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AN The Millennium School A GEMS SCHOOL L SEL as) Cie ES AISSC - PRACTICAL EXAMINATION ACADEMIC YEAR - 2020-2021 SUBJECT - ENTREPRENEURSHIP NAME OF THE STUDENT : BOARD ROLL NO PROJECT SPECIFICS The Millennium School, Bubai ENTREPRENEURSHIP CERTIFICATE Certified to be the bonafide record of the project work done by Miss. Ashrita Reddy Vemulapati of Grade XII as prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi during the academic year 2020 — 2021. Mrs. Monika Shah Mrs. Ambika Gulati Teacher in- Charge Principal Submitted for the Practical Examination on........... 2021 held in The Millennium School, Dubai. Internal Examiner ernal Exan ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Ambika Gulati, the Principal of our school. It gives me immense pleasure to present the Project on Business plan. It would not have been possible without the kind support of my teacher in charge, Mrs. Monika Shah , under whose guidance and constant supervision the project was brought to the present state. I would also like to express my gratitude towards my parents for their kind co-operation and encouragement which helped me in the completion of this project. I am. also thankful to the C.B.S.E for giving me such an amazing opportunity for making this project and giving suitable instructions and guidelines for the project. Last but not the least, I thank my friends who shared necessary information and useful web links for preparing my project. Thanks again to all. ASHRITA REDDY DEX SR.NO. TOPIC PAGES | T. SIGN 1. OBJECTIVES 2.__ | TRODUCTION 3._ | INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 4. __| COMPETITOR ANALYSIS 5. __| COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE 6. _| USP OF MERAKI FASHIONS 7. [BRAND VALUES _ 8. __| ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN a ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 10. _| PRODUCTION PLAN 11._| HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN 12. | MARKETING PLAN 13._| MARKETING STRATEGIES 14. | MARKETING MIX 15. [SWOTANALYSIS ia 16._| ASSESMENT OF RISK 17,_| APPENDIX. dubyeduction The boutique shop Hat ie one promoting is Nevalei Fashions phich is a vuique clothing stone - NeLoki is ao modenn gnack vont, darived from Hae Turkish pond “Nerak”, meaning to do someting bith passion , with absolute devotion lich clikines oun boutique stone cud its omence of involvement - Meraki Fashions aims at providing o (cole Hat provides the weoner ith o uigue cul ludividuulistic fain . Te design offs stylish oud sustainable apparel: The desiqnen meutes designs nldch one inspinad by He adian aud Westen CuLlune making ous desi gus cosy to near ,modsnn , auc ehuic ak the some time. WMitiolly , alt products ill be opsmed for sale vio the Company Lebsite, WHW: mevakifashions-Com - The website nill ober. full access to the latest offerings auc allow cligants to experience Hie tmoul's product offenings and dasiguen updates 24 hours o dow from te comport ob Hain howes . In the futune, asthe band piks up and begins fo ashicve bond seoquition , Ibis iutended that Henoki will hove a. toubique in Boxjone Hills, Hydenalud TUangano , ludio. Competition is thane for ony and wey type of business , it is imevitalle - Thane is competition fom the smolt selians , discounted e-commance sites , baoused stones , abt Howiny kuonledge of OU CompetitDns (univess Lups up fo ovencomethe Competitions th He monket - The fashion industry is aliaays chungivg - (u ord tobe a player in this monket ,it js importout to keep o rolonced. inventory SUES sUNPINS OA imaprassive knowledge ob fasWion oud odhenbion fo Har numbers . A grat altitude and excellent social ailis will also Wp co parson go fu i this business - The wmajon Couapetitors fpr Msnaki Fashions in (dia. ane = + FABINDIA + RITU KUMAR + KHAADI + NEERU'S BASED , CONTEMPO aey RESTRICTS THEIR, i} q 4 AND AFFORDABLE. »|VOLDNES ALOT Te pro kunar's usp |. expense RITU KUMAR 1S AARI AND ZARDO2I | BRAND WORK | a KHAADI { —_ | —__—_— |- seuing THe ware: THE BEST OF INDIAN DIVERMENCE IN 4 | NEERU 5 SRS EAR ATA PropuctiviTy AND RESONABLE PRICE TAQ Quaury Muwalei will provide a compreluusive set of value -added Suwices that vill be cotensd to oun customs te fin soll also provide additional sewices for online shopping customers Such os Mating o pusopsliged outfit cotuiug to the Cuntomun's proferonces - Buyers Will also be ableto choose tain choice of fabrics ond mobmial asondivg to Hun budget oud will be provided, free Cousultution prom Hunadi's scpaniauced clesiquirs. OLD eralj Joshiong Muraki's unique feature is oun position as the owly provide for high qpality, personalized , mode aud lndian etanic clothes ak neasoundle prices - likevise ,tre ability fo provide prrsountiged designers trough our websites cud qet Corsultations from oun fop designers at dbeolutuyy Wo cage adds to our USP -We also oli ak paoviding the best Cuntowur sewict ot our store. Oun UsP's provide us with te ideal ars pnoduct wodtl pith blich fo Compete NG warts all of Hw Keys to successful nus wutoil clotuing products :- %* HIGH PERCEIVED VALUE :- Our products Convinclugly offi o high Wel of Value ond duncbility fon HAL price ond give oun comDUUMUs coufidbuce thot Hulr mousy is well auc wisely spent. 3 QUALITY AND UTILITY AS WELL AS FASHION = Fashion numoins important , but quality cowss finst in the Winds of MaWY COrdUANIS OUR products offer oe of He best quality , utility andl fashion Lawing o. tumsndous Competitive advourtage ovr otlin product frondr thot offet fasuion alone %& HIGH BRAND REPUTATION ABOVE STYLE :- pe Our finm puts Cuntowun satispastion and valus aleve oll aise - Mawki is o finm that stars fpr grscd Styling , gh social Vous, SUC OS £6O- COUOURUESS , dousions tothe socicty, (ost - Cousdiaubuess , xtc - Drvwd Values Some of the Values fplloned ab Henoki ane: & INTEGRITY so WE Uphold the highest stoxslands of imbegnity ii oll Oun actions . KX TEAMWORK te We bork togetn , acnoss lounsdanits to wit oe vods Of Ow CuDtowRs ancl to Walp ow (onmpoury Lin. % RESPECT FOR PEOPLE f= We Vous our people encourage teu development curl pwoncl HU PRU UOWEe - (OHMITMENT TO SOUETY fo We vill mae requir Coutnilsutions buck to Hu society We one good. citizens th te Communities ie live auch bore th - PERSONAL AKOUNTABILITY 3. We ond pursonally ccmuutole fon delivering on oun commitments - Organigetion af, Pe Pury Meroki Fashions i» Onganiger. as a partumship finm ouong 2 pontwsns Avawi Shaikh avd Aukita Aurore - Roly HAL parts hove graduated from The Notiousl (uotituke of Fashion Tecruology India: Avani has Completed a 4- year post qroducte counne in Fashion Design from NIFT with 2°S years of woqyunitnce iouking an o jumion ussistant dusiguar fou HSN . Ankita. has connec a Nustn's Degree In Fashion Hausige wreak faom NIFT sith 2 yeors of working experience at Zann ob a Manketing Manogen - Shi har aldo obtained o BBA Daqnse from UN |ndow, Udi . Avowi pill be handling the daniguing , wrcuu facturing ouack productiow odpect of tho bunivess While Aweite ill bode Ho marketing , Luo sudoUrce Oud fiUsAce appects Of TL (wives. Mana ty quod portumiship anaugemeut dre the profits , Viability an monngemurt dutin ane dividsd sqyaliy auuoug (oth the partners. Oun ist boutique will ve located in Hydarabeud , Audie Paacltoh , India. TAL Louns of operation soil! lre from Nouday fo Friday Bum-Ipm. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART DESIGNING POs DESIGNER ( INTERN ) ve |AVAN! SHAIKH, EXECUTIVE MANAGER | PRODUCTION Certo) pores’ Pert) EMBROIDERS co OWNER s a \ ) x ANIKITA AURORA EXECUTIVE MANAGER CO Pcs RON st ed Popes Cowra Production Pfr Maki dasigns ane inkuamad by Wentern curd Indian Gutune , baritage , nature Hdrali offers looks lsanast on Simplicity , individuality , aud furrinity - Our designs are mode of Lucuny bulsnics funweel with intricote Lond stitching and aceonts to add individuality oud prsonatity fo cach piece - The finam ill corny ouk portiol mouufactuni us our podic BILL be provided to Uds bythe supplias - AKL Susriving cuact Guolyaing the Samples ob ditpummt types of falmics , We BIL decide Ha right furric vsedacl to produce oun finel goumuuts . Mugla will only ure ta fabric proviclecl by local supplians Conrying out oun Rappoudi bility ay o social -stvcal fini. The fomic im tun dyed Cut, wulnoidacl , gtitcecl ly tailors oudl salmoicens asconding to Ha daniqu paovicad - Fo. a pues sdscked darigus , machiviny ond equipwrtut iit be unack - Some machinery seqwinecl fon He production ane: 1. SEWING MACHINES j= * ZigZag sewing mocine « Button sending Woe, 2. CUTTING MACHINES AND EQUIPNENT 3. * Cudting table * Fobnic suiasors * Ung machi We * Heat thonober privter 3- FINISHING MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT $= * Toned trims * Tag gun mocline + clotling nodes aud laugens + Wodling Wmuchirnes ¢ Stem inon Ouran Resource Plan Te Vignonchy of Miraki Fashions hur almady beer obincunred Glove Th Hw ongouigotional plan in Hie joUrok & fod chant Tue following ane te dipantwants of the onyauigation . © CEO CCHIEF ExECuTIVE oFFICER Since Mendei dy o patwsndlip pum of orgaurigeition, both Avoid ancl Ankita willbe the CO- executive obficars Wouddiig diffrent odpects of He usimurs - They till alo ovslodk the fuutioulug ob ALL tae departwunts - © MARKETING NANA GER The Monlating Monager suppounible for mouaging tr promotion ous positioning of our (mond cud He moducts be sell: Te monketing woncyer im Unployed f adinad mor Custos to buy from oun boutique auel to nore nou anata Hunrough te Cuation of marketing Campaigns. @ HUMAN RESOURCE HANAHER The HR Moucger wil Woo ond dinect the poutine fuuctious of H2 HR duportant jrclucing ining ou latuwuiai ing , Stoly ocmaiuintulng pay. feasgits , Wore cud wagorcing We Gwpany's policiy ancl practices. e DEPUTY FINANCE DIRECTOR The daputy finance director will provide accounting oud fimaucial control monk forthe inoue department - @ ACCOUNTANT The accountant rill be suspounikle fpr the preparation andl aualysis of Tre FiuMs fiusnciol suconds , (nouding dot wauagemut analysis anc Couduttation, Guation ob fivouciol statenuts xtc. © ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT The amsistant vill luip th prrpaning fusndal documants Such ad invoices, bills aud accounts payobste cul neccivale gte- ¢ DESIGNER Tre Designer will stucly Hae trond aust sleatch He iuitiol clothing didign -she Lill be neppomsibe fpr duniquing indivi- dualiged , Custom clotting fot tu CustouAns . @ ASSISTANT DESIGNER She will Lup He daiquer vith He dapiguing procum ond collecting iMformation ou the latest trends - @ PRODUCTION MANAGER The manager jill wsurcrge tar production process quid fie toilond aud suasnoidins cud do naeguiarn quality chases fo msiutain fre quality ob Hx product: @ TAILORS AND ENBROIDERS Tuy will cunte wus clotting pirces ly following Iustuactions from the dapiguin curd production wromager to fit CUdTOWAINS preferwrcon - All Hie wmployees will be nenwuited boned ov then qualifications por their spac biel jos cucl Dill be troduscl for a period of 3 mounts - They will aldo be given peers oud beustits such OD fue accommodation ; fre tausportation , 30 days of A gngency (eowe, suaployer did counts ob: JMethetingy Plan => MARKETING OBIECTIVES These ane tae main objectives that Menaki till want to adrive by next Yeon We Ca nepanoke tam IW Hane qnoups : Guntovawr selotionships , morkebug aud fiucucial activities - |. OBJECTIVES OF CUSTONER RELATIONSHIPS V Incunse visits of UUs cuntonuns ly 107 fo the paysical stow i The woct 12 months V adivate the ouline stone forthe younger audiomte auch get it to lrecome 107 of oun soled tir the wet Yr. Using social ushaontes Tmonden fo mode it loin A twuprove Guntbuwn satisbuction by getting 987 af Custouars to Couniden (uying Hsir clottus at Mud Faslians. 2. MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES V to maximize (oMDUMs Salistaction Jf ta Maximize cubnprise profitability Hough meurimaing Ourunwe sahsfaction 3. OBJECTIVES OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES wl Inoeare Compory profits by lo/-oven tha Wot 12 mouths m= MARKETING STRATEGY Matald Fashions will fooud its monketing akfonts Hinough He fpllonsing kay medion + Aecusve FASHION BHOW VENUES Te Company will adtend aud exhibit th large pre-collection fashion shons in addition tr annual industry fashion shows Cie fashion eek) Munoki pill olso mdubit Hu lines ak many olan fashion trade fains to introduce Hu (mane aust He dariqns to potential suinil ond boutique buns: Ajceceserty pepRENseNTATION Nualei ill propose Hw wre of a foo keoy pieces tothe likes of cuubmnity stylists ond honllins to further promote the Company's quatity oud snclunive image -We till ano tanget furroud beauky ord farrion Woggens on social muacia toinccone brand anrannwnd . A FASHION Look Book Is on excellent way for driqurs to Comuct vith potential customers On o puisount Lurel . Tair allows fon He cotalug to be presented to the Cuntowns via tae intuut Cabich ub Hu most ured choamntl of Shopping wow) -Nany alo uot live th big unan citits kane fadlion hap o longer pusence , So thir would arochr those Aho ane looking fn original Ligh-and diriqus. A MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS OUn Compouny ill Kine o professional individual to be tin couback pith fashion mugogines euch ad vogue (udio, Elle /Feurluce , 2bc . fo announce He nao collections aud iuneane visibility cumoguet Nunale! tuaget Montel Avorn oF mouTH Tho greatest compliment a. burinends Con get ts ao Tobemnal from Hae prurant Cuotonuns - Since our clothing line is oivud toronds quality aud scclusive products , Harr raill uaturolly be raidenprrad of won almut a. great product und by Sommoue . PRODUCT We pnovide Indian Nestenn -imapinecl drurded- Thay ccur be orn fon. thaditional functions and weddings on Huy can be Won on cosucl ocassions - The donigue an inppined. by He lasion history , wUAL ond Wnitaye with a touds of a nestun fist fo wale it mane Grmbortalte, legatiselg it aud modinir jpn today's young qenuotion . WE pnovidle products such an kuntis for nomi , Wanyar , draped santa ,salaan kant , unter for wun ,Shemoudl for wun , wrisex jociats . Iu Onan to appeal toorsidtr montert and grow Ha busi nui » % graphic desiquar will be Wired ture rill be oven So propniztony darigua available sxclusivily taasugh Huai Faniows » Thent will also be bundds af qtophic semeuts available for Cuntomend to Guote Hair unique dirigus for bux owliae acl i the stow lun it launches - PRICE Manokis palcing wemuiuy dearounbtt cud competitive, sothe Company con proud on maximizing salts trough volun pricing aud coutiuue tO Mmaxinize Deku ol SOLD . Haale’ vill wre 0. cost -value buntel pricing atrntegy Tus costs of Ja wateials ae. cliscounted when te fourpoury punch om ti (we Munralei’s pricing teclurioue incur ods priciay ond bundling some groups of items tp Couey value . Minulci's valut proposition tw to provide Hee bigtuat quouity Uothiug products for Hrd Went prices bot oudiva curct juotone - With tovapetitive pridug ousl free slipping , our VOARL proposition ctor tp Hu toget meat: Quality coutnol i» wctremody importout . Any items that ont not perfect ill be soved to sell later fon a dircoumated price , 507 of Hur iudivicwcd petail price at Hu storefront - As & wus boutique stone buninun , it iv critical for uo fo (wild Custovanr trunt Litt quolity products oul excancl oncin expectations trough peeallunk Cubtoann spwice. Mucaki Fasliowr prowrined 1001. qustouun satisfaction gurourtes anc Hut Courpauny will twee its wurrondine bale ip omy domage is caliucl during delivery. PLACE Mule’ will be located at gonjore Hills , Hydactracl tuslia . THis space har 2000 eqpane feet ama auc kor bea nuated. for, 2 ysons » We fel itis wnentiol for our iitial oud ongoing Success Heat we locate ounnelves tir Hie baont of He city We aldo Stnive {> twote aun otmosphint of acceptance end Community aD WelLar a netail wwinormunt where indivioluods cour ideadihy uk bond with Huir cultunt - Tae buniuay dalivins vill be handed Harough He showncom oud ano Hnough commur sumicrs on Hae bone of eb page orcas. Muodei iutevals to iuild o sober tem Haat vill be tanked vith qeamoting sais Loc or a Sugionol bonin - Try Lill ano bre Sespounitility saspouni He for stabstishbing Covuareki ows wit olan nubnil ouKUts «A Lay facto ti Hu succens of Murata will be its dintnibution . Ts Ompoury plan to une the folloring patil ditnilution chaunus : © Depontuuntal stoms © Apponwl specicuity stones @ Inteust stonss - Counuwunrs howe Wien fiat toshop curcl foe Sour , OUUs Shoppig OfeS O mone couniwitut quacl pleaeuat alimahive - Tre didtni lution chaunal that han sucsived Har most attention sacnukly is the internat -Cowrumurr Ulu Hr CoMVeniiner of belug adie to Shop from onyphue ¢at omytiias Hany wish. With puitryr fedr- advances owline gloppiV9 for fasion contiuars to gar populonity . PROMOTION Murad ill follors an aggnissive yst Mrative promotioust plo Huy pill alors ws tp focun dinnctly om oun target Cuntouanr WIL still beng counmvalive sith oun advertising capital :- MT company will make solv» calls ond cuirtuludt marksbingy Iocan vith discount coupowr tool He onto schools arch Local Tutanmunal teomd. Thr comporuy caill oo offer o linaiter= hime lol discourct incentive for He first 00 onelutn placad « HE Te Ccompaury wdo plows trords 2- WOU coumpaiqus Haut vill fous on aul fanqet Sov. Custownn fyane ith speclal th -hourt aolts oud promotions. BB Whon the stoarfnout opens , the company sill propose to hold month long gawurcl opening dvart to acre furs fpr our Chanitole projects . BE Murali will omy out buoy advertising Hough social wadia such Facebook , lustagnam , youbube sbe- we till colabonete with Hue thuncling Wogges fo nodre bond orenUAtnd . SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH: CAG r atts Geceiber ome caras b. We offer luxury designs for affordable prices. Biasieaecnt ts Cas ‘OPPORTUNITIES 2. We are small, which makes Pease ounecrn ete Gai yeecsoeea rows Cran err] fresh. Pisascig pari nd pod CaO ea eects One ese teary Sat torrents ceria? eat industry the increasing market Eater ees Cnanclady fay SECTION 1 = START UP COSTS MACHINERY 3,250, 000 EQUIPMENTS 1, 425,000 FURNITURE 130,000 CoNPUTERS 100 ,000 VEHICLES 220 , 000 OTHER ASSETS 65000 TOTAL FIXED ASSESTS. 5,250,000 (ONPANY FORMATION. 150,000 [owen carat | SCS MATERIAL % VARIABLE Costs B71. 938 SALARIES: 100,000 RENT 30,000 TITIES. 20 ,000 INTEREST ON LOAN 41, 667 DEGTORS 2,036, 34S TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL 3,100 ,000 TOTAL INVESTMENT REQUIRED 3,500,000 SECTION 2.- FUNDING TOTAL INVESTMENT 3,500,000 OWNERS FUNDS /EQUITY 3, 500, 000 LOAN BORROWINGS §, 000, 000 INTEREST @ 107. PER ANNUM 500,000 GECTION 3 - SALES 4 VARIABLE COSTS SALES PER DAY KURTA Cal PLAZO PANTS CBI overcoat CCT TOTAL SALES VALUE PER YEAR COX 365=E) VARIABLE COST PER DAY Kueta CFI 150 24 ptazo PANTS CG) (20 25, overcoat CHI 175 26 VARIABLE cost PER Day CF#G+H =I] UL, 4I6 TOTAL VARIABLE. cost PER YeanC IX 365-7] & 166,79 SECTION 4 - FIXED (0STS SALARIES CAJ 100, 000 1,200,000 uTluities CBI 30,000 360,000 RENT CCI 20,000 240,000 INTEREST ON LOAN CDI 41, 667 500, 000 DEPRECIATION 21,3715 262,500 SECTION 5 - INCOME STATEMENT inne STTENENT SALES REVENUE CAI 7,519,000 LESS: COST OF GOOPS soLpD CBI 166, 1719 Gross MARGIN CA~B=C] 3,352,221 FIXED cost Cb 2,037,500 DEPRECIATION LS% oF FixeD ASSET] CET 262 .$00 TOTAL FIXED cosT CD+E =FJ NET PROFIT BEFORE TAX (SR-CH-oP-1EI CHI 1,052,221 TAX @ O7. NET PROFIT AFTER TAX 1,052,221 RETURN ON INVESTMENT -/. CNPET/TI x100) Wae4h RETURN ON EQUITY 7. B0-17. SEWING PRICE PER PIECE [AT CONTRIBUTION PER PIECE [C1 ee] | SALES MIX RATIO (150: 13021795 =4551 COI | 9.23 | 0-29 3 Cts0/yss, 130/455 , 1151455] WEIGHTED AVERAGE CONTRIBUTION 5-36 Cexp=E) TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE CONTRIBUTION 20 (5-364+5-79+9-02] CFI TOTAL FIXED COST LOD 2300000 BREAK EVEN POINT CNo oF Preces) CHI 114051 CTOTAL FIXED Cost /-ToTAL WEIGHTED AV] BREAK EVEN POINT -SALES VALUE 5132290 Lux 45 Cavg of 40, 45,509 oAPPENDIX 1. Survey Questions used for gathering customer's insight Gender: ‘2 rease confi your age range: ‘3Whatis your employment status? Ain which Nigerian sta are you resident? ‘5 Whats your average level of income? ‘6 How often do you shop for new clothes monthly? 7 Wny do you often buy new clothes? ‘8 Wnatdo you lock for when buying clothes? (choose according to preteence from 1-5) ‘9 Whatis your usual clothing sie? ‘10 How much do you spend on clothing per month? +1 at s your favourte colour to wear? 12 What s your favourte pater to wear? 180 you tolow curent fashion trends? ‘4 Whatknd of fashion interests you most (select a tats applicable) {How important ae the following features of 3 shopping experience to you? ‘6 indeat the trequency of where you shop for clath atthe folowing places, 17'De you mind making your cleth purchase outsie your state ot esience? 18 How relevant are the folowing factors to you when choosing aclthing brand? andar AR Sartre een eit wot Se, Rs. 100 \ ONE %.100 ¢!°°\ Hunonen aurees IRS INDIA INDIA NON JUDICIAL AMILNADU clondnahrn reg 32: ie ae EAAMIALAKSHME site Deed of Partnership ‘Th deed of partnership is made on [Date, Month, Year] between: 1. First Partner's Name}. {Son/Daughter] of (Mr. Father's Name], residing at [Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Pin Code} hereinafter referred to as FIRST PARTNER. 2. second Partner's Name, [Son/Daughter] of (Mr. Father’s Name}. residing at [Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Cty, State, Pin Code] hereinafter referred to as Kecono PARTNER. 3. AThird Partner's Name}, [Son/Daughter] of [Mr. Father's Name], residing. at gAddress Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Pin Code] hereinafter referred to as sTIUIRD PARTNI Name}, {Son/Daughter] of [Mr. Father’s Name}, residing at ity, State, Pin Code] hereinatter referred to as FOURTH PARTNER, og ate athe he RE RE HERE a # oh oh i whe he oy AE NERS ERE RE BT ae at aT 4 fa oT Fon 4 Certificate of Incorporation seoreny Neavear (9 ‘00. ee en Be ae oh RE HEHE HE NS 10 COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT This Lease Agreement made the __ day of 20__. by Thame of tsov), of [steet address), —ereinaler refered wo a5 "Lessor, and [name of lessee). of [steet adaress), ~ herenaferrelevred © aS “Lessee”, collectively relerred io heron as ihe Parties”, agree as follows 1. DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PREMISES: The Lessor agrees to lease 0 the Lessee the folowing described ‘square feet (SF) of {ype Of space] cated at [stteet address), State Of ‘Additional Descnption: Hereinater known as the “Premises”. 2. _ USE OF LEASED PREMISES: The Lessor is leasing he Premises to the Lessee and the Lessee is hereby agreeing to lease the Premises for the following use and purpose: ‘Any change in use or purpose the Premises other than as descnbed above shall bbe upon prior written consent of Lessor only 3. TERMOF LEASE: The term of this Lease shall be fora period of _ year(s) __ month(s) commencing on the __ day of _ 20___ aid expinng at Midnight on the day of, 20. (val Ter) 4. BASE RENT: The net monthly payment shall be dottars ($ —_ payable monthy wth the frst pay the commencement ofthe Lease and each monthly installment payabie thereafter on the ___day of each month. Said net monthly payment is-heveatter refered to as the “Base Rent”. Rent for any pened during the term hereon, which 's for less than 1 month shall be a pro-rata portion of the monthiy rent 5. OPTION TO RENEW (Check One) 1D Lessee may not renew the Lease u

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