary. Oxford: OUP,

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