Bmjopen 2020 September 10 9 Inline Supplementary Material 1

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BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance

Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

Appendix A

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed

Citations and Daily <1946 to April 03, 2020>


1 Back Pain/ (17459)

2 Low Back Pain/ (21473)

3 Sciatica/ (4973)

4 exp Spondylosis/ (7396)

5 back pain.ti,ab. (45684)

6 back ache.ti,ab. (100)

7 backache.ti,ab. (2466)

8 lumbar pain.ti,ab. (1453)

9 spine pain.ti,ab. (415)

10 spinal pain.ti,ab. (1430)

11 sciatica.ti,ab. (4170)

12 sciatic pain.ti,ab. (570)

13 spondylosis.ti,ab. (3198)

14 spondyloarthr*.ti,ab. (6453)

15 spondylolisthesis.ti,ab. (4981)

16 lumbago.ti,ab. (1333)

17 dorsalgia.ti,ab. (88)

18 or/1-17 (82854)

19 exp Health Education/ (240671)

Furlong B, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e039530. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039530

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

20 exp Communications Media/ (316973)

21 Social Media/ (7278)

22 Internet/ (71717)

23 Mobile applications/ (5487)

24 Internet-Based Intervention/ (78)

25 exp Counseling/ (43379)

26 ed.fs. (275241)

27 education*.ti,ab. (527633)

28 psychoeducation*.ti,ab. (4772)

29 back school*.ti,ab. (290)

30 book*.ti,ab. (33489)

31 workbook*.ti,ab. (702)

32 (video or videos).ti,ab. (94724)

33 (audio or audiovisual*).ti,ab. (19979)

34 pamphlet*.ti,ab. (1923)

35 leaflet*.ti,ab. (21863)

36 brochure*.ti,ab. (2294)

37 (poster or posters).ti,ab. (6900)

38 (website* or web sites*).ti,ab. (28891)

39 (app or apps).ti,ab. (26854)

40 (application* adj2 (web or internet or online or mhealth or ehealth or digital or

smartphone or cellphone or phone or ipad or iphone or android or mobile)).ti,ab. (10903)

41 infographic*.ti,ab. (298)

42 module*.ti,ab. (64302)

Furlong B, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e039530. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039530

BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

43 animation*.ti,ab. (2899)

44 ((patient or consumer or health) adj information).ti,ab. (29271)

45 ((biopsychosocial or psychosocial or psycho social or cognitive or behavioral or behavioural

or psychological) adj2 (treatment* or intervention* or therapy or therapies or management or

program* or training or approach* or counsel* or coach*)).ti,ab. (79187)

46 ((online or web or internet or e learning or elearning or ehealth or e health or telehealth or

telephone or phone) adj2 (session* or program* or workshop* or training or coach* or counsel* or

support*)).ti,ab. (11514)

47 ((group or individual or individuali* or personal or personali* or self) adj2 (session* or

program* or workshop* or training or coach* or counsel* or support*)).ti,ab. (54884)

48 ((health or movement) adj coach*).ti,ab. (752)

49 advice.ti,ab. (47300)

50 reassurance.ti,ab. (5570)

51 or/19-50 (1605878)

52 ((randomized controlled trial or controlled clinical trial).pt. or randomized.ab. or

randomised.ab. or placebo.ab. or drug therapy.fs. or randomly.ab. or trial.ab. or groups.ab.) not (exp

animals/ not (4063887)

53 18 and 51 and 52 (2406)


Furlong B, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e039530. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039530

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